Saturday 30 November 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

The girl's stupid excuse was because her father disapproved of her relationship and she was tired of his strict rules.
(26 November 2019)

He barely survived her attempt but still forgave her.
(26 November 2019)

The woman is now 23 but when she was 16 she pushed her own father down the stairs and left him for dead.
(26 November 2019)

Apparently my neighbor keeps visiting his daughter who is jailed for aggravated assault and other charges.
(26 November 2019)

I've heard cases of a mother still loving her horrible child (even when they tried to kill her) but not many about dads.
(26 November 2019)

Why did the judge accept my exes complaint for paternity?
(26 November 2019)

They didn't even let me talk about what I filled.
(26 November 2019)

And n they still are letting him hey paternity.
(26 November 2019)

I requested the judge deny his complaint for paternity because I know he's the father, I also said he worships the devil and he threatened to kill the baby.
(26 November 2019)

Why Asian women don't date or marry Asian men?
(26 November 2019)

Friday 29 November 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

There would be almost no point aside from him providing for me.
(26 November 2019)

If i didnt, i wouldnt want a man in my life.
(26 November 2019)

I wont date or marry a man who cant show how he feels and values me.
(26 November 2019)

Please rank 1-10 ? 10 pts?
(26 November 2019)

Then today she gave me a drink for free and everytime she sees me she smiles at me.
(26 November 2019)

When the mall closed I told her I was gonna quit and she was like no don't quit you are the person I look forward to.
(26 November 2019)

Where can I hire a little boy to kiss me while handcuffed?
(26 November 2019)

How is this possible to do to any human's emotions? Is it narcissism?
(26 November 2019)

Whats the best way i could reach out to him in the future?
(26 November 2019)

Ok that's not easy to do. and i will spend the rest of my life with unanswered questions that are making it hard for me to sleep or eat.
(26 November 2019)

Thursday 28 November 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

She see gaming as a way to relax and she has autism spectrum disorder.
(25 November 2019)

I tried reasoning with her, but she says she will buy the console anyway.
(25 November 2019)

She really wants it and has promised to pay with it with her money.
(25 November 2019)

My sister,27, wants to buy a PlayStation 4. However, she has no job and cannot afford it.
(25 November 2019)

What are some reasons a guy orgasms quickly?
(25 November 2019)

So I'm trying to figure this out?
(25 November 2019)

My boyfriend and I were being intimate yesterday and he orgasmed within 5 minutes and normally it takes him like 15-20 minutes to orgasm.
(25 November 2019)

If a man wants to have descendents, but can't find a woman willing to have his children, is donating to a sperm bank a reliable option?
(25 November 2019)

In other words, do sperm banks actually use most of the sperm they acquire, or do they throw much of it away?
(25 November 2019)

Please answer about beauty? 10 pts?
(25 November 2019)

Wednesday 27 November 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

I keep wanting to go back to my ex who is bad for me?
(24 November 2019)

But I keep making excuses for him and ignoring all the things he's done that hurt me and wanting to go back to him.
(24 November 2019)

The worst part is he doesn't even miss me and is already flirting with new girls.
(24 November 2019)

How do I move on and forget about him?
(24 November 2019)

It's been weeks since I broke up with him and I have to force myself not to text him.
(24 November 2019)

I know the right thing to do is to forget about him but I just can't no matter how hard I try.
(24 November 2019)

I can't stop thinking about him but I know he isn't good for me.
(24 November 2019)

My ex broke my heart many times but I loved him so much and still do.
(24 November 2019)

I orgasm too fast! (girl) Help!?
(24 November 2019)

Is this because I've never had sex before, will this subside after I start having it?
(24 November 2019)

Tuesday 26 November 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

A friend knows how to do it but they won't tell me how to do it.
(22 November 2019)

Did I hurt him. Is that why he blocked me. He's looking at my social media repeatedly everyday if that makes a difference?
(22 November 2019)

Why did I see 2:22 on November 22?
(22 November 2019)

How do you ask a question on here. im new?
(22 November 2019)

What does it imply when a guy keeps touching your arm?
(22 November 2019)

Even though he is a lot younger, he is very attractive.
(22 November 2019)

This man who is about 20 years younger than me and who is also a friend was sitting beside me at the computer and while he was talking he would touch my arm a few times.
(22 November 2019)

This boy listens to my conversations?
(22 November 2019)

What would be a or some cute nicknames for baby Kaydence?
(22 November 2019)

What would be a cute or some cute nicknames for baby Kaydence?
(22 November 2019)

Monday 25 November 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

If I tell him the real reason he won't believe me.
(21 November 2019)

I want to talk to him, but if I try to tell him that Brady was lying, he'll want to know why.
(21 November 2019)

Then they both blocked me, and now Carson won't even look at me when we see eachother.
(21 November 2019)

He went to Carson and told him I was crazy, and a bunch of other awful stuff about me.
(21 November 2019)

When I said that, he immediately hung up on me.
(21 November 2019)

When he told me that, I told him I was sorry, but I liked Carson and not him.
(21 November 2019)

One day Brady came out and told me he was super interested in me.
(21 November 2019)

Carson had no idea, and I didn't say anything because I didn't want to put a wedge between friends.
(21 November 2019)

When he figured out I liked Carson, he constantly talked bad about him (his best friend) to me behind his back.
(21 November 2019)

He always hit on me, but he didn't know for a fact that I liked Carson.
(21 November 2019)

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

Now she don't want to respond back.
(21 November 2019)

And when that happened this was the last time we talked.
(21 November 2019)

I can't think of anything I did wrong besides when I was talking to this group of girls.
(21 November 2019)

This girl I've known for a while just stop answering my texts.
(21 November 2019)

(21 November 2019)

I'm losing myself and who I am, forgetting what I been through and what I know as a man.
(21 November 2019)

Is it normal to put things into my butt?
(21 November 2019)

I just weight myself and it said 177.6, does this mean Im more american than any of you?
(21 November 2019)

I'm scared I will die alone, single, and childless and not having had the real opportunity to spread my genes like others?
(21 November 2019)

If i put pens inside my but can i get pregnent?
(21 November 2019)

Sunday 24 November 2019

NEW Private Mailbox!!!

[image]Want to message ME privately but have no other options?Something to keep just between you and me?You may do so here!I will do all that I can to ensure that private messages remain private._ Bobbye:Though, he was already naturalized long before meeting his wife.(19 November 2019) Bobbye:He’s from Uruguay and his wife from NY.(19 November 2019) Bobbye:Can he [...]

Is ice skating a place where guys can meet women, or is it a place where everyone is already either on a date or are families altogether.... I actually already have a girlfriend, but she doesn't want to go ice skating, while I really do.
(20 November 2019)

Is it lame for two guy friends to go ice skating?
(20 November 2019)

Is ice skating a place where guys can meet women, or is it a place where everyone is already either on a date or are families altogether....
(20 November 2019)

Was I wrong for blocking my ex?
(20 November 2019)

This was 2 yrs ago. she would make fake profiles just to stalk me and still keeps on talking bad about me, her friends told me I was wrong for not giving her closure.whatdoyouthink?
(20 November 2019)

Whats something you get disappointed about the opposite sex?
(20 November 2019)

Its disappoints me when so many guys are so immature even when theyre physically adult males.
(20 November 2019)

Is Fred willard viewed as a handsome guy?
(20 November 2019)

If a guy you're texting with but haven't met with yet in person replied that he's not busy in response to your text just on the toilet..?
(20 November 2019)

Dad threatening to kick me out?
(20 November 2019)

Real or fake?

How many times have you been played? Set up meets and they don’t show? How many want to talk for months, even, but never want to meet? Distance issues? s who listen to others, that don’t even_ Tana:A couple years ago, the depression started, and continues to this day.(18 November 2019) Tana:Sometimes I think about running away [...]

Please rate all 3 of them? 10 pts?
(20 November 2019)

Do you hate anyone in your family?
(20 November 2019)

She's disrespectful and dishonest.
(20 November 2019)

If she liked me would she always text back?
(20 November 2019)

I've been trying to text her more but she usually responds hours later (might get 15 messages or so back and forth between the day). She said she was just better at talking to people in person.
(20 November 2019)

So I'm kinda into this girl we've been friends for some years but we never texted too often.
(20 November 2019)

Where does she look better? Will choose a best answer?
(20 November 2019)

A recent meta analysis of men wee wee conducted gives an interesting data !?
(20 November 2019)

First 4 positions have gone to African countries.
(20 November 2019)

Out of 132 countries men were measured when they were in full excited state.
(20 November 2019)

Newbie Blog

So here I find myself, on Meelp!Some might say why.I say why not? Life is short so let’s make it sweet and fun 😜Only a standard member at the moment, so can’t see most of all your lovely pr_ Marietta:I was raised with a working pair of parents that went out, did their job, came home [...]

Is it rare or common for a parent and child to have a dispute in which they go a lifetime with out speaking to or seeing each other again?
(19 November 2019)

What do you think of men who check out women and also women who check out men?
(19 November 2019)

What does it mean when a guy says your my baby and I'm not going nowhere?
(19 November 2019)

He wouldn't answer my calls if he was mad at me.
(19 November 2019)

I have to keep telling myself that hes not mad at me so why get upset.
(19 November 2019)

I call and he picks up the phone we talk for an hour or two.
(19 November 2019)

He assure me that theres not another women and I trust and believe him.
(19 November 2019)

Also sometimes we go a dat with out hearing from each other.
(19 November 2019)

Boyfriend said ti me two weeks ago that I'm his baby and hes not going anywhere.
(19 November 2019)

Would a very traditional man from Eastern Europe be turned off by a woman with pierced nipples and genitals?
(19 November 2019)

Learning Acronyms…and other rules

The news came the other day that AOL was killing off its Instant Messenger. I can still remember some of those news stories on things like Dateline and stuff like that - “Teenagers have their ow_ Jenell:Is he interested in me or he only likes my attention?(18 November 2019) Shawana:How do you girls mastrubate? 20 points for [...]

How do I meet people without it being creepy or weird?
(19 November 2019)

So I'm going to this thing where 400 some people will be at.
(19 November 2019)

If Mister Lt Col Andrew Vindmon demanded you address him by his rank when speaking to him WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
(19 November 2019)

I'm a civilian now and I have no respect for this guy.
(19 November 2019)

My amazon package never arrived, who do I contact?
(19 November 2019)

Do you want to be my friend, no matter what?
(19 November 2019)

Is it even possible to indict my daugther for theft?
(19 November 2019)

We are considering having the local police come over and charge her with a theft if this continues.
(19 November 2019)

I am outraged as is my husband and we are at our wits end.
(19 November 2019)

She has been stealing a lot of food from our kitchen.
(19 November 2019)

Saturday 23 November 2019

big time

getting off ? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good?_ Domenica:Can I safely assume she doesn’t like me?(18 November 2019) Domenica:I always was a good child when I was young.(18 November 2019) Domenica:I’m very good, smart, kind, and pretty.(18 November 2019) Domenica:We do talk and I am not a bad person at all.(18 November 2019) Domenica:She has at least about 50 pictures up of [...]

After having problems producing enough supply for my daughter I tried everything there was to bring that supply up.
(19 November 2019)

Why is it that, if you arrive at a nightclub with a mixed gender ratio of friends, the bouncers will let the girls in but not the guys?
(19 November 2019)

Even though you arrived there with a group of friends, how is it fair that only some of your friend group can get in while the others don't, even though you are altogether as a group?
(19 November 2019)

Why do some women NOT knock on a bathroom door but instead just open it?!?
(19 November 2019)

Do you have any of these experiences and what have you done about it?
(19 November 2019)

Besides this, I absolutely hate when people peek through bathroom stalls to see if someone is in there.
(19 November 2019)

How hard is it to be courteous and KNOCK ON A BATHROOM DOOR.
(19 November 2019)

Does the person no knocking think they won't be embarrassed.
(19 November 2019)

Do they NOT expect someone to be on the potty and not expect to be embarassed?
(19 November 2019)

When in a bathroom why is it that some women don't knock, but instead just try to open and go in when the light is clearly on and the door shut.
(19 November 2019)

What is the female equivalent of the word “stud?”

Hi sexy friends!Well, I have learned a lesson today: do not post new pics on a Saturday night unless you either want to spend the first half of Sunday dealing with a barrage of messages… or set up a_ Thao:Why do girls reject and ignore guys whom they find very attractive to?(17 November 2019) Arlyne:Why do american [...]

I feel she is getting closer to me day by day, she got my whatsapp recently and initiated talking.
(19 November 2019)

Recently she hinted to me through another colleague that she is not in a serious relationship.
(19 November 2019)

I know my work colleague for like 3 years.
(19 November 2019)

How do you deal with a girl you're dating several times, who still goes out with you and is very interested yet she does not initiate text?
(19 November 2019)

Since texting is so important nowadays, and its natural to wanna contact one you like, I dont know what to make of this?
(19 November 2019)

She's not shy or traditional, and she does snap and text her friends all the time.She initiated more before our 1st date.
(19 November 2019)

Does it seem like Schiff is testifying?
(19 November 2019)

I mean, he sure likes to jump in and make sure this is all going his way, right?
(19 November 2019)

I cringe & feel disgusted when I think about my ex bf that tried to trap me into a relationship?
(19 November 2019)

Is it normal to cringe at the thought of an ex?
(19 November 2019)

Women pegging men

So my question is what do you think of this idea?_ Buena:What dance team is easier to make, ASU or UOFA?(17 November 2019) Ladawn:Is it weird that I think me having PTSD is my fault???(17 November 2019) Ladawn:My past caused me PTSD, and its kinda make me feel that I am weak.(17 November 2019) Marissa:Guys or girls; have you [...]

It physically makes me want to vomit when I think about it.
(18 November 2019)

I don't know why it affects me so much but I can't go to work anymore.
(18 November 2019)

He doesn't stand up for himself at all.
(18 November 2019)

At this point I'm just wondering if he actually is stu pid.
(18 November 2019)

I've seen the boss actually physically hit him sometimes.
(18 November 2019)

Sometimes I am just perplexed why or how he takes it.
(18 November 2019)

In front of his coworkers, in front of his family, every and anybody.
(18 November 2019)

She straight out calls him stu pid.
(18 November 2019)

She just tells everybody else that my coworker doesn't deserve to be treated with respect and that he's stupid.
(18 November 2019)

The boss is blatantly being unfair.
(18 November 2019)

Women pegging men

So my question is what do you think of this idea?_ Buena:What dance team is easier to make, ASU or UOFA?(17 November 2019) Ladawn:Is it weird that I think me having PTSD is my fault???(17 November 2019) Ladawn:My past caused me PTSD, and its kinda make me feel that I am weak.(17 November 2019) Marissa:Guys or girls; have you [...]

Keep in mind, I know I need to be safe, plan for a public space, tell others where I am, etc.
(18 November 2019)

Soo, I was wondering what the best way would be to casually bring up doing something with him?
(18 November 2019)

I really like him, and I really wan to meet him.
(18 November 2019)

He's mentioned doing something with me, but we never actually set a date or time for anything.
(18 November 2019)

There's this guy I met online & we've been snap chatting for like 34 days now.
(18 November 2019)

Should I accept compliments as something that as true?
(18 November 2019)

I would never accept their compliments.
(18 November 2019)

I feel like a object.. my friends that are girls would say im beautiful and cute.
(18 November 2019)

I have been with guys who would say I'm beautiful, cute, sexy. and they would always just want to hook up with me.
(18 November 2019)

Am i cuter because i like more cute stuff?
(18 November 2019)

Friday 22 November 2019

Guys in town on business

Do women like to play with guys who travel for business?_ Raymonde:But other than that, I have no friends.(17 November 2019) Raymonde:I am a happy and funny nice girl when I am with my mom.(17 November 2019) Raymonde:Honestly I am only myself around my mom.(17 November 2019) Raymonde:I don’t even know who I am still.(17 November 2019) Raymonde:I am tired [...]

I almost cut myself on several occasions, but I got scared that my mom would see and get very angry.
(18 November 2019)

A couple years ago, the depression started, and continues to this day.
(18 November 2019)

Sometimes I think about running away or calling the cops.
(18 November 2019)

My sister is often scared to take my side, and I'm scared to take hers.
(18 November 2019)

My parents always side with each other, even when one of them is wrong, and never support me or my sister.
(18 November 2019)

She always threatens to hit us when she's mad, and sometimes actually does.
(18 November 2019)

She makes me feel terrible, and often does the same to my sister.
(18 November 2019)

Everyday I look forward to leaving my parents house and going to college.
(18 November 2019)

I need some privacy, space, and independence.
(18 November 2019)

They say they do all of it because they love and care about us, but it's WAY too much.
(18 November 2019)

This is my roommate

This is my roommate, we are in an open lesbian relationship, we make love almost every night.How can I convince her to do scat play?_ Faviola:The thing is that you might see them with another women but when they date men, they almost always look exclusively traditional and generic for the male sex.(17 November 2019) Faviola:Mentally, physically, [...]

Hooked up with a guy but it felt like it was more than a hookup? how can u tell?
(18 November 2019)

Does this mean he's trying to be respectful?
(18 November 2019)

Was he trying to be respectful by not asking for sex?
(18 November 2019)

He has also invited me to go on a holiday trip with him next month.
(18 November 2019)

Then on third date, he doesn't want to do PDA and gave me a handshake and didn't try any moves.
(18 November 2019)

I told him I don't want to do anything until we are officially a couple.
(18 November 2019)

On second date, we made out a bit (no sex) and I've also rejected going to his place.
(18 November 2019)

Am I pregnant? I dry humped, I had leggings and he had on basketball shorts. He never insterted inside. But my period is late. I keep crying?
(18 November 2019)

I had on leggings but no underwear but he had boxers and basketball shorts.
(18 November 2019)

But is there any possible way that any precum could've slipped there?
(18 November 2019)


…._ Tisha:She is told by her mother that she can trust this man (her mother likes him).(16 November 2019) Tisha:Why would an 16 year old girl date a 45 year old man?(16 November 2019) Krysta:My USPS package is stuck, who to contact?(16 November 2019) Alessandra:How do I get over someone that doesn’t love me back?(16 November 2019) Alessandra:How do I [...]

I can't go to my parents but I need some reassurance.
(18 November 2019)

Please only serious answers only.
(18 November 2019)

I keep crying because I'm nervous and scared.
(18 November 2019)

Son is scared of clowns?
(18 November 2019)

Me and my daughter love the circus but my son is deathly afraid of clowns, last time we brought him he cried after the clowns came close to him.
(18 November 2019)

My manager randomly walks by me and says hello and smiles?
(18 November 2019)

Lileigh Mei Pronounced Lily-may.
(18 November 2019)

I slept with my college sweetheart three weeks ago for the first time after 25 years apart from him. He ghosted me?
(18 November 2019)

Why won't he just unblock me and talk to me?
(18 November 2019)

He blocked meBUT he has been viewing my docial media everyday for the last week.
(18 November 2019)

A First

I’ve uploaded a video - all tongue and cheek and designed to hopefully amuse a friend. It is a first for me and definitely not my usual style. But, it is strangely “empowering”. I have h_ Terina:We voice call each other every day for hours, we have been on video call multiple times.(16 November 2019) Terina:We met [...]

She even ask him for money on occasion not considering he has a future kid to prepare for.
(18 November 2019)

He texts her and vents sometimes, we are expecting a baby so now is not the time for these things and added issues that this girl is causing.
(18 November 2019)

I tried to talk to her and she really just overlooked getting to know me.
(18 November 2019)

I have only met her, hen I did she seemed honestly jealous of our new found love.
(18 November 2019)

What race would you say are this famous people?
(18 November 2019)

If a girl thinks that an unpopular, not cool, not desired guy is handsome and perfect even if he is sick, tired or sad, what does it mean?
(18 November 2019)

He witnessed a suicide in his country as a kid and was hit by neighbours women because he was so shocked he couldn't speak and stop crying.
(18 November 2019)

He almost never smiles, he speaks only when it's necessary he just works and doesn't flirt or sleep around.
(18 November 2019)

Tall,attractive and handsome... but always with a sad and bleak expression, like he wanted to be somewhere else.
(18 November 2019)

Is Age Really Just A Number?
(18 November 2019)

turn on

what are your turn ons and turn offs in a man or woman?_ Charlette:When he sneaks glances at me and sees that I was doing the same to him, he begins to smile.(16 November 2019) Charlette:When we read a paper as a class, sometimes he’ll hold the paper out in front of him and face out towards [...]

Why would a guy joke about marriage several times?
(18 November 2019)

I get that it's a joke, he keeps saying it, why?
(18 November 2019)

I joke back and say okay, we have fun banter.
(18 November 2019)

He's joked a few times about getting married in Las Vegas.
(18 November 2019)

We have been talking through FB everyday for 2 months.
(18 November 2019)

I met this man once one live night, we live in different states.
(18 November 2019)

Is it crazy to leave my family and move to another country for a boy?
(18 November 2019)

His family knows about me but i haven't told mine yet because they expect me to be with a guy from my culture and wouldn't approve.
(18 November 2019)

Only thing would be my family who don't even know about him.
(18 November 2019)

I pushed my friends away a couple years back when my dad passed away and became more of a loner, i got no decent job, so I don't really see much holding me back here.
(18 November 2019)

Thursday 21 November 2019

Body, remember…

Body, remember not only how much you were loved,not only the beds on which you lay,but also those desires for youthat glowed plainly in the eyes,and trembled in the voice—and somechance obstacle mad_ Soon:Do you agree it is okay to bad as long as you use it for good?(16 November 2019) Soon:Referencing to our Intelligence like MI6 [...]

After some time, they are told that they are going to be transported overseas to their buyers.
(18 November 2019)

The men grope them and spank them, tell them that their bodies are their worth, not their positions.
(18 November 2019)

The ladies are all forced to put on sexy lingerie and high heels and all 6 of them are chained up on a hoist, her wrists cuffed behind her, and each of them have ballgags in their mouths.
(18 November 2019)

The men who kidnapped them are sexists and believe women should not hold CEO positions so they are now teaching them a lesson and are determined to make feminine women out of them.
(18 November 2019)

I have a video where 6 female CEOs are kidnapped, tied up and gagged, and brought to a hardware garage somewhere.
(18 November 2019)

Why does this guy keep looking and watching me? Is this strange?
(18 November 2019)

Me and my friend found him so funny.
(18 November 2019)

I don't know him that well but today he gave me some cake complimentary and told me to ask him for more if I liked it.
(18 November 2019)

One day I went there and I was alone, when I looked over at him he looked away really quickly, he had been staring at me for ages.
(18 November 2019)

When I go with my friend he keeps watching down smiling and always coming down asking me questions about something trying to make conversation.
(18 November 2019)

What would you give thanks for?

Another on the “things to try” list_ Lawanna:I have only known this friend of mine since about September. his name is Devin.(15 November 2019) Laquanda:Girls: Are you super close to your BF’s sister(s)?(15 November 2019) Laquanda:I feel like I’m dating my BF not his siblings, so…who cares…am I right?(15 November 2019) Laquanda:My BF’s brother’s girlfriend seems to think that [...]

I always was a good child when I was young.
(18 November 2019)

I'm very good, smart, kind, and pretty.
(18 November 2019)

We do talk and I am not a bad person at all.
(18 November 2019)

She has at least about 50 pictures up of only my brothers.
(18 November 2019)

It is so bizarre because she only has two pictures of me up and they are with me and my family.
(18 November 2019)

All of her pictures are of my two brothers - one who is only 2 years younger than me and one who is 18 years old.
(18 November 2019)

In her room, she has no real pictures of me at all.
(18 November 2019)

I am in my 20's and my mom used to have a picture of me on her keychain.
(18 November 2019)

Are there any women who think Kelsey Grammer is attractive?
(18 November 2019)

Would you classify him as handsome?
(18 November 2019)

Beautiful curvy woman

My friend’s wife was fond of buying new modern dresses and posing in front of the mirror and I was fond of clicking photos of beautiful women.Whenever my friend was out of station, She used to cal_ Michel:My husband and I are just getting our start out on our own.(15 November 2019) Twyla:I found suspicious stuff in [...]

Would you throw away the letter without reading it?
(17 November 2019)

It doesn't have to be a romantic falling out but friendship.
(17 November 2019)

As parents we understand the need for older siblings to rough & tough up the younger siblings, not too rough. Like rough play & wrestling?
(17 November 2019)

My kids are only 3 & 2 but I still don't know when or how to teach 2 different and semi conflicting lessons.
(17 November 2019)

As a parent I struggle to try and have my son understand the very confusing concept.
(17 November 2019)

My dad always taught me & my brothers hitting women is wrong but since I was 10 years older than my sister I knew I had to toughing her up a lil bit like rough play & wrestling.
(17 November 2019)

My issue is I have a son & daughter.
(17 November 2019)

Can you be pregnant at 69 years old?
(17 November 2019)

How do i have a closer relationship with this person?
(17 November 2019)

I know she has a bf but as a friend i still wanna have more personal conversations w her.
(17 November 2019)

Boys war toys!

[Image] Boys war toys Our special forces![image2]Are you serious?[image3]I didn’t know! Boys war toys_ Lara:Whenever she cannot, she suggests another day, responds with enthusiasm, but if I don t text 1 week, then at most she might send 2 snaps.(15 November 2019) Susanna:Was my stepfather in the wrong?(15 November 2019) Susanna:All of the sudden I’m found in the [...]

I mean what clothes or accesories make a man look more sexually desireable for a woman.?
(17 November 2019)

What clothes can do the same with men.
(17 November 2019)

So like women wear some types of clothing that make them look very sexually attractive.
(17 November 2019)

If I am the non custodial parent and I have a room for my child, does that help with lowering my child support?
(17 November 2019)

Was I wrong for looking there?
(17 November 2019)

My friend trying to date my ex but ex is throwing mixed signals at me?
(17 November 2019)

Do I accept my friend trying to date her and how do i know if shes really done with me or just playing mind games.
(17 November 2019)

I didnt like she was willing to help someone she never met yet wont with me.
(17 November 2019)

Her friend had no issue boosting my friend to give the mutual friend my exs number but when i asked her to hook me up with one of her friends she feels its disrespectful to my ex.
(17 November 2019)

She told my friend she was going to let me know and she has yet to.
(17 November 2019)

Should I stay? or Should I go?

Just don’t know about the women on this site any more. Why are a lot all talk and not action? And really tired of the men thinking I am gay or bi. I am not either. I am only interested in women._ Wilhelmina:Since women are not as visual as men are, does that mean a woman [...]

I have a friend that is dating a married women?
(17 November 2019)

I have a friend that is dating a married women she has kids.
(17 November 2019)

Also, she does blow me off lately, by saying goodbye then next week she text and wants to see me.
(17 November 2019)

Need help with my relationship please!?
(17 November 2019)

How do you know when it's worth fighting for her?
(17 November 2019)

But after seeing her on a dating app, I'm just not sure.
(17 November 2019)

But I love her, and I want to start a family with her.
(17 November 2019)

She is the emotional overthink kind of women.
(17 November 2019)

She is a Christian women, who do struggle with sexual sins.
(17 November 2019)

Now I'm thinking should I leave her or should I fight for her.
(17 November 2019)

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Mergers & Acquistions, also known as Marriage

Cause I got issuesBut you got ‘em tooSo give ‘em all to meAnd I’ll give mine to youBask in the gloryOf all our problems’Cause we got the kind of loveIt takes to solve ‘em—Issues,_ Lucy:He lied so much to my mother she had to move out when my siblings and I were older.(14 November 2019) Lucy:A Christmas [...]

I don't look at attractive girls as much, nor feel much of a desire to go on serious dates.
(17 November 2019)

Admittedly following the STD scare I did write off casual sex, but I can't say its only that commitment at play here.
(17 November 2019)

So basically I have had many easy opportunities to pursue something (casual) with several girls in these last few months but have felt no desire to do so.
(17 November 2019)

I also was very interested in a girl who I went out with last year who lives in my new country but that unfortunately did not pan out.
(17 November 2019)

Furthermore I have moved to a new country to study which has been a bit stressful and time consuming.
(17 November 2019)

I did have a STD scare after having unprotected sex with a girl a few months back and that did shake me a bit.
(17 November 2019)

However recently I feel almost no drive for anything related to that.
(17 November 2019)

So I admittedly have not had the highest sex drive for a while, but I have always been somewhat motivated to pursue women.
(17 November 2019)

If a girl holds you with all the strength she has preventing you from possibly falling, does it mean she loves you?
(17 November 2019)

Does it mean she loves you or it's just affection?
(17 November 2019)

Hubs Away..Hot Wife Play! (Part 1 - Oct 16, 2017)

So hubs was out of town for a conference this week. He left early Sunday morning (like before I got up) after having fucked me really good Saturday night when the kids were gone to see friends. Sund_ Onita:After getting the coruage to try to ask her out after a few flirty sessions, as she walked [...]

It's especially a problem that I am against hitting kids and have never even raised my voice at a child, don't believe in those ways of discipline.
(17 November 2019)

I have decided that the last people I should ever speak to about mothering is other mothers.
(17 November 2019)

And it seems to stem back to the beginning of time, mothers defending their way of parenting their children and all that, but ppl go a little too far with the animal instincts and can't have a normal conversation without freaking out about it.
(17 November 2019)

Whether talking to my own family or complete strangers.
(17 November 2019)

Like I am not even criticizing anyone when talking about normal parenting stuff, but it always becomes deeply primal.
(17 November 2019)

Which is very easy- just be doing something they don't do.
(17 November 2019)

About anything parenting, bc they get so defensive if it indirectly challenges their way of doing things?
(17 November 2019)

I am concerned and worried that I am annoying him.
(17 November 2019)

I have this friend, he seems to get annoyed suddenly when I am around him like he can serious suddenly and even after playing around with some other friends he gets serious when I arrive.
(17 November 2019)

Arranged marriage how to help?
(17 November 2019)

What happen if your significant other doesnt look at you through the sexual act?

Hi everyone, What happen if your significant other doesn’t look at you through the sexual act? I find very attractive to see the lust in my partner’s eyes while having a nice orgasm…. what_ Alva:I cannot even go as far as dating or having sex with one.(14 November 2019) Alva:I cannot have simple conversations with women.(14 November [...]

The major problem was that his has a young child and an ex who he is still not over.
(17 November 2019)

The way we met was literally like out of a fairy tale and he said he knows that I was meant to be in his life for a reason.
(17 November 2019)

I have been seeing this guy on and off for the past six months.
(17 November 2019)

Perhaps that is the reason why he behave like that.
(17 November 2019)

I'm male and I have male best friend with paternal love. Is it okay for me? Do you have same experience?
(17 November 2019)

I personally have no problem with that, but some people around us said we're too close and so unnecessary.
(17 November 2019)

And he grabbed my hand when climbing and go down.
(17 November 2019)

He told me a lot about what to do what and to not.
(17 November 2019)

He act like I'm his son, so protective.
(17 November 2019)

She been 6 days late before and is always little late she took a test 4 days missed period it was negative.
(17 November 2019)

My Encounters With Muslim Men : A Hindu Girl’s Recollections.

The Final WordAs a little girl I had spent a lot of time at stud farms in Bahadurgarh and Saharanpur. While my parents relaxed with their friends in the farm house I would wander around the stud farm_ Sharlene:My girlfriend is saying that my friends are actually trying to hit her up on Facebook.(13 November 2019) Sharlene:For [...]

Do boys expect me to ask them out?
(17 November 2019)

Not one person has ever asked me out.
(17 November 2019)

I've live almost a quarter of my life full of rejection.
(17 November 2019)

I, too, want to date like other girls but I guess that's not going to happen.
(17 November 2019)

Just the look in their eyes is uncaring and full of rejection.
(17 November 2019)

I am also a very nice person but a little awkward so why does everyone reject me?
(17 November 2019)

I'm female and I'm not fat or ugly.
(17 November 2019)

I fell in love with a girl who is 4 years older than me?
(17 November 2019)

Also, she cheated on my dad when i was 1 and had every right to see me grow up but she didnt do it. and she wants to show up now but it aint happening.
(17 November 2019)

What should I do about my biomom?
(17 November 2019)

My Encounters With Muslim Men : A Hindu Girl’s Recollections.

The Final WordAs a little girl I had spent a lot of time at stud farms in Bahadurgarh and Saharanpur. While my parents relaxed with their friends in the farm house I would wander around the stud farm_ Sharlene:My girlfriend is saying that my friends are actually trying to hit her up on Facebook.(13 November 2019) Sharlene:For [...]

I, too, want to date like other girls but I guess that's not going to happen.
(17 November 2019)

Just the look in their eyes is uncaring and full of rejection.
(17 November 2019)

I am also a very nice person but a little awkward so why does everyone reject me?
(17 November 2019)

I'm female and I'm not fat or ugly.
(17 November 2019)

I fell in love with a girl who is 4 years older than me?
(17 November 2019)

Also, she cheated on my dad when i was 1 and had every right to see me grow up but she didnt do it. and she wants to show up now but it aint happening.
(17 November 2019)

What should I do about my biomom?
(17 November 2019)

Its stalking which in my state its a Class C Felony.
(17 November 2019)

I will being taking her to court and everything hopefully.
(17 November 2019)

I'll be getting married next year sometime and i don't want her in part of my life.
(17 November 2019)

Tuesday 19 November 2019

blow job in 5 min

cu then_ Sabine:To a point where she threatens to starve herself if you try it.(12 November 2019) Ingeborg:Would a married man waste his time texting an ex for yrs to get attention?(12 November 2019) Jeni:Names for the nickname Nora?(12 November 2019) Jeni:What other names can Nora be used for as a nickname besides Eleanor or Eleanora?(12 November 2019) Sharolyn:Parents: What [...]

Why do men have to have money, in order for women to like them, but men don't care if women are broke?
(16 November 2019)

Why is it that men are called gay or incel, for saying anything that is negative about women, but if women say anything negative about men, they are not called lesbians or incels?
(16 November 2019)

Why do us men have to put all the effort into our approach, and appearance, while women can wear anything and still get these desperate men worshipping them?
(16 November 2019)

Why don't us men ever get to stay at home, and do the simple chores, for a little while, while the woman works all day?
(16 November 2019)

Why can't us men start caring about women's economic status in order to give them a taste of their own medicine?
(16 November 2019)

Can lack of love kill you?
(16 November 2019)

Im like a man when it comes to dating and i do not gain any feelings after intercourse but to run the other way..tho i feel like im lacking intamacy in my life.
(16 November 2019)

But i just fel lack of love.ive ben single for some time now and anyone i get with i end up not liking after sex..its so weird.
(16 November 2019)

I feel sick and unhealthy..even though i run 8 miles everyother day ..stay very healthy and work full time.
(16 November 2019)

I got my bestfriend's little sister pregnant. I'm scared of how he's gonna react when he finds out?
(16 November 2019)

Fantasyland - Selected

One night I had decided to visit Fantasyland to see if there would be any action. While there, a nice couple in their 40’s came in and moved from room to room looking around. They eventually got_ Estelle:I feel like I want to leave this job, but if all or most jobs are like this, then [...]

I've heard babies fed formula are often less healthy than breastfed.
(16 November 2019)

Can it cause water intoxication and electrolyte disturbances when mixed in formula?
(16 November 2019)

What negative effects do you know of that causing?
(16 November 2019)

Plus it's mixed with water, which you're not supposed to give babies before 6 months of age?
(16 November 2019)

And I've looked through numerous formulas, they're always full of total junk ingredients, industrialized stuff that I'd never want to feed a child.
(16 November 2019)

They've only had the invention of these for a few decades.
(16 November 2019)

Seems I've heard that women using pumps may mess up their milk supply.
(16 November 2019)

Are formula and breast pumps ever a bad idea?
(16 November 2019)

This q is probably more likely to be answered by parents who are interested in natural parenting.
(16 November 2019)

Indian baby shower?
(16 November 2019)

Trivia 726

Who retired from hosting “The Price is Right” in 2007 after hosting it for 35 years?Alex TrebekBob BarkerMonty HallRichard Dawson[image1] Bob Barker is a former television game show host, kn_ Yaeko:What the hell is wrong with Kellyannes husband George Conway?(11 November 2019) Yaeko:Can someone explain what the hell he is doing and why he would do that [...]

Suicide crosses my mind but I am too scared to.
(16 November 2019)

I didn't want to but I'd be hated by my friends if I didn't.
(16 November 2019)

I also smoked weed but wasn't caught.
(16 November 2019)

I was drinking cause no one will like me if I don't.
(16 November 2019)

I'm 15. Where would I go if I run away?
(16 November 2019)

So my sister who is cruel is in the hospital. She is ill. Do I show compassion or is this karma and should I ignore her as she would?
(16 November 2019)

She hates people who are different, I am different.
(16 November 2019)

Why my peepee hard?
(16 November 2019)

How can we stop white girls hating themselves so much?
(16 November 2019)

No other reason she would do this, is there ?
(16 November 2019)

Monday 18 November 2019

Misc perv pics for Friday 2 ;)

💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅_ Esmeralda:I do as the Lord God says to do.(11 November 2019) Esmeralda:Cause they interpret that as her being fearless without insecurities?(11 November 2019) Esmeralda:I guess thats why men like girls who show off their body?(11 November 2019) Esmeralda:My dad was a scary man and i was always fearful of him and his anger.(11 November 2019) Esmeralda:I have quiet confience [...]

I found suspicious stuff in my brothers room.What should I do?
(15 November 2019)

Why would a guy beg me to be with him just so he can cheat?
(15 November 2019)

When he wants to talk to a girl, he has to talk to me first or flirt with me first then flirt with the girl.
(15 November 2019)

He never talks to women unless im giving him attention.
(15 November 2019)

He gets extremely jealous when im giving attention to another guy he almost has a panic attack.
(15 November 2019)

He wants to flirt with other girls but he also needs me for some reason.
(15 November 2019)

He wants me to be with him for whatever reason.
(15 November 2019)

My best friend says shes ugly do you agree? (she took this pic as a joke no hate?
(15 November 2019)

I need answers please... Is this immaturity or selfishness? Why do I want attention and affection from females?
(15 November 2019)

I honestly don't know what else it could be.
(15 November 2019)

Ne Adelaide

Is there any daytime dogging in the north east of Adelaide_ Raylene:My brother-in-law is dating my former client?(10 November 2019) Raylene:I feel very awkward and I know I can’t say anything.(10 November 2019) Raylene:I didn’t say how she knew me, but she figured it out and told everyone.(10 November 2019) Raylene:I’m a counselor and I just met my brother [...]

Does he want to make out with me?
(15 November 2019)

Is he dropping hints that he wants to make out with me, or is he just stating a fact?
(15 November 2019)

He randomly says that the place we were in is a good make out spot.
(15 November 2019)

A guy and I were alone in his car.
(15 November 2019)

Why is it every time my mother does something wrong she throws it in my face that she pays the bills?
(15 November 2019)

Reaction after I found out my dad has another child not from the same mother?
(15 November 2019)

This isn't discussed while I was growing up.
(15 November 2019)

Never met in real with half sibling.
(15 November 2019)

Many years after my parent's divorce, it turns out that I'm not the last child of my father.
(15 November 2019)

Would you shave your beard if your girlfriend asked you too?
(15 November 2019)

Ne Adelaide

Is there any daytime dogging in the north east of Adelaide_ Raylene:My brother-in-law is dating my former client?(10 November 2019) Raylene:I feel very awkward and I know I can’t say anything.(10 November 2019) Raylene:I didn’t say how she knew me, but she figured it out and told everyone.(10 November 2019) Raylene:I’m a counselor and I just met my brother [...]

All of this happened within a month.
(14 November 2019)

I have cried, begged them to stay, and even offered to help pay their bills.
(14 November 2019)

I have been so hurt and feeling abandoned.
(14 November 2019)

They didnt even plan on seeing me beforehand and saying bye.
(14 November 2019)

In fact last night I called them and they said they were moving today.
(14 November 2019)

So my Mom got the house sold and they VERY ABRUPTLY moved.
(14 November 2019)

My Dad felt forced to move with my Mom considering he is disabled and he wouldnt be able to afford their house alone in Florida.
(14 November 2019)

It scares me for him to be far away from me.
(14 November 2019)

Within the last 3 years he has had multiple amputations due to his diabetes.
(14 November 2019)

My Mom has always been very selfish but this really scared me because my Dad has a lot of health issues.
(14 November 2019)

Sunday’s Sexy BBW Ladies (Pics)

Some lovely BBW ladies for your Sunday’s enjoyment._ Sherril:I just don’t want them to bond with him just in case he bails.(10 November 2019) April:How and should I end a relationship 3 years?(10 November 2019) April:Also I’m afraid she will harm herself.(10 November 2019) April:I DO LOVER HER STILL, but only emotionally, im not physically attracted like I use [...]

Can someone help me lose my virginity?
(14 November 2019)

What Does The NSA Think Of You?
(14 November 2019)

Since they know every single thing you do online and all.
(14 November 2019)

Do you find the brunette pretty?
(14 November 2019)

Heart and soul, did you fall in love, heart and soul?
(14 November 2019)

The way a fool would do madly, Because you were held tight?
(14 November 2019)

I feel really unattractive, am I?
(14 November 2019)

Please be honest, am I really that ugly?
(14 November 2019)

Plus, I feel like I look 18 when I'm in my mid 20's.
(14 November 2019)

I think I'm pretty unattractive.
(14 November 2019)