Tuesday 1 October 2019

Should you Trust someone who keeps Lying and Leaving.

Been In many relationships but the one woman that I feel most strongly for has done nothing but lie and run off whenever she feels down on herself or guilt for something she knows she has done. How do_ Shery:She’s super pretty, had this pastel hair and a spetum peircing blah blah, I think shes just [...]

I was just wondering what it all means?
(29 September 2019)

Also when she was leaving for the night I saw out of the corner of my eye her watching me talk to another coworker.
(29 September 2019)

Guys, what do you do if your wife hits you during an argument?
(29 September 2019)

But I told her if she did that again, I'd break her arm.
(29 September 2019)

Not the first time she's stuck me.
(29 September 2019)

Or cause me to have an accident.
(29 September 2019)

Not enough to cause physical damage.
(29 September 2019)

She whacked me in my midsection last night during an argument about various topics when I was driving.
(29 September 2019)

Looking for any help or suggestions in getting a more uninterrupted sleep?
(29 September 2019)

So from say 2AM on he is up for a time and then he can go back to sleep for a time, up, sleep - till he just gives up and just gets up for the day.
(29 September 2019)

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