Thursday 19 September 2019

Car shopping

I was drafted to help a friend of a friend to shop for cars. My 54 year female teacher was getting divorced after almost thirty years of a stifling marriage. She has not got a lot of money and drives_ Lucina:I would be doing my work and he would come over and start messing with me [...]

Whenever I ask him about this, he gets extremely defensive and rude.
(16 September 2019)

He promises me that he will stop, but just now I saw him hitting his Njoy the same amount of times he would've before attempting to wean off.
(16 September 2019)

He even threw away his device a couple weeks ago, but ended up buying a new one.
(16 September 2019)

He's told me numerous times that he is going to stop for me (not because he is worried about the health effects of vaping) but he never follows through.
(16 September 2019)

I've tried talking to him about my concerns, but I feel like he kind of just brushes it off and doesn't take into consideration that what he is doing is literally a ticking time bomb.
(16 September 2019)

Lately, I've felt extremely worried about his addiction, especially with news reports coming out about people who vape either developing chemical pneumonia or even dying.
(16 September 2019)

He's been vaping ever since we first met.
(16 September 2019)

But he's definitely addicted to nicotine.
(16 September 2019)

I told him to stop if we were to pursue a relationship, and he did.
(16 September 2019)

When I first met him, he smoked cigarettes and even told me that a year prior to us dating, he got so drunk at a party that he smoked a pack and a half of cigarettes in one night.
(16 September 2019)

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