Friday 19 July 2019

sexy positioning

for our eyes_ Sunshine:What makes them so hideous looking?(15 July 2019) Na:How to reject a love confession?(15 July 2019) Na:I don’t want to destroy our friendship, but they’ve built her hopes up so high at this point that I’m just bound to break her heart.(15 July 2019) Na:I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t love her [...]

I also have autism and epilepsy and mental illness runs in my family.
(16 July 2019)

Physc to go calls it conditional love as a family dynamic which I think I was born into.
(16 July 2019)

There's this problems where everyone around her pushes her and then blames her when she breaks down and everyone does this and I'm aware of it now but it's just so stuck in me that I can't change it.
(16 July 2019)

She said that everyone doesn't care about her and that we're all just focused on whatever we ourselves are doing and I was, and I don't want to be like that but I'm having trouble.
(16 July 2019)

My sister said something stressful which made my mom upset.
(16 July 2019)

My mom was left to handle a lot me and my siblings were really hard on her.
(16 July 2019)

I'm too stressful for her and I want to stop but I don't know how.
(16 July 2019)

I am autistic and I have a very poor mom who is always in trouble I feel like I'm abusive and she is always overworked.
(16 July 2019)

Is it normal for my friends mom to do this?
(16 July 2019)

Is this a normal thing for moms to do?
(16 July 2019)

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