Tuesday 2 July 2019

Aff vets!

Thanks for you service, and those serving now an those who gave their lives._ Enda:My close friends are not part of my life anymore.(1 July 2019) Enda:I been hanging out with people way younger than me.(1 July 2019) Enda:But anyways here is my question.(1 July 2019) Enda:I’m planning on finishing my career then moving out to get my own [...]

When I ask him to help me he just gets mad and starts screaming.
(28 June 2019)

His reasoning for this is because he goes to work but I still don t think it s fair that I have to clean up after him and do extra chores.
(28 June 2019)

My dad tells me to clean the whole house by myself and yells at me when I don t.
(28 June 2019)

The house is constantly messy and none of the extra chores get done.
(28 June 2019)

My dad and I live alone in a 2 story house.
(28 June 2019)

Help please! Husband is not intimate with me any more?
(28 June 2019)

He doesn't want to touch me and he spends all his time at his friend's house.
(28 June 2019)

After they installed a 5g tower nearby my husband stopped being intimate.
(28 June 2019)

My girl friend knows a lot of romantic moves, should I be worried how she acquired them?
(28 June 2019)

IDk, what she's talking about and I just want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad.
(28 June 2019)

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