Wednesday 5 June 2019

Trivia 521

What is the only state whose capital city begins with the letter “F”?MaineMontanaSouth DakotaKentucky[image1]Answer: Frankfort is the capital city of Kentucky. With a population of 25,527 at the 2010_ Gilda:The other things were just sort of inside jokes, but she just put them there because she couldn’t think of anything else I do.(28 May 2019) Gilda:I’m in [...]

Cause I feel like that is what is more culturally accepted sometimes.
(2 June 2019)

Would it be more attractive if I was working an 9-5 with a boss making less money than I do now?
(2 June 2019)

Do women see this as someone with not a lot of ambition?
(2 June 2019)

I make plenty of money to support myself with minimal effort, but I wouldn't be able to support a family on my income alone.
(2 June 2019)

Is being self-employed a turn off for women?
(2 June 2019)

I view myself as successful, but if you ask me in 10 years where do you see yourself career wise I have no idea.
(2 June 2019)

Don't get me wrong I am very content with life, but have thought about dating.
(2 June 2019)

I am single and live alone so it does get lonely.
(2 June 2019)

Honestly I like what I do and I make more money than I would getting a job with my degree.
(2 June 2019)

I am 27 with a bachelors degree and i am self-employed.
(2 June 2019)

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