Wednesday 7 November 2018

Virtual Symposium XXIV…In Which Ginger Gives Thanks

(Yes, yes, I’m certain you’d rather me be giving you something else, but THAT’S not the topic for the Virtual Symposium, IS IT.)And so here we are, the holiday season upon us already, clearance_ Dedra:Im 17 now and I started hanging around some guys again and I was hoping I had changed or smth and they [...]

Which brings me to my predicament.
(6 November 2018)

Incredibly so, because every time he says something offhanded I feel like he's going to abandon me like I've been abandoned by people before.
(6 November 2018)

He says things that I know he doesn't realize are hurtful but they are.
(6 November 2018)

I deal by holding it all in and exploding, not very healthy but I digress, and he handles his issues by... lashing out.
(6 November 2018)

He has similar mental health issues as I do which is how we became such good friends to start but we deal with it in very different ways.
(6 November 2018)

My best friend and I have been best friends for a year and I care deeply for him but I've realized I've become way too dependent on him, to the point where it's become unhealthy.
(6 November 2018)

Which date is a better start date?
(6 November 2018)

A friend told me this girl is the biggest flirt, so now I question if I'm just being led on?
(6 November 2018)

She'll ask me to take her shoes off and then she puts her head on my stomach and we'll sleep together on the couch.
(6 November 2018)

She'll sit on my lap, she'll grab me and kiss me sometimes.
(6 November 2018)

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