Thursday 22 November 2018

Georgium Sidus

Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus and several moons around other gas giants. In the course of an observation on March 13, 1781 he realized that one celestial body he had observed was n_ Hermina:I’m about to have sex for the first time with my girlfriend.(20 November 2018) Rosario:Haven t message him in 3 days, should [...]

It died out, and we've been friends ever since.
(21 November 2018)

They only want me to marry someone Ethiopian (I'm 16). So I met this other Ethiopian girl a few months ago, and we had a thing.
(21 November 2018)

House or apartment with kids?
(21 November 2018)

Can you please explain your answer?
(21 November 2018)

Would a house or apartment be better with kids?
(21 November 2018)

If women are tired of men pushing themselves on them and using them for sex, why not give them the same medicine?
(21 November 2018)

I hear many females now days complain about men flirting with them and begging for companionship.
(21 November 2018)

Saw is she into me or no?
(21 November 2018)

I feel like my mom doesn't care about me, what can I do about this situation?
(21 November 2018)

Why wont he stop contacting me?
(21 November 2018)

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