Sunday 19 August 2018

Points on my licence

I keep seeing this advert on the TV which is for a car insurance company. Now the idea of this is so you can see if you are a safe driver and whether it could help lower your premium for the coming ye_ Shana:Then he whispered something funny during a scene, and I quietly laughed and [...]

I also asked him months ago if he did anything with any other girl when I was away for my work trip, and he said no, so basically he lied.
(15 August 2018)

But I'm saying that if you truly in your heart feel you did nothing wrong, then why wouldn't you let me read the messages between you two.
(15 August 2018)

Now he's saying that he feels he did nothing wrong because we weren't exclusive at the time.
(15 August 2018)

Boyfriend slept with someone a week before we were exclusive.. Do I have a right to be upset?
(15 August 2018)

Yes, I know I'm in the wrong for reading his texts, but that's a separate issue.
(15 August 2018)

I'm really upset because this happened when I thought we really liked each other and were talking non-stop.
(15 August 2018)

I burst into tears because I thought we never hid anything from each other, so eventually he lets me read it.
(15 August 2018)

Now it's been a year and a half since we've been exclusive.
(15 August 2018)

Anyway, I come back from my business trip, and we continue to date and are exclusive.
(15 August 2018)

We text almost all day, every day.
(15 August 2018)

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