Saturday 4 August 2018

Oh the luxury of showering

At the risk of scaring away men, I showered for the first time since Sunday morning today… and I never thought a shower could be better solo than it felt to scrub off four days of funk. But having d_ Dan:Edited to add: I had sex Monday night.(4 August 2018) Dan:On Tuesday, I noticed light spotting after [...]

After being friends for 6 years, he and I both finally admitted that we had feelings for each other but never did anything about it because we were scared it would ruin our friendship.
(1 August 2018)

How can I convince her to go out with me?
(1 August 2018)

I've asked her out in March and she said no but told me recently it was out of pure panic and she did and still does like me and I still like her... and so I want to ask her out now because she told me if I did she would say yes.
(1 August 2018)

Which means we cant see eachother that often.
(1 August 2018)

I am Female and she is too we are both bi and we like each other but she is a grade below me so shes at a differant school then I do.
(1 August 2018)

Do you find this normal?
(1 August 2018)

I'm a 19 year old female and I like vulnerable, emotional and sensitive guys who wear their emotions on their sleeve.
(1 August 2018)

She then said she didn't want me to let go and i kissed her again.
(1 August 2018)

She didn't let go and said she could hear my heart beating.
(1 August 2018)

I kissed her head and she smiled.
(1 August 2018)

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