Thursday 9 August 2018

Hellooooooooo! Anybody in there…??

He peeks in my window. He has a drink on the balcony several times a day, and then looks at me through the glass. Frank get jealous, but I admire him anyway. He moves quickly…and is very hard to pho_ Kristie:I am considering suicide as my priority option if they really force me to go despite [...]

Women have long hair which is more attrative, are hairy which is unattractive and I have no clue why women find this attractive, softer skin, etc.
(6 August 2018)

Is bum touching brother sister love?
(6 August 2018)

Why do women find facial hair, and hairy men attractive and why do they find men's butt attractive?
(6 August 2018)

Mens butts are a deformed version of the female butt, and men hair is gross.
(6 August 2018)

Should we be cautious?
(6 August 2018)

Talking to my ex's best friend?
(6 August 2018)

So, what I'm asking is, what do I do if something happens between the friend and I and what if I go out with the friend and what if I hang with their group and see my ex and still really feel things for him.
(6 August 2018)

Like I still feel so many things for my ex and I miss him a ton but at the same time, this friend and I get along so well and whenever we talk I feel kinda happy.
(6 August 2018)

I don't know if I have feelings for my ex's friend or is this just a reaction to getting dumped and looking for some easy access attention.
(6 August 2018)

His friend knows I still miss him so it's not like I'm clear to him I'm open to dating but at the same time, we do casual flirting and calling each other qt pies and it's a confusing situation.
(6 August 2018)

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