Tuesday 31 July 2018

Today’s Weather Forecast…Cloudy With A Chance Of Penis

You guys know how much I love to roam around the interwebs, looking for perverted things….and stupid shit. [image]Here’s a nice cold glass of milk in case you eat my pic again. [image2]_ Marivel:But really what I am trying to say is don’t really look at the fact that this relationship was going on at 15. [...]

Women with one ovary, were you able to get pregnant without difficulty?
(30 July 2018)

I am worried in the future about potentially not being able to easily get pregnant.
(30 July 2018)

I found out I have to have one of my ovaries removed due to a very large ovarian cyst.
(30 July 2018)

Knowing how to touch her without touching her really touches her meaning?
(30 July 2018)

How can I stop complimenting men on their looks?
(30 July 2018)

Is this a bad or good thing to do to single men?
(30 July 2018)

I keep blurting it out if I think a guy is cute, handsome or gorgeous.
(30 July 2018)

Hi umm this is awkward but how do I kiss my boyfriend?
(30 July 2018)

How can I get myself to kiss him or get him to kiss me?
(30 July 2018)

He says that he wants to be the first to kiss me but can t work up the courage and same with me I have 0 self esteem so I just can t kiss him no matter how hard I try anxiety just gets the better of me.
(30 July 2018)

Wedding Dress (Part 2)

Found more photos from that shoot. Here is part 1 if you what to know the story behind it: Wedding Dress_ Shaniqua:Should I let my brother go to his best friend party?(30 July 2018) Shaniqua:My gf is turning 17 next week and I dont want to be grounded or something.(30 July 2018) Shaniqua:I am afraid of getting in [...]

The worst he can say is no, but that s what I don t want haha.
(29 July 2018)

I know I shouldn t feel anxious to ask him since he is my boyfriend, but I just can t help it.
(29 July 2018)

I guess I m just looking for suggestions on how I should bring up the topic of a hotel for a few hours for our one year anniversary.
(29 July 2018)

I ve brought up the topic of sex multiple times, and he says he wants to do it with me, but we just don t have the privacy.
(29 July 2018)

The reason why I am nervous to bring it up is because I m not so sure how he ll react.
(29 July 2018)

We haven t had sex yet since we live at home with our parents, but we fool around when we have the chance.
(29 July 2018)

The other day, I came up with the idea of booking a hotel for the two of us.
(29 July 2018)

We ve been planning some date ideas around the area we live in.
(29 July 2018)

So in a couple of weeks, me and my bf s anniversary is coming up.
(29 July 2018)

Though I still don't understand why she's so worried she can't stop crying.
(29 July 2018)

need hot girls on this site

need some hot girls who are willing to meet on this site as i get horny a lot._ Rolande:Example: First name: Evelyn Middle name: Kate and they go by Katelyn?(30 July 2018) Edna:Middle name for Kyler?(30 July 2018) Izola:Virgin having sex problem?(30 July 2018) Izola:What could be the cause is it the angle etc.. can t seem to figure [...]

I know he wants the best for me but talking to his colleagues about me aggravates me.
(29 July 2018)

My dad always makes me feel disappointed in myself by doing this.
(29 July 2018)

I'm tired of my family sometimes.
(29 July 2018)

I just don't like when people who never met me tell me what to do with my life.
(29 July 2018)

I changed my major multiple times and now 12 credits away from an AA.
(29 July 2018)

I told him I hate when he tells people that he wished I was a nurse or done with school by now.
(29 July 2018)

How he begged me to be a nurse even though I had crippling anxiety since I was 17. Even my mom tells me I shouldn't be a nurse.
(29 July 2018)

The last time we went to his friends party it turned into a conversation about my life.
(29 July 2018)

Serious Question for Men: Why Do You Automatically Assume that All Women are Feminists When We're Not?
(29 July 2018)

Trying to spread some optimism on here.
(29 July 2018)

need hot girls on this site

need some hot girls who are willing to meet on this site as i get horny a lot._ Rolande:Example: First name: Evelyn Middle name: Kate and they go by Katelyn?(30 July 2018) Edna:Middle name for Kyler?(30 July 2018) Izola:Virgin having sex problem?(30 July 2018) Izola:What could be the cause is it the angle etc.. can t seem to figure [...]

Would you stay with a guy that didn't want to marry after 10 years together and children involved?
(29 July 2018)

When it got close to that date he made every excuse as to why they weren't ready.
(29 July 2018)

The last time he was forgiven he asked to marry her and set a date.
(29 July 2018)

Also what if there was cheating during those 10 years and a baby conceived outside the relationship.
(29 July 2018)

What if the 10 year relationship was not consistant and more of an on and off deal.
(29 July 2018)

Is a fourth child at 45 too late?
(29 July 2018)

The first child is 16, second child 12, third one 6. Partner is 55. Is it wise to have a baby?
(29 July 2018)

Why is it that when someone turns 18 years (adult age) that they are most likely to change a lot in the next couple of years?
(29 July 2018)

She said she doesnt have a boyfriend. How do i act now?
(29 July 2018)

I want to exchange pics with her but dont want her to run away.
(29 July 2018)

another idea….

Hey to all the sheep who follow…. ok i respect that you have a QUEEN who you have promised not to look at others blogs or comment… IDEA!!!!!!!_ Yuette:I don’t feel comfortable with him talking to her but I don’t want to tell him to stop so he doesn’t feel like I’m trying to control him [...]

I was right as she eventually explained to us that she is a dominatrix with a client in the car that wanted her to ask us if he could get naked in front of us.
(29 July 2018)

I can tell just by looking that something was not right with her.
(29 July 2018)

We didn t really tell her yes or no either way, but she ended up following us for a bit.
(29 July 2018)

When we started out walk again, a woman emerged behind us and asked if she could follow us because she was not from the area.
(29 July 2018)

So, I was on a hike with a friend and made a stop for a couple of minutes.
(29 July 2018)

One more time with, what was up with this girl lmao?
(29 July 2018)

How would you feel if someone you've blocked on Facebook created another account and wrote you this message?
(29 July 2018)

The last thing I've meant to do was disrespect you because you're a really nice, cool person who is a lot of fun to be around and I admire your ability of wanting to succeed and to do well in life.
(29 July 2018)

I also learned that I should never try to change myself to impress others and to get them to like me, I also want to apologize for doing something that has caused you to block me on Facebook.
(29 July 2018)

Listen I wanna apologize for the previous messages I've sent you about me having problems with another friend who i was having issues with., I did eventually forgave him for what happened and made amends with him sometime before I've moved.
(29 July 2018)

My Second Blog Post

Nothing to see here…just blogging,_ Rose:Fell in love with him in two months.(30 July 2018) Rose:I loved one guy with all my heart.(30 July 2018) Rachelle:Why would someone refuse to walk next to cars on the highway?(30 July 2018) Rachelle:I do not spoil them I don’t allow them to eat much, see friends, have phones use my computer or [...]

Why would a girl stare at me (specifically me and not my friends) with a blank face for a prolonged time?
(29 July 2018)

She continues to stare for like 10 secs or even more.
(29 July 2018)

She does not look away when I catch her either.
(29 July 2018)

Should I reach out to my friend and wish her a happy birthday after what happened?
(29 July 2018)

Should I reach out again or it's better off if I don't ?
(29 July 2018)

She always was the 1st to send me her wishes and got me a well-chosen gift and always managed to put a smile on my face.
(29 July 2018)

It has been 3 months since we last spoke and today's her birthday.
(29 July 2018)

However, she was in so much pain knowing we won't be the same, so I gave her the chance to make a decision so she decided that was it.
(29 July 2018)

But things went wrong because when I got a gf, I no longer was able to be as close to her as we used to and turns out she had feelings but never spoke of them as to not ruin our friendship.
(29 July 2018)

This girl and I have been friends for like 4 years, no one would understand how much she means to me but I know I hurt her many times even though she was able to forgive me and give us a second chance.
(29 July 2018)

Monday 30 July 2018

His Fingers ……That Heat…….

Fingers TrailingTouchingSearing heat through soft finger tipsTracing their way along lines unseenSearching and glidingStopping just long enough to caress tenderly, sometimes, not so tenderly……In t_ Florencia:And please no comments that I should clean it up myself.(29 July 2018) Joann:Why do people instantly get involved when a man beats a woman but not when a woman beats a [...]

He stared at me for a bit then left and put his hand to his face.
(29 July 2018)

As I was masturbating my neighbour who is a 53 year old man just walked in the door.
(29 July 2018)

Because I had the whole house to myself I decided to masturbate in the kitchen where the back door is.
(29 July 2018)

My parents had gone out for you day and when they go I usually get naked and sometimes end up masturbating.
(29 July 2018)

Does clomid Make cycle regular If Extremly Irregular before clomid?
(29 July 2018)

Best of luck all those TTC, its a painful journey.
(29 July 2018)

Thinking to do pregnency test after 1 week, Having back stomach pain diherea fatigue.
(29 July 2018)

I ovulated on 14th & 15th day with clomid, 28th day it is no periods yet, when to expect periods as Since starting periods are super Irregular.
(29 July 2018)

What is with the women around here liking and going after old men?
(29 July 2018)

The women around here that are even 21 goes after guys that are 50 years and older.
(29 July 2018)

“fantasy” i can’t answer emails.

lately I’ve been getting messages and am unable to do much and can’t view or send or look at profiles due to having to make the decision to go from a gold membership to a standard. due to financing bu_ Lorita:So, I was on a hike with a friend and made a stop for a couple [...]

The worst part is that she does it when I'm not break, and even though I'm not busy when she visits, it is still annoying.
(28 July 2018)

Me and my girlfriend work at the same job, but when she has the day off and when I'm at work, she always has to come and visit me.
(28 July 2018)

I Chugged a Tall Boy in about 3 seconds, r ju proud of me?
(28 July 2018)

Why is she like this when her friend isn't around?
(28 July 2018)

Is it weird that I already met his parents but we dont even date yet?
(28 July 2018)

I met his mom when we went out to eat and then his dad when we ate at his house.
(28 July 2018)

Should I call his phone back again to see what happens?
(28 July 2018)

To see if when I call it goes straight to voicemail again without ringing, and when I block my number if it rings then?
(28 July 2018)

What is wrong with people here telling who is in the military or not because of a few spelling mistakes?
(28 July 2018)

My friends dont watch my snapchat stories anymore?
(28 July 2018)

XXX The After Midnight PORN Picture!!!

The after Midnight porn picture. I Hope you got some of that today As Always. I thank you for your support, and your comments in my blog Hope you like the internet porn picturehappyf;_ Bernadette:If I unblock him on WhatsApp would he be able to see my DP?(29 July 2018) Bernadette:So considering that I am still blocked [...]

What Zodiac Sign does my bestfriend sound most like?
(28 July 2018)

I wrinkled my delicate nose at the sight.
(28 July 2018)

Like a true piteous creature, she slobbered all over.
(28 July 2018)

She proceeded to eat from the scraps.
(28 July 2018)

They ate, then someone flipped the table or something.
(28 July 2018)

I started thought she dim witted type seen she let others bullied her and treat her horrbibly Because, her mother gave her money to buy food right, then she bought only 2 packets of food for her sister and mother, none for herself.
(28 July 2018)

Can you get a cold from kissing?
(28 July 2018)

He told me he doesn't have a cold so it couldn't be from him because he feels fine.
(28 July 2018)

Every time i kiss him I get a nose run, cough, sore throat and my lips get red big and swallon.
(28 July 2018)

There is this guy I meet and we've been talking for a while and recently I've been kissing him.
(28 July 2018)

I’m coming for you Pal…

So, you may not know this about me, but I’m a lousy flirt. I, generally, have relied on bewbies to “get my way” for most of my life. I see that this may not work with some people, so I’ve decided to w_ Misha:Its only been 3 weeks she’s out.(29 July 2018) Misha:Is this normal or am [...]

For example, if you are cart pushing, you have to be on separate sides of the store.
(28 July 2018)

They also have stupid rules for dating coworkers.
(28 July 2018)

It's so sad how I can't talk to my fellow co-workers without worrying bout getting yelled at by evil managers.
(28 July 2018)

I always sneak talk to my girlfriend Metal Gear Solid style out of spite of the company.
(28 July 2018)

People are always nitpicking at my GF for just talking to people for 5 minutes while management talks to people for 30 minutes.
(28 July 2018)

When I had a crush on this girl named Kelly, bastard Co manager RJ yelled at me for just simply talking to her while she was doing reshops.
(28 July 2018)

For starters, they are anal about dating in the workplace.
(28 July 2018)

I'd have to say Walmart is the worst company I ever worked for.
(28 July 2018)

I am a former Walmart associate.
(28 July 2018)

My boyfriend just texting me today?
(28 July 2018)

***Happy Sex Positions Monday***

Happy Monday to everyone!!Let me know which ones are your favorites? Enjoy!!_ Maxine:I m assuming so, but I don t know if it ll work out.(28 July 2018) Maxine:I don t know if they ll try the long distance thing.(28 July 2018) Maxine:Should I get over it or wait it out?(28 July 2018) Maxine:He s been here for about [...]

My boyfriend s roommate has a 13 yr old daughter who shares his room and sleeps in his bed with him, she is not offered her own bed at all.
(27 July 2018)

Isn't this cute?
(27 July 2018)

My niece is 3 years old she's like me and her mom she loves The Beatles she calls George Harrison Curious George since he's her favorite.
(27 July 2018)

What do you think of my little babies names?
(27 July 2018)

Does your boyfriend or ex boyfriend have a learning disability?
(27 July 2018)

My son is a bully! What shoud I do?
(27 July 2018)

Apologising for any grammar or vocabulary mistakes.
(27 July 2018)

He have never been in any kind of trouble before.
(27 July 2018)

Allthough I havent told my son anything yet, I have no idea what to tell him.
(27 July 2018)

I called back her dad and apologised for my son unbelivable behaviour and I assured him that he will get severly punished.
(27 July 2018)

Sunday 29 July 2018

Loneliness As An Infection

My loneliness is a part of me.Just like my arm or my leg.It is something that you cannot see.But it is there nonetheless.Is loneliness more like an infection?One that can be staved off With the right_ Eliza:They could care less and when they make me mad i start breaking things and saying i want to kill [...]

Some people were just easier to talk to and I already knew.
(27 July 2018)

In Highschool what usually happened is I had friends in some classes, and I didn't have friends in other classes.
(27 July 2018)

Classes are usually more fun when there is a friend in it; how can I achieve this?
(27 July 2018)

Joining a club is good advice, but what about in classes?
(27 July 2018)

I know people say couples who over share on social media are insecure about their relationship....?
(27 July 2018)

And she posts very regularly almost 4 times a week.....
(27 July 2018)

Which should i choose?
(27 July 2018)

Due to give birth any day. Wondering should I invite the father as I don t think he will come or respond?
(27 July 2018)

Opinions should I invite him to the birth or just let him know once the baby is born.
(27 July 2018)

I do not want him back but think he should be involved but I know I can t make him step up as a parent.
(27 July 2018)

What she realy wants..

I can feel the dampness of my palms already and I’ve not even arrived at the hotel yet. As i march across the car park, the rain uncomfortably lapping my face I’m reminded of what I’m doing here. The_ Myrle:If my girlfriend and I where to have oral sex without any sort of condom would we [...]

I don't know how long this will take but I expressed my support for her.
(27 July 2018)

I want what's best for her and decided we should just keep everything on a friend level for now, elaborating that i wanted to give her time to heal.
(27 July 2018)

She told me last night that talking to me in a flirtatious manner makes her feel guilty because she's still in love with him and dreams about him.
(27 July 2018)

Although they never dated it sounds like they were building up to it.
(27 July 2018)

She was in love with someone a few years ago who abruptly died in a sad way.
(27 July 2018)

I feel like I would want to Skype with her face-face and maybe even meet in person (although, she lives two states away). Based on my conversation with her, she feels the same way.
(27 July 2018)

We've stayed up extremely early into the morning on several occasions talking about random stuff and having fun.
(27 July 2018)

I'm under the impression from her language, online persona, and our conversations that she is a very sweet and innocent person.
(27 July 2018)

Initially, it was just a friendship and emailing back and forth, checking in on each other while we attended college classes ( I'm 21 she's 20). About 2 weeks ago i started voice chatting with her on discord and through our online game.
(27 July 2018)

I met someone on an online game about 6 months ago.
(27 July 2018)

Ageism Defeated!!

After far too long out of work and dealing with blatant ageism I have finally defeated that beast. I have signed for a great position in an executive role with a company that sees the value of experi_ Jimmy:Once again, I got upset because it’s bad enough he is always in my message box every day, [...]

Every girl I've been attracted has never been reciprocated.
(27 July 2018)

My aunt is a narcissistic. The family talks about it constantly and so how should I respond when it comes up with the rest of the family?
(27 July 2018)

Her ex-husband she might have in the dating world, but not her current husband.
(27 July 2018)

And trust me, my Mom would not be attracted to my aunt's husband.
(27 July 2018)

The aunt even accused my Mom of trying to hit on her husband.
(27 July 2018)

My Dad absolutely hates her and it is the first time he has hated family though my Mom, her sister, has a long history of being angry at various family members on a rotating cycle.
(27 July 2018)

I see her some for our grandmother but less and less.
(27 July 2018)

The aunt feeds on drama and conflict and she always sees bad in others and never herself.
(27 July 2018)

She is narcissistic but also my mother thinks she has something called Borderline Personality Disorder but that part my Mom says she can't help whereas narcissism is a choice.
(27 July 2018)

His mother's new husband is a slave to her demands.
(27 July 2018)

Ageism Defeated!!

After far too long out of work and dealing with blatant ageism I have finally defeated that beast. I have signed for a great position in an executive role with a company that sees the value of experi_ Jimmy:Once again, I got upset because it’s bad enough he is always in my message box every day, [...]

I started to bleed yesterday from a withdrawal bleed.
(27 July 2018)

I am on day 13 of my cycle I took 4 pills and then decided to stop 3 days ago.
(27 July 2018)

Once or twice a week me and my boyfriend will argue about something. When we argue, he?
(27 July 2018)

Any ideas or opinions on this matter?
(27 July 2018)

Then he cones back a few hours later tells me he loves me and things go back to normal.This happens twice a week.
(27 July 2018)

What are your first impressions of me? how old would you guess I am, what stands out, what kind of person do you think I am, etc?
(27 July 2018)

I saw a clip a rich woman was lubing herself up for her husband?
(27 July 2018)

How do I tell my wife in a nice way I cant eat what she makes?
(27 July 2018)

How do I tell her I cant eat this way anymore?
(27 July 2018)

I eventually started to get sick from eating food this way.
(27 July 2018)

Forward Bound

There is a reason that the rear view mirror is so small and the windshield is so big… where your headed is much more important than where you have been._ Ronna:I was caught doing things I shouldnt have been doing.(27 July 2018) Ronna:She found out some very heartbreaking things I have done behind her back.(27 July 2018) Ronna:My [...]

He told me he wasn't when I met him, so I trusted and believed him.
(26 July 2018)

I have dated this guy who seemed to be perfect but after five years of dating I found out that he is actually married.
(26 July 2018)

Why do guys masturbate fast?
(26 July 2018)

Were my brothers and I born in the same decade?
(26 July 2018)

I was born in 2005, my bros in 1999, 2000, and 2001.
(26 July 2018)

Is Matt an old name?
(26 July 2018)

To me it's just a young, casual sounding name and can't imagine it for what appears to be a 60 year old.
(26 July 2018)

I know Matthew has been around for ages but Matt?
(26 July 2018)

In the recently 50 year old movie Guess Who's Coming To Dinner the father is an old dude called Matt.
(26 July 2018)

What should I do...I'm puzzled?
(26 July 2018)

Go ahead Father

A distinguished young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, “Father, may I ask a favor?” “Of course child. What may I do for you?” “Well, I bought an expensive woman’s electron_ Frida:They’ve both offered me money to keep quiet, but I feel so disgusted whenever I see them and my oldest [...]

I keep having fantasies with her.
(26 July 2018)

My fiance is attracted to a girl i see daily in the coffee place ,Need help?!?
(26 July 2018)

Classes you regret taking in high school or college?
(26 July 2018)

Is this normal for brothers and sisters?
(26 July 2018)

As a woman if you find that men have the compulsion to hurt you instead of look after you what does that mean?
(26 July 2018)

Should you just accept being single as early as you recognise these patterns in your relationships and not risk it again?
(26 July 2018)

Are you undesirable and unlovable?
(26 July 2018)

Are you sick of faking feelings for people you are not really attracted to just to make them feel okay about themselves? I'm so tired?
(26 July 2018)

I just want a chill guy who arouses me sexually and all I get is arrogant fat men who think they are to good to even acknowledge me when I am only being nothing but kind to them.
(26 July 2018)

I will give him fair audience to air his grievances without uttering a single word if at the end of it he?
(26 July 2018)

Saturday 28 July 2018

Music quiz - A mixed bag #48

Here we go with another varied set of questions. Good luck.[image]1. What shape was the Small Faces’ Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake album cover?2. Which animal appears on the cover of Tina Turner’_ Edyth:I hope soon when im getting married my husband could love me as much as my mom couldnt love me when im with her.(27 [...]

Do you guys think it's weird that my girlfriend keeps this from ex?
(26 July 2018)

The teddy bear has this written on the tag.
(26 July 2018)

My father lies to my mother. If they get divorced whose side to I take?
(26 July 2018)

I am 15 and a boy (rising sophomore in high school).
(26 July 2018)

This has been the worst summer ever.
(26 July 2018)

My sisters said they are taking our Mom's side, whose side to I take?
(26 July 2018)

It looks like they are divorcing, I like Dad more but he lies to his wife, my Mom, all the time.
(26 July 2018)

How to make up with my girlfriend?
(26 July 2018)

We did spend time at the beach but I feel really bad.
(26 July 2018)

What can I do to make up with her?
(26 July 2018)

auto correct…

when you are writing a message and auto correct changes obstacles to testicles… and you don’t notice till after you hit send. Please shoot me now_ Takisha:Am I being cheated on with a lesbian.?(26 July 2018) Takisha:I never thought he would cheat but now i’m not really sure.(26 July 2018) Takisha:He says its not that serious but I [...]

Not only was she moving but she is toxic and emotionally draining.
(26 July 2018)

I thought it over and decided not to go into a relationship with her.
(26 July 2018)

So me and this girl were friends with benefits for awhile.
(26 July 2018)

Is this guy no longer into me?
(26 July 2018)

I plan in flat out asking him how he feels too, want to know if that's a good idea or not.
(26 July 2018)

I do like him, but since I'm getting a different vibe from him now I want some input.
(26 July 2018)

I'm thinking he doesn't care as much anymore, but I wanted other opinions.
(26 July 2018)

I asked him what he considered us a few days ago and he said we were dating.
(26 July 2018)

But I've noticed he keeps calling me friend.
(26 July 2018)

We had a quick talk a few months ago and I asked if he considered himself my boyfriend and he said he wasn't good with labels and usually the girls decided, so I said I considered him m boyfriend and that was the end of that.
(26 July 2018)

back after time off

had a baby son doing well been off work from hospital but after maternity leave now back to work hope everyone is ok and having a fab time_ Malika:Should I break up with my girlfriend? Is our relationship toxic?(26 July 2018) Malika:Please help, asking for a friend.(26 July 2018) Malika:But I don’t know if it’s something we need [...]

He seems to have changed now he has a gf.
(26 July 2018)

I feel so separated from the world.
(26 July 2018)

I cant tell what real from fake anymore.
(26 July 2018)

It made me feel like I had died.
(26 July 2018)

My friend broke down crying saying he doesn't want to lose me that he is there for me whenever.
(26 July 2018)

Here's the situation?
(26 July 2018)

I am divorcing my husband, he has known this for almost a year , I printed and filled out the papers for a joint petition dissolution of summary, (we have no kids, property, money or assets together.
(26 July 2018)

At the gym where I go during my personal training why my personal trainer grope her colleague infront of me?
(26 July 2018)

I need some advice on how to fix this situation?
(26 July 2018)

He said he doesn't see how things can b fixed but he doesn't want 2 drop me cuz that would hurt me unnecessarily.
(26 July 2018)

back after time off

had a baby son doing well been off work from hospital but after maternity leave now back to work hope everyone is ok and having a fab time_ Malika:Should I break up with my girlfriend? Is our relationship toxic?(26 July 2018) Malika:Please help, asking for a friend.(26 July 2018) Malika:But I don’t know if it’s something we need [...]

Is Boyfriend a NARCISSIST?
(26 July 2018)

In the beginning I felt something was off about him and tried to leave him he threatened suicide and put a belt around his neck on three separate occasions.
(26 July 2018)

He breaks up with me over arguing even though we are arguing because of How he reacts when I try to bring up an issue I have with him.
(26 July 2018)

He caused lots of pain in my life due to many things and says I'm always sad or depressed like it's a bother even though he is the main cause.
(26 July 2018)

He has been physically abusive once, showed no remorse after and was mean when I was in pain.
(26 July 2018)

I don't want to break off our friendship either, since she's probably the best friend I've had in years.
(26 July 2018)

But she's going back to my school this year and I don't think I can handle spending every day knowing she'll never want to date me.
(26 July 2018)

She switched schools for a year, and even then my feelings didn't change.
(26 July 2018)

And having the memories of everything we did makes it hurt even more, considering it's almost like a constant reminder of what I can't have.
(26 July 2018)

We dated at one point(but I was going through a lot of stuff, so it didnt last,) so the problem isn't that she likes girls to, but I don't think she likes me?
(26 July 2018)

SSBBW humiliation

This may be disturbing to some so if you who find sexual acts with very large women gross please do not read it so you don’t feel the need to leave any rude comments. This took place in Iowa in a town_ Tiny:He heart reacted every photo of her and commented on them.(26 July 2018) Tiny:Something I [...]

Long story short I met my husband 2 years ago.
(26 July 2018)

30 years old constantly getting erections several x a day, morning wood, wanting sex any chance, watches porn & occasionally getting laid?
(26 July 2018)

Mental Addiction or Testosterone..which is the culprit here?
(26 July 2018)

Is childbirth dangerous?
(26 July 2018)

But he's seriously such an amazing guy.
(26 July 2018)

He has mild autism and is sooo trusting, and this crazy girl just totally took advantage and lied to him all the time.
(26 July 2018)

I really don't want to leave him, because he really is the sweetest guy.
(26 July 2018)

He refused to accept my friend request on Facebook?
(26 July 2018)

Why did he never accept my friend request but accepted others?
(26 July 2018)

We end up working at the same job and both begin meeting co workers and as usual I accepted the new people on my Facebook.
(26 July 2018)

Friday 27 July 2018

Turning A Page

I have served many purposes in my life. Unfortunately, almost all of them served another individual’s purpose. I’m sneaking up on fifty years old. Being forty wasn’t traumatic, it came an_ Melita:The only thing I can think of is to call her work and ask to talk to her.(26 July 2018) Melita:I live a couple of hours [...]

I dont want my child spending time there anymore.
(25 July 2018)

She didnt inform me of my daughter until she was one year old.
(25 July 2018)

Please help!!! My period is 9 days but all three of my pregnancy tests were negative. What are the chances I'm pregnant?
(25 July 2018)

I took two pregnancy tests over the weekend--once on Saturday with Clear Blue & another first thing in the morning on Sunday with First Response--and both were negative.
(25 July 2018)

I also noticed a white discharge with maybe some blood in it today.
(25 July 2018)

The only symptoms I've noticed are mild cramping off and on for two weeks, some bloating, and some irritability.
(25 July 2018)

20 year old guy dating 27 year old woman?
(25 July 2018)

If a 27 irate old woman is seriously dating a 20 year old guy, is the woman a cougar?
(25 July 2018)

Is it possible for my ex husband to ever learn how to love or show affection or put a future wife first?
(25 July 2018)

Someone that did not know how to love, could not understand why any man would put their wife first, would cringe at holding hands etc?
(25 July 2018)

Blogland Storytime: Advanced Pillage & Punishment - Quest 1 - Part 12

[image]Quest 1: Legend of the Super BJ Part 12 - Nectar of the Godless Mine.Honeysuckle stumbled in the pitch blanket of the tunnel. His voice echoed inside her thoughts, making it nigh impossible to_ Gertude:I took two pregnancy tests over the weekend–once on Saturday with Clear Blue & another first thing in the morning on Sunday [...]

I'm about 57' or 5'8. I'm not an ugly guy.
(25 July 2018)

I feel like my gf is to tall. What should I do?
(25 July 2018)

We've been together about a year now.
(25 July 2018)

I wear shoe lifts and boots all the time and it sucks because I avoid standing next to her when we're not wearing shoes because I feel so small. (Again, I'm not blaming anything on her and there's nothing wrong with her, I'm the one who is so insecure.
(25 July 2018)

Im on the short side standing at like 5'7 or 5'8 and I've always been insecure about my height so I dated shorter girls.
(25 July 2018)

Period is late!!?
(25 July 2018)

How do I get my Mom and aunt to stop fighting?
(25 July 2018)

They have seldom spoke since the summer of 2014.
(25 July 2018)

Aunt says Mom is a fake and a hypocrite and Mom says aunt is a narcissistic woman with a personality disorder.
(25 July 2018)

Asian girls thoughts?
(25 July 2018)

Joke: grandpa still have awesome sex

I saw this joke that day, very funny.. younger friend asked this almost 100 yrs grandpa, i just curious in yr age, you and yr wife (about 80 plus) still have sex?Grandpa: yeah why not, we have great s_ Cathey:I’m not interested in social status amount people or females especially with finance.(25 July 2018) Cathey:I don’t see [...]

Why did he want me to stay next to him after we slept together?
(25 July 2018)

We kissed and caressed one another a bit but event went to sleep in each other's arms.
(25 July 2018)

Afterwards he wanted me to stay laying down next to him so I did.
(25 July 2018)

My best friend and I finally had sex.
(25 July 2018)

The doctor hasn't mentioned adnoids but they cause me a lot of problems.
(25 July 2018)

I am getting my tonsils out next week and I am 20 years old.
(25 July 2018)

Is it ok for a mother to call her daughter a whore?
(25 July 2018)

I'm 20 now but she says I'm a whore until I get married and that she doesn't regret calling me it.
(25 July 2018)

Because I slept with my boyfriend, the only man I've ever slept with and I was 18 at the time.
(25 July 2018)

Not instead it's inside And if u don't moan why dont you doesnt it feel good?
(25 July 2018)

Joke: grandpa still have awesome sex

I saw this joke that day, very funny.. younger friend asked this almost 100 yrs grandpa, i just curious in yr age, you and yr wife (about 80 plus) still have sex?Grandpa: yeah why not, we have great s_ Cathey:I’m not interested in social status amount people or females especially with finance.(25 July 2018) Cathey:I don’t see [...]

And most of them begin having kids soon after.
(25 July 2018)

My mother was married when she was 20, her mother 19, and her mother 14. All of my cousins got married in their late teens and early 20's.
(25 July 2018)

The women in my family begin life very early.
(25 July 2018)

My ex showed me photos of women tied up in sick sexual positions?
(25 July 2018)

Did I do that to my ex by breaking up with him?
(25 July 2018)

I asked him why he was showing me these terrible images, He said that I caused this.
(25 July 2018)

Is it wrong for porn stars to have kids? Growing up with a porn star?
(25 July 2018)

For a parent has got to screw with a kids mind.
(25 July 2018)

My friends and family keep telling me that the only way for me to move out and get my own place is finding a husband. Are they right?
(25 July 2018)

Do I really need a boyfriend or husband by my side to help me buy my own place to live in?
(25 July 2018)

Lately I feel like the 20 yr old bride who…

married the 80 some year old groom. On her honeymoon she felt OLD AGE climbing on her. I have had this situation for over 7 years. the Missus just isn’t interested anymore in getting naked and having_ Santa:I will go no contact after last night.(25 July 2018) Santa:Last night I told her some sexual fantasies I was [...]

He knows my name but he changes it lol.
(24 July 2018)

Why would a man use the word oral and check my reaction but doesn't make a move?
(24 July 2018)

A girl ghosted me but said that i ghosted her?
(24 July 2018)

Do I know how to socialize or no?
(24 July 2018)

I only bodybuild, and people think I'm into athletic sports like soccer or football when I can't really add anything.
(24 July 2018)

He was a tennis player, and I have no interest in Tennis.
(24 July 2018)

After lunch is over he is no longer interested in having me as a friend.
(24 July 2018)

I barely say anything the whole time because I don't know what to say.
(24 July 2018)

He asks me to join his friend group during lunch.
(24 July 2018)

For example, someone is interested in getting to know me, we become friends and exchange numbers.
(24 July 2018)

Thursday 26 July 2018

*********** Sexy Thoughts***********

Happy Rainy Saturday everyone, there is nothing more fun that spending a cool crisp rainy day in front of a fire place with your partner heating things up even more. So today here is some sexy thought_ Larry:Am I weird for that… Since I’ll be homeless that’s why.(25 July 2018) Jerilyn:Why would he pursue me and then [...]

Fast forward to today and he's a completely different person, to the way he talks, he handles conflict, he's so much more affectionate, slow to anger, patient, a completely different man.
(24 July 2018)

He was crying and apologizing about what he did.
(24 July 2018)

He was homeless and was asking me if he could stay at my house for a day.
(24 July 2018)

Girls, what are you doing when you make this eye contact?
(24 July 2018)

Ex bf unblocked me and sent me a friend request...4 years later??
(24 July 2018)

Any reason an ex would send you a friend request after unblocking you, limiting his profile from you, and not say anything to you for 2 months?
(24 July 2018)

About 2 months ago, I got a friend request from him, which I accepted, and found out that he has my view of his profile limited.
(24 July 2018)

He s tried to contact me in that time, but I ignored it all.
(24 July 2018)

We haven t spoken in 2 years and at that time, told me he was still hurting over us, even though he had been with hwr for 2 years already.
(24 July 2018)

Throughout these past few years, he has always made up reasons to contact me, asking questions where he could easily get answers from Google.
(24 July 2018)


Not sure, what makes someone think they can come on someones page and be fucking rude,,,fuck you!! Yeah, I said it, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!You don’t FUCKING LIKE ME…MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!!!!!!!! That simple_ Gracia:Why do I get agitated more easily when I hang out with the same person for so long?(24 July 2018) Gracia:I guess it’s kind [...]

I was laughing hysterically at the cab driver and remembering you talking to the one we had and how nervous you were in the van.
(24 July 2018)

I just went to the Bahamas on the girls trip I had planned.
(24 July 2018)

I never heard from him again when I unblocked him and reached out and said, we needed to hit a reset button on the things being said because they were mean.
(24 July 2018)

Then I just wanted peace for a day, so I blocked him.
(24 July 2018)

We tried again after that, but we fought.
(24 July 2018)

In the end, he said horrible mean things to me while drinking and I hopped on a plane and left him on our vacation alone.
(24 July 2018)

We started arguing a lot of the last year, stupid things, some serious though.
(24 July 2018)

Together 3 years, magical love, bliss for the first 2 years.
(24 July 2018)

What does it mean if a guy likes you but never touches you?
(24 July 2018)

When it's okay to touch butt?
(24 July 2018)


I am inundated with spammers from China. I am wondering if this is just on the men’s side of things on this site. Ladies, which spammers do you encounter?_ Brinda:Is it bad that I like the fact that she’s being taken away in just her panties and heels and has no clothes where she’s going?(24 July [...]

I'm a 19 yr old girl, this summer i've felt so much anxiety and I literally don't know why.
(24 July 2018)

Does it sound like I'm not over my ex? Yes or No?
(24 July 2018)

I also still feel so much warmth & love for him and smile instantly when I think of him.
(24 July 2018)

I still think about him all the time, I realise most of the guys I fancy look exactly like him and I have noticed that a lot of the girls he has been interested in since look identical to me.
(24 July 2018)

Why would a guy say ciao instead of bye?
(24 July 2018)

Luckily I know what that means, but why assume and say that?
(24 July 2018)

Does this sound like I'm over my ex- yes or no?
(24 July 2018)

I still think about him all the time, I realise most of the guys I fancy look exactly like him and I get so jealous if I see him with other girls on Facebook, (we are FB friends). I also still feel so much warmth and smile instantly when I think of him.
(24 July 2018)

But when that ended in heartbreak (he was a user 17 years older than me) all the feelings for my ex came back and I felt the same love and heartbreak- all the emotions came back.
(24 July 2018)

He literally picked flowers in a field for me and he would always cry when I would be gone (he was a little younger so was more attached). We aren't together because of circumstances- not because we don't want to be.
(24 July 2018)

web cam junkie

why does porn have such an appeal today as compaired to 5 years ago…curious to hear your answers and compair them to why i think is is more popular..keep caming girls_ Natacha:How can I get my mom to stop bringing up painful memories from my past I don’t want to hear about?(24 July 2018) Natacha:I told her [...]

I figured she must really love me so I asked if she wanted to be in a committed relationship together so I can plan my future around it.
(24 July 2018)

I tried breaking up with her on a few occasions but she told me how much i meant to her and begged me to take her back every time, which i did.
(24 July 2018)

We confessed our love for each other and stayed in touch after l left.
(24 July 2018)

She asked me out and we unofficially dated for a month.
(24 July 2018)

I met a girl a few months ago while studying abroad.
(24 July 2018)

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and his family never tires to get to know me?
(24 July 2018)

They have no idea I have a BA or anything its like they are super nice but strangers in the sense they are not trying to get to know me.
(24 July 2018)

He always gets annoyed and just rolls his eyes but it's something that bothers me and I don't know what to do.
(24 July 2018)

It's really starting to make me feel like they truly don't care.
(24 July 2018)

At first, he said they are from NY and they have different personalities there but I have other friends from NY and they are always asking about me.
(24 July 2018)

web cam junkie

why does porn have such an appeal today as compaired to 5 years ago…curious to hear your answers and compair them to why i think is is more popular..keep caming girls_ Natacha:How can I get my mom to stop bringing up painful memories from my past I don’t want to hear about?(24 July 2018) Natacha:I told her [...]

He rang it once this morning, then again in the evening sometime, and then again at 9 o'clock at night.
(24 July 2018)

Anyway, today I stayed home all day and this random stranger (male) with a dog rang my doorbell 3 times.
(24 July 2018)

But he's currently staying out of town because he has to work, so I'm home all by myself with my 2 animals.
(24 July 2018)

Hey, So, I'm a 26 yr old female and I live with my older brother.
(24 July 2018)

So Last year I was dating this guy for about 2 months, after I broke things off we remained good friends.
(24 July 2018)

Feeling guilty about talking to multiple girls at once even though I'm never met them and am not dating either, advice?
(24 July 2018)

Then there's this other girl who lives nearby to me and who I just recently started talking to, and will probably soon meet up with and I'm feeling guilty about it all.
(24 July 2018)

I'm Feeling guilty, so there's this girl I've been talking to online for 5 months on and off now who lives kinda far away and who I'll probably never meet.
(24 July 2018)

I have light brown hair and light skin so basically I'm not her type by her definition.
(24 July 2018)

She says she doesn't like guys with pale skin and light hair, she likes dark skinned guys with dark hair.
(24 July 2018)

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Looks to be…

a change in the weather, and coming soon._ Judith:I tried to walk away but he pushed me down from behind.(23 July 2018) Judith:When we were going to leave the gym this boy who was a friend of the dead boy came up to me and started saying stuff to me about how I shouldn’t laugh.(23 July 2018) Judith:The [...]

I met this guy about a week and a half ago.
(23 July 2018)

Why are girls in love with guys?
(23 July 2018)

What could be the reason my period is late?
(23 July 2018)

Could it just be off still bc of the surgery?
(23 July 2018)

I was supposed to start my period July 5th and didn t I took a pregnancy test that day and it was negative.
(23 July 2018)

I was told I would probably not have a period in June or towards the end of June, and I didn t I spotted on June 28th and 29th but that was it.
(23 July 2018)

My last period was May 4th through 7th and I had an ectopic surgery may 27th and had to have emergency surgery and had my left fallopian tube removed.
(23 July 2018)

Songs please?
(23 July 2018)

I don't want to message this guy again and seem like a crazy person.
(23 July 2018)

I don't think he meant anything bad about what he said anymore.
(23 July 2018)

New Laser Created from Jellyfish’s Fluorescent Proteins

Fluorescent proteins from jellyfish that were grown in bacteria have been used to create a laser for the first time, according to a new study.The breakthrough represents a major advance in so-called p_ Gia:They are so disgusting and rapey.(23 July 2018) Lucina:Do most women desire a man with a large penis?(23 July 2018) Lucina:Since it provides greater sensation?(23 [...]

Anyways im pretty feminine in every way and can pass as a girl all the time.
(23 July 2018)

Its not even an inch and doesnt get in the way.
(23 July 2018)

I dont even let anyone around my front area let alone do anything with it.
(23 July 2018)

I am a transgender girl and I am pre-op.
(23 July 2018)

Why do some people wait until marriage to start having sex?
(23 July 2018)

Does living in a broken home effect how will women approach the guy?
(23 July 2018)

The only women that seems to want to hangout with me us women that are ages 18-22. Not around ages 23-33. Is that true that if i live in a fatherless home i will have a hard time finding a date and if so, why?
(23 July 2018)

Only dates I been with recently was two women in trouble with the law.
(23 July 2018)

I haven t have a girlfriend since the breakup.
(23 July 2018)

But broke up in the June because her sister told me in that same month that she already have a boyfriend.
(23 July 2018)

Please explain what happened?

Please explain what happened?I was talking to a guy on POF all night from 1 to 4am. I said I was going to bed and to leave me something to reply to (as in to carry the conversation along). He didn’t._ Francina:What is the best boy and girl name from my list?(23 July 2018) Shari:Trust issues from [...]

This all started with a bottle of blue hair dye The first thing she tries to do is confront me about there being more than two genders.
(23 July 2018)

She now insists a rogue left-ish stance, and I don't know how to handle it.
(23 July 2018)

She no longer seems to be same person.
(23 July 2018)

Since getting married we have split our views.
(23 July 2018)

My wife and I have in the past leaned left, caring about the environment, anti-war, vegetarian and enjoyed going outside.
(23 July 2018)

Can I become pregnant even after already taking a Plan B pill?
(23 July 2018)

Will it be effective on the new semen too?
(23 July 2018)

If I were to have sex again within the 72 is it okay if he doesn't pull out.
(23 July 2018)

Today I had sex and the man it was with didn't pull out like I asked.
(23 July 2018)

Taking it within the 72hours for it to work.
(23 July 2018)

Where are the points?

So I am a cheap non-paying basic member. The only way to achieve points without committing financial information here is to be active in those tasks/activities that generate points.So why is it that_ Josefa:Accuses me of cheating knowing I’m not like that, but I see him checking out other women like crazy.(23 July 2018) Josefa:He plans to [...]

He's not trying to be crooked, he just doesn't want anything that his best friend has to be attached by the courts in some way.
(23 July 2018)

I wasn't sure if it will show up somewhere down the road.
(23 July 2018)

Well, will this move by his friend interfere with his filing?
(23 July 2018)

His friend is health and young, but none of us are promised tomorrow.
(23 July 2018)

Girls.I need some advice please.I have this best guy friend.the other day he asked to touch my boobs and maybe finger me. What should I do?
(23 July 2018)

Like literally everything He s so nice and sweet and funny and kind.
(23 July 2018)

BTW I m 15 We do everything together.
(23 July 2018)

A casual relationship with a woman has resulted in a pregnancy. She's willing to keep the baby. What's the best outcome for us both?
(23 July 2018)

I am more leaning the other way.
(23 July 2018)

I feel she would definitely keep the baby if that's what I wanted... but i don't know.
(23 July 2018)

Where are the points?

So I am a cheap non-paying basic member. The only way to achieve points without committing financial information here is to be active in those tasks/activities that generate points.So why is it that_ Josefa:Accuses me of cheating knowing I’m not like that, but I see him checking out other women like crazy.(23 July 2018) Josefa:He plans to [...]

I'm 26, she's in her 30s and so we're at different stages of our lives.
(23 July 2018)

I like and am attracted to this woman, but we were generally careful and weren't planning on starting a family.
(23 July 2018)

We both liked each other and have been through some disappointments in our previous relationships, therefore what we had was nice.
(23 July 2018)

A few questions regarding gun ownership?
(23 July 2018)

I'm weird about having anything on my head, so could the cap have affected it?
(23 July 2018)

The only difference was I was wearing a baseball cap in the range.
(23 July 2018)

On the laser in class, I was landing my shots.
(23 July 2018)

The one we used in class was Laserlyte, but it's over $300 for the target and glock. 2. It was recommended that we purchase insurance.
(23 July 2018)

So my questions are: 1. Is there an inexpensive laser system that includes the glock?
(23 July 2018)

Regardless, I need practice before I purchase anything.
(23 July 2018)