Saturday 30 June 2018

Asshole Chair

Asshole ChairThe chairs located throughout a store where the unfortunate male who gets roped into shopping with a female companion ends up sitting. The hapless male usually ends up waiting for hours,_ Hannelore:What does it mean when someone calls you a tool ? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?(29 June 2018) Laura:What do you [...]

The situation that my stepson was born into was no where near ideal, my fiance even says he loves him but wishes sometimes he had never had him.
(27 June 2018)

I know I just wanna reassure him that there is nothing to fear about having more children.
(27 June 2018)

And my fiance's mother is not much help in that department either, I can see where my fiance's own problems stem from.
(27 June 2018)

I'm hoping once the 3 of us start living together things will get better for my stepson as he's bounced around so much because his mother and her family only spend time with him when its convenient for them.
(27 June 2018)

I have tried to reassure him that while it's possible it's not likely.
(27 June 2018)

From what mental health professionals have told us he has some form of autism, possibly turrets syndrome, has school behavioral issues and still soils himself.
(27 June 2018)

My fiance is worried that any children we have will have the same issues as his 8 year old son.
(27 June 2018)

She's been crying about it for the past few days she's 7 months pregnant with our daughter.
(27 June 2018)

My wife has been very upset lately she thinks I'm leaving her but I'm not I don't know why she would say that.
(27 June 2018)

I have a blankie that i decided i need to get rid of but can t figure out how to get rid of it for good. I can start but not finish?
(27 June 2018)

Cuando duele

El reto de amar nos lleva al límite. No hay sentimiento más poderoso. Nos puede llevar a la gloria o nos hunde en un océano de desesperación. El amor que se frustra tiene como un sino escatológic_ Arie:Also, we are still friends on social-media.(28 June 2018) Arie:I’m going through a lot of family issues and depression, so [...]

Is this romantic in a way?
(27 June 2018)

Seeing someone considerably older than you - need outside opinion?
(27 June 2018)

We get along very well and shes been very helpful all this time and has been there for me every time something happened and we would be made for each other if it wasnt for the gap and the fact that i just want to be single for life.
(27 June 2018)

I find it hard to believe that its normal and im looking for an outside point of view on all this.
(27 June 2018)

Shes in tears saying im destroying her life and keeps telling me that its ok to be with someone older and that there are plenty of people out there like us.
(27 June 2018)

I feel very guilty and i dont know how to fix it.
(27 June 2018)

We met in a club and i intended it to be a on night stand but she wanted a relationship and i know its wrong what i did.
(27 June 2018)

But theres always something that brings us back together again.
(27 June 2018)

I tried to end it since day 1 and it happened quite alot since then, because i think its wrong for us to be together because of the massive age gap between us and also because i simply want to be single for life.
(27 June 2018)

Weve been seeing each other for 8 months now.
(27 June 2018)


The US men’s basketball team is steamrolling everyone!_ Ida:I’ve been showing some symptoms like my nipples are sensitive, I’m a little bloated, moody, gassy, I rarely have nausea.(28 June 2018) Ida:And should I retake it again the upcoming Sunday?(28 June 2018) Ida:I took a test on Tuesday and it came out negative, but could I have taken it [...]

So the other day my ex texted me saying he still had feelings and all that.
(27 June 2018)

How to ask her out through a drive way?
(27 June 2018)

I want to go ahain today to ask her out.
(27 June 2018)

Is using profanity with someone else in a conversation often interfering with them?
(27 June 2018)

Someone floors it driving on my road every night?
(27 June 2018)

I live in a suburban neighborhood so I believe that he's probably driving home every night, potentially to the apartments at the end of the neighborhood.
(27 June 2018)

Last week he flew down my road and about 3 minutes later a cop drove down it with his lights on but this guy still goes as fast a possible every single night.
(27 June 2018)

It's not causing any problems to me personally but I'd love to see this guy get caught.
(27 June 2018)

Every weekday night between 10:30 - 11:00 pm someone on a motorcycle floors it down my road.
(27 June 2018)

Best friend advice?
(27 June 2018)


The US men’s basketball team is steamrolling everyone!_ Ida:I’ve been showing some symptoms like my nipples are sensitive, I’m a little bloated, moody, gassy, I rarely have nausea.(28 June 2018) Ida:And should I retake it again the upcoming Sunday?(28 June 2018) Ida:I took a test on Tuesday and it came out negative, but could I have taken it [...]

My boyfriend and I signed a lease with his best friend who recently had a baby with his gf.
(26 June 2018)

Do you ignore someone u like?
(26 June 2018)

What it means when someone say they like you but ignore you then start talking to u then ignore u again?
(26 June 2018)

Has divorce created a negative domino effect on how marriage is treated?
(26 June 2018)

Divorcing like it never even happened, do you think that the mass acceptance of divorce caused us to slowly come to this point of rushed marriages and broken families, or is there another factor?
(26 June 2018)

It seems like people jump into marriage quickly, don't take marriage as seriously as they should, and jump back out once things get rough.
(26 June 2018)

How hot and sexy is Abigail breslin?
(26 June 2018)

The daughter of the mother dog is biting the mother. Is there any way to fix this?
(26 June 2018)

I know for sure the daughter has no bad experiences in the past and for the mother as well. (this is the mother's 6th daughter).
(26 June 2018)

Also the mother bites her leg a lot and it gets her paws all wet.
(26 June 2018)

Fun on a Wednesday Night (Pics)

Some more pics for your enjoyment._ Treena:I love him (please don t suggest leaving, I m not planning on that) but I struggle to let myself live with him watching porn.(28 June 2018) Treena:I ve told him I don t like it before too.(28 June 2018) Treena:He casually just turns it on like it s a normal everyday [...]

I wanted to know how I can make my ex crush jealous and possibly regret her decision.
(26 June 2018)

Why are people so cruel to other people who have disabilities and are sensitive than other people?
(26 June 2018)

My dress is not junk and it is something important to me.
(26 June 2018)

My friend hank called my dress junk and said to me, stop buying junk as this is what happens.
(26 June 2018)

I paid for this with my own birthday money and spent $85 on it and people don't know how devastating this is.
(26 June 2018)

My friends bash me and said that I deserved it because how much of a thief and jerk that I am.
(26 June 2018)

I am very depressed because the listing has ended and I can't place another order for it on amazon.
(26 June 2018)

The post office delivered the dress to someone in san francisco while I live in georgia.
(26 June 2018)

I got in january and it is already getting dirty.
(26 June 2018)

I'm afraid of putting it in the washer because I am afraid the washer is gonna damage it.
(26 June 2018)

Friday 29 June 2018


How does one get started with it._ Ileana:My sister doesn’t know if she ever wants to go back but my wife’s family lives there so we have too.(28 June 2018) Ileana:It said one of the girls attend Wright State University my wife’s cousin also went there that is creepy.(28 June 2018) Ileana:The scary thing is it happened right [...]

I'm 22 and it's my first time being away from my family and my girlfriend is back home for summer.
(26 June 2018)

Recently I moved to a new city to go to the same school my girlfriend is going to.
(26 June 2018)

Will the person know if I block them on Snapchat?
(26 June 2018)

I'm not hurt or anything because I don't want that slut in my life anyways, I'm just wondering...
(26 June 2018)

Usually she always talked to me and stuff but now she's not.
(26 June 2018)

I went in there yesterday to get my drink and she didn't even smile at me, I avoided eye contact with her, she didn't say hi and she walked to the back room without saying anything to me.
(26 June 2018)

Anyways we were gonna go out but I decided to block her because I don't think it will work out.
(26 June 2018)

I didn't even ask for it, she told me to add her so I did.
(26 June 2018)

I asked her out one day and she gave me her Snapchat.
(26 June 2018)

There's a girl I like that works at a Jimmy John's right next to my store and I always go there to get drinks and she always gives me free drinks and stuff.
(26 June 2018)

Naked in the doorway

Anyone ever answer the door naked? Supposedly a cartoonist in Boston or a small town in Texas (depends on where he was living at the time) had his predetermined masturbatory fun time interrupted by a_ Codi:Anyways I talked to her about it and she was really upset with me and said I can’t date him because [...]

I don't have a job either due to the ride issue again.
(26 June 2018)

I see no point in getting a driver's permit since my parents take their cars to work, so I wouldn't get to use it.
(26 June 2018)

They come over sometimes but rarely cuz it's a bit of a drive.
(26 June 2018)

Whenever my friends invite me to places I can almost never go, cuz I don't have a ride and don't have money to always be paying the bus.
(26 June 2018)

I don't have a dog due to the landlord's rules.
(26 June 2018)

It gets annoying cuz it's a small house with almost no yard.
(26 June 2018)

Missin out on all the summer for fun.
(26 June 2018)

My dad works 2 days then has the next day off, and it's been that way for a Long time now.
(26 June 2018)

My mom has a morning and night job so I don't see her much.
(26 June 2018)

Lots of teens enjoy this, but this is going too far.
(26 June 2018)

Are you my “fantasy”guy?

I want to tell you what I do at night before I fall asleep. Sometimes I hope my guy is doing something similar. I climb in, pull the covers up over me, then slip off the tee shirt I wear to bed, fold_ Ocie:My mom only called to tell her to come home.(27 June 2018) Ocie:It was [...]

I thought I was a part of this family, but in the same way, there is a different dynamic especially where there's a language barrier.
(26 June 2018)

My husband's girlfriend won't be going even though she is fluent in Italian but that's because she works all the time.
(26 June 2018)

Even my husband's mother said he should bring me next time.
(26 June 2018)

But I don't see why I shouldn't be included.
(26 June 2018)

She speaks only Italian and knows no English.
(26 June 2018)

It seems his brother wants it to just be them when the visit her for the last time.
(26 June 2018)

My husband won't likely ever see her again.
(26 June 2018)

Where can you find a girl that looks this beautiful?
(26 June 2018)

Help i got hiv from my dad what do i do?
(26 June 2018)

What's being a man now a days? Getting a full time job? Making money? Becoming really strong so you can beat the crap out of everyone?
(26 June 2018)

HNW: Out of Ice Cream

But I’ve got hot fudge![image]_ Verona:Why is he worried about me?(27 June 2018) Verona:And it just surprises me that he’s worried, but why.(27 June 2018) Verona:He’s always been the sweet guy to make me food and to cover me in a blanket when we have group hang outs at a friend’s house.(27 June 2018) Verona:I asked why he was [...]

As my cousin likes to describe looks like I am being possessed.
(26 June 2018)

Close friends and family members have said I do it when I like something I am eating, when I'm talking, and sometimes when I am just staring off into space.
(26 June 2018)

I don't notice when I'm doing it.
(26 June 2018)

Is it legal for my parents to ground my brother for being gay?
(26 June 2018)

They took his TV and replaced his iPhone with a flip phone that doesn't have an internet browser.
(26 June 2018)

My brother is 17 and my parents said until he moves out he isn't allowed to leave the house except for work or school.
(26 June 2018)

Should i feel guilty about this? what should i say to her?
(26 June 2018)

Last night she says she is stressing over it and might not have enough money and that i would go without her.
(26 June 2018)

Divorcing I legally obligated to financially support my stay-at-home mom?
(26 June 2018)

How does the court usually handle the property for stay-at-home mom?
(26 June 2018)

HNW: Out of Ice Cream

But I’ve got hot fudge![image]_ Verona:Why is he worried about me?(27 June 2018) Verona:And it just surprises me that he’s worried, but why.(27 June 2018) Verona:He’s always been the sweet guy to make me food and to cover me in a blanket when we have group hang outs at a friend’s house.(27 June 2018) Verona:I asked why he was [...]

How does the court usually handle the property for stay-at-home mom?
(26 June 2018)

Or, will the court encourage my mom to find a job?
(26 June 2018)

I love my mom and want to support her, but I just started my career and do not have high income.
(26 June 2018)

Will I be legally obligated to financially support my mom because I am adult and financially independent?
(26 June 2018)

It s a very emotional moment for me... I worry how my mom s life will be ruined since she has no income.
(26 June 2018)

My parents are in progress getting a divorce.
(26 June 2018)

I am 25, finished graduate school, now financially independent and live my own.
(26 June 2018)

Family stressing me out..not sure how to handle situations.?
(26 June 2018)

How do I handle situations where she tries to bring my Mom down just to make herself look good and how do I keep my distance from her without discluding my dad from my life..?
(26 June 2018)

And I know she stresses out more people than just me and many people in my family cant be around her long.
(26 June 2018)

It Was A Hot & Stickey Night.

For Those Who Again Could Not View My Profile Pic.I was Feeling Creative Again & Shot The Mother Load So To Speak.Well The Portion Of It That Remained On My Cock Anyway.[image]My New Profile Pic.[_ Pamella:I wondered how my father knew where I lived and my married last name.(27 June 2018) Pamella:Also, I have blocked them on [...]

I feel he let me down at my time of need.
(25 June 2018)

I am not mad but he shouldnt of said yes then a no.
(25 June 2018)

Was willing to five recipts too.
(25 June 2018)

I asked to lend $800. And that I would start paying him back $100 weekly and even more next month to get over with.
(25 June 2018)

He said it will take a long time to repay him back.
(25 June 2018)

First he said yes he would lend me money.
(25 June 2018)

How to turn my gay friend straight so he likes me?
(25 June 2018)

How to make him straight so he notices me?
(25 June 2018)

He is super hot and we've kissed cheeks a few times so we're already pretty close but I still want him to be my bf so we can actually kiss and stuff.
(25 June 2018)

He'll compliment me of course like all the time, but in a friendly way.
(25 June 2018)

Thursday 28 June 2018

OOPS! His Friend Fucked my Pussy

I ‘m not as scandalous as you think..shit just happens sometimes I dont always ask for it…but when I’m faced with certain things, its hard to resist…I used to be so hot in the ass,all it took was_ Edward:Her parents have recently just given in in order to not hurt their relationship.(26 June 2018) Edward:My sister in [...]

Help with nudes?
(25 June 2018)

I was talking with my friend and we were going to exchange nudes, my dick won't get hard so I can't send back.
(25 June 2018)

Which type of brother is more protective of his sister: an older brother or an younger brother?
(25 June 2018)

Or are younger brothers more protective of their older sisters than older brothers are to their younger sisters?
(25 June 2018)

So the question is basically is: Are older brothers more protective of their younger sisters than younger brothers are to their older sisters?
(25 June 2018)

Would I have a chance with him?
(25 June 2018)

Should I bring anything up to him or should I just do nothing and let him make the first move if he's interested?
(25 June 2018)

I don't know if he's interested or just a really good friend.
(25 June 2018)

I went on a trip and I was having a really tough time and we talked on the phone for half an hour and he was really tired but he didn't complain.
(25 June 2018)

We'll hang out at Sonic (small town hangout) and he'll stick around even if he's tired.
(25 June 2018)

OOPS! His Friend Fucked my Pussy

I ‘m not as scandalous as you think..shit just happens sometimes I dont always ask for it…but when I’m faced with certain things, its hard to resist…I used to be so hot in the ass,all it took was_ Edward:Her parents have recently just given in in order to not hurt their relationship.(26 June 2018) Edward:My sister in [...]

I have a friend I've known for several years.
(25 June 2018)

What does it mean when a girl touches your stomache for 2 seconds a couple of times when she sees you?
(25 June 2018)

Is there a reason why women do this?
(25 June 2018)

Is there any significance on this?
(25 June 2018)

Then she touched my stomache,of course I was wearing a shirt and i felt very confused.
(25 June 2018)

She would put her arm close to mine.
(25 June 2018)

The last day she came I could feel a her desire of me wanting her.
(25 June 2018)

But we're trying to stay friends nothing else.
(25 June 2018)

She kinda did check me out a day.
(25 June 2018)

My used to be fwb comes visit me whenever she wants to talk her feelings out about someone else.
(25 June 2018)

What is the deal with AFF

What is the deal with Meelp?We still have 0 points after adding pictures and doing things that are supposed to earn points according to the “Points Program” page. Are points broken or more false adve_ Reginia:And now his brothers (he has 2) got a new tv and are always asking him to go over there.(26 June [...]

So I m just here to vent and turn it into a joke.
(24 June 2018)

My friends keep asking if I m okay and if I need to talk and I keep saying I m fine but I actually want to talk but I feel like I m selfish.
(24 June 2018)

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you have an irregular period?
(24 June 2018)

Most women have a 28 day cycle but mine is usually wayyyy less than that so Is there a chance I could get pregnant even though my periods are very irregular?
(24 June 2018)

I've been pregnant twice so infertility isn't the problem.
(24 June 2018)

It came on June 6th-10th and it came again on June 20th and I'm still bleeding now which is weird because I usually don't bleed bright red on the 5th day.
(24 June 2018)

Okay so I'm 19 and my periods are very irregular and I came on my period twice this month.
(24 June 2018)

Are there people who are inviting to random strangers they just met if they seem harmless?
(24 June 2018)

Childbirth caused my cervix to be pointing down?
(24 June 2018)

My only child is 4 years old and I've never asked my doctor...
(24 June 2018)

Wednesday 27 June 2018

HNW–278th . . . Ice Cream

[image width=300 height=300]This week’s theme is ice cream. My favorite flavor is Cherry Garcia, but it’s not easy to find on this little isle. I’m settling for chocolate mint. What’s_ Guillermina:Of course, when does my youngest sister ever say no to a vacation.(24 June 2018) Guillermina:She didn’t even consider my dad because he would rather go see [...]

The issue is, She isn't just annoying.
(23 June 2018)

My mom found out about my long distance relationship. Help?
(23 June 2018)

The problem is that my mom doesn t think she who she says she is and now she blocking stuff on my phone until I end it.
(23 June 2018)

Like I have a pic of her school id and sadly her birth certificate (sad that I needed that) We are both 18 , but she lives in the Philippines and I live in the United States.
(23 June 2018)

I know her and she is who she says she is and I have tons of proof.
(23 June 2018)

So my mom found out about my girlfriend and she wants me to delete the app that I talk to her on and break up with her.
(23 June 2018)

Do you think men and women can be casual friends?
(23 June 2018)

HELP! Girl in my group of friends is suicidal!?
(23 June 2018)

How should we, as a group, go about not being friends with this girl?
(23 June 2018)

One of the girls in the group (the only one other than me) has started harassing and causing a lot of problems within our group.
(23 June 2018)

HNW–278th . . . Ice Cream

[image width=300 height=300]This week’s theme is ice cream. My favorite flavor is Cherry Garcia, but it’s not easy to find on this little isle. I’m settling for chocolate mint. What’s_ Guillermina:Of course, when does my youngest sister ever say no to a vacation.(24 June 2018) Guillermina:She didn’t even consider my dad because he would rather go see [...]

Tset adawd?
(23 June 2018)

In your opinion what Australian city has the friendliest people and best dating scene??
(23 June 2018)

Are there any cities I should avoid going to as a single person?
(23 June 2018)

I am white and sadly a bit chubby.
(23 June 2018)

I also am interested in finding a girlfriend.
(23 June 2018)

I'm pretty outgoing and am willing to put my self out there.
(23 June 2018)

I have considered moving to many different cities in Australia (assuming I can get a visa). I worry that I might find it lonely in Australia.
(23 June 2018)

I'm from the U.S and am considering moving to Australia after my masters degree in clinical psychology.
(23 June 2018)

Where can i meet insecure women with super low standards and self esteem?
(23 June 2018)

So I slid into her dms and asked her out but she told me she had a boyfriend.
(23 June 2018)

She Sent Me A Text Meant for DUMBASS!

I just don’t get my daughter. I don’t see what she sees in dumbass. Apparently they are fighting and she sent him this text: I have NEVER said this sappy to a bf or my ex husband or a lover, e_ Becki:I complimented her on looking good and she responded well, but when talking to her [...]

She's good to me and my son, I just want more.
(23 June 2018)

Ok so I been with my gf for 7yrs and she still hasn't asked to marry me.
(23 June 2018)

Why my mother keeps on fighting my father?
(23 June 2018)

My friend of 20 years husband retired and now he does not allow our friendship?
(23 June 2018)

She calls me for about 10 minutes when she is out shopping etc.
(23 June 2018)

I do not have a clue where the new place is or her new phone number.
(23 June 2018)

They have moved into a new house.
(23 June 2018)

What if you make a racist joke before realizing he has a black girlfriend?
(23 June 2018)

Has anyone been in this type of situation before?
(23 June 2018)

My wife is going to an evening wedding?
(23 June 2018)

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Who ya gonna call….?

I guess I need to go to work for the ghostbusters. Yet again, I have been ghosted. I just don’t understand it. I saw a hot guy checked out my profile. I checked out his. Emailed him and told him thank_ Glynda:I’ve been working for this contracting company for nearly two years.(23 June 2018) Apryl:What can I [...]

They are 17 ever since they were born I ripped up their ssn, refuse to get them an ID refuse to teach them to drive, refuse to get them a credit card so they can use Uber.
(22 June 2018)

They never stop calling me a worthless father.
(22 June 2018)

What means if a guy ask you if you bite when you give head and then he tell you that he will slap your face with his penis?
(22 June 2018)

My bf and I have talked about babies but he doesn't want a baby until after he turns 21, which is in the next week.
(22 June 2018)

Does she look like Kurt cobain slightly?
(22 June 2018)

Is this a sign that she is the one for me, or am I just a shallow naif guy?
(22 June 2018)

I kissed her many times where her heart was.
(22 June 2018)

I just got out of my mind lying like that on her bare chest, I didnt say anythung but I was so happy.
(22 June 2018)

I felt some kind of feeling I dont down how to describe it, but I know what she went through in her life, her hardships, I love her shyness and the fact that shes so sweet, I want her all for myself.
(22 June 2018)

I just couod have died like that.
(22 June 2018)

Who ya gonna call….?

I guess I need to go to work for the ghostbusters. Yet again, I have been ghosted. I just don’t understand it. I saw a hot guy checked out my profile. I checked out his. Emailed him and told him thank_ Glynda:I’ve been working for this contracting company for nearly two years.(23 June 2018) Apryl:What can I [...]

Is my wife's strictness affecting my little brother?
(22 June 2018)

What can I do in this situation ?
(22 June 2018)

My wife acknowledges this but refuses to lighten up the burden or at least praise him.
(22 June 2018)

He also has grown more depressed.
(22 June 2018)

He doesn't study the way he used to nor he does anything else with the determination like he had in the past.
(22 June 2018)

Sje says that she is doing this to make him work even harder but I believe that its affecting him negatively.
(22 June 2018)

Whenever he gets an A, she usually acts indifferent.
(22 June 2018)

She is very strict when it comes to studies and has also setup a timetable for him to dp his daily routine.
(22 June 2018)

My wife loves him dearly as her younger brother and is usually pushing him to achieve success in life.
(22 June 2018)

He is 13 and is a good boy when it comes to his nature and personality.
(22 June 2018)

Darwin fun

In Darwin anyone like sum nude Fun IM me_ Marsha:I have less than a week worth of panties, 2 bras that aren t the correct cup size because my mother refuses to accept thar I m not an A cup like her, 3 dresses, 2 pairs of leggings, and 5 shirts.(23 June 2018) Cassaundra:Why does he laugh [...]

I went on one date with this guy over a year ago.
(22 June 2018)

I know this is dumb but I can't seem to get over this.
(22 June 2018)

My girlfriend said she wanted to fry my wee wee on a barbeque grill. Should i be worried?
(22 June 2018)

Why would this woman all the sudden apologize to me for her rude behavior last weekend?
(22 June 2018)

Last weekend at a friends wedding there was a woman who I used to know years ago who acted rude & snobby towards me yet she was being really nice & friend towards her high status friends.
(22 June 2018)

Why do I keep having fantasies about sleeping with a 60 yr old man?
(22 June 2018)

He's on the heavy side but he is cute his facial hairs is neat like the guy from Fresh Prince.
(22 June 2018)

He is a musician at my church and he is like 13 yrs older than me but all I can see is us having sex.
(22 June 2018)

Help with possible stalker?
(22 June 2018)

How do i feel more confident around my boyfriend?
(22 June 2018)

Candle light. and. you.

There’s no easy way to explain, how i feel for youSo i say with every emotion, what falling in love can doTo my romantic heart, you’ve helped me through the rainTake me in your arms, I give you contro_ Esta:When anyone around ugly, short, tall or bea, has a husband or a boyfriend and dated many [...]

I love having fun at music festivals similar to Woodstock, and have a strong passion for art and hippy culture.
(22 June 2018)

Or they have salary jobs but don't play music and make art and use drugs recreationally.
(22 June 2018)

It seems like all guys either use psychedelics and are hippies like me, but don't have good salary jobs.
(22 June 2018)

I literally don't even care, yet he is always getting drunk and saying I will leave him for someone who works, when I really just care about men having open minds and having fun with me.
(22 June 2018)

So I love my boyfriend of 8 years, but he is always insecure around me for having a good job, as he lives off money from his rich big pharma parents and doesn't work.
(22 June 2018)

If I have a working lunch do I still get a break?
(22 June 2018)

I have a 30 minute lunch break through the contract for my salaried job, but am asked to attend a meeting where we are served lunch, should I still get a 30 minute break?
(22 June 2018)

Should I send him this from an annonymous account on facebook?
(22 June 2018)

There's only one way to find out and that's by asking or will it just put him off?
(22 June 2018)

He might be perfectly content marking his work while I watch the telly every night and we can just sit and ignore each other or he might get bored of me.
(22 June 2018)

Monday 25 June 2018

Our First MFMF Together

Written by the Gemini…Well, I can take MFMF off my sexual bucket list, and we can take it off *our* sexual bucket list as well. On 7/29/16, we met up with…hung out with…and hooked up with anothe_ Zoila:She’s so mad and upset she keeps hitting me it’s almost midnight she won’t go to sleep she’s too [...]

He told me he was the happiest man on earth because of me and I was the best thing that ever happened to him.
(21 June 2018)

I have a child outside my current relationship. My lady doesn't know yet. How do I tell her? How do I prepare myself for her to leave me?
(21 June 2018)

How do I tell the love of my life this?
(21 June 2018)

But I have just learned that she is pregnant and is expecting in 2 months.
(21 June 2018)

About 2 mo after we broke up, I dealt with another girl.
(21 June 2018)

We have met each other's children, families have met.
(21 June 2018)

Now we have dated for 4 months and it very serious.
(21 June 2018)

We dated for 3 mo, and broke up. 5 Mo later, she calls me and we immediately rekindled our relationship.
(21 June 2018)

Everything about her is perfect and i see marriage in our future.
(21 June 2018)

GUYS PLEASE HELP. (Need a males opinion)?
(21 June 2018)

Our First MFMF Together

Written by the Gemini…Well, I can take MFMF off my sexual bucket list, and we can take it off *our* sexual bucket list as well. On 7/29/16, we met up with…hung out with…and hooked up with anothe_ Zoila:She’s so mad and upset she keeps hitting me it’s almost midnight she won’t go to sleep she’s too [...]

He told me he was the happiest man on earth because of me and I was the best thing that ever happened to him.
(21 June 2018)

I have a child outside my current relationship. My lady doesn't know yet. How do I tell her? How do I prepare myself for her to leave me?
(21 June 2018)

How do I tell the love of my life this?
(21 June 2018)

But I have just learned that she is pregnant and is expecting in 2 months.
(21 June 2018)

About 2 mo after we broke up, I dealt with another girl.
(21 June 2018)

We have met each other's children, families have met.
(21 June 2018)

Now we have dated for 4 months and it very serious.
(21 June 2018)

We dated for 3 mo, and broke up. 5 Mo later, she calls me and we immediately rekindled our relationship.
(21 June 2018)

Everything about her is perfect and i see marriage in our future.
(21 June 2018)

GUYS PLEASE HELP. (Need a males opinion)?
(21 June 2018)

Older Men and some young ones too….

I had a recent new friend that has the same sexual issue that many other men have. I do not see it as an issue, have taught myself how to please even the softest of men.But, however the constant yack_ Laurie:We’re each other’s first relationship, and love each other deeply.(21 June 2018) Laurie:My bf has truly done [...]

Not marriage but in a relationship that could lead to marriage eventually?
(21 June 2018)

Why does my half brothers do this?
(21 June 2018)

I'm 30 and I avoid them at all cost.
(21 June 2018)

My sister was raised with me to.
(21 June 2018)

My sister said 'he never have a father, and you all do' she said that to my half brothers.
(21 June 2018)

Them and my stepdad tries to run over me and says things like I don't have the masculinity of a normal man.
(21 June 2018)

Or they try to say something so they can get a reaction out of me.
(21 June 2018)

They ride me for not having a backbone and make fun of me because I am supposedly 'weak' they try to bully me.
(21 June 2018)

My half brothers have an athletic physique, and they excessibly use the word gay in their sentence.
(21 June 2018)

I live with my grandparents all my life My mom and stepdad married and had two children of their own, my half brothers.
(21 June 2018)

Sunday 24 June 2018

Return of the strange dreams.

Some of you who have gotten to know me off site know that I don’t always (or should I say rarely) sleep well. And before anyone gets to it. I have been to a doctor once or twice. No reason was_ Lakisha:All I have to say is middle school sucks lol.(21 June 2018) Lakisha:And now I avoid [...]

I want to help her as much as I can, but I also don't want to hurt myself.
(20 June 2018)

While I am grieving, her grief is so much worse than mine ever could be.
(20 June 2018)

And since she recently discovered his suicide note (entirely addressed to me), I know she still feels like I have some type of connection to her.
(20 June 2018)

BUT I also know she feels like she needs to meet someone who her son was with for over 2.5 years, who had a significant impact on his life.
(20 June 2018)

I am worried it will drag up feelings and stressors I have either gotten over or pushed aside and I don't want to derail my healing progress.
(20 June 2018)

The problem for me is that I am not entirely certain I really want to meet her.
(20 June 2018)

She is still grieving, as am I, and she would like to meet me still, even though he is no longer with us.
(20 June 2018)

Here's the catch: my former fiance took his own life in the beginning of this year.
(20 June 2018)

She wants to meet me for the first time now that she is in the country and will be in time for a while.
(20 June 2018)

My former fiance's mother is in town and I have never formally met her.
(20 June 2018)

*** A screwed up day

What a day it was yesterday! My old computer had been failing over the last week or so. I went to a big box store and ordered my first new computer in a long time . I had their geek department do_ Cassey:I am a white male met a beautiful Latina why did she tell me [...]

Do you still masturbate (by yourself when your partner isn't around)?
(20 June 2018)

Any thoughts and advice on how to help?
(20 June 2018)

Everyday he's been angry, hatful and seems like he's lost all hope.
(20 June 2018)

There alot more to all that but not going in detail but for years this stuff you couldn't tell he went through it because of how kind he was.
(20 June 2018)

He's been through alot of abuse as a kid and has been cheated on by girlfriends.
(20 June 2018)

And he just acts just as hatful and angry and he never has been like this before.
(20 June 2018)

But now his eyes have become dark and you can see so much hatred and rage in his eyes.
(20 June 2018)

His eyes used to be bright and he always willing to help people.
(20 June 2018)

He's always laughing and smiling and is friendly to everyone but lately things have changed.
(20 June 2018)

He's never let that stuff bother him before and you would never be able to tell he's been through some horrible things in his life.
(20 June 2018)

Saturday 23 June 2018

a quote for the day

There is no doom so black and deep that courage and clear sight cannot find a way beyond it…From The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson_ Hedy:He tries to pretend like hes gonna gwt something to make me feel better, bit he bought a drink he could have gogten for free where we work.(20 [...]

Is 4 outfits and 2 toys good enough for a 1 year olds birthday?
(20 June 2018)

BQ: Is it weird to give 2 people the same type of gift?
(20 June 2018)

Why my cousin is regards with me and his mom is hating with me?
(20 June 2018)

Usually tells, I add, says the female, she is very angry about my face but, day by day I become a nice woman.
(20 June 2018)

My nieces are being verbally abused by their parents. What can I do?
(20 June 2018)

Just think people are being mean to them when this is brought up.
(20 June 2018)

The parents will not listen to reason.
(20 June 2018)

Is there anything I can do to help these kids?
(20 June 2018)

Specifically the yelling and name calling is what I think is abusive.
(20 June 2018)

I understand that this is bad parenting, but it is verging on abuse for me and I am concerned about their future development.
(20 June 2018)

a quote for the day

There is no doom so black and deep that courage and clear sight cannot find a way beyond it…From The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson_ Hedy:He tries to pretend like hes gonna gwt something to make me feel better, bit he bought a drink he could have gogten for free where we work.(20 [...]

For native English speakers: What is the difference between these two? a) I didn't know you are married. b) I didn't know you were married?
(20 June 2018)

Probably you got divorced and now you're single.
(20 June 2018)

In b), I just learned that you were married before.
(20 June 2018)

My understanding is ... In a), you are married and I just learned it.
(20 June 2018)

So i had sex with another guy and I told my ex?
(20 June 2018)

He just doesnt know because hes hurt that i did that.
(20 June 2018)

He wants to get back together and I think i want to as well.
(20 June 2018)

I told my ex and he's very hurt.
(20 June 2018)

We broke up about two months ago and I recently had sex with someone else.
(20 June 2018)

We both lost our virginities to each other.
(20 June 2018)

Friday 22 June 2018


Happy Saturday!!Hope everyone is having a Great Day…._ Velma:He gives it to me and then leaves, then I chase after him and thank him and he just smiles and walks away.(18 June 2018) Velma:He brings me Starbucks and some cookies.(18 June 2018) Velma:This guy friend made me super happy after being sad the entire day because of a [...]

Reason they did this?
(19 June 2018)

Should i just kill myself since i can't get women?
(19 June 2018)

I am respectful with women, what is wrong with me?
(19 June 2018)

I groom myself, just to not have a woman.
(19 June 2018)

But can't help feeling something is wrong with me.
(19 June 2018)

Don't go certain places, and i don't approach women, because of trust issues and rejection.
(19 June 2018)

I am not in a relationship, seemingly any guy can get a woman.
(19 June 2018)

Though now, i am not getting likes or replies to my messages.
(19 June 2018)

Have been told i was handsome, get likes on profile.
(19 June 2018)

I am, 30 tall, slim, light skin, i keep my beard trim, generally keep hair cut.
(19 June 2018)

……Belated Freaky Friday

Late on this too, hopefully you’ll get a chuckle or two anyway! Ten pictures attached_ Iva:He was always adding girls on FB and I just never trusted him and finally I had had enough and dumped me.(18 June 2018) Iva:I dated a guy that was a heroin addict for 2 years. he would drink all day didn’t [...]

So recently my friends and I discussed things we found dumb about school such as the dress code.
(19 June 2018)

What do girls up in the sticks do?
(19 June 2018)

What is their lifestyle and what do they do?
(19 June 2018)

A woman who lives in the country, right up in the sticks.
(19 June 2018)

If my(19) aunt(67) has a daughter(49) and she(49) has a son(13) is she and her son my aunt and my cousin?
(19 June 2018)

Do professors have crush on students?
(19 June 2018)

Like I notice some professors staring at shorts of female students or their body and their faces get red or they make small talk.
(19 June 2018)

She hasn't texted me back in 24 hours but she seems really interested in me, what do I do?
(19 June 2018)

I understand she's busy but I don't get that she hasn't texted me back in over a day but will send a random snapchat to me here and there.
(19 June 2018)

I felt a connection with her and I could tell that I can really see myself with her.
(19 June 2018)

Some Sun, a Shower and a Shave….

If you’ve seen my profile photos, you’ll see I was asking all of you if I could get away with wearing a bikini. I was going to wait until our cruise later this year, but I was feeling pretty h_ Kristi:We still see his ex from two years ago around campus, and sometimes when she’s around [...]

If a white guy has a kid with a girl who is mixed (white & black) how likely is it that the kids will look more like the mom, skin tone wise?
(19 June 2018)

I'm an overthinker and I'm also very clueless.
(19 June 2018)

Any tips on how to tell if he's simply more friendly towards me or if he is showing interest?
(19 June 2018)

He's the type that many girls like because he is really handsome and athletic and popular, and I'm a pretty ordinary person with a verrryyy ordinary face.
(19 June 2018)

However, he texts first often, always sits close to me, tells me that certain things made him think of me etc. just small little things that I might be overthinking.
(19 June 2018)

And by that I mean he is really nerdy and quirky and just not the person that openly hits on girls.
(19 June 2018)

We text quite a bit and has shown signs of what could be flirtyness, but he isn't really the type of person to actively and romantically flirt with anybody.
(19 June 2018)

Basically there is this guy in my class and he is really nice, very sweet, and has a good sense of humor.
(19 June 2018)

Was my girl turned on? Please help?
(19 June 2018)

After about 5 minutes she moved her hand a little so my hand slid between her palm and her vagina.
(19 June 2018)

Thursday 21 June 2018

long hot summer

as hot as it is I am still wanting more and more sex_ Barabara:Recently I was rejected by a girl that i loved so much, she was interested in someone else.(17 June 2018) Zulema:Question. I go to this bar a lot with my boyfriend. There is this one lady who comes in there a lot too(and she [...]

So, he can only see mutual friends.
(17 June 2018)

However, he tend to always watch my friends' list.
(17 June 2018)

He's a great boyfriend and we love each other.
(17 June 2018)

However, he tells me to unfriend and block certain people that he may not approve of.
(17 June 2018)

Also, he never posts our pictures or pictures of me.
(17 June 2018)

However, he never likes or comments on my social-media.
(17 June 2018)

So, we've been friends for the last 9 months.
(17 June 2018)

My boyfriend requested that we should become friends on social media (Instagram and Facebook). We are both in our mid twenties.
(17 June 2018)

What are reasons he would want to have a baby with me so badly?
(17 June 2018)

I find this is rare for men compared to women....or so it seems.
(17 June 2018)

long hot summer

as hot as it is I am still wanting more and more sex_ Barabara:Recently I was rejected by a girl that i loved so much, she was interested in someone else.(17 June 2018) Zulema:Question. I go to this bar a lot with my boyfriend. There is this one lady who comes in there a lot too(and she [...]

Why would he be so sweet and caring and all of the sudden cut me off?
(17 June 2018)

Now suddenly, no text, no calls...nothing.
(17 June 2018)

Anyway, I brought up to him two days ago about how I discovered we have talked every single day since April.
(17 June 2018)

He is aware that I have had a crush on him in the past and we often joke about it.
(17 June 2018)

He has been very vocal about wanting me to get away from my ex and become independent etc... I thoroughly enjoy our conversations.
(17 June 2018)

He and I have talked every day for over two months now, sometimes for hours.
(17 June 2018)

What day during your fertile window do you actually ovulate? Very confused?
(17 June 2018)

Once ovulation is over, then what?
(17 June 2018)

After days of said discharge, what day would I have actually ovulated?
(17 June 2018)

I've read that ovulation only lasts 12-24 hours.
(17 June 2018)

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Alone And Thinking

Watching an old TV showWith a scene in a restaurantContaining a lounge A pianist playing a song.No wordsJust instrumental.I might have liked Such a settingFor a date Once upon a time.Were I from that_ Willodean:Please answer this question about my job?(15 June 2018) Willodean:Should I trust them enough to talk to them?(15 June 2018) Willodean:But sometimes I get [...]

I can't help but resent him doing this.
(17 June 2018)

I get the impression that he must like or in some way or else he would not have done that.
(17 June 2018)

After that he went outside to smoke.
(17 June 2018)

Yesterday, he walked over by her(she was on the other side of the room) as he was going outside to smoke.and he just tapped her on her arm as he walked by her and touched he phone in a playful way.
(17 June 2018)

When I am in there with my boyfriend, sometimes she will come in and when she makes an entrances he looks her way and notices her, which I'm kind of puzzled about.
(17 June 2018)

My boyfriend says he thinks of her like a sister.
(17 June 2018)

Would it be ok to cuddle a girl on the first date?
(17 June 2018)

Would it be ok for us to cuddle?
(17 June 2018)

She's spending the night, cause her of family is having issues and her not really wanting to be home with them because of it.
(17 June 2018)

So I'm a 15 year old girl, haven't had much dating exspirence.. She's 19, we had our first date today.
(17 June 2018)


agaga_ Annika:Was I wrong for cutting him off cold turkey?(15 June 2018) Annika:I want him to feel the pain I be feeling.(15 June 2018) Annika:I kind of want him to feel what he always has put me through.(15 June 2018) Annika:What do you think he is thinking?(15 June 2018) Annika:Why do you think he is so mad this time out [...]

So when i finally get home i hit the gym, clean up the house, cook dinner shower up, and even wear a special pair of draws she loves.
(16 June 2018)

I couldn t even talk to her due to poor wifi.
(16 June 2018)

My thing is, the whole time i fantasize about my lady.
(16 June 2018)

We were blessed with this cruise but couple not add her.
(16 June 2018)

I could not bring my long term girlfriend for financial situations out of my control.
(16 June 2018)

So ive been on a cruise for the last week with my family.
(16 June 2018)

Have you noticed how the cons relentlessly made fun of Obama's children but the Libs rarely if ever make fun of Barron Trump?
(16 June 2018)

Obama's daughters were minors while he was President.
(16 June 2018)

I am talking about minor children, Trump's other kids are all adults so fair game.
(16 June 2018)

I guess it shows you who has more class.
(16 June 2018)

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Brain Hurts

I still have a headache. It went away for a while last night, but was there when I woke up at 5:30 for work. So, I said “Fuck it” and called in sick and went back to bed til 10. There is som_ Myra:And you end up thinking hes a really good guy.(14 June 2018) Myra:You two [...]

Why is it that I'm not allowed to listen to the music I want,I have a family member who won't let me listen to what I Want?
(15 June 2018)

I'm an adult and should be able to listen whatever music I like no matter what country it comes from.
(15 June 2018)

This family member says I should only listen to music from my roots which makes no sense.
(15 June 2018)

I'm going on a date tomorrow, any tips?
(15 June 2018)

We'll be going to see a movie together what do I say to her?
(15 June 2018)

So it's been awhile since I've been in this situation.
(15 June 2018)

My last gf and I were together for about 6 months.
(15 June 2018)

I'm kinda anxious about the whole thing.
(15 June 2018)

Tomorrow we go on a date together.
(15 June 2018)

A few weeks after my last girlfriend broke up with me; one of my friends started trying to flirt a bit with me.
(15 June 2018)

Brain Hurts

I still have a headache. It went away for a while last night, but was there when I woke up at 5:30 for work. So, I said “Fuck it” and called in sick and went back to bed til 10. There is som_ Myra:And you end up thinking hes a really good guy.(14 June 2018) Myra:You two [...]

I have anxiety should i kill myself?
(15 June 2018)

I am generally a nice person, but i am taken for some joke.
(15 June 2018)

If i do something for him, it isn't appreciated.
(15 June 2018)

He has to be right about everything, he doesn't apologize.
(15 June 2018)

He hates me defending myself, he have yelled, if i didn't shut up when he wanted me too.
(15 June 2018)

I use to be quiet, and am quiet but can be talkative.
(15 June 2018)

He barely speaks to me, but always talking to my sister.
(15 June 2018)

I help out around the house, i keep the grass cut, but regardless what i do it isn't appreciated.
(15 June 2018)

If i treat others like i feel i get treated i feel bad.
(15 June 2018)

But others doesn't have regard for me.
(15 June 2018)