Thursday 4 January 2018

Still having fun

It’s been a while since I posted so I figured I would let you all know I am still around and having fun_ Romana:I’m 16 and she’s 18. We video chat every night for at least five hours.(31 December 2017) Romana:And I recently got together with this girl.(31 December 2017) Charline:Is there a possibility i can be pregnant?(31 [...]

I have mild breast tenderness and my period is due January 7th.
(2 January 2018)

Which ever side I sleep on I feel shooting pains.
(2 January 2018)

I have heart burn and flank pain on and off.
(2 January 2018)

On the 15th I started feeling twinges I ve never felt before, back aches, period like cramps and nerve pain in my thighs.
(2 January 2018)

I had unprotected sex December 8th I wasn t trying though my period came December 10th 7 days late I believe due to stress the cramps weren t as intense but, there was a lot of bright red blood, it was very watery.
(2 January 2018)

Im 13 and I can't get over the death of my best friend. Help?
(2 January 2018)

Why is this happening and how do I move on?
(2 January 2018)

I cant get over it no matter how hard I try.
(2 January 2018)

I want him back more than anything in the world.
(2 January 2018)

I am never as happy as I used to be.
(2 January 2018)

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