Thursday 18 January 2018

Science and Living

Science is the Topic of the Nineteenth Virtual Symposium.Yesterday I ran my first Tough Mudder, a military-style obstacle course filled with fiendish challenges of strength and endurance. [image]Who a_ Theda:I’m just a loser that belongs in the dirt.(15 January 2018) Theda:Because size matters and 5.5×4.6 isnt big enough.(15 January 2018) Willena:What age should you let kids date?(15 January [...]

This broke my heart because on one hand I want my mom to be happy and proud of me and make her feel like she accomplished everyting as a parent but on the other hand I don't see anything wrong with my life.
(15 January 2018)

She also said that watching my lifestyle is depressing for her and she cries and worries about it all the time.
(15 January 2018)

She told e yesterday that she is worried for me and my future and that I might be single when she des and ill have no one to take care of me when I'm old so ill die lonely and old nevering having has the experience of having kids.
(15 January 2018)

So in her eyes I'm wayyyyy past my prime being 33 and all and she thinks there is something wrong with me for not having a boyfriend and not even looking.
(15 January 2018)

My mom is a immigrant from Ukraine Over there women are usually married by 25 and have kids.
(15 January 2018)

I'm 33 and live at home because of student loans and basically just out of laziness and comfort.
(15 January 2018)

Does this Neanderthal look Neanderthal to you?
(15 January 2018)

Help! Long lost best friend?
(15 January 2018)

She tends to keep a low profile on the internet in general... is there any way I could find her simply by first and last name?
(15 January 2018)

My friend moved away about a year and a half ago, since then we lost touch and we haven't talked since.
(15 January 2018)

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