Sunday 31 December 2017

Friday Attitude

Don’t know about y’all, but I am very glad to see the ass end of this weekHappy FridayLet the weekend beginSo…. What are y’all up to this happy weekend?_ Joshua:The mom goes on Facebook while they do nap time.(31 December 2017) Joshua:The kids throw a tantrum just because mom told them to take a nap from 130pm [...]

How come this chick is only attracted to me when the other dude wants her too?
(29 December 2017)

I get jealous and imagine killing him with my own hands.
(29 December 2017)

It's like him throwing a used towel to my face.
(29 December 2017)

I really don't feel like this chick is a conquest for me because I feel like I'm getting someone's sloppy seconds.
(29 December 2017)

He dumped her?
(29 December 2017)

I think he was a real jerk for not being honest and not communicating.
(29 December 2017)

What is your intake on this guy?
(29 December 2017)

Was she wrong for giving him back the jewelry set?
(29 December 2017)

He said he call her in 2 weeks but she doesn't want anything to do with him.
(29 December 2017)

He didn't give her a clear explanation.
(29 December 2017)

One Lone Tear

One lone tear rolls down my cheekOne glistening bit of evidenceTo show my heart is broken againmore proof any semblance of dignity is gonetaken from me and destroyedBy the actions of anotherWho was ne_ Saturnina:By doing this are they getting the feeling I’m purposely pushing them away?(31 December 2017) Saturnina:But because of this we never really get [...]

I met a much older man when I was separated from my husband 2 years ago.
(29 December 2017)

Best name for a boy?
(28 December 2017)

Bennett, Benton, Bentley, another form that we could use Benny as a nickname.
(28 December 2017)

Can a school look up parents?
(28 December 2017)

I'm worried about my friend he has got into some weird fetish?
(28 December 2017)

How do student bank accounts work?
(28 December 2017)

Does it pop up when he signs in with his user ID and password for his personal bank account, or does he have to sign in with my user id and password which is to only my account?
(28 December 2017)

I have a student bank account which my father is listed on since I am under 18.My question is how does he view my bank account?
(28 December 2017)

Should I email my ex?
(28 December 2017)

So, before this year is over, I wanna email my ex and tell her all the things I regretted doing in our relationship and how I'm sorry.
(28 December 2017)

Tick Warning

TICK WARNING! I hate it when people post bogus warnings, but this one is real. If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warm weather and asks you to take your_ Daina:I just felt so bad and she has hurt me so much, basically ruined my life, i [...]

I want to name my daughter Purity, but my husband doesn't like it. What do you think?
(28 December 2017)

German Shepherd dogs names for boy or girl?
(28 December 2017)

Tomboy daughter refuses to wear girls clothes and dresses inappropriately?
(28 December 2017)

My husband and I want to give our baby a traditional Muslim name, but my American cousin says our choice is bad, I don't understand why?
(28 December 2017)

Guys, which of these names are prettier-cooler for girls?
(28 December 2017)

Kassandra Alice Quinn Diana Jennifer Jessica Alejandra Elena Rose Elizabeth Sigrid Grace Melissa Alejandra Angela Maggie Roxanne Claudia Maria Gloria Emily Christina Alyssa Isabel Lilith Rubi Mayra.
(28 December 2017)

Females, isn't he so handsome?
(28 December 2017)

What do i do if a girl my age want's to have sex with me?
(28 December 2017)

Dose she have feelings for me?
(28 December 2017)

Then i found out by here friend she was seeing someone.
(28 December 2017)

Another Week

It’s really tough to take sugar out of your diet. It’s added in pretty much everything except fresh produce and meats. I eat fairly healthy as it is but am amazed how far off from a balanced_ Jude:Keep in mind that’s she’s also an immigrant.(30 December 2017) Arvilla:My closest friend has a secret?(30 December 2017) Arvilla:I have been [...]

Im going on my 3rd date with this man I met.
(28 December 2017)

How would you describe this woman.... narcissistic, selfish or something else?
(28 December 2017)

So how would you describe this woman?
(28 December 2017)

She never gives her husband rides to the airport (for work) even though he's always jet-legged and even refused to drive him to the ER when he fell ill.
(28 December 2017)

She never throws out the trash and leaves trash on the floor which attracts mice and roaches.
(28 December 2017)

She always wants the latest smartphones and even demanded a new $50,000 SUV.
(28 December 2017)

She never spends a penny on her children's toys, food and clothes.
(28 December 2017)

This woman never goes grocery shopping even for her husband or children.
(28 December 2017)

Is it weird that we are so close,? Why do we get along so good?
(28 December 2017)

How do I get a life, make friends, and get a gf?
(28 December 2017)

Another Week

It’s really tough to take sugar out of your diet. It’s added in pretty much everything except fresh produce and meats. I eat fairly healthy as it is but am amazed how far off from a balanced_ Jude:Keep in mind that’s she’s also an immigrant.(30 December 2017) Arvilla:My closest friend has a secret?(30 December 2017) Arvilla:I have been [...]

Its okay if he didn't reply right away because he might be busy with something but to open my snapchats and look at my story but not text me back is suspicous.
(28 December 2017)

He shows a lot of interest and flirts a lot but yet he never replies right away.
(28 December 2017)

He seems serious and he told me he even deleted his tinder because he wants us to get to know one another.
(28 December 2017)

I sent him a snap and he opened it asap but I sent him a text hours ago and he hasn't replied.
(28 December 2017)

Since we both seemed to be on the same page, we got each others numbers and have been texting but the thing is he doesn't reply right away.
(28 December 2017)

He told me he's looking for a serious relationship and no hook ups.
(28 December 2017)

Long story short, I met a guy on tinder and he messaged me first and seems interest and then he asked me why I'm on tinder and I told him just looking for new friends and if it turns into something serious then I'm okay with that.
(28 December 2017)

Will it be hard to bring my 4 year old To my first OB appointment and are kids allowed?
(28 December 2017)

Are kids even allowed around while My blood is taken ?
(28 December 2017)

But it already was a 3 week wait and I can't wait another month.
(28 December 2017)

Why do so many straight women prefer penetration to oral sex?

Why do straight women prefer penetration, while lesbians overwhelmingly prefer oral sex?While 55 percent of straight women preferred penetration, just 25 percent of lesbian viewers felt the same. Thi_ Elicia:His is starting to upset me, her behavior…and my husband feels like he has to talk to her because he is one of the mangers there.(30 December [...]

I am 15 and my close guy friend wants to have sex?
(28 December 2017)

Personally I still feel like a little girl and totally unready, but at the same time it sounds like fun...... what should I do?
(28 December 2017)

We aren't even dating, although he says he is in love with me this has been going on for multiple months though so I dont know.
(28 December 2017)

Do girls like short or medium hair on Guys?
(28 December 2017)

I noticed girls look at me more now.
(28 December 2017)

I usually buzz it or wear a beanie but recently it got long and I just started pushing it up.
(28 December 2017)

How do you live, when you constantly keep thinking about your deceased girlfriend) the past (she died 3 years ago),?
(28 December 2017)

I think I got too wrapped up in the Bible.
(28 December 2017)

Is it normal to have intimacy slow down?
(28 December 2017)

I mean we were friends before going out, so could this have been like a honeymoon period?
(28 December 2017)

Saturday 30 December 2017

Good Moaning!!!Uniform, HOT!!!

Good Moaning Everyone!!!Today is Thursday, End of the week is approaching fast. weekend is around the corner. Now the question, does people in uniform turn you on, if so, which uniform is your favorit_ Enid:I feel as if I am leading him on I do want to be with him eventually I just feel that honestly [...]

He likes his own space and doesn't have many friends.
(28 December 2017)

He doesn't see anyone else and he feels close to me.
(28 December 2017)

He asked me if I want to see him tomorrow and go for a drink or have dinner and watch a film.
(28 December 2017)

He wants to go to the cinema, park etc like a normal couple, but then he will go weeks or months not talking or seeing each other.
(28 December 2017)

The next day he wants to hang out.
(28 December 2017)

My ex still wants to sleep with me, cuddle, kiss and hold hands.
(28 December 2017)

Do you have an addictive personality?
(28 December 2017)

Ex: cigarettes, games, A certain subject, ect..
(28 December 2017)

If so, what is it that you get consumed into the most easily?
(28 December 2017)

What will you do if you were me?
(28 December 2017)

…Sometimes Love Can Find A Way

I was pondering the love that I have felt in my life.Bearing in mind that I only have control over my emotions and no one else’s,I’ve had a lot of love for the people who have come into and ou_ Yolande:Im trying to prove them wrong that I want full freedom for myself and no difficulties [...]

Under it there was a water puddle from my baby cousin and when we walked through my guy bsf slipped on it and fell.
(28 December 2017)

So when you walk into my house there is like this doorway thing without a door leading to the kitchen.
(28 December 2017)

After a while we ended up getting freezing and we went inside.
(28 December 2017)

It was snowing that day so me and him went outside to mess around in the snow.
(28 December 2017)

My family and his family are both really close so a few days ago we had his family over for a Christmas party.
(28 December 2017)

So im a girl me and my best friend who is a boy are both 13 years old and have been friends for about 7 years and we are very close.
(28 December 2017)

Very Nervous. Sometimes I get anxiety. How to cope?
(28 December 2017)

I don't want it to be awk in any way.
(28 December 2017)

I am thinking of all the bad outcomes such as what if they hate me.
(28 December 2017)

I am just nervous that everything is going to be bad.
(28 December 2017)

I Came Up With The Best Post Title, But I Forgot What It Was

I really should take notes. I think I’ve found a simple way to use voice-to-text that would make it super easy, but I haven’t put it into habitual practice yet. .. I would have remembered the awesome_ Luana:He always seemed to be a happy person.(29 December 2017) Luana:I was really close with my older brother.(29 December 2017) Garnet:Love [...]

What is tackling in football and how do you tackle?
(28 December 2017)

Should I go back to college?
(28 December 2017)

I ve always been kind of anti social.
(28 December 2017)

But i really havent put myself out there.
(28 December 2017)

Its been 1 semester and I really dont have any real friends.
(28 December 2017)

I have a couple weeks left before its time to return to school but I love being home and being with my family for the holidays and im not sure I want to go back?
(28 December 2017)

I just finished watching 13 reasons why and now i seem to be upset and questioning everything.
(28 December 2017)

So before this starts, I think this is all an emotional thing.
(28 December 2017)

My mom says she's kicking me out when I turn 18. But I'm not allowed to get a job.
(28 December 2017)

I want to have sex with my niece?
(28 December 2017)

Sue Denim

.[image].Ring out the bells of St. Clement’s and cc the bells of Stepney.A right recording ruckus has erupted, involving orange juice oraliser, Rita “Kia” Ora and lemonade lover, Beyoncé.Fans of Mrs._ Roseanna:Is there a way to get this guy to contact me?(29 December 2017) Roseanna:I know it’s a long shot, I just really like him and would [...]

She got her dream job working around the world and we tried the long distance relationship and it wasnt working.
(27 December 2017)

The relationship was perfect I could not ask for a better partner.
(27 December 2017)

I dated me ex for about 8 months we were best friends prior to dating.
(27 December 2017)

Argument with boyfriend?
(27 December 2017)

It makes me extremely uncomfortable that he'd talk to his friends about this and I don't think I can date him if he continues doing so.
(27 December 2017)

Anyways I'm not sure what to do, he says he wants to compromise with this but I don't think this situation is up for compromising.
(27 December 2017)

It's either you say it deliberately or you don't.
(27 December 2017)

I didn't understand that either; I understand slipping with cursing, but not with telling your friends about what you do with your genitals.
(27 December 2017)

He says sometimes it just slips.
(27 December 2017)

I didn't understand how asking him that shows that I was uptight, and after arguing for a while he said he would try not to.
(27 December 2017)

We had a good HUMP DAY, did you?

Hey, hope everyone had fun and did lots of humping… We did some panty stuffing… Our TOP FAN at the end of the month will win my cum soaked panties.XOXOXOApril & Jon_ Melissa:Or put up instagrham pictures and have thousands of guys hit on you randomly without having to do a thing Guys hitting on Girls: [...]

Is This a coincidence?? (Read details)?
(27 December 2017)

Is this the universe telling us we are destined to be together?
(27 December 2017)

Is It a coincidence that my crush and I are both the same age, went to the same Highschool and middle school together, and are from the exact same country, island, town and city, and are currently living in the same city?
(27 December 2017)

Boyfriend doesn't like kissing me?
(27 December 2017)

So I tried to give him a kiss a few minutes ago and he turned his head and didn't say nothing.
(27 December 2017)

Only time he like kissing me is when we being sexual.. It kind of pisses me off.
(27 December 2017)

We been together for 2yrs now and my boyfriend seems to not like kissing me.
(27 December 2017)

Do rude asshole guys win over nice guys in case of girls?
(27 December 2017)

That other guy is nicer to her I'll admit but we knew each other about the same duration the other older guy knew her.
(27 December 2017)

I like a girl in my gym and I have a feeling she likes a much older guy who is very ugly.
(27 December 2017)

We had a good HUMP DAY, did you?

Hey, hope everyone had fun and did lots of humping… We did some panty stuffing… Our TOP FAN at the end of the month will win my cum soaked panties.XOXOXOApril & Jon_ Melissa:Or put up instagrham pictures and have thousands of guys hit on you randomly without having to do a thing Guys hitting on Girls: [...]

I'm in love with her and I really don't care if she has 10 kids with someone else.
(27 December 2017)

How do you start a new life?
(27 December 2017)

I want to leave my parents house because I need to start a new life, my past still haunts me to this day and it's annoying.
(27 December 2017)

I might have a son I never knew about?
(27 December 2017)

What is the reason that in majority of cases the only girls who tend to like and date white guys are either Asian girls or latina girls?
(27 December 2017)

Why are they generally more likely to be into white guys than other races?
(27 December 2017)

In general it is either the Asian girl or the latina girls who tend to like and date white guys while black girls, white girls, mixed girls, etc don't really do.
(27 December 2017)

I am not saying others don't but it's rare.
(27 December 2017)

Is it bad to hang out with female alone?
(27 December 2017)

So could it be considered normal?
(27 December 2017)

Friday 29 December 2017


I just had the most amazing sexual experience. I have always been quite the dominant woman. I kind of felt trapped like a man in a woman’s body. Until recently. He brings out something in me…th_ Sun:She s down with going out, but both of us dont kno what to do or where to go bc [...]

So she can find a guy who is not scared of her?
(27 December 2017)

Is this the easiest way to find the perfect guy for that woman?
(27 December 2017)

Why are men so scared of this type?
(27 December 2017)

She's been to all kinds of cities, states, and countries.
(27 December 2017)

She has a nice apartment or house and proficient etiquette.
(27 December 2017)

She is intelligent as to education and exercising and common sense etc, she has a good job and makes a lot of money.
(27 December 2017)

Let's just say that woman is very smart and one of the best women in the world.
(27 December 2017)

My friend was standing in my room with a butchers knife when I woke up. What should I do?
(27 December 2017)

And on the back of the note she wrote in small letters.
(27 December 2017)

Then when she left today she left a note on the refrigerator thanking me for inviting her for the holidays.
(27 December 2017)

I’m so horny lol

Maybe a femdom with a big strap on or a nice ts ..😏😏_ Geraldine:I never met his family but they always knew about me and said I was sweet etc.(28 December 2017) Geraldine:When we met I found out he was religious and came from a very religious family he always knew I was not.(28 December 2017) Geraldine:We are [...]

And then they were a bit nosey asking if it was them.
(27 December 2017)

They asked for awhile, they kept guessing boy named but I told them the people I liked were girls.
(27 December 2017)

I jokingly told them to guess their names.
(27 December 2017)

And I told them I liked 2 people, 1 in my art class, 1 in my math class.
(27 December 2017)

23 month old is throwing up every 30 minutes. I can't get her to drink anything. HELP?
(27 December 2017)

I've been trying to get water in her but she's refusing.
(27 December 2017)

She threw up all of her dinner and now it's just bile.
(27 December 2017)

My succes and my appereance will kill your self esteem poor ugly dimitra...
(27 December 2017)

Help me get this boy i like plz?
(27 December 2017)

IM in 5th grade and i like this boy and he nows i like him i want him to like me back tho can u help me maybe give me some tips.
(27 December 2017)

Wine… It’s the quicker, fixer upper.

There is absolutely no limit to the therapeutic properties of a glass of wine.How could I have forgotten this???Bad day at work? Feet hurt like a bitch?? Relaxing on a much needed day off???A nice g_ Cassy:I told her she is perfect and she’ll learn to love it just like I did but she didn’t listen.(28 [...]

We used a condom and neither of us came.
(27 December 2017)

My boyfriend and I had sex about a week ago ,I was not ovulating nor on my period or anything.
(27 December 2017)

Is it normal that he spend so much time on the phone and he's almost 50?
(27 December 2017)

Another thing is that it annoys the heck out of me because he talks really loud and I don't care to hear his conversations.
(27 December 2017)

Also helping you with the kids by reading them a book before bedtime and also helping with bathing.
(27 December 2017)

My question is over the past few weeks I've notice how much time he spends on the phone with the same three male friends for hours and hours a day my number one problem is that that is a lot of time that he could have with the kids.
(27 December 2017)

Me and my children's father are not together but we still live together until he moves.
(27 December 2017)

I would ask her to at least drop a hint, but she stopped talking to me yesterday.
(27 December 2017)

I don't want to wait til the last minute, because next Monday will be here before I know it.
(27 December 2017)

How do I get past my parents?
(27 December 2017)

Kiss me please

Apparently half of the adult population in the world kisses without tongue.One minute of kissing (with tongue) burns the same amount of calories as a 500mtr run. You use 34 facial muscles and approxim_ Melinda:She always expects for me to drive an hour to visit her and yet, she never visits me and whenever we do [...]

I don't watch stranger things. but someone made a joke and said i look like Eleven. and some girl said that if I'm eleven she's Mike.
(26 December 2017)

Does she like me? Female opinions only?
(26 December 2017)

Looking for some female opinions.
(26 December 2017)

Should I wait for her to start the convo or?
(26 December 2017)

I'm hoping she messages me again.
(26 December 2017)

I've never had a girlfriend so I don't know what to really do.
(26 December 2017)

She seems like the absolute best.
(26 December 2017)

She complimented me various times.
(26 December 2017)

She always replies in lengthy texts with a lot of emojis.
(26 December 2017)

She never once failed to respond.
(26 December 2017)

Just keep cuming.

Just keep cuming._ Kristy:Our house is not currently liveable due to a plumbing disaster, so we’re staying with a family member, a hoarder whose house is, quite frankly, disgusting.(28 December 2017) Kristy:Our living situation isn’t very ideal.(28 December 2017) Anamaria:Should I continue to make myself unavailable to him?(28 December 2017) Anamaria:Should I just cut him completely off.(28 December 2017) Anamaria:But [...]

Just to get their attention for another drink or to pay the check.
(26 December 2017)

I'm 13. I've missed a period. And I'm very sore in that area. Is there a possibility I'm pregnant?
(26 December 2017)

Can u guys help me decide if I should take a test or not.
(26 December 2017)

I'm scared my brother may have done something to me in my sleep.
(26 December 2017)

I've checked for blood and there isn't any.
(26 December 2017)

I'm very tired, nauseous, dizzy, have a huge appetite, and bad cramps all of a sudden.
(26 December 2017)

I love him more than anything but I'm scared.
(26 December 2017)

Why did my KODI add-ons disappear after exiting the app?
(26 December 2017)

Why would this happen and can I get the add-ons back?
(26 December 2017)

I installed multiple add-ons for KODI, but after going back to the home screen on my firestick and then launching KODI again, my add-ons are all gone.
(26 December 2017)

I just want your extra time and your ……

Kissing is like drinking salted water. You drink, and your thirst increases. ~Chinese ProverbI cannot lie… I’m a complete sucker for a great kiss…And on that note, I’ve been listening to t_ Quinn:One day she loves me, the next she can’t even stand to look at me.(28 December 2017) Quinn:But she takes this anger out on me [...]

There's a guy(We'll call him guy A) that I like, however, I don't know if Guy A likes me back.
(26 December 2017)

I know it's wrong for me to even be considering this.
(26 December 2017)

Trying is to change someone is like..?
(26 December 2017)

How do you tell whether someone has chubby cheeks?
(26 December 2017)

Does anyone know any ways of telling?
(26 December 2017)

I don't know whether I have chubby cheeks or not.
(26 December 2017)

Justice for John McCain?
(26 December 2017)

The doctors should tell John McCain to hurry up and croak.
(26 December 2017)

John McCain getting brain cancer is justice.
(26 December 2017)

So I said... There's your answer.
(26 December 2017)

Thursday Musical Funnies

Saw these and could not pass them up.Enjoy! [image][image2]Oh, and it’s also National Super Hero Day as well._ Quinn:My mom hates my boyfriend and I’m not sure why?(28 December 2017) Quinn:One day she loves me, the next she can’t even stand to look at me.(28 December 2017) Quinn:But she takes this anger out on me and it’s a [...]

I still dont want relationships but I dont want to stop talking to her.
(26 December 2017)

I guess i have feelings i think of her a lot and shes beautiful but there is no love.
(26 December 2017)

What should I think and what should i do?
(26 December 2017)

Or is she just maybe going through something and is okay with talking to me and being friends.
(26 December 2017)

Is she waiting for me to get bored and move on?
(26 December 2017)

Does she want to talk to me but doesnt want me to have feelings for her?
(26 December 2017)

The question is, did She just want to hook up and move on?
(26 December 2017)

She acknowledges me and is polite but i get the vibe she really doesnt want to talk.
(26 December 2017)

She acts like she doesn't want to talk.
(26 December 2017)

I caught her smiling and blushing when she thought i wasnt looking.
(26 December 2017)

Thursday 28 December 2017

Knock, knock…

For those that may have wondered, yes I am still alive. I’m looking forward to getting back and engaged a bit and seeing how everyone is doing. It’s been a long couple of months. I hope everyone is we_ Cammie:I missed 1 week of my period ?(28 December 2017) Lili:Crush on guy down the street?(28 December 2017) Lili:Also [...]

Girls: Based on this alone would you reject me?
(26 December 2017)

Based on this would you reject me or give me a chance?
(26 December 2017)

Why would she ask if I have a girlfriend?
(26 December 2017)

Who's at fault here. Me or my Ex-Girlfriend?
(26 December 2017)

I think she's at fault though for being impatient and her desires are unclear sometimes.
(26 December 2017)

Should I learn to be more sexual with girls?
(26 December 2017)

I used to have a really bad masturbation addiction and it took me some time to get rid of it, and like a former alcoholic is scared of alcohol, I am scared of sex and releasing my semen, I rarely masturbate too.
(26 December 2017)

She tried to touch me after but I got nervous and pulled away.
(26 December 2017)

She asked if we could have sex like last month I told her I would , so we got together, we started kissing and then we took it to the next level and I ate her out.
(26 December 2017)

Sometimes she would throw herself on me, I think this happened like twice and both times I told her I had to go to the bathroom.
(26 December 2017)

Rise Above It

Life is full of light and heavy moments.Some experiences lift us off our feet, while others seem to weigh us down. I think we’ve all felt the feeling of floating through several days with little resis_ Alica:But I can t cry no matter how hard I try.(27 December 2017) Alica:I have so many emotions bottled up inside [...]

Over the summer one time he tried to threaten me with a knife.
(26 December 2017)

He would be verbally abusive and provoking.
(26 December 2017)

Haven't had a real fist fight in ages so up until last September we only been more verbal.
(26 December 2017)

Melancholy too as the family really dwindled as its now just me mom and my brother.
(26 December 2017)

I went to my moms house for Christmas.
(26 December 2017)

Why are the middle school (6th to 8th grade) boys so annoying?
(26 December 2017)

If they dont need me they just say me get lost and act as if I am a complete stranger to them.
(26 December 2017)

I just turned 17 recently and I am a boy.
(26 December 2017)

Are you a lucky person?
(26 December 2017)

Confusing signals from a girl?
(26 December 2017)

We love Wednesday …

[Image]Oh ya… Thinkin some long hard cocks today.. :: I mean Thoughts:: Yes thoughts today on cock, and Ok ok long hard cocks Needing a weekend full of lust and sex, Some primal distraction is in o_ Francina:A friend of mine tutors a group of students. One of the students gets rude to her when my [...]

I am to sad to even describe the relationship.
(26 December 2017)

I am still so madly in love with him.
(26 December 2017)

I was involved in a 4 year affair.
(26 December 2017)

I want to be tickled!?
(26 December 2017)

Problem is I dont have any friends who would really be into that.
(26 December 2017)

I want to be tickle tortured so badly.
(26 December 2017)

Is 35 too old to have a baby?
(26 December 2017)

I never wanted kids until the last couple years and now that I am in a stable relationship and things are good financially I want to make that happen.
(26 December 2017)

Ive had a girlfriend for 6 months we haven't had sex because i was insecure because she's not a virgin?
(26 December 2017)

Which older man is better?
(26 December 2017)

I love when you make me feel like your personal porn star!!

One thing that turns me on BIGTIME, is knowing guys enjoy watching me and cum back for! Lol … I know some people think it’s weird but I love tribute pics, kinky and such a turn on!!! But I also_ Yu:My boyfriend is so happy that we are having a baby and I am too.(27 December [...]

We weren't planning on having kids for a while.
(25 December 2017)

Me and my husband are having a baby in July right around his birthday I don't know how to tell him.
(25 December 2017)

He doesn't know that he is my crush; I am not sure if he likes me; I am just wondering should I keep hoping of dating with him or building a relationship..
(25 December 2017)

If no, then if i didnt wipe my hand could i have gotten pregnant?
(25 December 2017)

Is there any chance that sperm could have gotten inside and gotten me pregnant?
(25 December 2017)

Soon after that (after wiping my hand off), i touched my clitorous.
(25 December 2017)

I gave my boyfriend oral and i got semen on my hand.
(25 December 2017)

I fell in love with him, he cares about me, but he has a rule not to date with girls from his class?
(25 December 2017)

Do you thing I could break his rule?
(25 December 2017)

That is why I have mixed feeling about our situation, because of his opinion about relationships between classmates.
(25 December 2017)

I love when you make me feel like your personal porn star!!

One thing that turns me on BIGTIME, is knowing guys enjoy watching me and cum back for! Lol … I know some people think it’s weird but I love tribute pics, kinky and such a turn on!!! But I also_ Yu:My boyfriend is so happy that we are having a baby and I am too.(27 December [...]

I just beat my wife and kids?
(25 December 2017)

Earlier today me and my wife and kids played a game of Wii Bowling.
(25 December 2017)

Before i ask Katie out on a date can i ask her if she's a slut?
(25 December 2017)

Do you have an imaginary friend?
(25 December 2017)

German mother and Greek father. 6 ft 1 in tall.
(25 December 2017)

How do I ask my girlfriend if I can worship her feet?
(25 December 2017)

Ho to cope with his promiscuity?
(25 December 2017)

But since he apparently cant are there anyways to cope with it or eventually just get used to it?
(25 December 2017)

I dont want to leave him, i love him more than anybody, i just want him to stop.
(25 December 2017)

Any advise on how to deal with his cheating?
(25 December 2017)

Knock knock…..

…..who’s there….who the fuck are you??? Well, I was reading a post earlier….wow, you guys are so ENTERTAINING….where I read that he’d got chatting to someone, and lo and behold, he w_ Arcelia:How am I home wrecker when you are the one who cheated on him?(27 December 2017) Arcelia:I was the one who was minding my own [...]

He isn't really supportive of me getting him to go vegan.
(25 December 2017)

I have talked to him about it a little, but he doesn't really say anything.
(25 December 2017)

He doesn't really say much about it, and he's nice about me being vegan.
(25 December 2017)

I thought therapy was supposed to help my girlfriend?
(25 December 2017)

I thought therapy was supposed to help our relationship by her going not tear us apart?
(25 December 2017)

She doesnt want to think about us getting married until she goes to therapy more, and get more things figure it out in her head.
(25 December 2017)

She said if this is going to work long term we need to go couples therapy ( that's what her therapist said that we should do go to couples therapy) How she is stressed in the relationship, and its not healthy.
(25 December 2017)

She's talking about are love language doesn't match, and I should go therapy too.
(25 December 2017)

I thought therapy was supposed to help her, and our relationship?
(25 December 2017)

We were only really broken up a day.
(25 December 2017)

Should I be flattered?

Many of us females have encountered unpleasant ‘trolls’ on this site…..and in the Blogs…..folks like them….and then English Troll, for some reason, feel the need to make up ‘one day_ Jade:Why dont my man don’t wanna suck my nipples as foreplay?(27 December 2017) Dessie:What’s your first time of sex supposed to feel like?(27 December 2017) Dessie:Throughout the whole [...]

We will be safe to prevent pregnancy and accidents from happening I will never tell on him will we be okay?
(25 December 2017)

Daughter being disrespectful about her newly presentable haircut, how do I discipline her?
(25 December 2017)

I do not tolerate this much disrespect.
(25 December 2017)

I had the woman cut her hair to a blunt ear length bob with micro bangs.
(25 December 2017)

For Christmas I took her to the hairdressers to whip her hair back into shape.
(25 December 2017)

My 14 year old daughter had unacceptable ratty hair down to her chin.
(25 December 2017)

My Dad is drunk, how do I sober him up before the extended family comes for dinner tonight?
(25 December 2017)

My aunt won't come to family events cause of a feud where she likes to play victim. How do we reach out to her children?
(25 December 2017)

Her children miss out on extended family ties now.
(25 December 2017)

My mother uses me as a weapon against my Dad and won't let me see him for Christmas. How do I cheer up today and have a good afternoon still?
(25 December 2017)

Wednesday 27 December 2017


hi all well its wed looking to get into something_ Caprice:I want to find someone I like and they like me too.(26 December 2017) Caprice:But then I don’t want to settle for just anybody.(26 December 2017) Caprice:I want to find someone because I have been single all my life.(26 December 2017) Caprice:I am desperate, single and picky at the [...]

I don't know what to do from here because his sister came to me about the situation.
(24 December 2017)

My boyfriend also has a younger brother (9), however I'm not sure if any of this has happened to him.
(24 December 2017)

He later talked to his family and his grandma said she watched it happen.
(24 December 2017)

I talked to my boyfriend about it and he said this has been going on since he was little, over 10 years.
(24 December 2017)

I asked her what happened and she told me that her mom had grabbed her hair and pinned her to the ground.
(24 December 2017)

Last night his younger sister (13) messaged me and told me her mom was hurting her.
(24 December 2017)

I have become close with his family.
(24 December 2017)

He's 2 hours away, I asked him to come see me and he said no... He doesn't like me?
(24 December 2017)

He doesn't like me enough to come see me?
(24 December 2017)

He said he left for Christmas, I've known him for a month now.. I asked him to come see me because I miss him so much he said he wants to see me too but pretty much didn't come and basically said no?
(24 December 2017)


1. What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball?A guy will actually search for a golf ball.2. What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms?One’s a Goodyear. The other’s_ Jessica:On 1st January 2015 was the last time I saw her.(26 December 2017) Jessica:This was also to rekindle our relationship that we once had.(26 [...]

He got a puppy without parents permission only from a teacher.
(24 December 2017)

Everyone is mean to Gill they're always making him mad then they think it's funny.
(24 December 2017)

They live at school with their teacher as an only guardian.
(24 December 2017)

They have no parents I hate shows like that.
(24 December 2017)

My sister likes the Bubble Guppies it's the dumbest show I ever seen.
(24 December 2017)

Why can't i stop eating?
(24 December 2017)

Can I file a lawsuit for my husband emotionally cheating on me? Can I file anything against the girl he cheated with?
(24 December 2017)

I have no idea what to do or if I have enough evidence for divorce.
(24 December 2017)

A few of them had sexual content written out, but no pictures were sent.
(24 December 2017)

There was nothing physical going on, but I do have tons of flirty text messages.
(24 December 2017)

Married Meets

For lack of a better way to put it, is anyone aware of any gatherings of like-minded married people? Not so much for the purposes of swinging. Just a social gathering of married people who may be look_ Toni:Im really really worried because I m 16 and I can t deal with this.(26 December 2017) Toni:This was [...]

I had gotten two faint positives and then a negative the other day I took a test.
(24 December 2017)

I m so happy it wasn t planned but I am 18 almost 19 and my partner is 17 almost 18 and.
(24 December 2017)

What does John 17:3 mean to you?
(24 December 2017)

I don't know how to deal with my brother's death?
(24 December 2017)

I need him here and I feel like none of this is ever going to get better.
(24 December 2017)

I was there when he left and can't get the image of how he looked out of my head.
(24 December 2017)

Im only 15 and still have so much more to go through, I don't know how I'm going to survive without him there to protect me.
(24 December 2017)

He's always been there and has always watched out for me.
(24 December 2017)

He passed away last night and it just hit me that he's really gone.
(24 December 2017)

How to tell my auntie to stop her behavior when it arises?
(24 December 2017)

Married Meets

For lack of a better way to put it, is anyone aware of any gatherings of like-minded married people? Not so much for the purposes of swinging. Just a social gathering of married people who may be look_ Toni:Im really really worried because I m 16 and I can t deal with this.(26 December 2017) Toni:This was [...]

I still don't know him that well.
(24 December 2017)

I was sitting and talking with this guy that I am kind of friends with.
(24 December 2017)

Is FWB's a failed idea in general?
(24 December 2017)

So with everything being said here, is fwbs a mistake?
(24 December 2017)

Sexual relations are the most personal, most intimate thing we as a person can share with another, yet we as a society treat it so casually, which is I think a huge mistake on our part, given the consequences it can bring.
(24 December 2017)

And I have observed it over and over again.
(24 December 2017)

But it's not just my experience that I'm drawing from, but I've seen the same thing happen between others who are of similar ages, yet same thing - where someone got their heart broken - happened.
(24 December 2017)

In case you're wondering how old I am, I am 23 years her junior.
(24 December 2017)

I ask this, because I was involved with an older woman, she was 48 to be specific, and I grew serious feelings for her, yet she didn't return mine, and I tried to be friends afterwards, but couldn't do it.
(24 December 2017)

So with that being said, is being friends with benefits essentially a bad idea, or an idea that is only going to lead a heartache in the end for at least one person?
(24 December 2017)

The Taste of a woman

I love it when I go down on a woman and then she cums and cums…then she pulls me up…only to kiss me deeply because she wanted to taste her pussy juicy on my lips.Poll question for both men and wom_ Chasidy:Should I cancel a trip back home if none of my friends can hang out [...]

Sister is getting an abortion?
(24 December 2017)

My mom could totally help her with it despite all the difficulties.
(24 December 2017)

Her and her boyfriend are here for Christmas and I overheard them talking about it with my mom.
(24 December 2017)

New girl at daughter's school wants to be her friend?
(24 December 2017)

My daughter says she doesn't know if she can be friends with someone she can hardly understand.
(24 December 2017)

She apparently trys speaking to my daughter a lot, asking to hang out and for help with school.
(24 December 2017)

She says she will randomly mix German words into English.
(24 December 2017)

She has a strong German accent and isn't the best at speaking English.
(24 December 2017)

She told me that the new girl is named Annika and moved to the U.S. from Germany recently.
(24 December 2017)

But my daughter has mixed feelings about her.
(24 December 2017)

Tuesday 26 December 2017

What began as a nap… turns into this…

[image1]zero to 60 in a nano-second.I’m such a fan of this position. My head hanging off the edge, upside down, my body vulnerable and exposed to his wickedly roaming hands. I love it when both brea_ Lakeisha:Everyone in my family is just baffled.(25 December 2017) Lakeisha:I simply refuse to believe i’m ill.(25 December 2017) Lakeisha:I’m lonely, sad and [...]

Is this considered cheating or is he a douche bag or am I just over reacting?
(24 December 2017)

He always texts the other girls before me, but all of them know we are dating.
(24 December 2017)

He hugs every girl at my school and he's even told one of them he loves her.
(24 December 2017)

A lot of people always tell me he likes me a lot, but I don't get that feeling back.
(24 December 2017)

Talking to a girl to be kind, don t want to be leading her on?
(24 December 2017)

I don t want to lead her on though, because I like someone else.
(24 December 2017)

She s talking about her ex and I m trying to console her.
(24 December 2017)

The conversation already started and I don t want to be rude.
(24 December 2017)

I m taking to her about her recent breakup.
(24 December 2017)

I am talking to a girl as a friend.
(24 December 2017)

Everyone is Fucking!!!Sex in the Woods!!

Looks like everyone is fucking in the woods Today, WTF, I am going in to the city today, I miss out Btw, I gonna be in DC today, Anyone around there for fun so we can fuck like the people in the woods_ Timika:The next night we drank a little and talked about things she told [...]

Over the summer I met this boy and for the sake of this we will call him Tommy.
(23 December 2017)

Why does my boyfriend keep bragging how he's going to become a millionaire?
(23 December 2017)

It's becoming a major turn-off, especially when I know I'll prob be more successful than him.
(23 December 2017)

Plus he's also lazy and not that good at what he does.
(23 December 2017)

Why dont girls like having their fat rolls grabbed during sex?
(23 December 2017)

Trying to make a good impression??
(23 December 2017)

We have talked on messenger and i edventually sent her a letter.
(23 December 2017)

If a girl randomly befriended me and flirts with me all the time but also talks about other guys and tinder dates is she playing mind games?
(23 December 2017)

I want to kiss my aunt & sleep with her. Help & see the description?
(23 December 2017)

I don't want to know it's wrong & all.
(23 December 2017)

~Some days, you just have to create your own Orgasms~

~Yo! I haven’t blogged in ages, so it seems, but so much has been going on and life has been coming at me faster than I can handle! Ah well, such is life! On a better note with what is happening t_ Vannessa:Why am I getting teased for being shy around a girl I like?(25 December [...]

In his search history, he had gay teen porn searches and a few videos of gay porn as well.
(23 December 2017)

Is it normal that behavior according to you?
(23 December 2017)

So I am 14 years old & My boyfriend and I have been dating for about a year. He asked me to send pictures And I want to but Idk. Should I?
(23 December 2017)

How to find love in the club? what should I do to let someone see me?
(23 December 2017)

I do not want to attract horny pigs.
(23 December 2017)

Is a 21 year old woman hooking up with a 18 year old boy okay?
(23 December 2017)

She sometimes flirts with the freshman boys in our dorm (they're like 18) and has 18 year old boys in her bedroom even though she's 21. pathetic?
(23 December 2017)

There's this RA at my college so she gets a single.
(23 December 2017)

What do you call a person who tries anything to get close to someone..?
(23 December 2017)

I'm not sure if it makes sense haha.
(23 December 2017)

Have You Ever…

[image]So I answered yes to nine of the ten have you ever questions posted in the image.How about you? Care to share what your yes answers are?Oh and just wondering how many of you have been paying a_ Loyce:My parents are saying they will give me $200 if I start being more talkative at school and [...]

Then we went back to making out and hugging.
(22 December 2017)

She said she has to think about it and that she doesnt want to jump into anything without thinking it over.
(22 December 2017)

To see if this has potential for more.
(22 December 2017)

Then later in the date I asked her if she wanted us to be exclusive in the sense of while we're dating we're just focused on one another.
(22 December 2017)

I also let her know that she's the only girl im focused on right now and that as long as we're trying this im not going to be talking to anyone else.
(22 December 2017)

We also held hands kissed like always.
(22 December 2017)

Like we actually talked more personally and what not.
(22 December 2017)

But we began hanging out again in December and are dating again.
(22 December 2017)

Now we had dated earlier in October (4 dates) but she asked for space cause of school and what not.
(22 December 2017)

Ok so I had a date with this girl from work yesterday.
(22 December 2017)

Monday 25 December 2017

Random ramblings

This blog may or may not be interesting. I’ll try to add new ideas/thoughts each time I login to Meelp. Feel free to comment.I love the smell and taste of my Slave’s cunt. I have done ever since the f_ Fatima:She has had a few celebrity crushes ( Robert Smith, Andy biersack, Evan Peters, etc.. ) [...]

He tells me that we are gonna go do things and never happens.
(22 December 2017)

I was having the symptoms of panic attacks back when he said we were all going because I thought he just said just him and my brother are going.
(22 December 2017)

I feel like my dad doesn't love me.
(22 December 2017)

Also he told me onetime that he will do things with me only when he wants too.
(22 December 2017)

I can't even get him to take me to the store that is like 1 mile away.
(22 December 2017)

He never really spends money on me either.
(22 December 2017)

He won't do anything with me like ever.
(22 December 2017)

If I try to tell him about how it makes me feel and that he will get mad at me and yell on top of his lungs at me too and tell me to drop it.
(22 December 2017)

Because he says he doesn't want to have to wait.
(22 December 2017)

But my dad won't do that with me.
(22 December 2017)

What Women Want to See on Cam

It was quite useful and informational. I post this in the hope that women can express what they want to see (and hear) while the men are camming. Men can use this as a point of refere_ Anastacia:How come Women never pay to have sex?(23 December 2017) Nedra:This guy I am friends with is being really rude [...]

I want it to be secret from anyone except my boyfriend.
(22 December 2017)

Do I let fate take control or should I take control?
(22 December 2017)

But, Im torn if I should reach out to him or continue to leave it alone and let fate work its magic again and if its meant to be its meant to be.... What do you think?
(22 December 2017)

I havent had a connection like that since.
(22 December 2017)

It has been almost a year since we stopped talking and he still pops into my head all the time.
(22 December 2017)

I told him I understood and left it alone.
(22 December 2017)

But, when it was coming time to maybe start talking about a relationship, he told me that he wasnt ready for a relationship at that point and that he needed to establish his career and work on himself more before he was ready.
(22 December 2017)

I had never felt that kind of connection with someone before.
(22 December 2017)

The craziness of it made me wonder if I was missing something the last time we met - so we went out again, and again, for about a month.
(22 December 2017)

A year later, in another serendipitous way, we ran into eachother again.
(22 December 2017)

Interesting first couple of days

Hi. I’m Lou and this is my sex site blog. Please laugh. So, I guess it’s safe to say that we’re all here looking for pretty much the same thing. Sex. NSA, FWB, etc. As I’ve been exposed to the interne_ Ofelia:Being 25 with Aspergers Syndrome doesn’t help because a lot of guys I’ve been with [...]

It is a mother-daughter estrangement largely the mother's doing.
(22 December 2017)

Am i a horrible person (cheating i guess???)?
(22 December 2017)

The real reason was bc I started hanging out with this one dude and I used him for homework at first but then I started developing feelings.
(22 December 2017)

I lied to everyone him included that I broke up bc I wanna be free and live life i am a 15 year old girl btw.
(22 December 2017)

So I had a boyfriend and we broke up.
(22 December 2017)

With what the surname can there be any problems? 1. Damon Moss 2. Damon Keen?
(22 December 2017)

For exsample when registring tickets at the airport, with mails at th post office, phone conversations, spelling, pronunciation...
(22 December 2017)

Why don't I like small penis'?
(22 December 2017)

Big one was great, small one was a waste of time.
(22 December 2017)

I've only had sex with two men so no I'm not a slut.
(22 December 2017)

Interesting first couple of days

Hi. I’m Lou and this is my sex site blog. Please laugh. So, I guess it’s safe to say that we’re all here looking for pretty much the same thing. Sex. NSA, FWB, etc. As I’ve been exposed to the interne_ Ofelia:Being 25 with Aspergers Syndrome doesn’t help because a lot of guys I’ve been with [...]

I feel its getting worse every year.
(22 December 2017)

Im not only lonely but honestly sexually frustrated.
(22 December 2017)

There are 2 girls right now that Im pretty sure like me but I can't bring myself to ask them out.
(22 December 2017)

I know i would have had Atleast 1 gf by now if I Atleast put myself out there but my anxiety paired with fear of rejection just keeps me anxiously quiet.
(22 December 2017)

I wonder if it has to do with my childhood.
(22 December 2017)

Like I was really sad for like 2 days after . Because when I feel the slightest rejection from a girl I find attractive it just makes me feel so low.
(22 December 2017)

But the first one really hurt me.
(22 December 2017)

I asked 3 girls out the past 2 years . 2 were already in a relationship so those didn't hurt to much cuz I found out it was true.
(22 December 2017)

I know im a good looking guy but idk I rarely ask a girl out and when I do its usually very sad because Im so nervous but its because I fear of being rejected.
(22 December 2017)

Most of the girls Ive been with have come onto me and theyre obviously the type that want sex.
(22 December 2017)

Can we…….

That seemed to be the question. Could we have a drink, talk, expand our friendship and not end up in bed together? I assured her we could although I suspected I’d be powerless to resist if she decided_ Liliana:In the few weeks we have been dating we have spoken nearly everyday, texted, sent each other endearing [...]

Girlfriend kept calling me daddy during sex?
(22 December 2017)

Is it really normal for a GF to call U daddy?
(22 December 2017)

She says things like Ay Papi and Yes Daddy.
(22 December 2017)

My GF kept calling me daddy everytime we have sex.
(22 December 2017)

When do I take a test?
(22 December 2017)

And the third day it was brown spotting.
(22 December 2017)

The first two days were very light and not dark at all.
(22 December 2017)

Anyways 3 days later I got my period which was weird because it was supposed to come later on during the month.
(22 December 2017)

I had sex on the 14th of December and he ejaculated inside of me . My partner and I have just started trying.
(22 December 2017)

This girl won t take no for an answer, we started out as friends and then she said she wanted to be more than friends please read details?
(22 December 2017)

Sunday 24 December 2017

Out and about

Out goofing off in a parking lot_ Emerald:Should it be illegal for an Asian woman to not date a white man when he asks her out?(23 December 2017) Emerald:I think it’s BS, many of them are clearly racists.(23 December 2017) Emerald:That’s what I think, but even here in the west many still won’t date a white man.(23 December [...]

Why does she still talk with me?
(22 December 2017)

I don't really text her that much, unless she texts or calls me.
(22 December 2017)

Despite still talking to her I have stopped telling her that I like her.
(22 December 2017)

Some times I wonder if she is with another guy while she is talking to me.
(22 December 2017)

In addition, there will be times when I text her she won't respond for hours or even the next day.
(22 December 2017)

I should also say there are some days we might not talk, or the texting is real short.
(22 December 2017)

It makes me wonder why do you put all this effort in a guy you have already decided you don't really want to be with.
(22 December 2017)

Yet I decided to go along with it, because I like her). She still texts me and calls me, which she does most of the time, which makes me wonder.
(22 December 2017)

So I went ahead and said ok (in my head that sounded like a move to string me along.
(22 December 2017)

One point she told me to be patient with her, because she doesn't want to get hurt.
(22 December 2017)

Bedbugs are drawn to certain colors.

The next time you’re packing for a trip, you might want to reach for your brightest-colored luggage. It could help keep bedbugs away.A new study finds that bedbugs — just like flies and other insects_ Verna:If you catch someone looking at you, but they look away straight after when you catch them? What does this mean?(23 [...]

Then, towArfd the end of summer I finally got to have sex with one of my friend's co-workers for days, and my friend got angry and so involved as if she was jealous.
(21 December 2017)

Maybe because I am young and attractive, she is jealous I have these qualities and she cannot look that way to her new husband.
(21 December 2017)

It never crossed my mind, but I had the revelation that maybe she was jealous of me.
(21 December 2017)

My mom became very mean to me, and one time even told me I looked like a prostitute.
(21 December 2017)

I go to one of the best schools in the country, and when I came home for summer I was living with my mom and my new stepdad she just married.
(21 December 2017)

Should i feel guilty for exchanging nude pictures with a married man with kids?
(21 December 2017)

My mother is mentally sound but she likes to bull on my blackheads and squeeze till they burst. Is this healthy to do?
(21 December 2017)

Yet I have never heard of this obsession before.
(21 December 2017)

My brother is mentally ill but my mother is not.
(21 December 2017)

So my question is if this is healthy or does it make the blackheads worse?
(21 December 2017)

HNW first

trying out a half naked wednesday post._ Jene:Im 17 years old and i want to live with my dad . plsss help !?(22 December 2017) Jene:As you saw im 17 years old and I want to live with my father.(22 December 2017) Tiffany:Would you feel comfortable with your boyfriend or girlfriend having a best friend of the opposite [...]

Someone followed me and I accedentaly followed them back.
(21 December 2017)

I have a boyfriend but my parents don't approve. Help (see details)?
(21 December 2017)

Also I really need free rides to see him since my parents wont drive me.
(21 December 2017)

How do I make sure I don't lose anyone?
(21 December 2017)

My parents are strict but I love my boyfriend.
(21 December 2017)

My mom has cancer and today when I went to hang out with my boyfriend, my mom's heart rate rose because she is worried about my safety even though I am being safe.
(21 December 2017)

Girlfriend says I will call you later but sometimes doesn't help also we have been dating for 2 months and 22 days also I sent her a picture?
(21 December 2017)

Would it be awkward for your daughter (early 20s) to share a hotel room with her biological father with two separate beds?
(21 December 2017)

How do you have sex in the inernet?
(21 December 2017)

How do I stop my butt crack from showing? Since I am kind of well-known at school, people always are taking pics and posting them :(?
(21 December 2017)

Obamacare disaster will be Obama’s enduring domestic legacy

Historian David Maraniss notes, in Sunday’s Post, that President Obama came to office with the goal of changing “the trajectory of America” and leaving “a legacy as a president of consequence,_ Lorie:Should I break up with my date?(22 December 2017) Lorie:He told me about 4 of them were serious.(22 December 2017) Lorie:He’s 25 and had more than 10 [...]

Also, my husband expressed concern about how Evan is pouring himself a glass of tea.
(21 December 2017)

He is sure my son's clothes still stink, but they smell okay.
(21 December 2017)

And my husband kept demanding he add more soap.Because my husband doesn't think he know how to do laundry.
(21 December 2017)

He just turned thirty and is trying to be a doctor even though my husband think he is too stupid.My son evan got very angry and emotional because my husband kept criticizing how he did his own laundry.
(21 December 2017)

I have 2 children with the mother of my children. Ill label her BM throughout and I have a girlfriend of a year, and I ll label her GF?
(21 December 2017)

Or try and make it work with the BM, who has my kids and we will be very well off together?
(21 December 2017)

Do I stay with the GF who is fun to be around and makes me really happy, but has no plan or goal in life.
(21 December 2017)

I also believe if we both tried and made effort we could be very happy together.
(21 December 2017)

We both have very good jobs and will be really well off if we do everything together.
(21 December 2017)

We ve always been there for each other.
(21 December 2017)

i guess i was mr popular today on messenger

Normally i might get someone send me a message once a month when im on it. Not today I got 6 months worth of messages sent to me today. I tried to answer them and chat until it locked up. Oh well_ Marth:I am usually honest and say my dislikes someone help me find a man.(22 [...]

Has anyone ever felt this before? And what does it mean?
(21 December 2017)

I dont know if this means something or not?
(21 December 2017)

Same song, same bathroom, same way, everything was exactly the same.
(21 December 2017)

So today I was going to the bathroom while searching for a song (XXXTENTACION - Teeth), I felt the feeling that the same exact thing that was happening there happened in the past.
(21 December 2017)

Does my aunt have same feelings for me? Please help?
(21 December 2017)

How can I make a move on Her.I like her a lot.I want kiss her & all.I am 19 & she's 35 How can I do it?
(21 December 2017)

She doesn't mind it at all.She is single.
(21 December 2017)

So, I usually lay in her lap & rub my hands over her back.I hug her many times in a day as she lives with us.She is so hot & I.
(21 December 2017)

Why does my former boss wanna get drinks with me? (Serious answers please)?
(21 December 2017)

I'm almost positive he knows I'm attracted to him so if anything I would think that would deter him from asking.
(21 December 2017)

Introducing.. A new toy

I purchased a new toy recently. This new toy has contributed to my sanity maintenance. It’s big! A good length.. 9! It’s not to girthy.Easy to maneuver.It resembles a banana. Took it for a spin the v_ Kimberly:In my Mom’s family the tension is that my aunt hates her own daughter.(22 December 2017) Dione:I want to marry [...]

I regret everything yesterday and I said such dumb stuff and my entire body hurts today and I slept so long but still am tired and it ruined about everything I had planned for today.. Never again.
(21 December 2017)

What does compression clothing do?
(21 December 2017)

If you're working out they help you or something?
(21 December 2017)

Does hypnotism really work in getting over your heartbreak for someone?
(21 December 2017)

Please help with my brothers wife! Family issues?
(21 December 2017)

Should i be getting paid for babysitting?
(21 December 2017)

How will I know when to kiss my girlfriend?
(21 December 2017)

I m the first person she has ever dated, and I just want her to be happy.
(21 December 2017)

I really care about here, and I don t want her to be uncomfortable.
(21 December 2017)

We are taking things slow, and I have no idea when it will be okay to kiss her.
(21 December 2017)

Saturday 23 December 2017

A Matter of Life or Death

I responded to 39lawless blog about a health crisis, “I am horrible at grief counseling. But empathy, I got that in spades. Hugs.” She responded that she was surprised by the first sentence. That got_ Leoma:What do you think of the name Riley for a girl?(22 December 2017) Dorthy:I have fallen in love with a straight married [...]

Why do men like to be dominant?
(21 December 2017)

Or do they only do it because it turns the girl on?
(21 December 2017)

What do men get out of sexually dominating women?
(21 December 2017)

Is it weird if a girl is braless?
(21 December 2017)

I feel like you barely even notice and this girl made it seem like I committed a crime.
(21 December 2017)

I'm in college and about two weeks ago, some girl in my class gave me a massive lecture over it.
(21 December 2017)

I'm a 34D I just wear tight dark shirts so they don't move around as much, and dark shirts so they're not see thru.
(21 December 2017)

Should I pretend to believe my friend's little fibs?
(21 December 2017)

A Wells Fargo employee used my personal information to text me , should i do something about this?
(21 December 2017)

He was kind of flirting with me the whole time i told him i had a bf , did not give him permission to text me and he used my personal information and texted me . Should i do anything about this?
(21 December 2017)


Due to political correctness issues “Krazy Glue” will now be known as “Mental Disorder Glue”_ Candyce:He claimed he wasn’t attracted to her says her face is average and body too skinny like anorexic.(22 December 2017) Candyce:Boyfriend and I broke up for 6 months(obviously back together now) I started seeing a nice guy in those 6 months and [...]

I haven t done much about this though for mainly two reasons.
(20 December 2017)

Its been a couple months now and we ve gradually had talks here and there, but the eye contact scenarios keep happening, where for a quick second we ll look at eachother and look away.
(20 December 2017)

So naturally, as a guy, whenever the opportunity would present itself I d look over to catch a glimpse of her, however I noticed that she also looked over at me and then we just looked away and continued doing whatever it was that we were originally doing.
(20 December 2017)

So theres this girl who ive never personally met till this year (senior year) and as soon as I saw her I immediately thought she was attractive.
(20 December 2017)

Is it normal to feel disgusted with yourself after a hook up?
(20 December 2017)

Poll: favorite sweater, buttt I want to play and get it messy, what would you do?
(20 December 2017)

What to write in a Christmas card for my boyfriend of a month?
(20 December 2017)

What can I write in his Christmas card to show I care?
(20 December 2017)

My boyfriend and I have only been dating for a month so I don t want to write anything too sappy but at the same time he means a lot to me.
(20 December 2017)

Why didn't I feel much while having sex?
(20 December 2017)

I know it’s Monday, but….

[image]Hope your Monday was manageable!_ Kasandra:So fast forward a couple months, and a few times of me telling her again how I felt.(22 December 2017) Kasandra:She told me that she didn’t know what she wanted, but we still kept talking to each other and chilling.(22 December 2017) Kasandra:It got to the point where I told her how I [...]

She always hated my husband, and any guy I dated.
(20 December 2017)

She was trying to break up my marriage, I guess.
(20 December 2017)

Do I depress my crush?
(20 December 2017)

Even though he initiates every single one of our conversations?
(20 December 2017)

Also he jokes a lot, and makes me laugh in the same sentence as him complaining about someone.
(20 December 2017)

Like he'll complain about a whole list of people, and say except for me.
(20 December 2017)

But when he's with me, he seems angry towards everyone, except me.
(20 December 2017)

He seems to be a pretty happy, and positive person around others from what I have seen.
(20 December 2017)

Me and the guy that I like are pretty friendly I would say.
(20 December 2017)

My girlfriend is interested in females should i let her go or try to work things out?
(20 December 2017)

my perfect world

I was just thinking how nice of a world it would be if everyone loved sex as much as I did and if everyone was bi.If they taught sex in school taught girls how to suck cock and get fucked.Taught men h_ Darby:Then, towArfd the end of summer I finally got to have sex with one [...]

I recently watched my best friend's 6-year marriage fall apart in just one month.
(20 December 2017)

All my girl friends complain about how horrible their significant other is and all the terrible things guys have done to them, and my guy friends are in and out of relationships like nothing else.
(20 December 2017)

All I can think about is the tremendous amount of physical and emotional pain everything will cause.
(20 December 2017)

I may not have always felt this way my entire life, but when I really stop and think about dating someone, marrying, having sex (which I haven't yet), and being pregnant, none of it sounds especially appealing to me.
(20 December 2017)

And no, it doesn't seem to be a phase that I'll get over any time soon.
(20 December 2017)

What's a better name for these movie characters?
(20 December 2017)

What do you think of the name Mason Reid M?
(20 December 2017)

Mason Reid McDonough Reid is my mothers maiden name and my brothers middle name.
(20 December 2017)

Why do girls cry over male celebrities ?
(20 December 2017)

She said she wants to marry him and have kids with him she was not happy when she found out he's already been married and has kids and grandkids.
(20 December 2017)