Tuesday 31 October 2017

Ain’t It the Truth ….

I don’t usually post pictures but …._ Rolande:I am a hard working student and I always get good grades, yet my parents fail to realize that the internet is not a bunch of time wasted.(31 October 2017) Rolande:My parents took away all of my devices since I stay too much on them, no matter how hard I [...]

My boyfriend and i are 15. I'm sorta the 'innocent' one in the relationship but my freaky side will come out.
(29 October 2017)

Does she sound like she wants me to ask her out?
(29 October 2017)

It's been almost 2 years, yet i'm still not over him. How to move on?
(29 October 2017)

It's also hard because we see each other almost everyday in school.
(29 October 2017)

I still think of him every single day.
(29 October 2017)

He has a new boyfriend now, and he seems so happy with him and I feel bitter everytime I see him happy.
(29 October 2017)

I agreed, although deep inside I felt sad.
(29 October 2017)

He told me that he felt relieved that I broke up with him because he wouldn't have had the guts to do it.
(29 October 2017)

Then I dumped him February 13, 2016. We got in touch recently and talked about our break up.
(29 October 2017)

At the last few weeks of our relationship, he was distant and too busy with everything else and I felt that I was making a lot of effort to bring back the spark that was, unfortunately, gone.
(29 October 2017)


Happy April Fool’s day to everyone Hope everyone has as much fun as I have had already Make sure you wear your green unless you like being pinchedDepends on my mood for me sometimes some pinch is_ Marcelene:I didn’t have any actual long-term boyfriends in high school, and ever since I have been in college I [...]

And sometimes when I hug her she shoves me off too, should I dump her?
(29 October 2017)

I like to cuddle sometimes and when I go to cuddle her she shoves my arms off and tells me to get off and leave her alone.
(29 October 2017)

Can i ask Douglas why his girlfriend is fat?
(29 October 2017)

I wasn't an honor roll student in high school. Is my life just usless?
(29 October 2017)

I don't know if I should even attend college.
(29 October 2017)

I made one of the highest grades in my class on the asvab.
(29 October 2017)

My family doesn't think that I could ever become an RN.
(29 October 2017)

I just want an academic award just once in my life.
(29 October 2017)

I made new friends but I don't want to be clingy?
(29 October 2017)

What does it mean if a girl looks at this area?
(29 October 2017)

Joe and Carla

Joe and CarladonamorousCarla and Joe slowly drove through the little town driving through the colorful tree lined streets looking for the local movie theatre.So Carla could see her favorite actor’s ne_ Leatrice:Are there still decent women out there for mature responsible men?(30 October 2017) Leatrice:Are there still decent women out there for someone like me?(30 October 2017) Leatrice:I [...]

He says it was fitted and it looked great, you don t see your little tummy ( which I didn t get upset about since I do have a little bit) and proceeds to say along with other ppl being near us you d even look better if you lost 5 lbs.
(29 October 2017)

Boyfriend and I went shopping together I was trying out a jacket he picked out for me.
(29 October 2017)

Got caught sneaking my boyfriend in. Advice?
(29 October 2017)

I just need some advice on what to say to her and my boyfriend.
(29 October 2017)

He s a very scared to come to back to my house during the day because of what she might say, and i know she s going to say more about it to me.
(29 October 2017)

She started banging on my door around 1:30 and i hurried and let him out my window but she heard my window and searched my room for him.
(29 October 2017)

My mom thinks i m still a virgin but i m pretty sure she heard us.
(29 October 2017)

He came over at 12:40ish and we had sex.
(29 October 2017)

We barely got to see eachother during the day because he was busy so i wanted him to sneak over my house.
(29 October 2017)

I m almost 17 and so is my boyfriend.
(29 October 2017)

Joe and Carla

Joe and CarladonamorousCarla and Joe slowly drove through the little town driving through the colorful tree lined streets looking for the local movie theatre.So Carla could see her favorite actor’s ne_ Leatrice:Are there still decent women out there for mature responsible men?(30 October 2017) Leatrice:Are there still decent women out there for someone like me?(30 October 2017) Leatrice:I [...]

He just says he wants to see sexy photos of her but she doesnt want to send anything like that.
(29 October 2017)

Has a guy ever thought of you as a skank just cause you used to dress in a hot way, but now you changed?
(29 October 2017)

Revenge without acknowledging person?
(29 October 2017)

Also plz don't say I shouldn't have revenge.
(29 October 2017)

Something like spill paint on them and just walk away and pretend it didn't happen but less conspicuous.
(29 October 2017)

So I need to take revenge on someone, but I don't want to acknowledge them.
(29 October 2017)

I want a Girl friend so bad......but i cant get over being shy?
(29 October 2017)

I had a girlfriend once when I used tinder I feel like I am a really nice person.
(29 October 2017)

What should I do Or what y'all think?
(29 October 2017)

That I'm the lucky girl because he can have like 30 girls but that my pussy is the only one he will come back to ..
(29 October 2017)

You might be a redneck if….

you’ve ever worn a bra that was held together by staples.Why is it that I have so many issues with my bras????I was in the breakroom with several of my coworkers when my bra literally flew apart. I’v_ Charlene:How should I chase an Italian girl and make her want me?(30 October 2017) Charlene:I have a feeling she’s [...]

Most of my friends live back home.
(28 October 2017)

I got out of the Military and now live in southern California.
(28 October 2017)

Can you get someone for adultery even though while you were married they never slept with anyone else but you?
(28 October 2017)

My husband confronted me about these messages before we got married, and decided to stay with me, and married me so how exactly is it adultery if I never actually cheated on him?
(28 October 2017)

My husband claims he can get me for adultery, due to him seeing messages while we were dating to another man even though that man was my best friend and I talked to him about everything.
(28 October 2017)

Am I the only one who has a crush on Giggles from Happy Tree Friends?
(28 October 2017)

I've heard a lot of people say they love Petunia but I've barely heard anyone talk about Giggles that way.
(28 October 2017)

I'm just curious as to whether anyone else likes her and if I'm crazy for feeling that way.
(28 October 2017)

I've been crushing on that pink chipmunk with a red bow in her fur for about a year now.
(28 October 2017)

Now come oct and she said she had it or claims she did.
(28 October 2017)

End of November

Hi all,still a novice at this but hey…..the book called 2014 reaches its final chapter tomorrowThat means Christmas presents, festive make-up, warm woollen dresses, red lingerie…….Cozy nights an_ Danae:He’s also constantly saying racial slurs and just being an asshole.(30 October 2017) Danae:We have similar personalities and tastes but his mindset is so disgusting.(30 October 2017) Danae:I don’t understand [...]

My parents don't want me to date a nurse?
(28 October 2017)

How do I start a conversation about this with them to convince them to see my point of view?
(28 October 2017)

But my parents think that we are not compatible in terms of educational standards.
(28 October 2017)

I have absolutely no problem with the fact that he is a nurse; he is very passionate about his job and is a kind and compassionate and intelligent person.
(28 October 2017)

I recently told my parents about him, and they take issue with the fact that he is nurse.
(28 October 2017)

I'm in my second year of my program.
(28 October 2017)

I'm a medical student in a combined degree program, and I've recently started dating a nurse who graduated and started working about 2 years ago.
(28 October 2017)

Is Tiger is a good name for a boy?
(28 October 2017)

I want to name him after Tiger Woods.
(28 October 2017)

Should I ask her for her number again when I see her?
(28 October 2017)

Monday 30 October 2017

happy hump day

[image]_ Romaine:Okay so I have a crush on this kinda nerdy guy, he seems sweet and he’s usually a shy guy in general sometimes.(30 October 2017) Fern:What is the fastest way to get into a girls pants?(30 October 2017) Fern:Should I whip out my mic and start singing like Zayn?(30 October 2017) Lucille:Is it good to put limits on [...]

Ansley or Anais?
(28 October 2017)

There is one of my friends who likes him too and he know's that both of us like's him, and he acts more like a friend with her but he said he doesn't like her back, but he has been acting kind of awkard around me.
(28 October 2017)

I still like him and In class when I look at him we keep making eyecontact and he told many of his friends that I like him.
(28 October 2017)

One of his friend keeps teasing hI'm because I like him, and when my friend asked why his friend was teasing him so much, he just said it's a guy thing.
(28 October 2017)

I told him that I like him, but I still don't know if he likes me back or not.
(28 October 2017)

I usually text him, once in a while nowadas though.
(28 October 2017)

Why did i enjoy making out and having sex with a stranger a known for 10 mins?
(28 October 2017)

What I was asking is if a father can be more of a loving and nurturing parent rather than a disciplinary parent.
(28 October 2017)

My 2 month old has to be rocked! Helppppppppppp?
(28 October 2017)

My 2 month old has to be rocked or swaddled to go to sleep.when I put her down she cries.what can I do so she can sooth herself to sleep?
(28 October 2017)

Lazy Day

Just to hard to leave alone_ Vernetta:My mom and me argue 7 TIMES PER DAY. What should I do?(29 October 2017) Vernetta:I also get too angry and yell at her for like 30 minutes if she makes one mistake and it goes on until my stepdad comes in and tells us to stop.(29 October 2017) Vernetta:So I have [...]

Reasons couples sleep in the same bed?
(28 October 2017)

Is having sex the only reason they do so?
(28 October 2017)

What should I get for my boyfriends parents?!?
(28 October 2017)

I was thinking about just buying some nice candles and band soaps and bring over a cake or something for the kids.
(28 October 2017)

There are the parents obviously, and then two siblings which are 14 and 11, boy and girl.
(28 October 2017)

I think it would be a nice gesture to bring a gift over.
(28 October 2017)

They've been wanting me over for awhile now so I'm going to their house next weekend.
(28 October 2017)

So I'm meeting my boyfriends parents for the first time and I really want to make a good impression, but I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying too hard.
(28 October 2017)

My parents like to involve me in their feuding with extended family though they deny it. How do I get them to see this hurts me?
(28 October 2017)

They ruined my childhood with this.
(28 October 2017)

Standard rant ….the wannabes….

Probably everyone who writes anything around here has eluded to or blasted the flakes, liars, posers, and wannabes. My turn again.Guy messages ….standard Hello …how are you, standard reply, fine,_ Lynelle:I used to just have drinking buddies and that was all.(29 October 2017) Lynelle:I guess its because I picked the wrong type of friends.(29 October 2017) Lynelle:I used [...]

He's amazingly nice, funny, smart, and we have so many similarities and inside jokes.
(27 October 2017)

I REALLY want to deny it but I feel like I may be starting to develop feelings for J.
(27 October 2017)

Anyway, J and my bf are friends, which leads to the next part.
(27 October 2017)

Also, he's been acting different lately, for ex. he makes excuses when we're supposed to hang out and he doesn't ask me about my day anymore.
(27 October 2017)

Because of that I feel like a bad person even though I shouldn't.
(27 October 2017)

Now, he goes to a different school and we barely see each other, and I feel as if I'm starting to lose my romantic feelings for him, and nothing is as exciting as it used to be.
(27 October 2017)

I'm young and sometimes I regret getting into my first relationship but we were both comfortable because we were friends before for a long time.
(27 October 2017)

A lot of my friends say he may like me, and I can see where they are coming from, but in my mind I still deny it.
(27 October 2017)

J and I were close last year, but high school brought us closer than ever.
(27 October 2017)

I'm really close to this guy, let's call him J.
(27 October 2017)

Standard rant ….the wannabes….

Probably everyone who writes anything around here has eluded to or blasted the flakes, liars, posers, and wannabes. My turn again.Guy messages ….standard Hello …how are you, standard reply, fine,_ Lynelle:I used to just have drinking buddies and that was all.(29 October 2017) Lynelle:I guess its because I picked the wrong type of friends.(29 October 2017) Lynelle:I used [...]

For those teens 18 or 17, does your mom still cook you lunch?
(27 October 2017)

I was wondering do you parents cook you food for lunch or is it only for four year olds?
(27 October 2017)

Is it selfish for me not to want to get in touch with my real parents?
(27 October 2017)

How to deal with my mother-in-law over the holidays?
(27 October 2017)

I don't want to be the cause of him ending all ties to his family.
(27 October 2017)

My husband said if she does not stop he will never see his family again but I really don't want that for him.
(27 October 2017)

I try everything to be nice to her and she treats me like crap.
(27 October 2017)

I know this christmas she will ask me how many abortions I have had this year just like every other year and I have never had an abortion in my life.
(27 October 2017)

He has told her over and over that he feels that I saved him from her and without me coming in to his life he would be dead by now.
(27 October 2017)

Now I really don't have the power to cause cancer, I have never cheated on him, I don't steal his money, I have never abused him.
(27 October 2017)

Art Class Day

Yesterday was an important anniversary milestone for me and my husband.It marked a year since we pledged to be totally transparent with each other and began our official journey into the swinger lifes_ Mazie:Why should I go on living?(29 October 2017) Mazie:Feel like there’s no meaning to my life anymore.(29 October 2017) Gennie:Why do kids smear faeces?(29 October [...]

We broke up several years ago and now all of a sudden she's mad at me because I haven't talked to her for several years?
(27 October 2017)

What else should I put in a profile, or should I just leave it blank?
(27 October 2017)

What are your recommendations based on our style of names?
(27 October 2017)

Hubby likes India, Talia and Francesca.
(27 October 2017)

So far my favorites are Kaia, Isabella and Lucy.
(27 October 2017)

I like modern and timeless names, but not super unusual or unique.
(27 October 2017)

My name is Olivia and his is Wesley for reference.
(27 October 2017)

We had the perfect name picked out if she was a little boy but hardly had any girls names.
(27 October 2017)

She is due March 10th 2018. We are having trouble agreeing on names.
(27 October 2017)

My wife cheated me to marry her. should i get divorce?
(27 October 2017)

Sunday 29 October 2017

But you’re black yourself. And?

Why does being black myself mean I HAVE to be attracted to my own race of males physically? Why does it mean I have to date and be into them because I’m black myself? Why does that absence mean co_ Mamie:I just don’t want him to spring it on me one day that he wants more [...]

I work from 1:30am to 9am monday-saturday, mon-thursday after work I go to school at 10:20am and after I go to the gym.
(27 October 2017)

I'm 19, in college and I work part time.
(27 October 2017)

Have you ever felt that you will NEVER actually find a good partner?
(27 October 2017)

Guys do you think he still has feelings for me?
(27 October 2017)

I wanna sneek on a bus to field trip how ?????
(27 October 2017)

Is it normal for my birth control to allow me to not come on my Period?
(27 October 2017)

Has anyone had this problem on Lyza or the Mini pill?
(27 October 2017)

It's a little frustrating and stressing me out even more since I am suffering from depression.
(27 October 2017)

I have taken about 3 pregnancy tests and all came back negative.
(27 October 2017)

I'm a little late and have no signs of starting either.
(27 October 2017)

About city life…

I live in a fairly normal, average sized house in a good neighborhood…Tonight, my daughter and I were watching tv, and we heard this heart breaking kind of sobbing, and yelling…We didn’t know wher_ Milagros:My friend seems annoyed at the flirting vibe and she is like a sister so I would never ever go there but [...]

Am I to act as grandma to my boyfriends grandchildren?
(26 October 2017)

Obviously I'm not old enough to have grandchildren so it's all new to me.
(26 October 2017)

I'm not sure if being like a grandma would be inappropriate.
(26 October 2017)

My boyfriend and I are planning on getting married eventually.
(26 October 2017)

His daughter, 29, and I have spoken about getting my 4 year old and her 4 and 6 year olds together.
(26 October 2017)

My boyfriend of 7 months is 51. I'm 27. Although we are 24 years apart, we work wonderfully together and love each other very much.
(26 October 2017)

Don't want to meet my boyfriends parents under bad circumstances?!?
(26 October 2017)

My friend has a problem and I want to help and need advice?
(26 October 2017)

Is there someone I can contact to give her help?
(26 October 2017)

However now her parents are kicking her out and her family is all mad at her due to this, and at the same time they never really supported her because her real parents were screwed up and they figured her as a screw up.
(26 October 2017)

Happy HNW: Masturbation!

[image]_ Barabara:I began therapy and went to my church, sought forgiveness.(28 October 2017) Barabara:I told my fiance everything a few days after it ended.(28 October 2017) Barabara:I spoke to an advisor, this bar has had dozens of druggings recently.(28 October 2017) Barabara:During this all my fiance knew was that we had feelings.(28 October 2017) Barabara:It was painful and all about [...]

So that passed, then I asked her to come out with me and the lads one might and she did, and she got talking to one of my good friends, he got bored and asked me to fill in, I told her he would date her friend and he agreed as a joke to go.
(25 October 2017)

I was going to ask her out but when we were sitting there one night she asked what I thought of her friend and was going to set up a date, I ignored it, I laughed it off and pretended she frightened me of her.
(25 October 2017)

I lived with this girl for about a month, at first I kept on living normally I just did my thing but she got more interested in me so we used to stay up late and watch movies and talk.
(25 October 2017)

It's not the first time either haha, I know I'll get over it but it keeps happening and it sickens me.
(25 October 2017)

I also don't consider myself tomboy.
(25 October 2017)

Why are women with mainly male friends stigmatized?
(25 October 2017)

It's kind of odd to me how I feel now, because growing up, I never hung around guys but never fit in with most girls.
(25 October 2017)

Have never even had a boyfriend because I've never been in love and am focusing on my studies.
(25 October 2017)

So yeah.. I'm not slutty or anything.
(25 October 2017)

Even the ones who don't care for me are still courteous while girls like that are just outright mean.
(25 October 2017)

Happy HNW: Masturbation!

[image]_ Barabara:I began therapy and went to my church, sought forgiveness.(28 October 2017) Barabara:I told my fiance everything a few days after it ended.(28 October 2017) Barabara:I spoke to an advisor, this bar has had dozens of druggings recently.(28 October 2017) Barabara:During this all my fiance knew was that we had feelings.(28 October 2017) Barabara:It was painful and all about [...]

How do I reassure my friend that I am not pursuing her romantically?
(25 October 2017)

Any credible ideas would be helpful.
(25 October 2017)

The real problem I suppose is that there are no people who like being around both of us at the same time.
(25 October 2017)

But I sure as heck don't want things to be weird.
(25 October 2017)

I still like to hang out with her.
(25 October 2017)

Does Everyone overcome there foot shyness?
(25 October 2017)

Do you ever ask for a girl her number with no intention in calling?
(25 October 2017)

I know some may do it just to play games or get someone to leave them alone.
(25 October 2017)

I mean a guy getting a girl's number doesn't mean they're interested anyways.
(25 October 2017)

I don't think I've done that but would you still care if you weren't interested in him or her?
(25 October 2017)

Worked hard

It worked hard yesterday! 😁_ Elia:5months pregnant, if you had a CT scan of abdomen would you see the baby?(28 October 2017) Elia:Seriously I know this is a dumb question, just trying to prove someone wrong.(28 October 2017) Latina:My friend is always on her phone?(28 October 2017) Latina:I’ve tried being subtle by apologizing for being on my own phone [...]

He came and sit next to me (there are lots of seats were empty, and he doesn't use to sit next to me), asked me if I went out with that guy last night.
(25 October 2017)

At the beginning, he never talks to me.
(25 October 2017)

Do you think I could get a date if I tried?
(25 October 2017)

Guy friend gave another guy a dirty look?
(25 October 2017)

He gave my friend a dirty look and hardly talked to me before leaving shortly after.
(25 October 2017)

My other friend that's like a little brother to me decided to come hang out and eat down beside me.
(25 October 2017)

He greeted my guy friend before we went and eat down at a table.
(25 October 2017)

When we got to the library however and another friend of mine was getting ready to leave.
(25 October 2017)

We ran some errands and just talked some about life and past relationships.
(25 October 2017)

I was hanging out with a guy friend of mine that I haven't hung out with in awhile.
(25 October 2017)

Trust Building Thursday

Gettin out of the comfort zones and growing the trust!!!! [image] Sometimes all you need is a hard cock![image2][image3]How many times should we make you cum today!![image4][image5]_ Romaine:And I a very honest with my bf and told him about my feeling.(28 October 2017) Romaine:I was jealous about here, i dont even know why.(28 October 2017) Romaine:He doesnt talk [...]

During the daily convos, we chatted a lot about life and where we want to be in few years, goals, all kinds of stuff.
(25 October 2017)

How do I tell my dad I want to see a psychiatrists?
(25 October 2017)

It's kind of weird, but I really need help finding a way to drop hints or something that I'd like to talk to a psychiatrists.
(25 October 2017)

I also live with my grandma, but whenever I tell her something she tells my dad and he gets mad and tells me its stupid.
(25 October 2017)

I find it very hard to talk to my dad about it and my mom is not in the picture.
(25 October 2017)

They don't really help, they just make me feel worse and I get picked on for having to take them.
(25 October 2017)

I've been stuck in this depression for three years, clinically depressed for one year, and all they've done is give me pills.
(25 October 2017)

Was it wrong for him to hit her?
(25 October 2017)

So this girl at my school kept punching, hitting, and kicking this boy and snapped and slapped her she started crying he got in trouble and she didn't was this wrong?
(25 October 2017)

What guy names start with F?
(25 October 2017)

Saturday 28 October 2017


What’s a guy to do?Keep pubes full bush? Trim the bush? Shave it clean?_ Naomi:I am dreading Thanksgiving as they will use me as a pawn.(28 October 2017) Naomi:I am 32 so they obviously don’t hold me back anymore but my Dad and sometimes my Mom flip when I see one of their enemies in the family [...]

I think I was the only one who did.
(25 October 2017)

Well she gets on stage and I throw a few dollars.
(25 October 2017)

So I turn my head and one of the dancers sitting with a guy is already looking at me.
(25 October 2017)

It was not a bad smell but I knew it was a woman.
(25 October 2017)

I was in a strip club minding my business when I noticed a smell.
(25 October 2017)

As she exited the building she quickly opened the door but didn't hold it but looked back like she tried to hold it for me.
(25 October 2017)

She walked ahead of me and I said bye to the professor and she was smiling.
(25 October 2017)

While this was happening she was just standing there and didn't leave until I had finished signing my name.
(25 October 2017)

She signed her name and handed it to someone else then I was handed the sheet.
(25 October 2017)

I sometimes look at her and today after class ended we have to pass around a sheet and sign our names for a test.
(25 October 2017)


The next few months after Addison and Adam’s first encounter, the two would get together a couple of times a week to have sex. Addison was always amazed how great Adam performed in bed, and she neve_ Marquitta:This married man also isn’t aware I know he’s married and I do not question any of it.(28 October [...]

Then he gets on top of me and I tell him that I don't want to have sex.
(25 October 2017)

I could smell the liquor on him while he was holding me.
(25 October 2017)

In hindsight I realize that was a bad choice on my part.
(25 October 2017)

So he comes over he wants to cuddle.
(25 October 2017)

I invited my friend I hadn't seen in a long time over after work, he works at a club so he gets off pretty late.
(25 October 2017)

Suggest me some activities through which i can interact with girls ?(Dating)?
(25 October 2017)

I don't feel like he loves me anymore?
(25 October 2017)

What do I do and should I text him more?
(25 October 2017)

But I don't feel the love as much as I do before.
(25 October 2017)

Sometimes he does show a bit of love and he kisses me lots and holds my hand and tickles me and hugs me when we are together.
(25 October 2017)


I’m a very persistent individual. My philosophy is: They may kill you but they can’t eat you (even though I’m not opposed to be “eaten.”). I’ve had several potential hookups but something always seems_ Gertha:My mind is made up, I want to stay with my girlfriend, but why can I not bring myself to tell my [...]

How can I take this further? We have not kissed yet but.?
(25 October 2017)

Lots of hugs after and she said I make her happy.
(25 October 2017)

Third time she came alone, sat close but i had my had on her upper thigh and then on her rat for the whole move.
(25 October 2017)

Sad some distance from her friend to hold my hand and sit very close.
(25 October 2017)

The second time she took her friend another girl.
(25 October 2017)

The first day we held hands all through and she sat tight close to me then fell asleep next to me but held hands.
(25 October 2017)

She then texts me to see if i got home ok which is fine but if i dont answer she calls me or my husband.
(25 October 2017)

I go see her when i get there at my break and before i leave.
(25 October 2017)

I work at the same place as her but i clean and shes in office.
(25 October 2017)

Should i tell my boyfriend.?
(25 October 2017)

Preference for the ladies

Do you prefer a man to be…..Please elaborate._ Mirtha:I have not gotten my period this month so I am very worried.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I used a condom and I am on the pill, I did initially had my period after the encounter.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I had sex a few weeks ago with someone at my university.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I [...]

I'm afraid that it will die on me before I have the money to get a new phone.
(24 October 2017)

The worst problem is that it can't hold a charge for longer than 12 hours.
(24 October 2017)

I've had it for so long and it's been having problems.
(24 October 2017)

Not because I want a fancy phone or the newest version out there, only because my 6 year old flip phone is dying.
(24 October 2017)

The problem that I'm having right now is that I need a new phone.
(24 October 2017)

I've been searching for MONTHS but luckily I'm going to a job fair tomorrow.
(24 October 2017)

I am 20 years old and I'm currently looking for work.
(24 October 2017)

They are being noisy. I have to get up at 5:30am. How should I handle this?
(24 October 2017)

Am I selfish for being mad that they won't keep it down when I have to wake up for work in six hours?
(24 October 2017)

Now a few other family members have shown up and they're all being loud in the kitchen.
(24 October 2017)

Preference for the ladies

Do you prefer a man to be…..Please elaborate._ Mirtha:I have not gotten my period this month so I am very worried.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I used a condom and I am on the pill, I did initially had my period after the encounter.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I had sex a few weeks ago with someone at my university.(27 October 2017) Mirtha:I [...]

I noticed him looking at me a few times, we ve talked before but only about the class.
(24 October 2017)

He s sweet, humble and he always has very insightful and intelligent things to say.
(24 October 2017)

I noticed the first day how handsome he was, but in a quiet, subtle way.
(24 October 2017)

There s this guy in my discussion section for my writing class.
(24 October 2017)

What does it mean when a guy says Just got home not really in the mood 2 do anything. I don't know. Go hang with someone else?
(24 October 2017)

He wants me to hangout with his friend.
(24 October 2017)

My boyfriend said that in a text tonight.
(24 October 2017)

Should I marry my distant cousin who is a classless lawyer?
(24 October 2017)

If it will save my father's magnificent estate from ruin?
(24 October 2017)

Girls, Do vaginas actually smell like fishy fish?
(24 October 2017)

Glad that ppl share their tales of …

…….. Masturbation & how much they get themselves off. Women especially, read a woman’s where she used her largest toy, relaxed herself & had multiple orgasms, then fell asleep with her toy in herM_ Robena:We fight constantly and I barely allow him to touch me anymore.(27 October 2017) Robena:Homelessness, loss of trust you name it we have [...]

Why are the young girls in my neighbourhood angry at me for no reason?
(24 October 2017)

They shout at me, shout subliminal insults, they block the road when my car is passing and make no effort to move in a hurry.
(24 October 2017)

What is happening? HELP!?
(24 October 2017)

I really like him, and one of his friends who is also my friend said that we are cute together, and I told him we were not dating, but he thinks I really like him because we always flirt at work and get along super well.
(24 October 2017)

I found out a few days ago that he may take this other girl on another date, even though he said he probably wouldnt the day of the first date.
(24 October 2017)

Why does it bother me when I find out a guy still loves his ex?
(24 October 2017)

It's like I'm obsessed with this topic cause I'm so used to it happening. lol.
(24 October 2017)

Come to find out he still has feelings for his ex and would much rather be with her than me (basically I'm always the girl guys settle for). Idk.
(24 October 2017)

Is having a baby easy?
(24 October 2017)

Is taking care of a newborn or a child easy?
(24 October 2017)

Friday 27 October 2017

Hey Men. Would you let me give you a blow job?

Hey Men. Would you let me give you a blow job? If I promised not to bite?_ Lacresha:And the girl also tries to verbally abuse me and i feel like i have no one but my husband.(26 October 2017) Lacresha:She says she is prettier and keeps hurting me.(26 October 2017) Lacresha:The girl is my husbands cross cousin and [...]

So naturally I moved across the country to be with him.
(24 October 2017)

I married my highschool sweetheart who joined the navy right out of highschool.
(24 October 2017)

Who owns the property??
(24 October 2017)

Both individuals or does one rank higher?
(24 October 2017)

Was wondering if anyone sees this or am I just seeing this ?
(24 October 2017)

Should I get back with someone who lied a lot to me?
(24 October 2017)

Should I give it another chance?
(24 October 2017)

Then said he was going to try and be with me and only me, but I learned that was a lie quick Now he's saying this time is different and he really means it.
(24 October 2017)

He enjoyed the new freeing feeling of college.
(24 October 2017)

As soon as we did he started talking to other girls and sleeping around.
(24 October 2017)


It is a cold and blustery day and it is snowing out. I decide to call my friend Tiny and my friend Quinton. They come over and we decide to watch a movie and have drinks. We put the movie in and start_ Kendall:I need some advice on getting friends ??(25 October 2017) Kendall:I never know how [...]

I am a 13 year old girl... I like girls.
(24 October 2017)

How do Filipino women feel about stepchildren?
(24 October 2017)

About three months ago she moved here to the US closer to me, and no this is not a green card scam or anything like that she paid her own way and took care of the paperwork herself. my question is we really hit it off.
(24 October 2017)

Okay I met this woman she s from the Philippines we met as epals about a year ago.
(24 October 2017)

Could my nephews be an advantage baby?10 point?
(24 October 2017)

My nephew is 2 months old and he is already screaming and making noises.
(24 October 2017)

What should I do about my parents? PLEASE HELP!!?
(24 October 2017)

They are like this because I occasionally smoke marijuana and got suspended for school for a day.
(24 October 2017)

How do I convince my parents to just leave me alone and let me do what I need to do?
(24 October 2017)

I am 17 and I turn 18 in February.
(24 October 2017)

Could porn be educational?

Could porn be educational? I think so, here is why I think so.I was 34 years, always enjoyed touch and sex, yes I was well lubricated.Had a friend 13 years younger, I was his second partner and he was_ Kellee:How can i tell if a guy is only dating me?(25 October 2017) Kellee:How can i tell if [...]

The part that I have trouble with is the Self Summary.
(24 October 2017)

Why english men are so stupid,drunken,donkeys and uncouth?
(24 October 2017)

Does this ever happen to anyone?
(24 October 2017)

I am terrible at kissing! Any tips?
(24 October 2017)

Should I tell the guy I have been talking to that wen he ignored me for a week, I was intimate wit someone?
(24 October 2017)

His excuse for not responding all week was that he got upset he couldn't meet me and he hung out with friends and wasnt on his phone much.
(24 October 2017)

I don't want to ruin thins but i may have already done that.
(24 October 2017)

Of course, now he is expecting to see me this weekend.
(24 October 2017)

I don't like other guy I was just feeling rejected and lonely.
(24 October 2017)

We ended up making out and he went down on me.
(24 October 2017)

Mouthful ;)

Now that is a Mouthful, what do you think Hot or Not?_ Kira:I miss our friendship but I know I can never allow this person back in my life after this.(25 October 2017) Kira:I can’t ever speak to them again because of how they treated me and my child and the things they said about her are [...]

This guy (who is my friend) is 25 years old and still has some anger towards his mother, because when he was 10 years old, his mother married a guy that he did not like because of him being mean to him, and also he didn't like the guy's children.
(24 October 2017)

I pushed him away and said know but he kept going.
(24 October 2017)

Today a guy forced himself on me and started kissing me multiple times and touching me.
(24 October 2017)

Today, monday, he bought me plan b, what are the odds I will get pregnant?
(24 October 2017)

Hi, I am 17 and Saturday i got off of my period and that night my boyfriend full on jizzed in me, it was uncalled for.
(24 October 2017)

You ask a girl out and she smiles nervously and says maybe as she nods.
(24 October 2017)

There was this girl that I don t like anymore for a very good reason she even knows but somehow she stares at me?
(24 October 2017)

The last name is Calamia, which girl name sounds best?
(24 October 2017)

How to get a certain person to look at me when she is speaking to me?
(23 October 2017)

It's very annoying and rude to not look at someone when in conversation.
(23 October 2017)

Mouthful ;)

Now that is a Mouthful, what do you think Hot or Not?_ Kira:I miss our friendship but I know I can never allow this person back in my life after this.(25 October 2017) Kira:I can’t ever speak to them again because of how they treated me and my child and the things they said about her are [...]

How to convince my parents to allow me to have boys on snapchat?
(23 October 2017)

I have a boyfriend of four months, and a lot of guy friends that would like to be snapchatting me on there, just a way of communication.
(23 October 2017)

I've had it for a year and a half now, and have only had girls.
(23 October 2017)

But, they won't let me have guys on snapchat.
(23 October 2017)

I am a 15 year old girl, very trustworthy, have never snuck out or ever done anything my parents wouldn't approve of.
(23 October 2017)

Do you ever think about being raped?
(23 October 2017)

What kind of thoughts do you have about it?
(23 October 2017)

He told me he loved me, after telling me days earlier we would never me anything?
(23 October 2017)

Some one help me out... He told me we never be anything a few weeks ago and then he dropped me off from a party lady night , after we decided to be just friends just weeks earlier and . He said I love you bye.
(23 October 2017)

Controlling boyfriend or just insecure?
(23 October 2017)

My Unicorn Speaks

My Unicorn has spoken of her capture and submission. These are her words after I released her back into the wild.[image]Spread wide exposed the red strip of passion. Wet wanting attention your mouth y_ Lavona:The diagnosis he has for the nerve damage is at least 6 months to be able to walk, this doesn’t include being [...]

Why doesn't anyone realize Trump LIKES to piss ppl off,it validates him?Dysfunctional perhaps,but can you deny it keeps him on your mind?
(23 October 2017)

You don't THINK he knows what he's doing?
(23 October 2017)

He seems really into the conversation when i text him, but he never texts first.
(23 October 2017)

What does it mean when a guy texts you back immediately and the conversation lasts a while, and sometimes he double texts bc he has a lot to say but NEVER texts first?
(23 October 2017)

My Dad likes to mock my disabilities in his arrogant way. He is an extremely arrogant person. How do I respond?
(23 October 2017)

His arrogance is the size of the Atlantic Ocean.
(23 October 2017)

I have dreams about guy A and sometimes I think about him randomly. what do i do.
(23 October 2017)

I don't want to break up with guy B but.... my heart is lingering with guy A.
(23 October 2017)

But... Guy A came back and told me he loves me.
(23 October 2017)

He loves me and I know my life with him would be perfect.
(23 October 2017)

Thursday 26 October 2017

Te gusta llamar puta a una mujer? Y que te llamen puta?

A propósito de del post toda mujer lleva una puta por dentro pero ella sabe con quien sacarlo… y de lo que me hizo sentir, sobre todo al leer: “para mi una puta es aquella mujer que disfruta su se_ Pamella:He is really hurt and depress. 2 days ago he told me he got nothing to [...]

You don't THINK he knows what he's doing?
(23 October 2017)

He seems really into the conversation when i text him, but he never texts first.
(23 October 2017)

What does it mean when a guy texts you back immediately and the conversation lasts a while, and sometimes he double texts bc he has a lot to say but NEVER texts first?
(23 October 2017)

My Dad likes to mock my disabilities in his arrogant way. He is an extremely arrogant person. How do I respond?
(23 October 2017)

His arrogance is the size of the Atlantic Ocean.
(23 October 2017)

I have dreams about guy A and sometimes I think about him randomly. what do i do.
(23 October 2017)

I don't want to break up with guy B but.... my heart is lingering with guy A.
(23 October 2017)

But... Guy A came back and told me he loves me.
(23 October 2017)

He loves me and I know my life with him would be perfect.
(23 October 2017)

But, he left for the Navy and he and I stopped talking.
(23 October 2017)

Monochrome Monday

Phew, made it threw the Easter Holiday. I had lots of family fun! But, today it’s Monochrome Monday and it’s time to come back to kinky! Let me know which photos you like?[image][image2][image3][imag_ McKenzie:She says she sees a future with him, but she also sees one with me.(25 October 2017) McKenzie:But she went through a rebound relationship [...]

My Dad likes to mock my disabilities in his arrogant way. He is an extremely arrogant person. How do I respond?
(23 October 2017)

His arrogance is the size of the Atlantic Ocean.
(23 October 2017)

I have dreams about guy A and sometimes I think about him randomly. what do i do.
(23 October 2017)

I don't want to break up with guy B but.... my heart is lingering with guy A.
(23 October 2017)

But... Guy A came back and told me he loves me.
(23 October 2017)

He loves me and I know my life with him would be perfect.
(23 October 2017)

But, he left for the Navy and he and I stopped talking.
(23 October 2017)

Guy A and I dated a few times, off and on for two years.
(23 October 2017)

How do I know when my Mom is lying to me?
(23 October 2017)

Had a Missed Miscarrage. What happens now?
(23 October 2017)

Smooth or Hairy?..!!

Do you prefer a guy with a smooth body, like this sexy dude here, or do you prefer a guy with a hairy body ?. I myself… shave down, I like being tone and smooth._ Angelita:I am just wondering had anyone else tried being with a lib?(25 October 2017) Angelita:I am imune now and follow Jesus.(25 October [...]

I have dreams about guy A and sometimes I think about him randomly. what do i do.
(23 October 2017)

I don't want to break up with guy B but.... my heart is lingering with guy A.
(23 October 2017)

But... Guy A came back and told me he loves me.
(23 October 2017)

He loves me and I know my life with him would be perfect.
(23 October 2017)

But, he left for the Navy and he and I stopped talking.
(23 October 2017)

Guy A and I dated a few times, off and on for two years.
(23 October 2017)

How do I know when my Mom is lying to me?
(23 October 2017)

Had a Missed Miscarrage. What happens now?
(23 October 2017)

I'm just really so nervous to do a d&c, I've heard so many horrible stories.
(23 October 2017)

If so what is the name and please tell me your experiences with it.
(23 October 2017)

Strawberry shortcake

I met David online. No, not on this dirty site but on a dating one some years back when I was in my mid twenties. David was in his thirties and had this gorgeous bad boy look down to a science. His_ Adelle:He said he cant call me hes spending time with his mom.(25 October 2017) Adelle:So [...]

But, he left for the Navy and he and I stopped talking.
(23 October 2017)

Guy A and I dated a few times, off and on for two years.
(23 October 2017)

How do I know when my Mom is lying to me?
(23 October 2017)

Had a Missed Miscarrage. What happens now?
(23 October 2017)

I'm just really so nervous to do a d&c, I've heard so many horrible stories.
(23 October 2017)

If so what is the name and please tell me your experiences with it.
(23 October 2017)

Is there a pill option that will induce misscarage?
(23 October 2017)

I haven't had any heavy cramps or bleeding yet although I did have some cramping last night and bleed a little with a couple small clots.
(23 October 2017)

I really want to try anything possible to have a miscarriage on my own with out having to have a D&C.
(23 October 2017)

I have a appt tomorrow to discuss options with my ob.
(23 October 2017)

Strawberry shortcake

I met David online. No, not on this dirty site but on a dating one some years back when I was in my mid twenties. David was in his thirties and had this gorgeous bad boy look down to a science. His_ Adelle:He said he cant call me hes spending time with his mom.(25 October 2017) Adelle:So [...]

American girls vs Korean girls?
(23 October 2017)

Btw, I'm a tall, brown eye, brown hair, white guy.
(23 October 2017)

He says, he thinks Korean girls know their place, they respect their boyfriends, dont date trashy guys and most importantly they are virgins until they are married.
(23 October 2017)

I have never dated a Korean girl and don't know about them; plus I love how American girls look( their hair, eyes etc). But my friend who married to a Korean girl, urging me to date Korean girls.
(23 October 2017)

Can't tell if a guy I've been talking to on the internet is interested in me or not?
(23 October 2017)

Cant tell if he is playing games because he likes me but doesn't want to admit it yet.
(23 October 2017)

I will listen, because they are my parents, but does anyone know of a reason parents may say this, and how I can state my reasoning to get a job?
(23 October 2017)

I would like one to get money to be able to get a nice car, and also I am homeschooled and I would like a reason to get out of the house.
(23 October 2017)

Hello, I am 16 almost 17, and my parents will not allow me to get a job.
(23 October 2017)

Its also pretty much impossible for me to be nice to him.
(23 October 2017)

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Huge loads

My cock is by far not the biggest, but when I get off will being fucked it shoots huge loads! 😁_ Lelia:Any studies based on bright kids not doing well in school? My friends acting like thst?(24 October 2017) Lelia:My friend is one of the most smart people I ve met, they used to care about grades [...]

I was cuddling with a girl in bed a couple nights ago and I was just rubbing her butt and squeezing it a little bit.
(23 October 2017)

Will he still want sex with me?
(23 October 2017)

Do you think he'll still want sex with me?
(23 October 2017)

I won't be able to hookup with him again until January or Feburary.
(23 October 2017)

A few days ago he sent me videos of him masturbating.
(23 October 2017)

The last time I had sex with this guy was in July.
(23 October 2017)

Have you ever shunned someone? will choose best answer..PLEASE ANSWER THIS?
(23 October 2017)

Thanks in advance..will choose a best answer.
(23 October 2017)

He is someone i thought was a close friend and it hurts so bad.
(23 October 2017)

I have recently been shunned by someone who wants nothing more to do with me.
(23 October 2017)

O Woe Is Me, Should I Have Hit Delete?

Last summer I had such hope,That by this time In my lifeI would have a loveAlas that is not the case.I am hopelessly aloneWith not a prospect In sight.How can I say that?I can with ease.For as much as_ Maurice:I tried getting a girlfriend and doing that lovey dovey stuff they don’t want that from me.(24 [...]

If I grabbed her hand she'd hold it real loose or pull away.
(23 October 2017)

We've been to this kinda party before and she'd sit on my lap and hold my hand.
(23 October 2017)

We've been together for over a year and would always hold hands in public.
(23 October 2017)

Would you stop being friends with someone over this? Please read!!?
(23 October 2017)

So eventually after i kept bugging her she let me in and there he was sleeping on the floor, and i have been told by people that they have had sex.
(23 October 2017)

She then tried to tell me that he was there the day before but she thinks he left sometime in the night out the back door.
(23 October 2017)

When i kept questioning her she kept acting more nervous and when i asked if i could look in her house she said no.
(23 October 2017)

So i made a surprise visit to her house at like 6 in the morning, and when i asked her if he was in the house she said no.
(23 October 2017)

The thing is i dont like my boyfriens around her cause although he denies ever trying to sleep with her, i know he has made advances. her ex boyfriend calls me early the next morning and told me he thinks my boyfriend spent the night at her house.
(23 October 2017)

They both swear they werent doing anything cause her kids were in the house and that my boyfriend always pulls his pants up cause he's skinny and her ex took it the wrong way.
(23 October 2017)

Do you love foreplay?

Do you love foreplay as much as I do Foreplay to me is as much fun as the sex itself. Just like sex it’s about the quality and not the quantity of foreplay How long and what you do during foreplay doe_ Alyson:Reasons for two adult couples to fight?(24 October 2017) Alyson:I need it to be something [...]

He's OCD, speaks his mind no matter how it sounds.
(22 October 2017)

But my husband is so controling about everything.
(22 October 2017)

I came into this relationship broken. (Stayed 10 years with the ex) jobless, no education, confised on life... Now education, have a job.and taking control of what I need to do.
(22 October 2017)

We had a huge thing with my ex taking me to court, manipulating, starting stuff.. all kinds of drama... He stayed.. saving drained and all.
(22 October 2017)

Now we have been together for 3 years.
(22 October 2017)

Ali or Skyler?
(22 October 2017)

My stupid and bully-like father makes fun of me and get mad at me for having anxiety problems. How do I get him to see I can't help it?
(22 October 2017)

I'm depressed that's my sister in law fought with my wife for no reason. it was like all talk arguments She complained my wife rude when she?
(22 October 2017)

Wasn't So How do I cope with my depression?
(22 October 2017)

I need a last name for my OC, and I'm absolutely terrible at coming up with them... The OC's name is Damien, so I'd like the last name to sound okay when having 'Damien' in front of it.
(22 October 2017)

Do you love foreplay?

Do you love foreplay as much as I do Foreplay to me is as much fun as the sex itself. Just like sex it’s about the quality and not the quantity of foreplay How long and what you do during foreplay doe_ Alyson:Reasons for two adult couples to fight?(24 October 2017) Alyson:I need it to be something [...]

Women: Why do you limit yourself so much when choosing a mate?
(22 October 2017)

It is easier to see a man finding his 'right woman' than to see a woman finding her 'right man' Much much easier.
(22 October 2017)

Although men are not perfect in their taste in women.
(22 October 2017)

In choosing a good man, a woman must 'put herself in a good place' Which she never does, she typically chooses to go places where the men of the second category I described are found and therefore suffers.
(22 October 2017)

A woman does not do make the first move, so therefore she is only open towards men who makes move on her, which indicates that it is from these men only that she chooses.
(22 October 2017)

They place too much confidence in what a man appears to be than what a man actually is. 2. They yield to easily to the seduction of cocky men.
(22 October 2017)

The reason for this is 1. They are generally attracted to a man for the way society views him.
(22 October 2017)

It is quite right to say that women have more power in choosing who to have a relationship with, but it is also right to say that they typically don't have good tastes in who they chose.
(22 October 2017)

Whats that one pickup line about the turtles and it ends with i don t know i just wanted an accuse to hold your hand?
(22 October 2017)

Whats that one pickup line about the turtle crossing a river and then it ends with i don't know i just wanted an excuse to hold your hand?
(22 October 2017)

A Beautiful Man Just Made My Day

I still feel like shit but it is a beautiful warm sunny day so I decided a short walk with my dogs might make me feel better. I was on my way back home and I hear a very excited male voice yelling “lo_ Elenor:Why do guys like bigger women?(24 October 2017) Elenor:So I’m just curious..what is [...]

I had sex with my friends ex boyfriend?
(22 October 2017)

How do i get my boyfriend to do things with me?
(22 October 2017)

But it's been like this for a while and we haven't moved on to even french kissing nor have we gone beyond that.
(22 October 2017)

Should I leave my 14 year old daughter home alone for 5 days?
(22 October 2017)

I told her that if she needed anything, she could talk to our neighbors.
(22 October 2017)

I'll be 5 hours away from her, I'll be out of state.
(22 October 2017)

Need advice about long distance?
(22 October 2017)

Any advice? How do dealt with this situation?
(22 October 2017)

His actions are so selfish sometimes it's frustrating any advice please.
(22 October 2017)

He constantly wants attention for his problems that are pretty normal but he dramatises them so much it's ridiculous, you can't ever talk about yourself or do what you want he never listens anymore.
(22 October 2017)

Fun with cars….

_ Rosana:I use to be a very bad alcoholic and cheated a few times in that year.(24 October 2017) Rosana:I’ve been dating my girlfriend on and off for a year now.(24 October 2017) Meghan:Do you think this guy is harsh for still having a grudge against his mother for this reason?(24 October 2017) Meghan:So do you think that my [...]

I told him it looked stupid and he said hed pull his jeans down even more then because obviously i liked it so much.
(22 October 2017)

My brother is 14 and im his sister and im 13. Today we were messing around in the front room and my brother decided it would be funny to pull his jeans down a bit so everyone could see his boxers.
(22 October 2017)

Can you level backwards in yahoo answers?
(22 October 2017)

Like if you ask tons of questions or do you stay the same level period?
(22 October 2017)

I don't have time to just up and meet a man, I am busy.
(22 October 2017)

Been single almost 2 years this is what comes at me.
(22 October 2017)

I am not online media sites to find a man, I'm on it to socialize and mingle.
(22 October 2017)

I want a december baby, when should i conceive?
(22 October 2017)

I want the baby to be born in December 2018.
(22 October 2017)

Me and my boyfriend want a december baby.
(22 October 2017)

Tuesday 24 October 2017

first time anal

Fun day today worked on her car today so to say thankyouShe started sucking on my cock. When she got it nice and hard She climbed on and rode me till she gushed all over meI rolled her onto her stomac_ Aleta:Is ist weird that i still havent had a boyfriend?(23 October 2017) Aleta:Now my family and [...]

Making money seems hollow now that I feel I won't have anyone to share it with.
(22 October 2017)

Grit won't solve this one like all my other problems.
(22 October 2017)

Honestly a bullet sounds better than dealing with this.
(22 October 2017)

I've made thousands less at work and things are spiraling.
(22 October 2017)

Can't get my ex back because I have face herpes and I have no idea how to bring this up to anyone new.
(22 October 2017)

We of course did some drinking and I ended up bringing a girl home and few weeks later I got a cold sore aka face herpes.
(22 October 2017)

I was a recluse for several months before some buddies got me out.
(22 October 2017)

My girlfriend left me several months ago and it devastated me.
(22 October 2017)

Most unmanly thing to ask but here goes.
(22 October 2017)

Do you immediately recognize when someone is hungover or slightly intoxicated?
(22 October 2017)

I will lay myself open and bare for you

What is the difference between how I interact with a play partner and a lover ? Simple, my emotions and how I present my body to you.I like to play on an intimate and intense level. A play partner wi_ Pamela:He hasnt contacted me for 6 months, but has been contacting other people in my life [...]

I just wish I could be popular and have a lot of friends.
(21 October 2017)

I will be joining the math team soon and I am good with computers.
(21 October 2017)

I fell down the stairs one day and the kids were laughing.
(21 October 2017)

I have a 3.6 GPA, I just need to bring my honors English grade up.
(21 October 2017)

I didn't make my high schools cheer team nor volleyball team.
(21 October 2017)

I wear braces, I have no friends, I have blue eyes and brown hair, I have a 36ddd size chest, and I suck at sports.
(21 October 2017)

They also said that I have a freaky smile.
(21 October 2017)

I went on Twitter and some girls were saying that I have nappy hair and talking about my big boobs.
(21 October 2017)

Any Cougars out there like to stare at a sweatpants bulge on a young man?
(21 October 2017)

I dont like my classmates , should I kill them?
(21 October 2017)

I will lay myself open and bare for you

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Bi women group play

Would you participate in an all bi women orgy?_ Lucienne:Every time I try to calmly and maturely talk to my mom about going back, she gets pissed off.(22 October 2017) Lucienne:This year, my parents decided to homeschool me because of them pushing vaccinations (we don’t believe in them) and they weren’t too happy about a few incidents [...]

Can I ask my cousin to pay for it?
(21 October 2017)

I contacted a company but going cost $300 to have them removed.
(21 October 2017)

My cousin came in town for a visit and stayed with me, now I have bed bugs never had them before.
(21 October 2017)

I don't understand why this guy is texting me?
(21 October 2017)

Do you by any chance understand this guys actions?
(21 October 2017)

Because I don't understand why we are texting in the first place.
(21 October 2017)

He texted me yesterday and I blew him off and didn't reply at all and I'm thinking to just tell him to leave me alone and to stop texting me.
(21 October 2017)

What's the point when we text each other every few days?
(21 October 2017)

I literally don't understand at this point why we are even still talking.
(21 October 2017)

But all this back and forth is a huge waste of time at the end of the day for the both of us.
(21 October 2017)

For bi women

Do you like to use toys when playing with other bi women?_ Lucienne:Last year I went to a charter school.(22 October 2017) Jannie:I like a mormon girl What to do?(22 October 2017) Jannie:The moment I’ve met her I noticed i stopped checking out other girls, I started being more respectful, I’ve stopped watching… yunno… ever since I met [...]

Definitely couldn't ask My parents abt it but anyway My girlfriend was behaving very aggressively during sex which I didn't really mind but then she suddenly put her finger in my bum.
(21 October 2017)

This is very embarrassing but its been bothering me so i had to ask.
(21 October 2017)

Hey ladies a question for you women out there..?
(21 October 2017)

Married men please help?
(21 October 2017)

And since day 1 I ve always had to ask her for sex and not vice verse.
(21 October 2017)

Please keep in mind that it s not that all I care about is sex, but I do care that she also has a desire for me.
(21 October 2017)

I m tired of pleasuring myself every time I get rejected by her (as she lays on the couch and just watches her Korean drama shows on her phone) I will admit that she does have a big workload and lately she s been stressed out.
(21 October 2017)

We are newlyweds and I knew what I was getting myself into before marriage and waited 6 long years to have sex with her.
(21 October 2017)

Why is my boyfriend of 8 months STILL talking about his ex?
(21 October 2017)

Says he hates his ex with a passion so why?
(21 October 2017)

real women

29_ September:Was my snapchat story sent to someone?(22 October 2017) September:Person X is close friends with the person i think sent it to them.(22 October 2017) September:Does that mean someone sent my story of me to person X?(22 October 2017) September:The second snap says person X viewed the snap of me but not the first and they are under [...]

My cousins baby was born full term with hydrocephalus, they said they can't give him a shunt, why?
(21 October 2017)

I was born three months early with hydrocephalus and I survived with a shunt.
(21 October 2017)

My cousins baby was born a few days ago and the doctor said he only has three months to live.
(21 October 2017)

How can I be less optimistic?
(21 October 2017)

How do i convince Douglas to stop using trigger words?
(21 October 2017)

If someone avoids you are they mad at you?
(21 October 2017)

How to increase your chances of getting raped?
(21 October 2017)

Really want someone to rape me so how can I?
(21 October 2017)

Spotting after period what could this mean?
(21 October 2017)

This afternoon I used the restroom and their was red was on the toilet paper, my husband and I have had 4 previous miscarriages in the past and we have been ttc.
(21 October 2017)

Monday 23 October 2017

Red Flags!

Reading profiles is pretty instructive. It often doesn’t take long before I find the red flags. Here are some that often come up, along with an explanation for each:1) Serious lack of grammar–sugge_ Terry:I feel really guilty after getting intimate with my girlfriend and really don’t know why?(22 October 2017) Terry:It eats me up honestly maybe it [...]

A lot of times, it seems like she tries to sit next to me or be near me, but maybe it's just me.
(20 October 2017)

I typically start the conversation, but sometimes she does.
(20 October 2017)

She's really nice and cool, and there's something about her that makes me get butterflies around her.
(20 October 2017)

There's this girl at my school who I like and we've been at the same school for 3 years, but we started talking a few months ago.
(20 October 2017)

Would you go through with a blind date if the other person wasn't attractive?
(20 October 2017)

If you saw the person who you were set up to date before they saw you (by wearing specific clothing, or sitting in a certain spot) and they were fairly overweight or didn't have a good looking face, would you still meet with them to continue the date?
(20 October 2017)

What should I do?help a guy out ladies?
(20 October 2017)

I'm just not sure how to proceed.
(20 October 2017)

By now she should know I'm interested in her I would think.
(20 October 2017)

I went to pay for my drink and noticed her face, it was like she wanted to say something but maybe she's timid.
(20 October 2017)

Post shower selfie

What to do after getting out of the shower? Snap a pic and check on the progress on them abs. So what do you think? They’re starting to come in pretty good. Summer is around the corner_ Shaquana:Do you think my ex boyfriend and i have a chance and possibility of getting back together again eventually?(22 [...]

Let them protect themselves or suffer.
(20 October 2017)

Men are stronger and have the right to dominate women and children.
(20 October 2017)

And women too, which is why they treat sex offenders worse than animals?
(20 October 2017)

It has been three days now and it's really getting on my nerves.
(20 October 2017)

He texts me everyday and then just randomly stops.
(20 October 2017)

Over the past few weeks there's this guy I've been hanging out with and I'm pretty sure likes me.
(20 October 2017)

Is it right for me to feel such way?
(20 October 2017)

Like i just want to shut down and focus on myself and do what i would do before (go to work, to the gym and home). But now i cant even relax at home with her there.
(20 October 2017)

I bought a ring with which i planned on proposing with but now all i am doing is returning it Is it okay for me to feel so distant?
(20 October 2017)

She says i dont do enough to prove myself but how can if when i try, all she does is shut me down.
(20 October 2017)

Sitting, laying or standing ……

…… At almost anytime in a 24 hour spin on Mother Earth’s axle. How many of us are doing what we want, really think about it. My birth Mother is with her hubby, stops for a few minutes to text me s_ Li:I’m a 15 year old guy that’s 5′6 and haven’t grown in over a [...]

Do you consider your baby boomer parents emotionally needy?
(20 October 2017)

From your experience with your baby boomer parents do you consider this true?
(20 October 2017)

And raised their children to take care of their (the parents') emotional needs above the child's own feelings.
(20 October 2017)

I read that the children born between the 40s and 60s had the tendency to become narcissistic adults.
(20 October 2017)

It seems there is an increasing issue of people in their 20s, 30s and 40s having a difficult time dealing with their emotionally needy, baby boomer, parents.
(20 October 2017)

Poll: Would you hang out with STAN?
(20 October 2017)

Would you meet up and hang out with the master STAN?
(20 October 2017)

My boyfriend says he likes by body odor during sex and he asks me not to put on deoderant before. He also likes to kiss under my arms?
(20 October 2017)

What are reasons you should not have online friends?
(20 October 2017)

They could do this accidentally, such as if they are bad at talking.
(20 October 2017)