Tuesday 5 September 2017

Things that make you go hmm ….

…… for instance how toys seem to be fine, but meeting someone has issues for somemmisunderstandin. To many other things going through ones mind to pay attention at times. Drives me nuts sometimes,_ Desiree:Am I being too dramatic about this?(3 September 2017) Desiree:I feel like R talks to me because they are bored and not because they [...]

I could see him in my peripheral vision staring if I walk by.
(3 September 2017)

But i don't really talk to him anymore, but I still catch him staring at me intently from afar.
(3 September 2017)

His wife now stares at me all the time.
(3 September 2017)

I didn't see him for a year or two, he gets married and has another baby.
(3 September 2017)

He kept on looking at me and I wouldn't look at him at all because he was taken now.
(3 September 2017)

Then the next time I see him, I see his girlfriend and his baby and it was just awkward for me.
(3 September 2017)

I don't know why this bothered me, I was sad but got over it.
(3 September 2017)

I didn't see him for about 6 months and my dad tells me he had a girlfriend and got her pregnant.
(3 September 2017)

We just would make eye contact, glance at eachother, talk, dance.
(3 September 2017)

I thought he was quite attractive but that's it.
(3 September 2017)

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