Sunday 27 August 2017

Text language is for texting ONLY

When you message someone here, it’s like EMAIL. This is not a texting program. Yes, you could get on the IM part, and THEN maybe I’d handle the abbreviations there…but I don’t use the IM feature h_ Nicholle:I text him back 3 weeks after that saying I needed space because I was dealing with housing issues.(26 [...]

I just don't know how to handle these situations.
(25 August 2017)

Dealing with a mean girl?
(25 August 2017)

Other family members have tried talking to him about her but he got mad at them instead.
(25 August 2017)

I get anxiety attacks every time she comes over my house (I needed to go to the hospital once for it.) I feel like I'm in high school and she's my bully.
(25 August 2017)

It's starting to really affect my mental health.
(25 August 2017)

If this wasn't my bfs son I would be LONG gone....But it's not my place to get between a father and son But what do I do?
(25 August 2017)

She even manipulates my boyfriend Into buying stuff for her.
(25 August 2017)

We were nothing but nice to her and she disrespected us again and again.
(25 August 2017)

My boyfriend agrees that she is a horrible person- but we both believe that it is not our place to get involved in their relationship.
(25 August 2017)

My boyfriend has an adult son who is dating the typical mean girl.
(25 August 2017)

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