Friday 21 July 2017

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

BEWARE!!!!!![image]Tell everybody!!!!!People are made from SEX!!!!!![image2]Valentine’s Day Sex makes Thanksgiving Babies!!!!![image3]TAKE CARE!!!!!_ Shakia:But I think it s time to let him go.(6 July 2017) Shakia:If I sacrifice and quit my job the least I expect is an engagement ring showing his commitment but he is not aggreeing to until I move.(6 July 2017) Shakia:I have asked him again [...]

But I feel like putting it that way just don't sound good enough saying it to her.
(21 July 2017)

She's awesome to hang with, she's smart, she knows how to have fun, she is friends with all of my friends, and she's beautiful.
(21 July 2017)

To me she's the most incredible girl, she's got it all.
(21 July 2017)

Hey guys, So there is this girl that I've liked for all of high school but we both never were free at the same time until now.
(21 July 2017)

My ex texted me and it's hard not to respond?
(21 July 2017)

I didn't respond even though I kind of wanted to a bit.
(21 July 2017)

Well he texted me today after two weeks of no contact about how his work screwed him over.
(21 July 2017)

I miss him sometimes but then I think about how little he showed effort.
(21 July 2017)

I broke up with him due to lack of effort on his end.
(21 July 2017)

I don't know why this makes me upset?!?
(21 July 2017)

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