Saturday 17 June 2017

January is coming to a close.

January is coming to a close. This was a good month. Very good. I had a lot of fun playing with a new friend and I’m sure we will play again. Great guy with a cock so thick you wouldn’t believe it. I’_ Eartha:In addition, he’s moving across the country in a month and a half, [...]

I'm pretty upset with my dad for tricking me like this.
(17 June 2017)

It completely ruined what was supposed to be a fun day.
(17 June 2017)

He made me lie down to get it so I wouldn't faint again, but then my arm still hurt for the rest of the day, and it still hurts now.
(17 June 2017)

He said that we weren't leaving for the rink until I got the shot.
(17 June 2017)

He sprung it on me when we were already in his office, he snuck around and got the shot ready without me even realizing it was for me.
(17 June 2017)

I told my dad that I didn't want to get the rest of the shots in the series since I fainted during the first one and that it hurt, but he said that he didn't care, that the vaccine is going to protect me against cancer, etc.
(17 June 2017)

I had the first one in the series about six months ago, and I fainted after getting it.
(17 June 2017)

I can't stand getting shots, especially this one, which was the gardasil vaccine series.
(17 June 2017)

I know that this doesn't seem like a big deal, but I am terrified of needles, I always have been.
(17 June 2017)

Like I said, he works a lot, he's a doctor, so this seemed normal, I went in with him, and then he sprung on me that I was getting a shot.
(17 June 2017)

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