Friday 2 June 2017

Heart to Heart

Heart to HeartdonamorousFrom thine heart to minea glorious river flowsfilling us with an intenseand all consuming love thatburns brightly bringing thesweetest peace that we couldever know._ Valeria:I just like how he’s so into her and wants to control her life in a loving way.(2 June 2017) Valeria:Actually ive only seen the first movie.(2 June 2017) Chante:I’m 22 and [...]

They let her call one time and started screaming at her to tell us what they wanted her to tell us.
(2 June 2017)

Since CPS open the case the mother and stepfather have cut off communication with the daughter.
(2 June 2017)

All CPS will tell my boyfriend is his daughter is safe for now.
(2 June 2017)

Her mother has chocked her, punched her, and beat her.
(2 June 2017)

The mother has an open CPS case against her for abuse.
(2 June 2017)

My boyfriend's daughter (15) is in a very Volatile situation with her mom and stepfather.
(2 June 2017)

Two year old fell on top of his head, what should I do?
(2 June 2017)

We're going to take him to the doctor's tomorrow as it's the first time this happened but is this a cause for concern because I'm panicking like hell?
(2 June 2017)

There was honestly nothing I could do and he cried a bit but now he's alright, still a bit cranky though.
(2 June 2017)

My younger son was standing on a chair at a cafe(I was just going to lift him off), and then I literally turned round one second and when I looked back he was on the floor.
(2 June 2017)

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