Monday 12 June 2017

Gang Bang Fri Jan 29 2016

Looking for some big white cocks to join me this Fri afternoon/Eve in a gang bang. Email me for details._ Dorene:I don’t remember much of what happened but I keep having mini flashbacks to it and I regret it so much and I can’t believe I did that.(10 June 2017) Dorene:In the morning she confessed to me [...]

Is he trying to make me jealous ?
(12 June 2017)

My girlfriend had random condom stuck in her, what should i do?
(12 June 2017)

So that morning i noticed she had a condom sticking out of her butt under the covers.
(12 June 2017)

When she got home that a.m i tried to have sex with her and she was on her period.
(12 June 2017)

My girlfriend went out with her friends saturday night.
(12 June 2017)

What problemS (married life, career, future, other people ) may a girl face if she marries a guy with poor eyesight ? What does it take for a girl to handle auch problems ? How to obercome or handle them?
(12 June 2017)

I feel a type of way that my ex boyfriend had sex with another girl?
(12 June 2017)

I talk to photos through my mind?
(12 June 2017)

I need to help my friend. Any tips?
(12 June 2017)

How do I help my friend realize that this jerk is just using him for popularity status?
(12 June 2017)

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