Sunday 18 June 2017

Frivolous Friday

Happy TGIF everyone today as I was thinking about what to do with my blog today, and thinking about the crap that happened here yesterday so I was thinking frivolous Friday and I stumbled upon these t_ Leena:And then there’s times I just go for it and he moves me away- I am then unable to [...]

I feel like I'm losing all of my friends.. I'm not sure what to do. Can you please help me?
(18 June 2017)

I'm not a mean person whatsoever and even if they were mean to me, I wouldn't be mean back.
(18 June 2017)

They were people I thought I could count on, but what they're doing totally changes my image of them.
(18 June 2017)

I feel like they were using me for stuff that I helped them out with, but I just don't know.
(18 June 2017)

The girl who said she couldn't hang out (the one I made plans with that went down the drain) was drinking on her Snapchat story, and once again, my heart broke.
(18 June 2017)

I'd give two of them rides home all the time, so I was happy to do anything for them.
(18 June 2017)

It really broke my heart to see that when my friend clearly had plans with me.. these girls and my guy friend talked so much during school.
(18 June 2017)

She then told me she couldn't and tonight, I saw her with one of her other friends.
(18 June 2017)

Now since I didn't have any plans anymore with them, I agreed to my other friend and I hanging out.
(18 June 2017)

I wanted to confirm with them the plans we had made; one of them never responded and I still have yet to hear from him, and the other ignored me up until this past Thursday and told me she couldn't go.
(18 June 2017)

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