Thursday 25 May 2017

Commited Until Proven Single (Thanks married assholes)

*sigh* *looooong swig of water* *sighs again*WHY do I even try? Especially here? It’s like what’s with it people here? Especially men? Why do you fucking do it? WHY. DO. YOU. DO. IT? THEN expect_ Anisa:Should I call my mom to pick me up?(24 May 2017) Anisa:So, should I call her or should I endure the night?(24 [...]

I was standing on the street corner waiting for a friend.
(25 May 2017)

How do you get over someone you really liked?
(25 May 2017)

He doesn't have a job, I give him money, just everything is bad.
(25 May 2017)

Let's not forgot he didn't spend time with me for my birthday , nor did hewanna hang out unless we were having sex.
(25 May 2017)

7 days To Die question?
(25 May 2017)

My best friend doesn t even know I like him.
(25 May 2017)

He talks to me about guys all the time and I don t say who I like, should I tell him I like him?
(25 May 2017)

He is always awkward around me and I don t know if he is just saying he likes her to make me jealous or actually likes her.
(25 May 2017)

I like him a whole lot and my best friend doesn t like him.
(25 May 2017)

Whenever I text him he always texts me back right away.
(25 May 2017)

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