Sunday 30 April 2017

Cowboys do it better!

Is it wrong to wanna bite this?_ Deedra:I’ve taken multiple degrees at a top college, because I basically have nothing better to do.(30 April 2017) Deedra:Not like doctor or investment banker rich, and more like CEO rich.(30 April 2017) Deedra:I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging, but my parents are rich.(30 April 2017) Audie:My boyfriend wants another threesome?(30 [...]

I'm 21, female Not in college due to a financial situation Trying to get a job, but get turned down every time No friends No boyfriend I want to fix my life, but I don't know how.
(30 April 2017)

Why am I so ugly? My parents aren't and neither is my sister?
(30 April 2017)

I know I can't fix my face, so is there any other way to be happier?
(30 April 2017)

Guys refuse to talk to me unless they absolutely have to.
(30 April 2017)

The farthest I've got with a guy is holding hands when we are forced to for something.
(30 April 2017)

I'm 16 and never had a boyfriend or a first kiss or anything.
(30 April 2017)

I'm so sad because I know I'll be ugly forever and I don't want to be forever alone.
(30 April 2017)

No one in my distant family is as ugly as me so I don't know where I get it from.
(30 April 2017)

Whenever I go to a dance people call all my friends pretty but only say my dress is pretty, nothing about the rest of me.
(30 April 2017)

The only time someone calls me pretty is when they are calling a group of people that I'm with pretty and know it would be rude to just leave me out.
(30 April 2017)


One of my favorite pics!!_ Adrianne:She is getting blamed for all of this by her parents.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:Her parents always fight and her dad wants to move out.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:Her family is falling apart, her mom is going insane.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:She has 2 older brothers and a little sister.(29 April 2017) Magdalene:Having trouble conceiving. NEED advice!?(29 April [...]

But, whenever my partner does these things, the baby never cries and is happy.
(30 April 2017)

If I play with them, if I hug them, even if I say hi, they just start sobbing.
(30 April 2017)

I somehow always make every baby I meet, cry.
(30 April 2017)

But now, I really don't want kids because I'm scared I'm gonna be a horrible mother.
(30 April 2017)

My partner also hints at wanting kids, and I used to, too.
(30 April 2017)

I've been dating someone for a while now and he keeps hinting at proposing to me, so we will probably end up marrying.
(30 April 2017)

I want to lose my virginity to this woman, any advice on how to make it happen?
(30 April 2017)

She excites me and leaves me in awe.
(30 April 2017)

She's so beautiful like Cleopatra.
(30 April 2017)

I love her curves and Spanish accent, I just want a chance.
(30 April 2017)

Are you serious?

In some previous posts I have blogged about my friend “Susan”. The party that could have been so much more Someone called me clingy?? We met a few years ago, and have periods of time without see_ Harriette:Last year he and I didn’t have any class together aside from PE.(29 April 2017) Harriette:I’ve liked this one boy [...]

Sperm count test?
(29 April 2017)

Can she give me oral sex and I go in the cup or can she only give me a helping hand?
(29 April 2017)

I m taking a sperm count test and we can t have sex for 3 days.
(29 April 2017)

My gf and I have been together for a bit now and wanna have a family.
(29 April 2017)

My coworker said i look 16?
(29 April 2017)

Help, My dad is really racist?
(29 April 2017)

I grew up in the south and my dad specifically is very very racist. my mom not so much.
(29 April 2017)

How to change my appearance to avoid a stalker?
(29 April 2017)

Based off my picture what hairstyle do you think will frame and hide my face so she won't recognize me, and what style will accent the hair?
(29 April 2017)

I'm considering moving to a new state to live with my aunt and uncle during the summer but until then I need to change my appearance.
(29 April 2017)

Are you serious?

In some previous posts I have blogged about my friend “Susan”. The party that could have been so much more Someone called me clingy?? We met a few years ago, and have periods of time without see_ Harriette:Last year he and I didn’t have any class together aside from PE.(29 April 2017) Harriette:I’ve liked this one boy [...]

I brush my teeth with $100s and wipe my azz with $50s. why wont girls date me?
(29 April 2017)

I need help ladies please???
(29 April 2017)

I feel humiliated every time I have sex with my husband?
(29 April 2017)

After we have sex and during I feel sore, humiliated and embarrassed.
(29 April 2017)

I'm just not use to it still I guess.
(29 April 2017)

It's just that when we are having sex I just feel like a piece of meat to him.
(29 April 2017)

The problem is well he was my first.
(29 April 2017)

Has a high sex drive, stops when I tell him to, he's understanding and amazing.
(29 April 2017)

Did i do the right thing in breaking it off?
(29 April 2017)

I don't know if this is a lost cause or there could be hope in the future?
(29 April 2017)

Mopping with Love

I joined this site the day after me and the Ex signed off on the marriage. At that time I had only shaved my beard once in 22 yrs or so. After seeing her reaction, I grew it back. I didn’t like it eit_ Stefany:I think my Girlfriend cares more about her best friend than me?(29 [...]

Fortunately, we are still friends, we still talk till this very day.
(29 April 2017)

But memories kill me, because sometimes you don't know the value of something until you lose it.
(29 April 2017)

More because the spark between us was like lost, and when we found ourselves in the midst of storms, we left.
(29 April 2017)

We broke up on some stupid reasons.
(29 April 2017)

It wasnt a perfect relationship, no relationship is like that.
(29 April 2017)

He's the one that stole my heart.
(29 April 2017)

Last year i was in a relationship with this guy.
(29 April 2017)

Omg I'm actually flirting with another girl and feeling some way, yay?
(29 April 2017)

She is gorgeous and the bartender I work with.
(29 April 2017)

Is this baby in danger?
(29 April 2017)

Who Was Your First Love In Music?

Without question and nearing almost 42 years my first love …[image]That’s right next month marks the 42nd anniversary of the release of their debut album![image2]An album which included Strutte_ Leisa:My prom is today and I didn t buy my date a corsage?(29 April 2017) Leisa:She said that I didn t have to buy one so I didn [...]

Anyways, when we we re home from college, we did everything together.
(29 April 2017)

And I truly believe timing is everything.
(29 April 2017)

I feel like our relationship started at the worst timing anyone can ever imagine.
(29 April 2017)

I'm not his first love, as in he has loved before.
(29 April 2017)

He was not my first boyfriend but was the first guy I really loved and cared for, so my first love.
(29 April 2017)

We were together for awhile in college but realized long distance is taking its toll on us.
(29 April 2017)

It was a mutual breakup and was due to long distance due to college.
(29 April 2017)

My long term relationship recently broke up.
(29 April 2017)

Why did my teacher ask me if I was alright?
(29 April 2017)

Does anyone know why she might've asked me this question?
(29 April 2017)

Saturday 29 April 2017

2016 bidding

I am wondering if any guy would afford to bid me for around 15.000 points_ Ivey:I got engaged like a yr ago, we talked about my love life and girls he was attracted too… during the 4 yrs in college he would talk to me and all of the sudden withdraw and stop talking to me [...]

It has been more than 5 years. Should I apologize to him?
(29 April 2017)

Help? I have crush on my close friend!?
(29 April 2017)

I have a crush on one of my close friends, but one of my other friends might like her too (I don't know if he does). I don't know if she likes me back either what should I do?
(29 April 2017)

I just got a invitation to go to this charity event he planned by him, so I really can't tell if that is a I miss you because we just broke up and I want to see you or is that a I need people to go to my charity.
(29 April 2017)

I need a females opinion on what she means & what I should do?
(29 April 2017)

She responded by saying i don t think I said yes or no can someone tell me what this means & what I should do.
(29 April 2017)

We have texting for a while & it seems like she is not taking me serious so i asked her straight up why she didn t just say no when i asked her can I shoot my shot or would I be waisting my time.
(29 April 2017)

I ve been trying to make this girl my girlfriend & she said it is a long process trying to get with her.
(29 April 2017)

Husband shows no interest in pregnancy?
(29 April 2017)

Our families still doesn't know.
(29 April 2017)

Do you suffer?

I was wondering if there was anybody else out there like me that suffers when you don’t get sex? Not just mental symptoms of depression, but also physical ones. Symptoms of headaches, nausea, and your_ Shena:Should I be worried my boyfriend is friends with his ex?(28 April 2017) Shena:I just don’t know if I should be concerned.(28 [...]

Used a cup for my urine and used the dropper thing.
(29 April 2017)

At two thirty I took the other two.
(29 April 2017)

Took one when I got back about nine thirty.
(29 April 2017)

Went to dollar general and got three more tests.
(29 April 2017)

I took one about eighg pm Friday night it was a faint positive.
(29 April 2017)

Something just told me to get a pregnancy test to rule that out I was tired of wondering.
(29 April 2017)

He said he doubted I could have another child.
(29 April 2017)

My Dr told me if I had a period I could get pregnant.
(29 April 2017)

Well I ve had mood swings and cravings but I thought it was just early menopause because that can also happen after an ablation.
(29 April 2017)

That s what the ablation is suppose to do.
(29 April 2017)

What about…

[image]He’s 55. She’s 23. What do you think?_ Lavelle:I told him that I respected that, but he shouldve been mature and told me he didnt want to talk to me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:So, I texted him and asked why he was rude, and he said he shouldnt be obligated to know me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:I was confused, and [...]

I got a job bagging groceries and putting them in the customers vehicle.
(28 April 2017)

How to make it work with someone who's an introvert? My boyfriend is very content with being by himself and not talking to anybody?
(28 April 2017)

I'm somebody who likes to talk all day and spend time with people as much as I can but he is the exact opposite does that mean this isn't gonna work?
(28 April 2017)

I have a crush on this guy.?
(28 April 2017)

I really can't tell with his body language either.
(28 April 2017)

I was playing with a group of people so I don't know if it was me or he was just staring at all of us.
(28 April 2017)

Today we were playing volleyball and he was playing basketball by himself, he kept staring over at me every 2 minutes.
(28 April 2017)

I don't know if he likes me because he doesn't really talk (he only talks to 3 people). When I walk to the gym he always stares at me and I stare at him.
(28 April 2017)

In my gym class there's this guy that I like.
(28 April 2017)

I feel very isolated - help?
(28 April 2017)

What about…

[image]He’s 55. She’s 23. What do you think?_ Lavelle:I told him that I respected that, but he shouldve been mature and told me he didnt want to talk to me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:So, I texted him and asked why he was rude, and he said he shouldnt be obligated to know me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:I was confused, and [...]

He kept turning around and trying to come back but he wasn't able to.
(28 April 2017)

He also tried to come to my lunch today but the principals told him to go back to class.
(28 April 2017)

When I was pratcining for my chorus concert he would open the door and stare at me when he's suppose to be in class.
(28 April 2017)

I was talking to my guy friend this morning and this other boy the same day started stalking me.
(28 April 2017)

What does it mean when a girl play with the straw paper wrapper?
(28 April 2017)

She did it somewhat discretely since I didn't notice she was doing it at the time until I looked on the table and saw the mess.
(28 April 2017)

She rolled it up, ripped pieces of it apart and rolled the pieces into mini paper balls.
(28 April 2017)

I was at Starbucks with a women talking about relationship issues and she was playing a lot with the paper wrapper from her straw.
(28 April 2017)

Why haven't we kissed even though we have been dating for six months?
(28 April 2017)

We haven't kissed, and he only wants to meet up once every two weeks.
(28 April 2017)

Licensed Victim shoots Armed Robber

Just a day ago, in Corpus Christi, Texas, a 59 year old man and his wife pulled up to their home and a robber ran up and stuck a gun in his face demanding wallets.Fortunately the almost victim drew hi_ Lavon:I have a period app to see when it starts.(28 April 2017) Lavon:So every month I am [...]

Sbould I give this man a chance when he wont keep a job, get drunk and argue, threaten to hawk spit in my face, constantly yelling?
(28 April 2017)

He doesn't want me talking to people when we go.out.
(28 April 2017)

To me he is lazy, I.had surgery knee and he stayed home just to be around me.
(28 April 2017)

My kids dont like him because.they hear and he starts arguememts.
(28 April 2017)

True or False: Men and Women flirt differently?
(28 April 2017)

Do you know the best way to know that you are getting under the skins of the level 7 moving trolls? When they keep moving your questions you?
(28 April 2017)

I wasn't asked for ID for the first time ever while buying alcohol, does this mean I look old?
(28 April 2017)

Boys name?
(28 April 2017)

Why do girl scouts always run out of cookies?
(28 April 2017)

You'd think they'd bring more than 3 boxes of product right?
(28 April 2017)

Friday 28 April 2017


getting some really good stories these days. The holiday must have been an inspiration._ Kathern:It wasn’t too frequent at all at first but now it’s becoming a constant thing with him.(28 April 2017) Kathern:At first I really liked him and he seemed real sweet, respectful and down to earth and now he wants to take it to [...]

As the day went on, it was followed by some brown, chunky discharge.
(28 April 2017)

Help with a baby name?!?
(28 April 2017)

Is it TACKY if a guy takes me to a restaurant because he has a coupon?
(28 April 2017)

At what point should I just give up on women altogether and just let it go?
(28 April 2017)

Can I just be able to forget about it and go about my life without thinking about it?
(28 April 2017)

I've tried many different approaches including not trying at all or pretending not try and I always get reject this has been going on throughout my life, MS...nothing HS....nothing College....nothing Stable Job....nothing Am I missing something.
(28 April 2017)

Been single all my life, not for lack of trying.
(28 April 2017)

Why are guys such jerks to girls?
(28 April 2017)

And I'm thirteen, is that helps with anything.
(28 April 2017)

I've witnessed guys be really nice to girls at first but once they get closer, they get incredibly rude.
(28 April 2017)


[image][image2]my beautiful mountains , I love to walk outside and view these mountain ranges.. hope you like._ Jeanette:However, he is trying to change his ways and wants to be there for the baby and I want to do whats right.(28 April 2017) Jeanette:He is an alcoholic and can be very destructive and verbally abusive when he drinks.(28 [...]

But we never gave up on each other, everytime we'd break up wed get back together.
(28 April 2017)

And in all my life I've never met someone I fought with so much.
(28 April 2017)

So I was dating this guy for 8 months he is from Argentina and I am from Poland we met over 8 months ago and started dating.
(28 April 2017)

Standing up when Judges enter the courtroom? Why do we do this and when did it start? Why should we show respect for judges in this way,?
(28 April 2017)

Woman having an affair with a married man?
(28 April 2017)

If he's not happy he should have already left his marriage before me.
(28 April 2017)

He says he wants to be with me forever but how long does he expect me to wait?
(28 April 2017)

I've been seeing a married man for 11 months.
(28 April 2017)

Does that fact that we're all speaking English in here, regardless of race, prove that whites are superior?
(28 April 2017)

Oh, and we're typing on a white invention while using the white internet.
(28 April 2017)

inching along

Surprising sometimes with how a word or phrase sounds and how I pronounce or spell it: things sound a particular way and then when listening back to how I pronounced it sounds good. But the spelling!_ Audrea:Any advice i dont understand about my ex bf?(28 April 2017) Gema:Is it okay to give up on searching for love [...]

I have recently realized my slight bi-sexuality.
(28 April 2017)

How can I get a date with millionaire?
(28 April 2017)

I am a young girl, because I am very poor, I need some money, so I want to date a millionaire or seeking for a sugardaddy.
(28 April 2017)

We went out together now what?
(28 April 2017)

But is he interested in me or is it time to let it go?
(28 April 2017)

We both of exams to prepare for so we don't exchange much conversation right now and I don't want to keep texting him to distract him from his study.
(28 April 2017)

The next day he texted me but didn't make any mention of us going for coffee, it was just casual conversation.
(28 April 2017)

He walked me back to college and we hugged.
(28 April 2017)

Anyways last week he asked me out for coffee and we met up together this week and he paid and we talked for about 2 hours before he had to go to work.
(28 April 2017)

I met a guy online and I already knew who he was from a close friend, he texted me and we started talking for about a month on and off.
(28 April 2017)

What makes you moan?

I have been very busy with work this week folks. Cleaning up from New Years at work. We all have something that really turns us on and makes us moan. What is yours?Does any of these pics do it for you_ Cleora:Tonight he told me he actually has a storage unit he was planning to move [...]

But this whole break thing in my opinion is tearing is apart and iv been mad about it and when i tell her all she says is im sorry.
(27 April 2017)

So recently my girlfriend who I have been dating for almost 2 years tells me she has a crush on a another girl but she still loves me but she wants a break and I dont but she feels this will make us closer as a couple.
(27 April 2017)

How dangerous is oral sex without a condom from a street hooker?
(27 April 2017)

On a seprate note: Can you believe that 70 year old man and that 20 year old girl were standing next to each other touching like a couple for the last 3 minutes or so before this video?
(27 April 2017)

Why would a woman from an online dating site pretend to be in love with a man (online relationship)?
(27 April 2017)

Even as far as planning with him to get married, to then one day randomly start ignoring his phone calls (meanwhile posting sexy pics to instagram)...and just completely disappear on him ?
(27 April 2017)

I need help talking to him?
(27 April 2017)

Is 6 years moving to slow?
(27 April 2017)

So my bf and I have been dating for 6, nearly 7 years, and I have met his parents 3 times in our entire relationship.
(27 April 2017)

Question about Fear the Walking Dead?
(27 April 2017)

What makes you moan?

I have been very busy with work this week folks. Cleaning up from New Years at work. We all have something that really turns us on and makes us moan. What is yours?Does any of these pics do it for you_ Cleora:Tonight he told me he actually has a storage unit he was planning to move [...]

What do you think of a name 'Eugene' for a female?
(27 April 2017)

Some people recommend female form like Eugenie or Eugenia, but I don't want to.
(27 April 2017)

So my question is, what would you think or feel when you are introduced a female from Asian countries, aged around 27, named Eugene?
(27 April 2017)

Because I am not a native English speaker, I want to hear about how people think.
(27 April 2017)

What to do when you're not sure if you're good enough for someone?
(27 April 2017)

I'm not sure what to do because I really like this guy, more than anyone I've ever met, but I'm afraid of not being good enough for him.
(27 April 2017)

We've gone out and he says he wants to go out again, but I just fear meeting his family one day and feeling like I don't fit in.
(27 April 2017)

I'm more of the type of girl who likes to shop and get her nails done and look good.
(27 April 2017)

He comes from a very athletic family, his sister is into sports and so is he, meanwhile I've always been awful at sports.
(27 April 2017)

The problem is though, his life seems too perfect, and I worry that maybe I'm not good enough for him.
(27 April 2017)

Summertime in the peach grove

I was 16 and was visiting my great aunt for the summer as my parents were on a long vacation in Europe. She lived on a peach grove and while it was a modest one, it paid the bills for her. In additi_ Particia:Do some girls like Jealous boyfriends?(27 April 2017) Audry:Will she come back? Please advice?(27 [...]

But he's broken through the first barrier and there came a time where he finally got to finger me.
(27 April 2017)

Im a virgin, my fb always wanted to finger me but everytime he touches it, it really hurts.
(27 April 2017)

My friend stole my shoes?
(27 April 2017)

With her she took my favorite pair of boat shoes, and she is claiming that she bought them.
(27 April 2017)

So a friend had lived at my house for a while, and that means we pretty much shared absolutely everything.
(27 April 2017)

Smoking marijuana while breastfeeding, is it okay?
(27 April 2017)

Please tell me that my selfishness couldn't cause any harm to my baby..I am really freaking out, and feeling bad.
(27 April 2017)

Today for the first time since I found out I was pregnant I smoked marijuana.
(27 April 2017)

I have a 4 week old baby, and I am nursing her full-time.
(27 April 2017)

Can school get involved in personal affairs? How? Can it be prevented?
(27 April 2017)

Thursday 27 April 2017

Wtf I fuck fucking horny that pussy can’t stop vibrator 24 / 24 all week

Was so fucking horny today and this week it un realOn monday has to used vibrator 3 time Then went to my dom friend for 30 min toys session Then After was still horny user vibrator againTuesday used_ Kandi:The problem is, IM A VERY SHY GUY.(27 April 2017) Kandi:So i got friendzoned by this girl from my [...]

Is it worth keeping a relationship like this, 10 years is a long time but I feel like maybe I should block her number before things get worse, and at least end on a semi-good note before we end up hating each other.
(27 April 2017)

We also don't see eye to eye morally, she said made a choice that made me lose a lot of respect for her and I can't look past it as much as I want to.
(27 April 2017)

And everything is a competition between us and she's always jealous of my friendships and achievements.
(27 April 2017)

We used to do everything together and now we only see each other to go out drinking.
(27 April 2017)

I've been best friends with this girl for 10 years now and I kinda feel like it's tim I let her go.
(27 April 2017)

I'm afraid to call someone?
(27 April 2017)

I feel very bad?
(27 April 2017)

He's not a mommas boy because he told her to layoff of me and leave me alone but she don't listen.... Any advice guys?
(27 April 2017)

Have you ever been so drunk that you got laid with a totally ugly girl. Have you been regretful? Youd never forgive youself for that?
(27 April 2017)

But I cant help the fact that i wanna throw up right now.
(27 April 2017)

Tonight’s Dating/Relationship Question?

This question has pretty much burned my mind all day given the fact it has infinite answers to a simple question. I, myself, am attracted to someone’s personality over looks. I would assume a majority_ Shirley:He took his dick out and I went along with oral even though I did not want to.(27 April 2017) Shirley:He drove [...]

I don't mind when she drinks but if there is going to an argument I don't want to be involved.
(27 April 2017)

How do I avoid being in trouble with Mom's family if I opt out of going to that aunts?
(27 April 2017)

My sister and brother both picked to go to the aunt's despite the anticipated fight but I am leaning towards being with Dad alone for the weekend and going to see grandparents.
(27 April 2017)

I would much rather stay home with Dad and go to my grandparents house with him but I feel like my Mom's family will sense I am staying back just because of the aunt and then be mad at me.
(27 April 2017)

I can go with my mother to her sister's but will watch a fight break out about her sister's drinking (my mother plans to say something). Or I can stay home with my Dad and likely get spoiled all weekend and go to my grandparents.
(27 April 2017)

My gf is getting thick? she's not fat, but she's getting thick? is she going to become unhealthy and chubby?
(27 April 2017)

All my friends have alcoholic parents and I don't, how do I get over my jealousy?
(27 April 2017)

How do I get over my jealousy of children of alcoholics?
(27 April 2017)

My parents supervise me yet all my friends with alcoholic Dads or Moms get to do what they want because their parent or parents are too inebriated to care.
(27 April 2017)

Plus i already made plans and idk...
(27 April 2017)

Follow up on phone sex

hiya folks..still winter here in eastern canada…had snowflurries last night.had someone ask me why i put a condom on my phone during phone sex…i was, like ,hello…i don’t want to end up with hear_ Lahoma:I do not like conflict (obviously).(26 April 2017) Lahoma:My mother asks people and I am caught when I see someone like this without [...]

I really want to know becuase I'm so confused if this is a lingering feeling from before from finding him attractive or it's new feelings (start over) from talking to him?
(27 April 2017)

I feel like such a good connection with him than any other guy I've talked to.
(27 April 2017)

I feel like we are starting to have inside jokes now and are jokes are pretty cheesy.
(27 April 2017)

Now I started to like him becuase we have ALOT in common and we just talk and talk the whole class time.
(27 April 2017)

But recently he started coming to school and we both started talking a lot and I don't find him extreamly attractive he's pretty average.
(27 April 2017)

Months passed I really didn't care about him much any more.
(27 April 2017)

The guy in my class didn't come to school for awhile.
(27 April 2017)

So I moved on talked to a other guy(Jim) for a while but didn't work out.
(27 April 2017)

At first in class I was like omg he's sooo hot but I didn't pursue it becuase he didn't look like he was worth it.
(27 April 2017)

I found out this year that he's in one of my classes, he's a grade above me (senor) and he's recently new to the school.
(27 April 2017)

phone sex didn’t work very well

hiya folks…light snowflurries here this am on the last day of march…doesn’t mother nature know that spring offically started on march 21 ?well, i tried the phone sex stuff….just can’t see what a_ Classie:I’m crying all the time, depressed about getting older, anxious and have nightly nightmares.(26 April 2017) Classie:I am 43 and lately have been a [...]

My stepson had a nightmare that I died while he was with his biological mother?
(26 April 2017)

He was very upset about it, and scared.
(26 April 2017)

Should I be concern about the fact that he is having nightmares of me dying?
(26 April 2017)

Regardless of her actions, my husband and I never speak badly about her around him, if anything we support him loving his biological mother, and the time that he spends with her.
(26 April 2017)

My stepson and I have an amazing connection and relationship, but his biological mother constantly bad talks about me and my husband around him, and she pollutes his little head with lies just because of envy, hate and because of immaturity.
(26 April 2017)

Hi my stepson 6yr olds, told me today that he had a dream with me (stepmom) and my husband where I died in the dream.
(26 April 2017)

Why is it alright to spank children but it is not alright for children to spank their elderly parents?
(26 April 2017)

Children who were spanked when they were young should be allowed to spank their elderly parents.
(26 April 2017)

But at the same time it's the fact that I was so easy to get over that bothers me, it always bothers me when ex's move on as it makes me feel maybe I wasn't worth much to them...but with this guy I know that for a fact: I was worthless to him.
(26 April 2017)

I know he's over me because of who he is, also he's cut off all remaining contact with me...and that's good as it means I don't have to work hard at keeping him out of my life.
(26 April 2017)

phone sex didn’t work very well

hiya folks…light snowflurries here this am on the last day of march…doesn’t mother nature know that spring offically started on march 21 ?well, i tried the phone sex stuff….just can’t see what a_ Classie:I’m crying all the time, depressed about getting older, anxious and have nightly nightmares.(26 April 2017) Classie:I am 43 and lately have been a [...]

She has never called me that before.
(26 April 2017)

Wedding Questionare!!!?
(26 April 2017)

We got married in CT, and had an outdoor wedding.
(26 April 2017)

For our honeymoon we went to Savannah, Georgia.
(26 April 2017)

I had a New York Cheesecake for my wedding cake.
(26 April 2017)

I had a small wedding, about 50 people.
(26 April 2017)

I got engaged at 27 and married at 28. My wedding colors were magenta, poppy, and yellow.
(26 April 2017)

What city did you (will you) get married in?
(26 April 2017)

Did you (will you) have assigned seating?
(26 April 2017)

How many people were (are) in your wedding party?
(26 April 2017)

Sex on the beach

Late last night my wife and I had a lot of wine, she more than I, and we started to get a little horny. She’s been fantasizing of going to a public beach at night to watch the waves and to fuck. Well,_ Glenna:Poll: Why do you think he blocked me???(26 April 2017) Glenna:I know I’m blocked [...]

He got very angry and is much stronger than I am so he ripped off my clothes and rapped me.
(26 April 2017)

He started kissing me and I told him to stop.
(26 April 2017)

We have been friends for as long as I can remember.
(26 April 2017)

I am 17 years old and Monday night I was at this guys house.
(26 April 2017)

Could this be implantation spotting?
(26 April 2017)

I've had small, short (like 1-2 minute) cramps on and off since.
(26 April 2017)

It was followed by cramps that were moderate, and then today I found dark brown, chunky discharge and soon after, a very, very small amount of bright red blood.
(26 April 2017)

I'm due for my period on the 2nd of May, and yesterday I noticed some very dark red spotting.
(26 April 2017)

Can we still use an Auto External Defibrillator on an infant if the floor is made out of metal?
(26 April 2017)

Since the pads cant touch the metal surface, do we still use AED on infact or do we just continue with CPR until help arrives?
(26 April 2017)

Then they have to keep by using these new tools until they become habits

You always hear inside mainstream that porn is simply harmless pastime without any side effects whatsoever. As much as most view it as a harmless pastime, is has its dangers indeed. For instance, alcohol might have helped someone relax during some stressful episode in someone’s life._ Adrien:Me and my bf are expecting quadruplets?! Help!?(26 April … Continue reading Then they have to keep by using these new tools until they become habits

The guy has no job, no car and multiple kids by different women.
(26 April 2017)

She s engaged to a man who s in jail and they constantly argue on the phone all the time.
(26 April 2017)

The girl has a child and does weed and has even snorted dope in the child s presence before.
(26 April 2017)

My husband s reasons are: they are both bad influences (both do drugs including dope and weed) and the guy has continued to make sexual comments and even subtle advances towards me, even after I ve told him to stop.
(26 April 2017)

Here s the situation: One is a guy, the other is a girl.
(26 April 2017)

My husband doesn t want me hanging out with two of my friends anymore, people I ve been friends with for about 8 years or so.
(26 April 2017)

I am in an interesting situation.
(26 April 2017)

I need a comeback?
(26 April 2017)

Im a nice guy and this is the only kid that has a problem with me cause his ego is big.
(26 April 2017)

Basically i need a comeback as this kid keeps making fun of me and i have no dirt on him basically what he seys is yo that last girl you dated was a lesbian i got more girls then you ever will and the first girl you got with a slut can i have a comeback.
(26 April 2017)

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

I was not on birth control either.
(26 April 2017)

He's 26. During sex for the past 2 months, when he finished he would just come in me. (This was a mutual decision). Yes this was stupid.
(26 April 2017)

We have a great connection and I can picture spending the rest of my life with him.
(26 April 2017)

We have known each other for over 5 months before we started dating though.
(26 April 2017)

I am 6 weeks pregnant with my boyfriend of 4 months.
(26 April 2017)

What does it mean if he sometimes texts back immediately and other times takes a long time to text back?
(26 April 2017)

I call him sweet names and by the way I talk to him you would think I love him.
(26 April 2017)

When a man can t text me back i find it kind of a turn off and for all I know I m probably giving this guy way more of me than he deserves.
(26 April 2017)

For some reason I am suspicious of him having other women in his life.
(26 April 2017)

He has an 8 year old daughter and works long days.
(26 April 2017)


Is it possible to have symptoms like this 3 days after?
(26 April 2017)

Who the hell are Melissa Smith and Ted Bundy?
(26 April 2017)

I'm fed up with my husband!!?
(26 April 2017)

Is it selfish of me to want it to go back to where the bills are all split down the middle?
(26 April 2017)

It's stressing me out and causing us to fight?
(26 April 2017)

I'm at the breaking point where I want to tell him that he needs to find a full time job and do this business on the side.
(26 April 2017)

We have 3 kids at home that need diapers, clothes...etc.
(26 April 2017)

It has been almost a year and I am still paying the bills all my by myself.
(26 April 2017)

Not to mention he works every day - including the weekends - and it's just not paying off.
(26 April 2017)

We are STRUGGLING and I am struggling with the fact that I am supporting this family by myself.
(26 April 2017)

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Geeting my feet wet

It sucks. Really it does. Who likes wet feet after all? I have been on here for some time but not have a new name. Hope to chat and get to know some people and meet someone as well. Let’s see where th_ Jaime:A cousin is getting married and it’s too far and too costly for [...]

The second time I was really sick and explained it and also said it would be sometime soon (that time she said that'd be all right and to feel better, but still broke up with me later on that day).
(26 April 2017)

The first time I was extremely busy and explained it but said it would be sometime soon.
(26 April 2017)

Within the past month 2 girls I arranged dates with broke up with me after I delayed it (neither time was any specific date set). Both times I had really good reasons and explained it well.
(26 April 2017)

I am in the process of trying to divorce my husband before closing on my home? is there any way I could file before closing on the home?
(26 April 2017)

Why can't his rebound except that fact that he has no feelings for her and that he loves me?
(26 April 2017)

Do I need to send her pics of myself to make her see that I'm way hotter and that no man wants a loser as a long term girlfriend?
(26 April 2017)

Why can't she realize that alpha males lie to her in order to just get their ding dong wet?
(26 April 2017)

I looked at a past text where she sent a selfie and he responded that she's gorgeous.
(26 April 2017)

Plus, I don't have bags under my eyes like she does.
(26 April 2017)

I happen to be a physicians assistant bringing home over $100k after taxes.
(26 April 2017)

The Koreans used wood blocks for pillows – proof in museums and pictures

Elder and Sister George: A LITTLE HISTORY, VALENTINES, STRAWBERRIES, AND P.O.W. The long hair on men was traditional for Koreans, but against the law according to the Japanese. You drive for 1 1/2 hours to Miryang in the countryside. A friend of Sister Lee’s grows strawberries in greenhouses._ Marcella:I respected that and did not contact … Continue reading "The Koreans used wood blocks for pillows – proof in museums and pictures"

I feel like everyone who has a friend problem already has a bf so they don't need to worry about them as well.
(26 April 2017)

Is it okay to ask this girl to be my girlfriend like this?
(26 April 2017)

Regardless of how my friends reacted, is it still a good idea?
(26 April 2017)

I wanted their help but I was quite put off by the fact that they declined.
(26 April 2017)

I asked my friends and for some reason they didn't think it was a good idea.
(26 April 2017)

We've been up there before but I think it's a great idea.
(26 April 2017)

I was thinking about taking her to the top of a building in the city and asking her.
(26 April 2017)

We're both in college and we're going home for the summer but I still feel that it's a good idea to make the move now.
(26 April 2017)

I think we're both wanting to be in a relationship and I think it's time to make it official.
(26 April 2017)

I've been talking to this girl and I really like her a lot.
(26 April 2017)

Fisting - what’s the deal?

I don’t know so you tell me, but has fisting become as common place as fucking for some people? More and more often I get that in the list of things a guy wants to do as we are discussing our prefere_ Dorthy:I’ve talked to her several times after class and we have great convos, I [...]

What are some things we can do right now to prepare her, and what should we be doing during and after the move?
(26 April 2017)

We are moving in about 6 weeks and my daughter is 2. We've never moved with a child before so I'm looking for some tips to make things less shocking to her.
(26 April 2017)

The girl I like said hi to me randomly yesterday?
(26 April 2017)

How to flirt with other girls?
(26 April 2017)

Should I flirt with her or something?
(26 April 2017)

There's a girl at school that I have a HUGE crush on (I'm a girl too btw) and I don't know if she likes me too...what should I do?
(26 April 2017)

How to flirt with other girls in high school?
(26 April 2017)

My gf shows hardly any affection?
(26 April 2017)

How does a female with severe anxiety lose her virginity?
(26 April 2017)

I'd only feel worse about myself than I already do.
(26 April 2017)

Posing In My Black Outfit On A Red Couch.

Posing In My Black Outfit On A Red Couch._ Criselda:I love her, but I just made a big mistake adopting her, I’ll admit that.(25 April 2017) Criselda:I’ve trained her to come, sit, lay down, and walk on a leash, but other than that she’s just so much more work than i expected.(25 April 2017) Criselda:I still pull through [...]

Girls: should i say she looks pretty or beautiful? when i am shy, 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER!?
(26 April 2017)

Can I ask my teacher this?
(26 April 2017)

Like email or Facebook maybe... is this weird or inappropriate?
(26 April 2017)

Anyways, at the end of the year, I want to ask her if we can talk over the summer.
(26 April 2017)

She probably knows about it, at this point.
(26 April 2017)

I have a massive crush on my female teacher.
(26 April 2017)

My girlfriend seems upset a lot and I end up asking her if she s okay in a period of 2-3 hours. Is it okay if she yells at me for this?
(26 April 2017)

Please help !? :(?
(26 April 2017)

Why does my girlfriend never say I lobe you first?
(26 April 2017)

Men, is a shy woman at 26 years old a turnoff?
(26 April 2017)

I’m literally too much pussy for any guy to handle….

…..see, my pictures never lie….hehehehehe Yes, she laughs at her own jokes…._ Latonya:It seems like she’s flirting but I’m terrible at telling.(25 April 2017) Evette:She’s convinced I gave it to her.(25 April 2017) Evette:I’m honestly considering ending things.(25 April 2017) Evette:She went to the OBGYN and found out she has chlymadia.(25 April 2017) Evette:My girlfriend and I have been together [...]

She's this classmate needs help with the class, so she goes to me since I'm actually the one with the best score.
(25 April 2017)

In class, there's this girl that picks on me a lot.
(25 April 2017)

Am I a bad person for wanting to have fun at my age?
(25 April 2017)

What can i do to make sure her step dad will never harm her again?
(25 April 2017)

Friend this I talk about her behind her back?
(25 April 2017)

What do I do to change her mind?
(25 April 2017)

No matter what I tell her she doesn't believe me.
(25 April 2017)

So I know for a fact that I didn't say that.
(25 April 2017)

But I never said anything like that because I don't even curse.
(25 April 2017)

She said that two students heard me saying that she is an ugly a word b word and that nobody likes her and stuff.
(25 April 2017)

I’m literally too much pussy for any guy to handle….

…..see, my pictures never lie….hehehehehe Yes, she laughs at her own jokes…._ Latonya:It seems like she’s flirting but I’m terrible at telling.(25 April 2017) Evette:She’s convinced I gave it to her.(25 April 2017) Evette:I’m honestly considering ending things.(25 April 2017) Evette:She went to the OBGYN and found out she has chlymadia.(25 April 2017) Evette:My girlfriend and I have been together [...]

I am having triplets in 5 months.
(25 April 2017)

Crushing and prom?
(25 April 2017)

I would like to ask her to prom ad a freshman but know the rules for her and a guy her freshman year which is pretty much no labeling at all such as boyfriend or girlfriend and she can go to a dance with a guy her first year of highschool.
(25 April 2017)

Since it was hot out and I did not go in anyplace and came right back home I just drove barefoot and did not bring any shoes with me.
(25 April 2017)

Ladies, does the aftermath of sex make you sore? Like your back and butt? Yall ladies take it rough sometimes. What effects does that have?
(25 April 2017)

Do you get headaches afterwards?
(25 April 2017)

I have a crush on my neighbor, what do I do?
(25 April 2017)

I also doubt I would have a chance with him because he s a big jock and is nice to basically every girl on the planet, so I dount he feels the same.
(25 April 2017)

This school year (we re freshman) we ve been talking more, have more classes together, and I have learned how funny and nice he is.
(25 April 2017)

Him and I were best friends and sort of faded but we re still very friendly.
(25 April 2017)

Something is missing!

The fizzled lacking soda or flat cornbread. Things you like that have gone arye. I want that fizzle back that make your lips smack._ Zenia:I started my period on April 12, that left me to ovulate on or around April 25 which is today, I had intercorse on day 11 and day 13 because hubby was [...]

How do you show a guy you like him?
(25 April 2017)

How do I flirt with him to make sure he knows how I feel?
(25 April 2017)

I want this guy to know I'm into him, but I'm afraid to actually tell him.
(25 April 2017)

But then there are times where i think maybe she doesn't and im just in over my head.
(25 April 2017)

She always asks me for something to write with and smiles at me.
(25 April 2017)

She stares at me quite a bit and when i look she doesn't look away, but i do.
(25 April 2017)

There is this really beautiful girl in 3 of my classes.
(25 April 2017)

I need help with talking?
(25 April 2017)

A couple has been married 7 years with a 6 year old son and the dad is divorcing the mom. What do you think?
(25 April 2017)

How many of you thinks this is a good reason for filing a divorce?
(25 April 2017)

Late night sexy!

Enjoy!_ Leoma:She is being unreasonably persistent and pushy with trying to get me to have sex these last few years, and I am SERIOUSLY losing my patience with this skank.(25 April 2017) Leoma:We have been together for about 8 years and I have made it clear that I am not ready to consummate since about 4 weeks [...]

What happens if I make my peeps and poops upon a cop?
(25 April 2017)

What are the pros and cons of international, infant, and foster care adoptions?
(25 April 2017)

I have seen many people saying there are good and bad things to each of these methods of adopting a child but I'm wondering if there are more pros or cons to each of these and what they are.
(25 April 2017)

I need an old fashioned (preferably long) name that was used around the Middle Ages or sounds like it was. Ideas?
(25 April 2017)

The name is for a very blonde princess who is very good looking and turns out to be evil in the end.
(25 April 2017)

Can you cuddle and have sex with someone and just be friends?
(25 April 2017)

It's more than friends with benefits, what is this?
(25 April 2017)

Sometimes when we're cuddling I wanna kiss him, but I'm afraid that would make me look weird because we're not actually together.
(25 April 2017)

I know it's not just sex he's after me for because I don't think someone who was after sex would cuddle me afterwards.
(25 April 2017)

We have sex and then we cuddle nude afterwards.
(25 April 2017)

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Doing me

Had my previous blog guy do me again before he left town again recently.Amazes me that he knows how to do me.His penertration technic is awesome.He knows how to work my hole for a hour or so before cu_ Lura:I just need some help with this.(25 April 2017) Lura:I m smart and funny and really cool but [...]

We used a Trojan warming condom that he wanted to get.
(25 April 2017)

I've been tested so I know I have nothing and he said that he has to.
(25 April 2017)

It is red and dry because I saw it with my eyes.
(25 April 2017)

Then the 3rd night he told me that his dick has been dry which has not happened before in the time we have been together.
(25 April 2017)

The next night it was the same thing, which is weird to me.
(25 April 2017)

Our sex life has never been a problem before but recently my boyfriend told me that his back was hurting so we couldn't have sex.
(25 April 2017)

Curious !!!!?
(25 April 2017)

Why won't my dad let me play Twister with him and his friends?
(25 April 2017)

I don't understand, why won't he let me play Twister?
(25 April 2017)

But whenever I ask to join them, my dad says no and sends me to my room until his friends leave.
(25 April 2017)

I thought you were a little tiny person with long Ears and a tail?

I personally love the romance but I also love the irony, and when the two come together I reach the utmost satisfaction. Why is Nick the star of these mishaps? How can you have a good collaboration if you are in different regions or country? Nick had the worst timing imaginable._ Delia:I am a single … Continue reading I thought you were a little tiny person with long Ears and a tail?

I still have my ex best friend on Snapchat still and I can do this hack where I can view her story but she doesn't know I viewed her story and I saw my ex bff and my friend hanging out together.
(25 April 2017)

Yesterday we made plans to hangout at my house but this morning she texted saying last minute work came up.
(25 April 2017)

I don't care that she's still friends with her; I'm not going to let my problems with my ex bff affect their friendship.
(25 April 2017)

This might seem like a dumb question but....?
(25 April 2017)

Why do men always rebound to a prettier girl even though their still in love with their ex?
(25 April 2017)

Is it because the prettier she is the more likely it will help him forget his ex?
(25 April 2017)

How common is it for men to want daughters?
(25 April 2017)

Is at all common for guys to prefer daughters over sons?
(25 April 2017)

It's just not something I've really heard guys say they want.
(25 April 2017)

I've told people my preferences before and I just feel really weird admitting it.
(25 April 2017)

What a day!

Worked all night, and have barely slept today. So horny, but too worn out to attempt a hookup. I need to sleep!_ Lorelei:Am I overthinking and what do I do?(24 April 2017) Lorelei:She just talks to me like she always does but I somehow I suddenly feel that she is trying to keep distance from me.(24 April [...]

Why every girl I pursue for a romantic relationship always wants to be just friends?
(25 April 2017)

It's not like I'm beating around the bush with my feelings either (I learned the hard way taking too long to confess your feelings is a fool's errand). I'd appreciate it more if they just tell me that I'm ugly so I can find it easier to move on.
(25 April 2017)

Am I just ugly or something and they just want to be nice.
(25 April 2017)

And yet girls want a man who's serious about being in a relationship.
(25 April 2017)

But every single time it's always an excuse to just be friends.
(25 April 2017)

Heck for the first time I just paid for a dinner.
(25 April 2017)

I don't know if I could call myself a social butterfly but I do make everyone laugh at least most of the times.
(25 April 2017)

Anyway, yes I know I'm a fun guy that can get along with everyone.
(25 April 2017)

Those girls I'm usually oblivious to until it's too late or something else happens.
(25 April 2017)

Mind you I said every girl I pursue not ones that approach me.
(25 April 2017)

Just another day in paradise . . .

Happy hump day sexy bloggers,Everything is better with bacon I think so [Image]I like a nice bacon an egg breakfast (Of course with coffee) I have tried chocolate cover bacon, bacon muffins, bacon wr_ Adam:I know not to talk to strangers or accept anything from them but those girls knew these people and went with them [...]

I think my college roommate is stalking me?
(25 April 2017)

I don't want to embarrass her or anything like that I want the best for her and myself.
(25 April 2017)

Even the things I know she took, if she doesn't confess there's nothing I can do.
(25 April 2017)

I have no solid evidence so there's no way I could report her.
(25 April 2017)

I'm scared and I don't know what to do, I just need some outside advice.
(25 April 2017)

I find her hair over all my stuff.
(25 April 2017)

Women; why do you take so many pictures of yourself?
(25 April 2017)

Each picture has no less than 97 likes also.
(25 April 2017)

All you see are pictures of herself.
(25 April 2017)

Have you ever scrolled down a chick's timeline?
(25 April 2017)

I Would So Do This

Roflmao!! {=}Some people are just like glow sticks. You wanna snap ‘em and shake the shit outta them until the light comes on!!!!!!!!!!_ Elinor:I know this is never going to stop, if it lasted this long is going to go on again.(24 April 2017) Elinor:It got to the point that i never want a relationship unless its [...]

Plus I don't even know how to swim either.
(24 April 2017)

I am afraid that they will think that I am gay so I plan on not going into the pool and say that I hurted my leg and that the doctor requires me to not go swimming.
(24 April 2017)

I am a crossdresser and I shave my legs and I do it in the privacy of my home so they don't know that I do crossdressing.
(24 April 2017)

So my friend invited me to his graduation party which is a pool party in two weeks.
(24 April 2017)

How to turn down an ugly girl that likes me?
(24 April 2017)

Shall i tell her the truth, that I'm out of her league and she's ugly or just an excuse (that i'm gay or in another reationship)?
(24 April 2017)

Also very wonky mouth and short like 5'6. Also she's kinda dark like gypsy On the other hand, I'm 6'4 tall and classically handsome so no match for this hunchback of notre dame How to turn her down?
(24 April 2017)

Personally as a hot guy I'd never date anyone below my league or f u c k down She has a bulbous nose and looks very chunky.
(24 April 2017)

A much uglier girl likes me.. I seriously don't understand how some people think.
(24 April 2017)

I'm TORN and I NEED help ladies!!! Which guy is more attractive and worth dating?
(24 April 2017)

I Would So Do This

Roflmao!! {=}Some people are just like glow sticks. You wanna snap ‘em and shake the shit outta them until the light comes on!!!!!!!!!!_ Elinor:I know this is never going to stop, if it lasted this long is going to go on again.(24 April 2017) Elinor:It got to the point that i never want a relationship unless its [...]

Took 2 digital tests today and they both came back positive.
(24 April 2017)

Took a preg test yesterday and had a faint line.
(24 April 2017)

So far I have been bleeding some days and having discharge on the other days for 16 days straight.
(24 April 2017)

Fast forward two weeks later, I got what i THOUGHT was my period although it was 2 days later than my expected period.
(24 April 2017)

I took the plan b pill the next day because we didn't remember anything and wanted to be on the safe side.
(24 April 2017)

Okay so March 18th my boyfriend and I celebrated our anniversary.
(24 April 2017)

My social anxiety is really bad. I need help!?
(24 April 2017)

And later they will fetch me again.
(24 April 2017)

It just felt awkward and I just go home.
(24 April 2017)

I just cant go talk to them because I might feel awkward so they arw playing badketball but me just watching them there alone playing and my friend saying come sit here you are alone tjere but me i refuse idk why.
(24 April 2017)

There Is No Such Thing As Casual Sex or Friends With Benefits!!!!

[image]This was something I saw on Facebook and wanted to share it with everyone here and get your thoughts and opinions on it?Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form_ Shery:Is this weird and what’s a better way to get to know a man in online dating?(24 April 2017) Shery:Gosh I [...]

My boyfriend acts so negative around me... why does he act like this?
(24 April 2017)

I don't think it's so severe that he is bi-polar but maybe I am wrong.
(24 April 2017)

I love this man a lot but sometimes he can be difficult to deal with and when I point out how he acts he points the blame to me and plays crazy mind games.
(24 April 2017)

When he's in a good mood, everything is roses and we have so much fun and it makes me believe that everything will be alright but he fluctuates all the time and it is making me crazy.
(24 April 2017)

When he is in a bad mood, his bad mood will suck you in until you're in one too.
(24 April 2017)

I am 21 my bf is 25. my boyfriend acts immature.
(24 April 2017)

Why does this girl kick me in the balls so often?
(24 April 2017)

She also sits next to me and wraps her legs around my legs.. For no reason. (we are 14yrs old) Why is she doing that ?
(24 April 2017)

That happened 3 times this month.
(24 April 2017)

After that, she hugs me and apologises.
(24 April 2017)

Monday 24 April 2017

Diabolical Devices

Diabolical DevicesdonamorousMy lovely lady let us break out ourdarkest most diabolical devices ofgreatest most torturous sensual pleasureand submit ourselves to the whims and deepest desires of our lu_ Kathleen:It’s funny because all I want is for him to talk to me about movies and get to know me but now after he finally said something I [...]

I also invited her a few times to stay after to study together or go to the mall and she didn't want to go.
(24 April 2017)

She is always nice when we have conversations on snap but I'm always the first to initiate the conversation.
(24 April 2017)

However, now, she doesn't look at my snap stories ever, she is always glued to her phone or talking to her friend and makes little to no eyecontact when I try to talk to her.
(24 April 2017)

She also pretty much looked at all my snaps on snapchat.
(24 April 2017)

A few days later I went to the bathroom and she stole my seat so I sat on the edge and we we're joking around for a bit before our class.
(24 April 2017)

The next day she was taking pictures of me waiting for my class while sitting next to her friend and smiling when I opened them.
(24 April 2017)

Ok, so this girl that sits a few seats down from me in accounting I never talked to much but she was always laughing at my jokes I say during class and asked for my snapchat.
(24 April 2017)

How to get REALLY SICK on purpose????????
(24 April 2017)

Birthday ideas for him?
(24 April 2017)

P.s. only been together for 3 months.
(24 April 2017)

Standards can contact me here

Hi, I’m getting a little annoyed with all the fakes on this site andvthe way I get contacted by them. So I let my gold expire. I started this blog ads a way of letting real women contact me. I can alw_ Isela:I start to like someone when I get to know them but with him, [...]

My face was red and she saw and smiled.
(24 April 2017)

She opened it and then kissed me again.
(24 April 2017)

I knocked on the door and asked why she kissed me.
(24 April 2017)

She pushed me out the door and I just stood in silence.
(24 April 2017)

She pushed me to the door and then she hugged me.
(24 April 2017)

She had his big smile on her face.
(24 April 2017)

I told her that I wanted her to have it because I cared about her and I thought that she was special to me.
(24 April 2017)

I gave my friend my necklace that I wear to work.
(24 April 2017)

Should I put out an order of protection against my EX husband? He has been continuously stalking me for the past 4 years?
(24 April 2017)

As far as I know he has no clue where i live exactly but as of lately I have been feeling very afraid & fearful.
(24 April 2017)


Lately, there’s been a few of these in my life. Upheavals. Since last November or so, I’ve been part of a triad. For most of this year so far, we’ve all been living under one roof. In the past couple_ Shirl:What do I do if my uncle tries to eat me when he sees me next [...]

However some times he can be very insensitive and I feel like lately he s just playing with my emotions.
(23 April 2017)

He travels a lot for work and I am supportive of that.
(23 April 2017)

We have been together for almost three years.
(23 April 2017)

(23 April 2017)

And by smart I mean sneaking something that shouldn t be there, such as a name of a women of the night or something.
(23 April 2017)

The last question asks for the most memorable moment of my skiing career but i want to have some fun with it. i ve been trying to think of something smart but I ve been unable to do so.
(23 April 2017)

Hi so recently i ve been nominated to be in the yearbook for my skiing and along with pictures, an interview will be written. and along with pictures, an interview will be written.
(23 April 2017)

Right from the first time we were together I felt completely safe and comfortable with him, as a rape survivor this was a big deal, also I was able to allow him to dominate without feeling vulnerable with him.
(23 April 2017)

It's not even just the sex stuff either, it was in between as he was so affectionate and things were so intimate together, it just felt absolutely amazing being with him.
(23 April 2017)

There were hints he could be into more kinky stuff too, if we'd stayed together it would've gotten better.
(23 April 2017)


Lately, there’s been a few of these in my life. Upheavals. Since last November or so, I’ve been part of a triad. For most of this year so far, we’ve all been living under one roof. In the past couple_ Shirl:What do I do if my uncle tries to eat me when he sees me next [...]

They don't know nothing about each other, but the male all he wants is sex from woman that's it.
(23 April 2017)

What would you do if you were a Giantess? (FOR LADIES ONLY)?
(23 April 2017)

If I was 2 inches tall and you saw me running around your hardwood floor, would you crush me?
(23 April 2017)

How do I tell my girlfriend that I want to have sex?
(23 April 2017)

How can I tell her that I want to have sex with her tonight, or maybe I should just wait until tomorrow?
(23 April 2017)

We've had sex before of course, but I don't think she's in the mood I already told her good night.
(23 April 2017)

I'm very horny tonight and I really want to have sex with her.
(23 April 2017)

How to I convince my mother to give up drinking for us, she is an alcoholic and I can't seem to get her to stop?
(23 April 2017)

It is so bad my friend's parents won't let my friends come over.
(23 April 2017)

My sisters boyfriend is disrespectful. What can I do?
(23 April 2017)


Well the first thing that i did, as soon as i was ablewas buy a pack of playing cards and lay a straight flush out on the tablethe next that i did, if you want to be persistenti took the millennium fa_ Artie:I also have a daddy kink(obviously). I’m just curious as to why I’m into [...]

Why did he say that? Sexual reference or nah?
(23 April 2017)

Why do you think he said that and acted that way?
(23 April 2017)

Then gain he didn't need to say anything else, I never asked a question.
(23 April 2017)

Do you think he said it just to not hurt my feelings because he didn't say yes or no?
(23 April 2017)

Anyway, why do you guys think he said that at the end?
(23 April 2017)

I don't know if he felt it but I did.
(23 April 2017)

Also when he said that I personally felt like sexual tension like never before.
(23 April 2017)

But when we were joking around about it he was laughing a bit and smiling, it was only when he said that to me where he got a stright face and his attitude kind of changed.
(23 April 2017)

Or maybe he was just annoyed and uncomfortable.
(23 April 2017)

It felt like it turned sexual and when Bob said that I thought maybe he was serious about that.
(23 April 2017)

Really do not like Call of Duty and absolutely love pizza

Say hello to Scarecrow and Captain Cold. The game is coming May 16th, 2017 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One. I am the biggest half behind this website and love to write about my deep love for fighting games, (J)RPG’s and Destiny. We bring you your daily dose of news, reviews and more with our … Continue reading "Really do not like Call of Duty and absolutely love pizza"

It's really hard on my body (as I'm sure you'll understand if you've ever had a job like this.) It sometimes makes my back hurt, and lately it has made my muscles very tight.
(23 April 2017)

I work in a daycare in the toddler rooms, so I'm always picking kids up and putting them down, picking up toys, crouching down and standing back up, etc.
(23 April 2017)

Why do old black men stare at me while I'm the the car?
(23 April 2017)

Or am I unqiue from most black girls in Michigan who dress like prostitutes?
(23 April 2017)

Why do Old black men stare at me, is it because I look blasian or what?
(23 April 2017)

Usually when I look at them once they keep staring so I stare until I pass by and they keep staring.
(23 April 2017)

I am a 17 girl that looks like a child and I dress modest and don't wear makeup like a prostitute.
(23 April 2017)

Parents- what rules do you enforce for kids at the beach?
(23 April 2017)

I have an 8 12 and 14 year old who I'm taking to the beach. 1. Would you allow them to swim in the ocean?
(23 April 2017)

Size matters obviously since bigger guys really dont have to try as hard right?
(23 April 2017)

Also find information about new shows on Netflix

When Will Shetland Season 4 Be on Netflix? Netflix offers their subscribers shows of almost any genre you could ever want to watch. Shetland is a good watch for anyone who enjoys suspense and drama in their television. Shetland tells the story of Jim Perez._ Belia:Please pick the best name for my new born son?(23 … Continue reading Also find information about new shows on Netflix

I always keep them soft, polished, and just well cared for in general.
(23 April 2017)

I'm 18 and I've had an obsession with foot fetishists since I was about 14 or so.
(23 April 2017)

I made my mum cry and don't know what to do?
(23 April 2017)

And they had the look of hatred and I cant stop crying I hate what i did please help me.
(23 April 2017)

My dad came and was just like leave her (me) she doesn't ever listem or understand anyways.
(23 April 2017)

And they she said from now on I wont do anything just pretemd im not here.
(23 April 2017)

I cried and then she started crying saying things like I try to help but you misunderstand.
(23 April 2017)

Ahe started saying don't talk to him etc and I didn't like how my mum probably thought I was some reckless daughter who just chats up ranomd guys so we argued.
(23 April 2017)

My mum was sort of mad bc i was in a grouo call with I never met.
(23 April 2017)

Just a questions?
(23 April 2017)