Thursday 30 March 2017

Outta Da Box

,tsop nac koocnachtiek fi lleW.I nac osTranslation for the backwards challenged:Well, if keithcancook can post,so can I._ Lettie:I realized my sexuality in college, after I had an encounter with my roomate, which turned into a romance throughout my college years.(30 March 2017) Lettie:I’m a 35 year old woman, I have been married for 5 years, have two [...]

I dont see myself picking up girls just by the appearence i need to feel attraction to the girl.
(29 March 2017)

Im 24 and have never kissed a girl.
(29 March 2017)

I dont have a girlfriend and i dont know how to find one.
(29 March 2017)

In my class there are a lot of men and some ugly chicks.
(29 March 2017)

Im studing civil engineer in college and i dont have any friends.
(29 March 2017)

Should I do a blind prom date?
(29 March 2017)

I'm also really shy and awkward around guys.
(29 March 2017)

I'm thinking of doing it but what if the guy is unattractive?
(29 March 2017)

So my teacher is doing a thing we're you can sign up for having a date to the prom and she matches you up with a random person.
(29 March 2017)

She isn't talking to me so it isn't really possible to apologize (even though I didn't do it) I'm kind of thinking I don't want to be friends with her anymore if she's going to get mad and not talk to me over such a little thing.
(29 March 2017)

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