Friday 31 March 2017

What this lady is and what this lady isn’t!!

First and foremost I want to make this clear to everyone, i’am not some cheap whore, and slut on here for money and attention!!! First and foremost I’am a lady of class and dignity who likes to have f_ Sanjuana:Plus he is close with my mom and I don’t want him to tell her.(31 March 2017) Sanjuana:I [...]

I am running out of time and the mall has the usual holiday crowd.
(30 March 2017)

I'm in love with this girl but I don't know how to get her to like me?
(30 March 2017)

Should I talk to my old friend?
(30 March 2017)

I don't know, I'm bad at this...
(30 March 2017)

Or should I just tell her I want to start talking again?
(30 March 2017)

I'm wondering if it would be wrong to ask if she wants to hang out or something or would that be too much?
(30 March 2017)

I would like to start talking to her again.
(30 March 2017)

I texted her again today asking about her plans for college and we talked for a little bit, but she eventually didn't respond.
(30 March 2017)

I feel like she could be busy with school, but maybe not.
(30 March 2017)

I just said it's been a while and asked how she's doing, but she didn't say much.
(30 March 2017)

need someone to use me!!

man women ts doesnt matter just need to feel like your personal toy… be my boss_ Paulita:But if I specifically want to meet smart successful people to date, where can I meet those people?(31 March 2017) Paulita:I know I can find religious people in a church, athletic people in a gym, people who like to drink in [...]

When we were in a Romeo and Juliet skit together I swear she blushed when we held hands and at the halloween party when we were alone she gave me that same smile.
(30 March 2017)

I noticed this only when her friends arent around in fact, when we walk in empty hallways she waves to me with that endearing smile but had never actually muttered the words hi.
(30 March 2017)

We don t talk much cause this social difference but unlike anyone else she has no reason to notice me but started giving me this endearing smile that sends a shock through my body.
(30 March 2017)

I Noticed in classes we had together ort eyes meet and jumped away a lot and this never happened with me with a girl before.
(30 March 2017)

I m not popular like her just an average guy in terms of that stuff.
(30 March 2017)

Should I break up with my gf or no? 2.5 years; too much drama?
(30 March 2017)

Pros: 1. No more arguing 2. No more dealing with her crazy family and friends 3. I could find a gf who is better suited to me personality-wise, and who has time for a relationship.
(30 March 2017)

Read pls i need advice?
(30 March 2017)

What are some ways i can get over somebody?
(30 March 2017)

Im just looking for some ways to get over it?
(30 March 2017)

Boring Saturday In

Just watched some porn, love the amateur stuff but nothing beats the real thing.I miss that first Kiss. My fav thing, and the first time she touches my dick with her chatting to the chicks_ Melita:Killed himself because he having problems in college.(31 March 2017) Melita:A guy in my town killed himself today and he was [...]

He never has any time for me anymore, he's overloaded with work and hobbies.
(30 March 2017)

I love him just now as much as I did in the beginning but Im starting to doubt whether he feels the same.
(30 March 2017)

We're both quite young, early 20s.
(30 March 2017)

We've been together for roughly 3.5 years.
(30 March 2017)

What age difference is weird for a teenager?
(30 March 2017)

So this girl and I like each other and the thing is she just turned 14 and I have been 15 since august, so shes in 8th grade, I am a Freshman in high school.
(30 March 2017)

Is it normal for an almost 4 year old to have massive screaming tantrums every day?
(30 March 2017)

She will scream bloody murder just because she cant have the damn tub faucet keep running ( so we had to pull her out) and shes been screaming for 15 mins now...this will go on for 45 mins or so ,depending on the situation.
(30 March 2017)

How do i get a guy named Matt to stop trying to befriend me?
(30 March 2017)

Do you usually exchange gifts on one year dating anniversary?
(30 March 2017)

la negra busca relación seria

Higuey, romana, Dominican Republic // Jestine:My life hasn’t made so much sense.(29 March 2017) Jestine:I dont see myself picking up girls just by the appearence i need to feel attraction to the girl.(29 March 2017) Jestine:Im 24 and have never kissed a girl.(29 March 2017) Jestine:I dont have a girlfriend and i dont know how to [...]

There is a small tad of hope, but I don't hate men just don't want to get emotional involved with one.
(30 March 2017)

Did I make the right choice to stay ? I gave up everything for this man. My own place. School. Guaranteed job. Everything?
(30 March 2017)

Sure enough I saw that they did have an affair.
(30 March 2017)

I ended up going through his phone because I couldn't help it.. I know my inner gutt and always have to listen to it.
(30 March 2017)

Everything was peachy for the first week, but the funny feeling I had came back.
(30 March 2017)

I forgave him. 9 months later I ended up moving with him.
(30 March 2017)

He told me that he tried to hide me from her because he wanted a certain kind of attention that he was missing from me.I was upset and hurt but I did understand where he came from because I felt the same way but never acted.
(30 March 2017)

I guess she was hurt.. but still continued being friends.
(30 March 2017)

Later he then showed her the picture of me on his cover.
(30 March 2017)

A week later he ended up telling me she had caught feelings for him.
(30 March 2017)

A final NON PC Christmas( gotta gat it out of my head).

Alf a foul mouthed communist was walking with his wife, she said “I’m getting wet, is this sleet, rain or snow”?He replied ” You silly cow it’s effing rain”!Which shows tha_ Carla:She said Monday is the anniversary of the 1974 tornado she said if anyone posts on Saturday a tornado warning as a joke she’s gonna [...]

He conversed with me once before class started but sometimes he only nods whenever I say hi and other times he ignores it or doesn't realize it.
(30 March 2017)

He's too cute I'm afraid he'll just ignore me.
(30 March 2017)

Does social media give you low self-esteem?
(30 March 2017)

How does this make you guys feel?
(30 March 2017)

Is he interested with me?
(30 March 2017)

I'm curious because this man says he's very fond of me, said my name is pretty, asked my age, and sent hearts to me at times.
(30 March 2017)

So i need some dating advice please please please... Give honest opinons!?
(30 March 2017)

I did this girls project. Should i request sex as payment?
(30 March 2017)

What is the best way to find a woman who will let you smell her feet?
(30 March 2017)

What are the best ways for a person to go about doing this?
(30 March 2017)

Think I’m fed up

When that happens I either disappear temporarily or for good. After what was done to me by the site past weekend, I figure it wouldn’t matter because this place is low. I really have hung in here_ Eula:When we were in a Romeo and Juliet skit together I swear she blushed when we held hands and [...]

Classes ended today and there's this guy that I met and became friends with.
(30 March 2017)

What do you call a woman with a big waist?
(30 March 2017)

Should I make a move for this guy that likes me, even though I'm moving 20 minutes away soon?
(30 March 2017)

I feel it's too late now ): What should I do?
(30 March 2017)

Plus, we both won't have a drivers license until next year.
(30 March 2017)

Anywho, I think I'm starting to like him (I'm not sure though) but the thing is, the school year ends in about two months and I'm going to be going to a different school (that's 15-20 minutes away) from where we live now.
(30 March 2017)

Now, he's super super shy and we don't text anymore, he doesn't even look at me and when I look at him, he looks away so quickly.
(30 March 2017)

In the very beginning of the year, I gave props for him for having the confidence to message me on Instagram and coming up to me at school to talk to me and hug and stuff.
(30 March 2017)

Now, I find a lot of things about him attractive and idk if I like him or if he still likes me since he's so shy.
(30 March 2017)

Ever since the beginning of the school year, this guy liked me and I never really had interest in him because I was focused on school and I had just gotten out of a relationship.
(30 March 2017)

hey, it’s me

Phoenix, Arizona // Matilda:My boyfriend and I had sex two days before my annual period date, and the day of my usual late date.(29 March 2017) Matilda:My abs are tight, any mention of food, I d rather not eat because I d feel nauseous just thinking about it, and I haven t gotten my [...]

I just want him to myself. :( I hate seeing her face.
(29 March 2017)

Why did this one have to have offspring?
(29 March 2017)

Its not like there are that many smart and charming men left.
(29 March 2017)

My husband is so smart and handsome and charming.
(29 March 2017)

My best friend didn t invite me to her birthday????...?
(29 March 2017)

We were known to be best friends and we even wore the same shirts and for some reason I m really butthurt about this.
(29 March 2017)

Well its normal to isolate from the others if she talks just to them tbh.
(29 March 2017)

She also made an excuse saying I might isolate from the other people because I dont like them.
(29 March 2017)

In a relationship but miss my ex?
(29 March 2017)

But I keep having thoughts of my ex.
(29 March 2017)

Thursday 30 March 2017

Outta Da Box

,tsop nac koocnachtiek fi lleW.I nac osTranslation for the backwards challenged:Well, if keithcancook can post,so can I._ Lettie:I realized my sexuality in college, after I had an encounter with my roomate, which turned into a romance throughout my college years.(30 March 2017) Lettie:I’m a 35 year old woman, I have been married for 5 years, have two [...]

I dont see myself picking up girls just by the appearence i need to feel attraction to the girl.
(29 March 2017)

Im 24 and have never kissed a girl.
(29 March 2017)

I dont have a girlfriend and i dont know how to find one.
(29 March 2017)

In my class there are a lot of men and some ugly chicks.
(29 March 2017)

Im studing civil engineer in college and i dont have any friends.
(29 March 2017)

Should I do a blind prom date?
(29 March 2017)

I'm also really shy and awkward around guys.
(29 March 2017)

I'm thinking of doing it but what if the guy is unattractive?
(29 March 2017)

So my teacher is doing a thing we're you can sign up for having a date to the prom and she matches you up with a random person.
(29 March 2017)

She isn't talking to me so it isn't really possible to apologize (even though I didn't do it) I'm kind of thinking I don't want to be friends with her anymore if she's going to get mad and not talk to me over such a little thing.
(29 March 2017)


DF., Morelos, Mexico // Jazmin:This has only started a couple months ago.(29 March 2017) Ester:Using cellphone to cover face?(29 March 2017) Ester:Why is she using her phone as a shield?(29 March 2017) Ester:I started recording this girl on my cell phone without her permission and when she saw me she covered her face with her phone?(29 [...]

I've never really spoken to her throughout high school.
(29 March 2017)

Help! My life is so boring and uninteresting?
(29 March 2017)

Summer is coming up and I don't want to spend my days sitting on the couch watching TV.
(29 March 2017)

I don't really have many friends and I was wondering what I should do to fill my time.
(29 March 2017)

Recently, I quit my job because it was awful and have been looking for a new part time job but during the summertime I am always bored.
(29 March 2017)

I go to university that is located 20 minutes from my house but its so small and there's never anything to do.
(29 March 2017)

Where have you guys been lately? I missed you?
(29 March 2017)

Some of you guys been gone too long as well...
(29 March 2017)

My daughter misbehaves around me, but when her dad is home she great?!?
(29 March 2017)

(29 March 2017)

Do you go or do you stay?

I love the diversity of this site, and the fact that people are here for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t matter whether people are here to meet, chat, blog or just to play out their exhibitionist/voy_ Glynda:My mom has had cancer for many years.(29 March 2017) Dollie:She acted ahy, smiled and seemed surprised that I decided [...]

How do I know if my fish is gay?
(29 March 2017)

I'm a 12 year old boy. The stranger at the playground told me if I sucked her boobies then delicious milk will come out. Should I suck them?
(29 March 2017)

How to be strong enough to let go and Be a?
(29 March 2017)

I regret doing things for him & having sex with him.
(29 March 2017)

I just ended a friendship with a guy who I have been talking to for almost a year now.. it s clear as day light that he doesn t want me anymore, nor does he want to see me?
(29 March 2017)

Than the next day he wasn't even at school... Does this mean anything?
(29 March 2017)

I did it again that night with I think the same meditation, but this time I held rose quartz and something representing him in my hand.
(29 March 2017)

Come the next day and literally most of my guy friends showed interest in me but the one person I did the meditation for.
(29 March 2017)

I meditated at night hoping for some change the next day.
(29 March 2017)

So then I thought of doing a meditation for anything related to law of attraction.
(29 March 2017)

is this a business site

Its disheartening to see 99% of female or couples profile here monetary transaction. It essentially means they either professional sex workers or their agents. Genuine ppl out here for fun only rare a_ Meri:New guy vs first love?(29 March 2017) Meri:I never really thought about my first love as much till I began to take this new [...]

What does it mean when it feels forced?
(29 March 2017)

That I'm wrong for feeling the way I do.
(29 March 2017)

But the minute I get an attitude about how he acts towards me, then he wants to speak.
(29 March 2017)

He seems as if he barely wants me around him.
(29 March 2017)

I go everyday walking on eggshells with him.
(29 March 2017)

And it always seems like the finger is pointed at me like I'm the cause.
(29 March 2017)

I find myself worrying each day about having a bad day with him.
(29 March 2017)

Then I find myself, trying to hold back saying anything because I feel like I'm going to make him mad.
(29 March 2017)

It's always something else I did.
(29 March 2017)

And it seems like it's not enough to go to school and see a smile light up on his face.
(29 March 2017)


So I’ve attended my share of swingers and bdsm events and have played with the thought of hosting my own, nothing too large in a safe private location… Now I have a few people close to me who’ve exp_ Sylvia:We were both in relationships with others at the time and she didn’t seem all that interesting [...]

I ask her if she did anything about it, and she tells me no and that in the end it was not a big deal.
(29 March 2017)

She is a sweet girl, but all the time she complains to me about how someone that day was very rude or mean to her.
(29 March 2017)

I have a roommate and we have been living together for a little over seven months.
(29 March 2017)

Boyfriend always chews gum when we kiss?
(29 March 2017)

And I'm 18 and he is 20. Lastly I think he is trying fine too respectful because it hasn't gone further yet then kissing.
(29 March 2017)

But I didn't have the nerve to say anything.
(29 March 2017)

He said something last night about hope I'm not a bad kisser.
(29 March 2017)

I don't want to hurt his feelings but I don't know what to say.
(29 March 2017)

His lips aren't like chapped but it's too dry.
(29 March 2017)

I think we have different kissing styles because he always has gum in his mouth and I think that is kind of grosss.
(29 March 2017)

Hotwife looking for hung

Lake Geneva, Wisconsin // Echo:Kevin not very long ago seen Cynthia’s underpants when she was in her room playing with her dolls.(28 March 2017) Echo:Cynthia is a year younger then the two boys who are nine.(28 March 2017) Echo:This to me is just horrible what my cousin Matthew did with the neighbor boy Kevin when [...]

But at the latter part of the relationship he just suddenly became cold and distant and busy.
(29 March 2017)

He was the sweetest, nicest guy I've been with.
(29 March 2017)

Im 21 and he's 24. We dated for a year and a half.
(29 March 2017)

Is there a sign? Is he playing with my mind? Is he playing hard to get?
(29 March 2017)

Is he playing with my mind or is trying to play hard to get?
(29 March 2017)

He puts me on read, then the next morning he takes it off?
(29 March 2017)

My ex recently broke up with me, he took me off of his social media but he answers my texts much much faster than usual.
(29 March 2017)

Why do girls always use their legs in combat?
(29 March 2017)

I found out my friends are planning a get together behind my back what should I do?
(29 March 2017)

Hi my friends always invite me to party s and I never get left out or so I thought until I found out thy are planning a get together behind my back .What should I do now should I get myself new friends?
(29 March 2017)

Dead Zone

Well, besides a Stephen King book, anyone else out there feel sometimes> > ! that there is a dead zone of people who want to actually meet up and have some fun? Hope you are all keeping warm today! It’_ Valentina:Ever since then she’s always looked pregnant and she doesn’t seem to care about it much.. [...]

Do you think I could ever have a relationship with him outside of work?
(29 March 2017)

I probably won t get rehired, at least for 2 months due to staffing.
(29 March 2017)

I have to leave this job during the summer because I will be gone for 3 weeks.
(29 March 2017)

I ve always been infatuated with him.
(29 March 2017)

I recently got hired by him and reconnected after a couple years.
(29 March 2017)

We were never close or even really friends, but we knew of each other.
(29 March 2017)

I ve known my current manager since I was 14 and had a crush on him.
(29 March 2017)

Can my wife and I do this?
(29 March 2017)

Could i be pregnant from dry humping?
(29 March 2017)

Wife invited our daughter in law over for some cake and coffee tonight?
(29 March 2017)

Festival of Dangerous Ideas Dan Savage

Oh my what a fun thing to watch, check it out and come back here to comment._ Ta:I snap chatted my boyfriend an hour or two ago and he hasn’t responded… he said he would try to make time to hang out Monday but nothing.(29 March 2017) Ta:On snapchat we’re in a group message together and his [...]

Are they trying to make themselves hard to catch?
(29 March 2017)

It's like I'm only good for a first impression, nothing else seems to get them more interested in me.
(29 March 2017)

Why does my lady friend feel lousy for having sex before marriage?
(29 March 2017)

Now why does she feel bad for having sex before marriage?
(29 March 2017)

She confessed on Facebook that she feels broken for having sex before marriage.
(29 March 2017)

I have this lady friend who I met at a church group who is now married.
(29 March 2017)

What can I do about social services?
(29 March 2017)

I broke up with my 1.5 years gf and I still want to be with her but idk what to do now?
(29 March 2017)

I still love her and want things to work but I just feel like she doesnt even care.
(29 March 2017)

I felt empty and alone when she didnt even bother to atleast call me back part of the reason why I broke it off with her.
(29 March 2017)

Wrapup of Jobbie

Got to the island about 7pm the night before. It was pretty quiet. I expected a big party, but the water level was high flooding the area where they normally have the big bon fire. The party started a_ Danyell:Is he laughing at me or does he like me?(29 March 2017) Danyell:I was wondering, is it possible [...]

When we first met he was very smooth and flirty, and he now still flirts but it's awkward and shy.
(29 March 2017)

So basically there is a guy that I've known for about 6 months and I've been crushing on him since we met.
(29 March 2017)

Should I dump my girlfriend for not wanting to sleep with me?
(29 March 2017)

I am going to dump her, but I wanted to get your opinion before I dump her on whether I am right or wrong for wanting to dump her?
(29 March 2017)

This is extremely frustrating for me because every time I see her I get aroused and instead of her having sex with me I end up going home and pleasuring myself which is retarded, then what is the point of having a hot girlfriend.
(29 March 2017)

She doesn't really like to have quickies in a car, bathroom, etc; nowhere but a bed.
(29 March 2017)

The problem is, she only wants to have sex on a bed.
(29 March 2017)

We have only had intercourse once.
(29 March 2017)

We have been dating for a few weeks now.
(29 March 2017)

I am sexually frustrated and am thinking of dumping my girlfriend.
(29 March 2017)

Dating a girl is wierd

Dating a girl is so different. Seems like we are more like sisters. Luv that she is into me being me and not something I am not. For those that have asked (some more discreetly than others) yes I a_ Lashanda:How long after baby gets into birthing position does labor usually start?(29 March 2017) Lashanda:In order to [...]

Before I go to sleep, I would think of scenarios where my boyfriend is mad at me and would just start punching and kicking me repeatedly.. I even thought about Odell Beckham Jr. hitting me for some reason just because it lookwd as if he punched hard.
(29 March 2017)

I know this is not normal and I also know that plenty of women and men lose their lives everyday because of domestic violence but I just can't help it.
(29 March 2017)

Whenever I think about my boyfriend hitting me, I would get these weird butterflies in my chest and I would just start smiling for some reason.
(29 March 2017)

Whenever someone is writing a book about domestic violence or something, I would instantly start reading.. no matter how bad or boring it is.
(29 March 2017)

For some reason, ever since I was about fourteen years old (I'm sixteen), I've wanted to be abused by my significant other.
(29 March 2017)

I am 5 days late for my period and scared I might be pregnant?
(29 March 2017)

I used pull out method with my best guy friend.
(29 March 2017)

I used a condom with Eric, but he was closer to my ovulation time.
(29 March 2017)

ANOTHER QUESTION, on the chance I am pregnant, do you think the father would be Eric or my best guy friend?
(29 March 2017)

I am also stressed with Midterms.
(29 March 2017)

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Finding gay and bi friends

Living in a small town area it seems hard to find gay or bi people to meet and I think it would be great if there was a place to go and hang out and just be yourself. Here it seems people are afraid t_ Anna:So when I was dating my ex, we had a lot [...]

Well I dont go out of my way to look.
(28 March 2017)

I know some might say well why are you looking?
(28 March 2017)

The worst thing she does is wear one of my old t shirts (that she stole) and not have a bra on under that.
(28 March 2017)

She really doesnt put in effort to present herself as a clean reasonable person around the house.
(28 March 2017)

She tends to brush her teeth while im eating in the kitchen.
(28 March 2017)

My sister is a pretty gross girl in general.
(28 March 2017)

Why do girls think I am a player?
(28 March 2017)

The closest explaination I could get was I sound like I am making things up.
(28 March 2017)

Meaning if I ask her out she will say no and ask to have group outings until she feels comfortable.
(28 March 2017)

I don t go out much, well educated ( 2 bachelors and going for a masters), decent looking, somewhat into fashion and I am in good shape (former college athlete). For some reason every girl I date thinks I m cheating or she will approach me with caution.
(28 March 2017)

Want to come out

A couple years ago I finally admitted to myself that I am gay, not interested in women anymore and I love sucking cock and taking it up the ass. I am straight acting in public and just your typical gu_ Dorathy:She instead suggested we hookup which I turned down because her last fwb ended badly and [...]

OK, So, I had sex last month on Feb 11. she then got her period on Feb 25th, which was exacly 14 days after we had sex.
(28 March 2017)

My daughter is very sick i live here in baltimore md but could i take her to dc children hospital?
(28 March 2017)

Is it wrong to let little kids cry on the toilet for awhile before you take them off to get them over their fear?
(28 March 2017)

I think the first step is making them not scared of it, so I thought if I just put her there and let her face the fear for 5 minutes or so that maybe she'll be not afraid after seeing it's just s toilet.
(28 March 2017)

How do i convince people to start calling me by my last name?
(28 March 2017)

How to tell my boyfriend politely to take care of his hygiene?
(28 March 2017)

Why did I have to tell him to take care of himself, he's 22.
(28 March 2017)

I had to tell him that wasn't okay, especially because we were going to a fancy restaurant.
(28 March 2017)

It was are third date and he literally just put on anything, didn't shave, and just smoke weed.
(28 March 2017)

Is he into me or my BFF?
(28 March 2017)

So How Was It?!?!

How was your Christmas?!?! This was the first Christmas in a long time that was pretty much drama free!!! I did get my coffee maker, so I’m quite excited about that. I guess the car will have to_ Meta:Is there truth to this statement?(28 March 2017) Meta:The guy I’m interested in often takes hours to respond and [...]

The encounter was march 2 and I started bleeding march 6. It is march 28 and still no period.
(28 March 2017)

I am 106 lbs. am I going to become pregnant?
(28 March 2017)

He pulled out before he came and I took plan b pill within 2 hours of the encounter just in case. 4days later I had light bleeding for 3 days.
(28 March 2017)

I figure she isn't in to me but why did she text me first then just stop?
(28 March 2017)

So the next day I text her asking her out to dinner Saturday but she has been ignoring me.
(28 March 2017)

The next day well same day because we were all out late, she sends me a text and I reply but then she just stops.
(28 March 2017)

I asked her for her number at the end of the night and she said yes.
(28 March 2017)

I said that I would have done it either way because I thought she was very attractive. we continued to dance and talk throughout the night.
(28 March 2017)

We danced and we made out a few times she kissed me back and just said I did it because I was drunk.
(28 March 2017)

We were at a club and I had a few drinks but I didn't do anything I wouldn't normally do.
(28 March 2017)

It’s that DREADED ………..time of year

Yes, once again that dreaded time of year ……….when the neighbors have gotten CHRISTMAS PUPPIES for their kids.The cute lovable balls of pure loving warm tenderness. Oh the joy of fuzzy puppiness_ Joe:Girl is using me as a backup plan?(28 March 2017) Danuta:After 10 years of marriage are men just a wallet nice house car and a [...]

He told me that it's nothing against me, but he recently got out of a 6 year relationship (they were hs sweethearts) so that's not what he wants right now.
(28 March 2017)

I finally just came out and asked what he was looking for.
(28 March 2017)

It hurt a lot in the beginning, but towards the end of the week I was doing much better.
(28 March 2017)

I've had so many guys do this to me and just disappear out of my life, so I figured he was doing the same.
(28 March 2017)

We talked day and night each and every day until he suddenly got distant a couple weeks ago.
(28 March 2017)

He'd wish me good luck on tests that I was stressed about, would always ask to facetime (we go to different schools), constantly told me he missed me, called me babe, the list goes on.
(28 March 2017)

He seemed very interested as well.
(28 March 2017)

I was talking to a guy who I was very interested in for a month.
(28 March 2017)

I had a bad day at work and made a stupid decision based on my emotions that could've got me hurt.
(28 March 2017)

I ignored him and he stayed there for sometime till traffic backed up behind him then he blew his horn and sped off.
(28 March 2017)

meet n greet

Meet n Greet Feb 27th venue 13 bar n grill . starts at 830p. look for red balloons marking the tables hope to see you there_ Quiana:He makes it seem like he likes me but then other girls come around and they are all over him.(28 March 2017) Quiana:I’m really jealous of other girls and I don’t [...]

Yesterday I was jacking off on my bed & when I came, a couple of shots flew over my head and hit the headboard.Has this ever happened to you?
(28 March 2017)

So I invited a guy to an activity. During the activity, we had fun talking?
(28 March 2017)

I think I want to meet him again.
(28 March 2017)

He said that he wouldn't see me tomorrow (but didn't )He texted right after about something and I wished him luck.
(28 March 2017)

After that he walked me to my car and we hugged goodbye.
(28 March 2017)

Is My Dad Over Reacting or does he have a right to be upset?
(28 March 2017)

So I just said the beer he likes is nasty and he got all offended because of that and started being rude to me then I tried apologizing and he said to not bother to say sorry like it's my fault I don't like that type of beer or is it my fault?
(28 March 2017)

I might get hazel eyed contacts too since blue eyes are ugly af.
(28 March 2017)

Christian's should I cut my breasts off even if I do bleed alot?
(28 March 2017)

I know that if God gave me hazel eyes and a B cup size chest that I would have a Godly husband.
(28 March 2017)

Here to explore my sexuality

Montreal, Quebec, Canada // Britni:I figure one key difference is that if its accidental they would apologize?(27 March 2017) Britni:What are some differences beteween accidental touching and flirting from girls?(27 March 2017) Pinkie:Why is my son getting suspended for being smart?(27 March 2017) Pinkie:Why are they being so ridiculous, and how can I make them see [...]

How do i get my parents to let me drive 5 hours away for the day?
(28 March 2017)

I have a question please help!!?
(28 March 2017)

Even though she has never been really nice to me or anything I just NEEDED to help her.
(28 March 2017)

So as soon as the lesson started and we had to use the sheets, I just felt a huge weight on my mind to talk to her and tell her to use mine so she had one.
(28 March 2017)

Also I was in my history class today and this bitchy girl took one of the two papers at our desk (there were 4 people at our table and all girls), I had the other one.
(28 March 2017)

And when I'm walking down stairs and I see the same type of innocent girls in front of me I always make sure to like keep an eye on them and if they like fell or something I would catch them and try to save them.
(28 March 2017)

I just want to protect them so much.
(28 March 2017)

Also when I see some girls while everyone is switching class and I feel like they are sweet and innocent and beautiful I just feel a urge to stay right next to them and protect them.
(28 March 2017)

And then I thought how weird that was to think that.
(28 March 2017)

I'm a 17 year old girl so you know. ( and straight I believe) So here the thing.
(28 March 2017)

Tuesday 28 March 2017

All is well With me…

[image]For the last couple months or so I had abandoned my cam girl work in favor of conventional everyday employment. I am still a woman of leisure working 3/4 time… very early mornings sorting par_ Avril:I was already out for the entire day 2 weeks ago for various appointments, so I don’t really want to ask [...]

I had contacted my prof about research which he said he will update me, and now he has but he said we will have to postpone and that he will keep me posted.
(28 March 2017)

Which name? Haise or Kou?
(28 March 2017)

Which name should I name my main character.
(28 March 2017)

Could i be pregnant after not taking the pill for one day?
(28 March 2017)

What are the chances that I could get pregnant?
(28 March 2017)

I don't think he pulled out or anything.
(28 March 2017)

I am on birth control, however, I forgot to take my pill on Friday.
(28 March 2017)

So me and my boyfriend had sex on Saturday and without a condom because things were getting frisky.
(28 March 2017)

It makes me wonder if it's because they think I'm ugly.
(28 March 2017)

I have girls tell me to go away and just yell at me over small stuff.
(28 March 2017)

Present mood: happily sore.

There’s something to be said about hitting the heavy bag for a full 10 min after an already decent amount on the weights & 30 min of cardio on the bike. Knuckles still stinging 8 hours later._ Niki:I have this crush at school and he rejected me, but the problem is that i have to see [...]

Is this cauliflower ear?
(27 March 2017)

What does it mean if a girl keeps avoiding eye contact but her friend looks at you?
(27 March 2017)

So maybe she is getting the wrong idea about that?
(27 March 2017)

Also I was chatting with a female friend of mine before class and she's seen me chatting with her before.
(27 March 2017)

Anyways I was trying to think if maybe I creeped her out?
(27 March 2017)

However at one point her friend was staring at me and looking confused.
(27 March 2017)

But today she kept avoiding eye contact with me, so I felt nervous approaching her again.
(27 March 2017)

I flirted with this girl in my class before and she seemed to llke me.
(27 March 2017)

I pranked and lied to my friend and now i feel crappy?
(27 March 2017)

If I tell them, I am afraid it will end the friendship.
(27 March 2017)

Can you…

“Can you love me when I’m bigger than you, when my presence blazes like the sun does, when it hurts to look directly at me?”Wild Womyn Dance to their own song.Can you trust me, even though you cannot_ Lashanda:Yes we talk and video chat but it’s just not the same.(28 March 2017) Lashanda:And I’m here, going to [...]

I only have 3 friends and 2 of their parents do not let them hang out with me.
(27 March 2017)

Ever see a guy at the mall bend down to tie his shoes in his tennis shorts?
(27 March 2017)

Why do daughter in law clean out?
(27 March 2017)

I am having some tension with a coworker about a misunderstanding . How should I handle this?
(27 March 2017)

I will never say good morning to her ever again.
(27 March 2017)

Unfortunately her boss has to sign off on some things for me.
(27 March 2017)

How should I approach her approach noe.
(27 March 2017)

She always doesn't seem to be busy but gossiping all the time.
(27 March 2017)

We were friendly but not very close but she has stopped talking to me . She didn't say good morning or boo to me at all today.
(27 March 2017)

Then she rushed out of the office.
(27 March 2017)

It Always Goes by so Fast!

Once more Christmas has come and gone and I am amazed how quickly it seems to go! Still the excitement of the preparations, the gift buying, wrapping, decorating, and baking are now fond memories for_ Delilah:My brothers heartless, and is cutting family away. Why?(28 March 2017) Delilah:I feel like he loves his girlfriend more than his family [...]

He says he wanted to experiment.
(27 March 2017)

Last semester he went away to college and had other men perform oral sex on him.
(27 March 2017)

We have been together for 2 years and were each others first.
(27 March 2017)

Favorite Girl Name? Jean and Anne need to stay?
(27 March 2017)

Is it a good thing that my boyfriend asks me if I'm okay during sex?
(27 March 2017)

He always has me orgasm first too, Is this a good thing?
(27 March 2017)

I am completely in love with her but I am not lesbian.
(27 March 2017)

How do you locate someone on Instagram if I just have their name?
(27 March 2017)

Trying to locate this guy and that is the only social media I know he is on.
(27 March 2017)

Why does my guy friend keep sending me pics of his girl?
(27 March 2017)

Waiting on weather

The wind is really blowing tonight, gusting over 30 knots at times. According to the weather forecast there is a window on Monday and I’ll make a run for Mazatlan. It usually takes about 72 hours_ Nelly:His new wife probably has no idea he has another child.(27 March 2017) Nelly:We found out through a private investigator where [...]

The mythology behind it is andromeda is the daughter of cassiopeia they call me cassie for short.
(27 March 2017)

I broke a promise and I feel so awful about it?
(27 March 2017)

Girl, ask me of she's being to approaching?
(27 March 2017)

She's very nice to me indact nicer to ne then everyone else but i figure that's cause she knows me more then everyone else.
(27 March 2017)

Why was this kid just standing there?
(27 March 2017)

His friends werent there either.
(27 March 2017)

After lunch this kid was standing in the cafeteria on his phone while everybody was going to class.
(27 March 2017)

Is it bad that it thinks I want to say that?
(27 March 2017)

Read the second thing it predicts for me...
(27 March 2017)

My family is building a barn since our old one is closing. We are trying to think of names but it s very difficult. Any ideas?
(27 March 2017)

Imaginations wild…

I’ll just leave this here for the imaginative ones…[image1]What do you think?_ Melodi:I’m a 17 year old girl and my best friend is a guy.(27 March 2017) Georgette:Is my friendship platonic or romantic? Will it grow to either one? My confusing friendship is stirring a confusing conflict in me?(27 March 2017) Georgette:What can you call this situation and [...]

I can see by the look on her face that I have truly touched her heart. 9. Before I get to see her again I'm out for two weeks for some minor surgery and some PTO.
(27 March 2017)

I ask her if I can give her a gift for her baby, and she says of course, that would be very nice of me. 8. I give her the gift next time I see her and she really likes it and appreciates it.
(27 March 2017)

Things are cool and sweet between us as pregnancy progresses. 7. Fast forward 5 months and she mentions she might go out a little early for maternity leave.
(27 March 2017)

I'm happy for her; I really am. 6. We continue to hang out and getting to know each other and bonding.
(27 March 2017)

Fast forward 5 months and she announces she's pregnant.
(27 March 2017)

She always makes time for me and is really nice to me. 5. Things cruise along without a hiccup.
(27 March 2017)

I know it's platonic and I respect boundaries.
(27 March 2017)

She's pretty, smart, and sweet and I like her a lot.
(27 March 2017)

I know I'm just the friend zone work guy, but I don't care.
(27 March 2017)

We become fast friends. 3. I seek her out whenever our schedules coincide so we can hangout on break and catch-up.
(27 March 2017)

“Where shall I put it.

A beautiful, young lady about 21 went to a doctor and asked for a check-up.The doctor claimed that he had to use a thermometer for the check-up. So the doctor asked her, “Where shall I put the thermom_ Chrissy:I’m also moving back in a couple of years so how can I make it seem like we [...]

I just broke up with my boyfriend who I was seeing for six months.
(27 March 2017)

How can I gain trust, freedom and responsibility from my strict parents?
(27 March 2017)

I want to remeber them as me having fun with my friends.
(27 March 2017)

I don t want to remeber my teenage years as fighting with my mam for a bit of freedom.
(27 March 2017)

I feel so horrible and I don t see this getting any better.
(27 March 2017)

Because of how strict my mam is I lost a guy I really liked due to her not letting me see him ever.
(27 March 2017)

I have never done ANYTHING for my parents not to trust me.
(27 March 2017)

All my friends are becoming really close and popular, but I m just left on the outside and all because my mam won t just trust me.
(27 March 2017)

I feel so worthless and left out.
(27 March 2017)

My parents strictness is having a huge affect on me.
(27 March 2017)

Sound Bytes; Dream On

(A bit of Sunday morning dreaming…)I know nobody knowsWhere it comes and where it goesI know it’s everybody sinYou got to lose to know how to win[image1]Half my lifeIs books, written pagesLive and_ Enriqueta:What if that ex was a cheater or a liar?(27 March 2017) Yuko:How to talk to a girl I’ve never met before?(27 March 2017) Yuko:I [...]

He wanted to me the next day after messaging me a few times the day before.
(27 March 2017)

Went out with a guy I met through tinder.
(27 March 2017)

Please don't be rude I've been going through other things not mentioned here so please just give good advice.
(27 March 2017)

I think about him a lot . I want to contact him but not sure if I should just leave him alone.
(27 March 2017)

When i decided I would answer the next time he called, he hasn't.
(27 March 2017)

Well i had family issues so I just stopped answering his calls then I just didn't wanna face what he had to say.
(27 March 2017)

The only things I didn't like was he was way older than me ( but didn't act or look his exact age) he would catch an attitude sometimes but said that's just how he talk.
(27 March 2017)

It's hard for me to trust but he was a good man.
(27 March 2017)

I stopped talking to this guy due to fear of being hurt, lied to and cheated on again.
(27 March 2017)

Launch a process with the banks?
(27 March 2017)

Monday 27 March 2017

4 Letter Words

I’m a slut! I’m happy to be a slut, in fact, I LOVE being a slut! The thing is, I’m a really good slut, too. I know how to please a man and have him please me. Being a slut has made me a wild woman, o_ Mara:It’s not even that big yet but I love [...]

However, a few weeks after we met he started dating this guy from online.
(26 March 2017)

Would you leave your child alone with a family member who sexually harassed you more than once?
(26 March 2017)

He is the child's grandfather so it's complicated.
(26 March 2017)

This person shows no regret for what he's done, in fact, he denies it all.
(26 March 2017)

If you had no more choices what would rather do and why?
(26 March 2017)

Is it true that girls dont like ...?
(26 March 2017)

How long till a ex contacts you after breaking up if they still care about you?
(26 March 2017)

I'm concerned of what I'm doing, and that I have no reason to be reacting in such ways, but is still happening.
(26 March 2017)

Same thing is happening now with my family and friends.
(26 March 2017)

When she messages me, I feel like I can't breath... Whenever we talk the same.
(26 March 2017)


Hi Everyone,What did you do for Valentine’s day? Was it something Sexy? Romantic? or a little of both?For me, I had no “Valentine” so it was just another day…. but at least it was a Friday and a_ Zelma:His and my family got involved in this as well.(26 March 2017) Zelma:Long story short, we started talking about [...]

So while I wait for my mom, what should I do?
(26 March 2017)

I cannot sleep by myself so if I were to move out I would need some type of people around me.
(26 March 2017)

The thing is I have a tough time sleeping.
(26 March 2017)

I get bullied where I live and program.
(26 March 2017)

The group home make me go to a day program and the people bother me there too.
(26 March 2017)

I told my family and I m supposed to be moving with my mom and sisters but theyre taking too long to call houses and I can t be patient cause thing are just getting worse.
(26 March 2017)

I ve been in the program since 2014 now I just want to move out.
(26 March 2017)

Currently I stay in a dirty miserable stinking group home in which I hate being so much.
(26 March 2017)

I am a gay guy at my school and I am not out yet my crush (who is also my friend) is spending the night tonight?
(26 March 2017)

Should I take advantage of this opertunity to see my crush's dick?
(26 March 2017)

blk men who luv married women

nothing like a sexy wife that likes to have nsa, drama free sex. thanks to all the husbands that allow their wives to get that side dick, with or without you present._ My:Her nails dug into me and cut me.(26 March 2017) My:She than started to choke me for about 30 seconds she then hit me 5 [...]

Did I let my past cause me to overreact?
(26 March 2017)

Anyway I went to sleep in my sons room to sleep because I told him to sleep in our room until he can cool off.
(26 March 2017)

We were to use the time at her house to get ourselves together.
(26 March 2017)

So to start off the main thing was that I told him he needed to get a better job because he wasn't making enough and my mother had allowed us to live in her house since she was never there.
(26 March 2017)

I wouldn't say it was both it was mostly him yelling and talking about things that was irrelevant.
(26 March 2017)

Over a month ago me and my husband got into a big argument.
(26 March 2017)

Wife asked why I love her...what would you say?
(26 March 2017)

Some people claim to be able to talk for 2 hours about what they love about their wife.
(26 March 2017)

What could I have said differently?
(26 March 2017)

I usually don't think about what I love about her beyond her good looks and how we make a good couple.
(26 March 2017)

Love being watched on cam

I think I am going to go on cam tonight starting at 9 to 10 pm EST. Please stop by and watch. I have audio and show my face. Would love to know you are watching!Ladies and couples especially welcom_ Yuk:Do periods give certainty to the possibility of pregnancy?(26 March 2017) Yuk:I just really want to put [...]

He doesn't mind that with anyone else.
(26 March 2017)

Like when passing things or sitting next to me, or leaning when talking.
(26 March 2017)

I feel like he puts extra effort not to touch me.
(26 March 2017)

Recently he also started mildly teasing me which he didn't do before, and which the two of us used to only do to the sex friend.
(26 March 2017)

When he was retelling me one of the stories while it was the two of us and the sex friend, I realized she didn't know it before.
(26 March 2017)

Everytime he makes a joke or says something, he looks to me as if to see whether I'm laughing too.
(26 March 2017)

I'm the only girl he's never tried to dance with.
(26 March 2017)

Now why I got the feeling he might like me.... if we're in a club, he will dance with the sex friend, and every other girl including his best girl friend.
(26 March 2017)

I hang out with just the two of them, and I can tell she now has feelings for him.
(26 March 2017)

Before we really started talking more, he became sex friends with another girl at the office.
(26 March 2017)

Looking for my BFF and Friends😁😁😁

Saint Paul, Minnesota // Elia:I call a month later for my stuff, her mom agrees to meet.(25 March 2017) Elia:Finally cuts it off, doesn’t respond to apologies or anything.(25 March 2017) Elia:She breaks up with me 3 times in one month.(25 March 2017) Elia:My ex broke up with me. 3 year relationship, first love for both.(25 [...]

On his birthday, my dad threw a party for him.
(26 March 2017)

What me and my brother have, my dad makes it a point that my cousin also has them.
(26 March 2017)

He's my cousin from my mother's side who passed away from a kidney disease.
(26 March 2017)

My dad takes care of him even though he's not blood-related with him.
(26 March 2017)

My dad took him in when he was 14. He's a good guy.
(26 March 2017)

I have an online friend I've gotten close to for about 2 yrs already, but I lied about my my name and who i am? Help?
(26 March 2017)

I was supposed to tell him the truth but i find it hard until i kind of forgotten to.
(26 March 2017)

I have an online friend I've gotten close to for about 2 yrs already, but I lied about my my name and who i am.
(26 March 2017)

How do i make my body produce more semen for my girlfriend?
(26 March 2017)

A few months ago I kissed three guys at a party and now I have the reputation of being a slut, and that I go crazy when I drink?
(26 March 2017)

mini skirt

Got a new mini skirt the other day and decided to see if it would draw attention. So i put on the garter belt and thigh highs and broke out the stripper heels and went out. I was kind of disappointed_ Caron:But the past few months have been different.(26 March 2017) Caron:He s said that he s [...]

I'm not looking for a fairy tale with her so there's no need to say let her go I did the day I sent that message LMAO.
(26 March 2017)

My brother constantly bullies me?
(26 March 2017)

Please help me of how I can stop him.
(26 March 2017)

It just seems at this point the only way to escape would be suicide which I don t want to do.
(26 March 2017)

I ve tried serveral things like laughing, ignoring, telling parents.
(26 March 2017)

Even when I m playing an online game with someone maybe older than me or something if I leave the room he would go on the mic and say I m really short.
(26 March 2017)

He is kinda athletic I m not so he just makes fun of me about that and tells all my friends.
(26 March 2017)

I don t understand he just constantly makes fun of my height and every friend I make he just tells all this stuff about me that is embarrassing.
(26 March 2017)

Hi I m 13 and my brother is 15. Ever since he was maybe 12 he started randomly picking on me, maybe to be cool or something.
(26 March 2017)

Pregnancy risk, worth the anxiety or no?
(26 March 2017)

Ladies,do you like to watch?

There are many couples on here whose male half likes to watch their lady with other men and get very turned on.Ladies, do any of you like to watch your man with other women? Why? How did you get sta_ Rashida:The other day when I had sex with my girlfriend, I ejaculated inside her and I [...]

He's accused me of theft of his cards.
(26 March 2017)

But then he gets mad at me for something I have not done.
(26 March 2017)

He has always tried to make up for it by buying me things but I never wanted anything and now I feel spoiled and I have really no sense of Earn.
(26 March 2017)

He has always blamed me for his faults.
(26 March 2017)

Why is my boyfriend so mean?
(26 March 2017)

He s 35 and I m 24 and always calls me a child and thinks he s better because he makes a bunch of momey.
(26 March 2017)

So he deals with a bunch of rude people on the road and sometimes even rude customers.
(26 March 2017)

So I am just sitting at home minding my own business and out of nowhere I get a phone call from my boyfriend while he is at work.
(26 March 2017)

How do you do improv?
(26 March 2017)

How to track down a man you don't know anything about?
(26 March 2017)

Lots of Stroking Going On.

To date I have masturbated 286 times, only 1 less than the last time I counted in 2011. I should be able to make it “handily” to a higher total. Perhaps 300 times is possible, it should be with my n_ Buena:Im trying to be supportive but am upset and hurt.(26 March 2017) Buena:He just got a [...]

BOY NAMES for nickname Bee?
(26 March 2017)

Hi, I really like the nickname Bee and I'm looking for more masculine names that it could be short for?
(26 March 2017)

What can I do to find out if I had a past incarnation?
(26 March 2017)

I just wanna see what I did then.
(26 March 2017)

Should I follow what pornstars do and go fast and make the girl feel in pain, or take my time and go slow.
(26 March 2017)

Does this mean she will cheat on her man?
(26 March 2017)

Does this mean she would cheat on her husband?
(26 March 2017)

She caught me on my way in from moving my car and asked if I lived alone.
(26 March 2017)

Moved Into my new place a few months ago and say hi often to a woman next door to me.
(26 March 2017)

How can I make a girl feel better?
(26 March 2017)

HNW – Flowers

I’ve been missing HNW for a few weeks now, but I’ve got this one nailed I cut these from my own yard today, yay spring!![image]_ Corene:I really like this girl who has a boyfriend.(26 March 2017) Kaye:I nearly had sex with my distant cousin?(26 March 2017) Kaye:We are in 8th grade(14yrs old) Next time, they’ll visit us… Last [...]

Then someone started spreading rumors about her cousins that their mom gets abused and she fights with their dad.
(26 March 2017)

She didn't get to the reason for it she couldn't read anymore of it.
(26 March 2017)

She's worried because she read online where two little kids were stabbed to death by the own father.
(26 March 2017)

My wife is pregnant she's feeling upset and worried.
(26 March 2017)

How to be more nonchalant?
(26 March 2017)

Some of my friends even think I'm too nice for a boy because I try to be friends with everyone.
(26 March 2017)

At school I'm always scared of what people are going to say and I feel like I could gain more friends by being nonchalant.
(26 March 2017)

I always feel like this during nighttime and it makes me calm.
(26 March 2017)

Right now I feel like I don't really care for anything and that's how I want to be at school.
(26 March 2017)

I never go against what someone says and I always let people run over me.
(26 March 2017)

Looking for some fun around here

Camden, South Carolina // Lindsay:A one time physical affair (an hour or two) or an ongoing emotional bonding affair (several hours daily for months) ?(25 March 2017) Veola:???lol help me explain this to this poor girl?(25 March 2017) Theressa:If a guy knows how many friends I have on Facebook, is he interested in me?(25 March [...]

What do you think of sending a letter to an ex for closure?
(25 March 2017)

What would you think if your ex sent you a note like this?
(25 March 2017)

Basically I just apologized for the role I played in the breakup and told him that I valued the time we spent together.
(25 March 2017)

We've been broken up for a month and basically haven't talked since.
(25 March 2017)

Today I sent an e-mail letter to my ex.
(25 March 2017)

So i sent her a message to ask her about it.
(25 March 2017)

A few days ago i noticed she was interested in the conversation as she normally is.
(25 March 2017)

I feel like she may be interested in me as well.
(25 March 2017)

Opinions on the name Mackenzie Elizabeth for a baby girl?
(25 March 2017)

Which of these girl's names do you like the best?
(25 March 2017)

Sunday 26 March 2017

How to feel when you have been told not interested

I have mix emotions about been told not interested. I was talking to a guy and I was interested and he seem interested too until I sent a pic to his cell and then no respond until I asked him a questi_ Letitia:Somebody answer plz !?!?(25 March 2017) Letitia:Is there a high chance im pregnant?(25 March 2017) Sharlene:Can [...]

Isn't this BEAUTIFUL? A dingbat woman voted for Trumpo, and now her life is destroyed because her husband will be deported?
(25 March 2017)

God, doesn't this just make life worth living when there is TOTAL poetic justice in the world?
(25 March 2017)

And they will lose their restaurant.
(25 March 2017)

Is it because he wanted to sit next to me?
(25 March 2017)

One day, he was begging his friend to switch seats with him.
(25 March 2017)

But, his friend sits right next to me.
(25 March 2017)

He's in my history class and I sit about 2 seats away from him.
(25 March 2017)

There's this guy I like at my middle school and I see him around a lot but we've never talked.
(25 March 2017)

I want to leave my mom's house, but don't want to live with dad either?
(25 March 2017)

So I'm stuck with two horrible parents and am wondering If I can get out of this house without going to my dads, or a shelter of some sort?
(25 March 2017)

looking for a pro?

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada // Marisela:Cant tell if this guy actually likes me?(24 March 2017) Iraida:Should I just stop taking birth control pills since my husband won’t have sex with me?(24 March 2017) Iraida:Light period, choosing when I get it and less acne.(24 March 2017) Iraida:There’s only a few perks to staying on it.(24 March 2017) Iraida:Here’s a [...]

Senior year is around the corner for my boyfriend (I'll be a Junior). I just want to know if anyone has done the same with their gf or bf and still stayed together.
(25 March 2017)

I liked him the past two years a little bit and now when we see eacother in the hallway at school it is really awkward and he gets super shy, which he usually isn t.
(25 March 2017)

He replies to me even when I send a picture with no words on it and he has never opened it and didn t reply.
(25 March 2017)

We just began snap chatting and we have a streak of 8 days.
(25 March 2017)

What are the boundaries in casual sex?
(25 March 2017)

She also thinks that I can't cuddle and sleep over and be affectionate unless I genuinely care.
(25 March 2017)

My ex-friend with benefits feels that if its casual, it needs to be get in and get out and keep if friendly outside of it, but no being friends.
(25 March 2017)

Can I be affectionate or does that send the wrong message?
(25 March 2017)

Like, is it okay for me to hold her hand in the car and give her kisses randomly and cuddle and hold her hand while sleeping, stuff like that?
(25 March 2017)

How far can one go in casual sex without giving the wrong idea?
(25 March 2017)

Merry Christmas & all the jizz!

Christmas is over for another year (whoop!) but luckily I’m still on a break from work for a bit longer Christmas day for us for lovely, spent with family (there’s a reason most people only spend one_ Marilu:Gives me stuff back, and gives me letter, addressing me as nickname.(25 March 2017) Marilu:I call a month later for [...]

I also told her that if he tries something funny, I m kicking him off the stairs.
(25 March 2017)

I can t help but feel there s another reason as to why she invited him.
(25 March 2017)

That just seems a bit idiotic to me.
(25 March 2017)

Yes, it s nice to think of your brother, but inviting your ex to keep him company?
(25 March 2017)

Yet, she says that she s inviting him for her brother (who s also going). I don t understand her way of thinking.
(25 March 2017)

I told her multiple times not to invite him because he made her cry just a day before (he said she had buck teeth) and whenever thee topic of him comes up, she says she s happy she got away from him.
(25 March 2017)

Why do guys in my class stare at me?
(25 March 2017)

Is my girlfriend a hypocrite?
(25 March 2017)

She also has initiated friendly chat with men on Facebook I have never met.
(25 March 2017)

She also has a single male friend I have never met whom she has stayed at his place while traveling.
(25 March 2017)

Cute smile and a Cuter Bottom

I think she’s enjoying herself!!_ Aurelia:I need revenge ideas for a girl trying to steal my boyfriend!?(25 March 2017) Shanika:Spoke to a girl I like after 2 years a few days ago, felt great and we talked about what we wanna do in the future.(25 March 2017) Sharonda:She’s in a situation where this guy is just horrible.(25 March [...]

He hasn't gotten any in 2 years since his last boyfriend.
(25 March 2017)

He wants to have sex with me too.
(25 March 2017)

How do I make him not shy around me?
(25 March 2017)

I have been talking to him for a month.
(25 March 2017)

He wants to meet me in person, but he's scared to.
(25 March 2017)

I would say we are good friends, but he's so freaking shy.
(25 March 2017)

My dad yelled at me just because over a Facebook profile?!!!!?
(25 March 2017)

I almost because very upset and almost started crying.
(25 March 2017)

I already talked to him about it and it's NOT a big deal.
(25 March 2017)

There is NO reason for him to yell as me, my mom does NOT do this to me all the time.
(25 March 2017)

Dildo Material Preferences

I’m going to steer totally clear of any questions of size or style where dildos are concerned, and stick to one question only:What material dildo feels best for you?Of course, if you have other commen_ Sharonda:She’s in a situation where this guy is just horrible.(25 March 2017) Sharonda:She texted me today asking if she could vent to [...]

Her favorite tv chartoon character will be there and everything.
(25 March 2017)

Hello there My daughter lesley has been looking forwarx to this festival in Saratoga for kids.
(25 March 2017)

Not going to my grandmothers funeral..?
(25 March 2017)

Although I still feel guilt about not going.
(25 March 2017)

I think what's important is that I saw her when she was alive and that I kept her company.
(25 March 2017)

Funerals in general are just so depressing.
(25 March 2017)

The funeral is open casket and I just cannot bare to see her like that.
(25 March 2017)

That was the last time I saw her.
(25 March 2017)

She eventually fell asleep and I left the hospital.
(25 March 2017)

We talked for hours and talked about how she happy she was that I got engaged, gave me advice on raising children, and a lot of other positive topics.
(25 March 2017)

10 thoughts to keep in mind.*If you plan on sleeping with a woman any time soon…

1. If something is going right, keep doing it.There is nothing worse than being with a man who has a good stroke, who is doing everything the way he should, and getting you close — only to have him_ Sharonda:How do women feel about abortion? And those who have had one, do you regret it?(25 March [...]

I am so frustrated because he always preaches to not complain and make the best of what you can't change.
(25 March 2017)

Either way, I love Vegas but my husband keeps complaining no matter what we do and he keeps trying to bring me down as well.
(25 March 2017)

My husband and I took a trip to Vegas (which he hates Vegas) but I have an old family member there he has never met.
(25 March 2017)

Guitar picking: How can I avoid hitting unwanted strings?
(25 March 2017)

If you want to play single strings How do you play quickly without crashing into multiple strings.
(25 March 2017)

My POS DAD threaten to beat me up?
(25 March 2017)

Is my dad charging me too much?
(25 March 2017)

My dad is making me pay 60.00 dollars per month for my phone and on stop of that he still borrows money from me but never gives it back I feel like he is making the price too much and I could probably get a better deal somewhere else.
(25 March 2017)

My checks get a lot shorter because they take out taxes and union dues.
(25 March 2017)

I'm 17 years old and I have a job which I only work 20.00 hours a week and get paid like 8.50 an hour I get paid every week.
(25 March 2017)

didn’t take long….

Hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas….I did….well - mostly.I also came across “douche du jour” on here…..he goes by northmark…but he is really “shallowmark” …_ Kym:I try hard to get everything done by myself but i also have classes and sometimes need him to help.(25 March 2017) Kym:I constantly shower him with all the love [...]

I delivered a promposal to the wrong house? Am I screwed?
(24 March 2017)

They gave it to her 5 min after I left, is there any coming back from this haha I m dying because I don t know her very well but do I have to worry about this?
(24 March 2017)

I doorbell ditched a girl I have a huge crush on to ask her to prom and as I have never been to her house, I accidently delivered it to the wrong house.
(24 March 2017)

Would you lend your baby stroller to a friend?
(24 March 2017)

I just don t want to have them use it out for a year when I know I ll be using it After them for our second I really in the wrong here?
(24 March 2017)

Our good friends are expecting at the moment and their baby is due in a couple of months.
(24 March 2017)

My daughter is 3 and my husband and I have been planning to have another baby for a while (2 failed attempts). Maybe not right away but within the next year or so.
(24 March 2017)

Should I take another at home pregnancy test?
(24 March 2017)

Last time I was pregnant I only used a clear blue test when my period was 5 days late.
(24 March 2017)

Period now is officially late and I m debating if I should take another test.
(24 March 2017)

No drafts

I have been writing a blog post in my head but the ink is starting to effect my vision (bazinga).I wanted to write it over time since it takes me so long to write. When I write, my hands just transcr_ Melodee:I really hate lying but I can t live like this.(25 March 2017) Melodee:There are a [...]

Does it seem like my boyfriend cheated with his baby mama?
(24 March 2017)

Why do I feel like all college girls have great lifes?
(24 March 2017)

They all have boyfriends and they don't care about guys.
(24 March 2017)

Like they can get laid any time they want.
(24 March 2017)

I haven't seen this girl I like for almost 3 weeks, what should I do?
(24 March 2017)

I've been enjoying my time there but still missing the heck out of her.
(24 March 2017)

I miss her so much even though I barely talked to her, all I know is her first name and where she seemed to be a regular at before.
(24 March 2017)

Is my older daughter more vulnerable online?
(24 March 2017)

Should I be talking to my teenage daughter about online safety more than my younger daughter?
(24 March 2017)

Studies even show that a lot of the kids who fall prey and get themselves onto sexual or even murderous relationships are young teens between 13-15 years old.
(24 March 2017)