Sunday 29 January 2017

dirty little secret

Some people want to be some married persons dirty little secret. Some married people are looking for a dirty little secret. I can honestly say it does not appeal to me in the least. People that will l_ Tracey:Wife always takes off shoes in car?(28 January 2017) Tracey:I have asked her to put her shoes back on, [...]

My mom just keeps telling me how everything is my fault and she gets mad at everything I do.
(28 January 2017)

Last week she did the same type of thing and stopped making dinner for a few nights and I had to find my own food.
(28 January 2017)

She never gets mad at my sister for her anger problems or temper tantrums and it's always my fault.
(28 January 2017)

She told me that everything is always my fault and that she wants me to go live with my dad.
(28 January 2017)

My mom always blames everything on me.
(28 January 2017)

Any chance of me getting back with my ex and how to cope with the break up?
(28 January 2017)

Lonley in College...still?
(28 January 2017)

My school is small and I m familiar with most of the people here.
(28 January 2017)

I need some comforting words other than telling me to get involved.
(28 January 2017)

Now I sit here in my dorm weekends while it seems like everyone else is at the parties I used to be a part of in high school.
(28 January 2017)

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