Monday 2 January 2017

Adventures in Driving 2015: Food for Thought (or Crying in your Deer)

Do you ever have experiences behind the wheel that shake your confidence?This year has been very nerve-rattling for me.PART 1: Oh, Deer!In my part of the Rockies, we are used to seeing the occasional // Anastasia:Guy invites me on a day trip. Look what he says? Does he like me or he’s just being friendly?(11 December [...]

We found out we are having a little girl (my first and my husbands third) and we really like the name Vanessa.
(1 January 2017)

I need some wedgies dares PLEASE DONT HATE?
(1 January 2017)

The 'in bed experiences' are not as great as ive experienced before from someone else but I love him and lifev is short?
(1 January 2017)

He's everything but I don't want to introduce him to my child and then it not work out because of lust.
(1 January 2017)

What's going on in his head? (Continued in the comments)?
(1 January 2017)

I'm looking for a relationship but idk how to get it.
(1 January 2017)

I'm 18 and have had 3 girlfriends that everyone thinks are hot.
(1 January 2017)

I Made a tinder yesterday and have liked a lot of girls but got no matches.
(1 January 2017)

What is wrong with my dick?
(1 January 2017)

So I masturbatedon t daily for about a month or so but I used lotion everything, now my penis seems very dry when it is hard and seems like the skin is getting thinner.
(1 January 2017)

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