Tuesday 31 January 2017

I want to fulfill some fantasies!

Bradford, Pennsylvania //meelp.com/profile/greenstratus96 Kenna:Is there any site that categorize people by multiple interests so I can find a friend with same hobbies?(30 January 2017) Kenna:I am looking for friends from different countries.(30 January 2017) Camille:How to get people to stop asking me to send them my homework?(30 January 2017) Camille:Please help me come up with excuses [...]

Why won't this woman leave me alone if she has a boyfriend? Someone please answer?
(31 January 2017)

I ignore her but that just seems to make her try harder.
(31 January 2017)

I don't want to tell her to leave me alone cause I don't want to start problems but damn man.
(31 January 2017)

And she knows she's annoying because my body language is making it obvious.
(31 January 2017)

It was whatever at first but now it's kind of getting annoying.
(31 January 2017)

I took a friend there and she followed us around and then she asked me who my friend was, if she was a girlfriend or etc.
(31 January 2017)

We go to the same gym and she's followed me around there too.
(31 January 2017)

She's all close and personal sometimes, keeps trying to make co versation, always asking questions, follows me around at work, etc.
(31 January 2017)

This older woman I work with who has a boyfriend won't leave me alone.
(31 January 2017)

Where or what to do on a date?
(31 January 2017)

Here are 9 actions you can take to protect them

Plus they are the darlings of the internet. But if you change the litter box every day, you lower your risk of infection (and stinky litter smell) substantially. Even though many, many people are infected, few ever get symptoms. Just be extra vigilant while you are pregnant._ Isis:I believe I am an innocent person who … Continue reading "Here are 9 actions you can take to protect them"

I just want someone to tell me how it feels to be like this because honestly I have know idea and if i am going to help her I have to know atleast what is making her feel like that atleast right?
(30 January 2017)

How do I even talk to him? Different school!!!?
(30 January 2017)

I'm shy and I would feel weird if I went to his games if my school wasn't playing.
(30 January 2017)

Our schools don't play each other again in basketball or else I would try to say something.
(30 January 2017)

I don't have instagram otherwise I would probably follow him on that.
(30 January 2017)

He isn't really flirty or anything, at least i don't think so.
(30 January 2017)

I went to a basketball game and I saw him there and he stood out.
(30 January 2017)

So there is a boy that goes to a different school and he is really cool and nice but I never said anything to him before.
(30 January 2017)

Why dont people realize when your boyfriend beats you he loves you?
(30 January 2017)

He is putting him self at risk which shows how much he loves me.
(30 January 2017)

Shaved Pussy and Shaved Balls – why does anyone care?

It is in the media, on the web and of course on many dating/meetup websites. Folks clearly indicate their pubic grooming care and for some… they do not really care. The purpose of this blog is jus_ Louisa:Griffon… for a girl?(31 January 2017) Louisa:I have red hair and freckles and I think it would kinda maybe suit [...]

So I just said I wanted you to know...Should I have said anything?
(30 January 2017)

So I asked if she could be jealous, he said he didn't think so.
(30 January 2017)

So I confronted him, he had no clue she was doing that.
(30 January 2017)

This guy friend started showing interest in me, teasing & flirting with me, holding my hand, etc.
(30 January 2017)

How do i get my ex back? he has a girlfriend?
(30 January 2017)

She s angry at me, what should i do?
(30 January 2017)

Also, funny thing is 4 people at the start of school approached me in her abroad program saying that she told them we were dating when she was abroad.....
(30 January 2017)

We went back and forth but obviously i was saying the most and she was keeping it very cut and dry saying she was mad at me and didnt want to talk about this right now.
(30 January 2017)

I was very shocked and apologized and really tried to meet in person she said she was mad at me right now and didnt want to talk, but she said she believed everything they said.
(30 January 2017)

This is all completely false and tbh i would never do anything like this.
(30 January 2017)

I want to make friends and learn about sex. I’m. bi-curious and almost a virgin

Saint Joseph, Missouri //meelp.com/profile/tgif1995 Elia:I’m asking because I have noticed that several people I once called friends are feeling this as am I.(30 January 2017) Shenita:How do you ladies feel after swallowing your partner’s ejaculate?(30 January 2017) Shenita:It has been almost a day but I still feel it.(30 January 2017) Shenita:I wanted to do that but [...]

There is a nice lady at a cafe who's her friend, but my mom says she doesn't want to ask her to hang out because she doesn't have anything to talk about with her.
(30 January 2017)

A big part of her depression is that she is lonely, we try to help her make friends and she makes acquaintainces, but she never continues a friendship with them.
(30 January 2017)

I feel really bad at times but I don't know what to do.
(30 January 2017)

Often she feels better but later on she just goes back to being sad.
(30 January 2017)

She never wants to go out, usually has a sad tone in her voice but I don't know what can help her.
(30 January 2017)

I feel as if this depression is ruining our life as a family.
(30 January 2017)

She calls one of our distant family members cold and insensitive, but he's actually okay.
(30 January 2017)

She's also quite sensitive, whenever someone does the least bit considered unfriendly thing to her, she later gets very upset about it and cries about it.
(30 January 2017)

Sometimes I help her when I can but even if I ask her if she wants specific things to be done, she says no because she doesn't want me spending my time doing housework.
(30 January 2017)

And she gets tired really easily because she has Thalassemia.
(30 January 2017)

Today is last day of the year…Have a blast …enjoy

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India //meelp.com/profile/sexysheena Kori:I went to a party last night and everyone was having so much fun dancing and stuff.(30 January 2017) Eura:Is it safe to play with a snake?(30 January 2017) Eura:I’m fascinated by snakes but also afraid at the same time of them to. but sometimes things that are strange and scary [...]

I'm sure she's the girl I want to marry and we've talked about it different times.
(30 January 2017)

We are both in college and were really close friends for close to a year before dating and have now been dating for 9 months.
(30 January 2017)

What's his behaviour about?
(30 January 2017)

Acted awkward when we saw each other, Now he walks past where I park every morning even though there's a quicker route for Him, is he just getting a kick out of it or something ?
(30 January 2017)

Text a couple of days later and couple of daafter that and I straight up aske him if I was going to see him again and got this.... Yes of course, don t think of it like that I have just had a lot going on.
(30 January 2017)

Met this Guy through work we got on really well from the start, we flirted a bit back and forth and he was always really lovely to me,asked my colleagues how I was and took an interest in me.
(30 January 2017)

We knew each other and got on really well for 12 weeks, he was always nervous, now it's like he hates me?
(30 January 2017)

My teachers acting creepy?
(30 January 2017)

Is long distance worth it?
(30 January 2017)

We're so close and I just don't know if I'd be able to do it, even if it was an open relationship.
(30 January 2017)

People crack me up: this guy has a bike for sale and

People crack me up: this guy has a bike for sale and in the ad he lists his telephone number. He states that texting is the way to contact him cause he is the worst at returning phone calls. This is f_ Sophia:I ignore her but that just seems to make her try harder.(31 January 2017) Sophia:I [...]

Okay so I may be overreacting but I'm still curious to how this seems.
(30 January 2017)

My girlfriend wants to have sex with me and im a virgin. I have no idea how to have sex. Or what you do during sex?
(30 January 2017)

I like Gibson Tate for a boy but I'm not totally set on it.
(30 January 2017)

I know Canaan is traditionally a boy name but I think it sounds feminine.
(30 January 2017)

I love Canaan Emerie for a girl.
(30 January 2017)

Obviously, I don't plan to start dating NOW or anytime soon.
(30 January 2017)

How long do relationship breaks last? Should I end it or wait it out?
(30 January 2017)

He stresses that he doesnt want to lose me, that he wants to work it out, but from my past experiences breaks never work... Im scared because i love him a lot.
(30 January 2017)

My boyfriend of 1 year told me yesterday he wanted to take a break to work on himself (He has been very depressed and stressed), and told me that he has been feeling distant lately, due to the depression and because we dont share many common interests.
(30 January 2017)

Would you like weed for your birthday?
(30 January 2017)


i’m sorry. i’m still away in colorado. i’ll be here for the winter. i miss home, but work is great here; especially for the winter. i weighed my options and i decided to stick around for another f_ Dorene:But I ve never had alone time with her either.(31 January 2017) Dorene:She says she never has alone time.(31 [...]

Hey Artemisa? Can I be your friend plz?
(30 January 2017)

I'm not stalking you also, I got the feeling if I met you in real life, we could be bffs. :) And is your name spelled right?
(30 January 2017)

My boyfriend says he doesn t know if he wants this relationship , but he doesn t either want to leave me .?
(30 January 2017)

How can you fake confidence?
(30 January 2017)

Im naturally a shy person and I often get uncomfortable really quick How can I fake it..
(30 January 2017)

Friends with same interests?
(30 January 2017)

Is there any site that categorize people by multiple interests so I can find a friend with same hobbies?
(30 January 2017)

I am looking for friends from different countries.
(30 January 2017)

How to get people to stop asking me to send them my homework?
(30 January 2017)

Please help me come up with excuses i mean i have no problem sending my hw to my friends on whatsapp but then random people in my grade ask me on whatsapp to do that.
(30 January 2017)

Jag f책r aldrig nog av det goda och 채lskar att k채nna mig utfylld av en grov kuk!

Umeå, Sweden //meelp.com/profile/Jezzzy991 Ayesha:At the end of church when I was about to leave my friend invited me to come to a youth group later that day, and as soon as I got there only a few had people had shown up and I saw a really pretty girl there who I’ve never [...]

I am also nothing like my family.
(30 January 2017)

Also, my maternal side is skinny, my paternal side is big and I am curvy.
(30 January 2017)

My maternal sides hair is light brown, my paternal sides hair is blackish grey (their hair becomes grey when they hit puberty, that's weird) and my hair is black without grey.
(30 January 2017)

I don't really look like my family.
(30 January 2017)

I feel like I'm not part of my family.
(30 January 2017)

Kicked out of friend group?
(30 January 2017)

I want to go out and try and find a new group, but I am one of the weirdest most quirky kids in my high school. (I'm in 9th grade) What should I do?
(30 January 2017)

In addition, I am still friends with everyone else pretty much from that group.
(30 January 2017)

Long story short, he doesn't want me in his group anymore.
(30 January 2017)

So I wasn't COMPLETELY kicked out of my friend group, but out group leader and I got into an argument.
(30 January 2017)

Looking for my captain

Lafayette, Colorado //meelp.com/profile/sirensong21 Sydney:My evidence suggests that single Moms are the reason for?(29 January 2017) Sydney:Weak mothering skills, no man around the house to stand tough against any disease.(29 January 2017) Gilda:When a guy sends one or two word text messages it’s a mind game right?!?(29 January 2017) Gilda:It seems like he caught an attitude after [...]

Lets just say ever since this started happening she keeps her distance from me.
(30 January 2017)

There have been times where I will be in the same room as my aunt and they will end up criticizing her and ask her why she doesn't go to the gym like me and workout.
(30 January 2017)

When I walk in a room people are so impressed by how I look.
(30 January 2017)

Then I decided to change my lifestyle back to the way it was when I was in my early 20's.
(30 January 2017)

She would talk behind my back and spread rumors that I was doing drugs and abusing alcohol with bad people.
(30 January 2017)

She jumped at the opportunity to be so critical of me and judgemental.
(30 January 2017)

Then once I got older I gained weight and became more overweight than she was.
(30 January 2017)

I was modeling during this time also and my aunt was overweight.
(30 January 2017)

During this time was when she really kept her distance from me.
(30 January 2017)

I lived in Florida in a condo by the ocean and her brother who is my father paid for it.
(30 January 2017)

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride…_ Rosena:I’m sorry not sorry but I’m specifically looking for a man that is WELL endowed. for me and many women we want more than 5 or 6 inches. so any tips even though I’ll get a lot of haters?(30 January 2017) Lona:I’m a kindergarten teacher and I need help on [...]

I literally have friends everywhere, even though I hardly make an effort.
(30 January 2017)

SO many people want to be friends with me.
(30 January 2017)

For some reason, people want to be friends with me.
(30 January 2017)

I'm the biggest introvert you'd ever meet, but it's just so easy for me to make friends.
(30 January 2017)

I've always heard that it's difficult for introverts to make friends but, in my experience, it's been the exact opposite for me, especially since I started college.
(30 January 2017)

Daughter and boyfriend had sex by the front door in living room while I was asleep?
(30 January 2017)

We were all asleep and all I heard was this wet clapping sound.
(30 January 2017)

Why do my girlfriends fart in front of me?
(30 January 2017)

I never fart in front of them why do they do it to me?
(30 January 2017)

(30 January 2017)

Warm winter!

Looks like a warm winter!!!!_ Gayle:Please do not be rude this is just something I’m trying to figure out.(30 January 2017) Izola:Why are guys ignoring me?(30 January 2017) Izola:The other guy ghosted on our conversation….what is up?(30 January 2017) Izola:One guy hasn’t deleted my friend request but will read my messages without answering.(30 January 2017) Edie:My boyfriend says my vagina [...]

My girlfriend is sleeping :)?
(30 January 2017)

Should I bring her breakfast in bed or cuddle with her?
(30 January 2017)

People make fun of me in college?
(30 January 2017)

Boyfriend ignoring my texts for 3 days, what should I do?
(30 January 2017)

Idk what's up and idk what to do next.
(30 January 2017)

After that I just kinda gave up.
(30 January 2017)

After that I've texted and said good morning but nothing, I got worried but I see that he's been on and off Facebook, yesterday I texted him on Facebook and got nothing.
(30 January 2017)

The last thing he texted me was good night baby I love you.
(30 January 2017)

Things were great, we always text daily when we aren't together, we haven't argued or anything.
(30 January 2017)

Self-inviting friends and acquaintances - how do you handle them and still be civil?
(30 January 2017)

Monday 30 January 2017

Bisexual Lady Whats To Have Her Way…Cum Join Me !!

pittsburgh, Pennsylvania //meelp.com/profile/DemureAndDom Norma:We have been friends for about for months and about a month back we confesses our feelings for each other.(29 January 2017) Hye:She will have a slender, flapper girl’s body shape; a rectangle but will eventually evolve into a pear shape.(29 January 2017) Hye:The girl will have curly caramel hair, dove gray [...]

I walked her home and we were discussing doing more active dates rather than dinner and just talking.
(30 January 2017)

She said she was looking for a long term relationship, but at the same time she said she had a lot on her plate and wasn t sure if she could balance being in a relationship.
(30 January 2017)

We had a lot of things in common but she wanted to take things slow.
(30 January 2017)

Went out on 5 dates with this woman, and I thought we hit off well from the get-go.
(30 January 2017)

Should I be worried about my current relationship? (Details)?
(30 January 2017)

I don't want to fall too hard for him only to get crushed like last time.
(30 January 2017)

Am I just worrying for nothing or should I be suspicious?
(30 January 2017)

This current guy was worried I would be upset and sounded very genuine about not wanting me to be upset that he had plans.
(30 January 2017)

Now, my last boyfriend talked to girls behind my back and left me for another woman.
(30 January 2017)

Now originally, I was suppose to stay for a couple nights but, he says he has something planned on Saturday so, I can only spend one night.
(30 January 2017)

Hiding place

My cock in my red thongs, waiting to be played with😚_ Ophelia:Idk what’s up and idk what to do next.(30 January 2017) Ophelia:After that I just kinda gave up.(30 January 2017) Ophelia:After that I’ve texted and said good morning but nothing, I got worried but I see that he’s been on and off Facebook, yesterday I texted him [...]

She has a 21 year old brown skinned sister named Zuri.
(29 January 2017)

Temeka is a 24 year old black women.
(29 January 2017)

(29 January 2017)

Is my mom right but the meat is out to get Donald Trump and that the Republicans always treated Obama with respect unlike Dems here?
(29 January 2017)

I was talking into my phone so there are grammar errors.
(29 January 2017)

I meant to say (Media) not meat.
(29 January 2017)

I'm only 16 so I don't watch the news much but it seems like the Republicans did the same to Obama.
(29 January 2017)

If she right or is my observation correct?
(29 January 2017)

But my mom says Republicans showed a lot of respect towards Obama and that the media is attacking trump but that the fox Republican channel did not do this to Obama very much.
(29 January 2017)

I thought Republicans did the same thing to Obama other than maybe the violence of protest part.
(29 January 2017)

want loyal man for friend and more

Gardendale, Alabama //meelp.com/profile/lilyrose18777 Ira:There was also this one time I was in the hallway and there was a lot of space in the hallway and he decided to walk right next to me very, very close to where I could feel the warmth of his skin.(29 January 2017) Ira:For example, he was drinking out [...]

I've noticed over the years that whenever I talk I always say something he considers wrong or I use the wrong tone (even when I mean well) and it leads to spiral of agessive yelling that I feel I do not deserve.
(29 January 2017)

Wanting to have sex, but long distance?
(29 January 2017)

Does anyone have any ideas how we could be alone and still in a comfortable environment?
(29 January 2017)

Finding an intimate environment is hard though bc were never alone at my house, nor at his house.
(29 January 2017)

We have dates every now and we ve gotten close to having sex, but never all the way because we wanted it to be in an intimate environment.
(29 January 2017)

My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, were both 17 years old and genuinely feel ready to give ourselves to one another.
(29 January 2017)

When a guy sends one or two word text messages it's a mind game right?!?
(29 January 2017)

It seems like he caught an attitude after I said that.
(29 January 2017)

I think this may be a mind game that he's playing because I declined the offer to visit his apartment.
(29 January 2017)

He never types just a couple of words he always types complete sentences.
(29 January 2017)

Hey everyone .

Alexandria, Virginia //meelp.com/profile/countrygirl23242 Tiffiny:I’ve read about it and want to give it a try but need some help on how to use it.(28 January 2017) Tiffiny:I went today to my local CVS and got PregPrep.(28 January 2017) Daryl:How do I learn to be alone and stay alone?(28 January 2017) Daryl:I want to learn to be happy [...]

I met him through my sisters friend at work.
(29 January 2017)

So me and him were together for 5 months.
(29 January 2017)

My ex bf blocked me on everything?
(29 January 2017)

I am waiting to reach out to him after I get my license is this a good idea?
(29 January 2017)

Now he has blocked me I found out via friend bc I was grounded.
(29 January 2017)

I regret it because I drove him away.
(29 January 2017)

When he left I fell on my knees crying and almost went and chased him to say I am sorry and that I loved him, but I didn't.
(29 January 2017)

So when he came over to my house I was very cold to him.
(29 January 2017)

I was heart broken at how cold he had been towards me.
(29 January 2017)

He came over about a month after breaking up.
(29 January 2017)

Who says men don’t remember

A couple were Christmas shopping. The shopping center was packed , and as the wife walked through one of the malls she was surprised when she looked around to find that her husband was nowhere to be s_ Imogene:Should I move to California for a girl I met out there?(30 January 2017) Imogene:Am I crazy or stupid [...]

Also on New Years eve, we didn't spend time together either.
(29 January 2017)

I've talked to him about this before I just don't know what to do anymore I love him but this is hurting me.
(29 January 2017)

He hardly ever invites me anywhere with his family, he took me to his cousins hang out twice but after that he's never invited me anywhere.
(29 January 2017)

Ladies, if a coworker asked..?
(29 January 2017)

Despite how you feel about mixing relationships and work?
(29 January 2017)

If a coworker asked for your number, saying that you have a beautiful figure and cute personality, how would you feel?
(29 January 2017)

Why were my grandparents more like siblings?
(29 January 2017)

You never had that feeling that they were a couple they were more like siblings but you could see they loved each other just not affectionate.
(29 January 2017)

They had more a brother & sister relationship attitude than like a married couple.
(29 January 2017)

How can I get pregnant on the rod?
(29 January 2017)

is there such a thing on AFF

“Love between two people so often begins with the exchange of alook! They meet, and the first time they gaze into each other’seyes they feel a pure joy, as if they were drinking crystal-clearwater f_ Maxima:The next week he texted me religiously.(29 January 2017) Maxima:Well the first time I hung out with him we drank and watched [...]

And as the guy you know turns around, you just leave afterwards.
(29 January 2017)

As you see him and he sees you, you just keep staring at that guy while talking to the first guy.
(29 January 2017)

Some random guy is talking to you and you happen to see some guy you know who has ignored you many times as you'd show him interest.
(29 January 2017)

Girls, let's say you're at some local place.
(29 January 2017)

What is the point of being friends with a guy like this and would you be friends with him?
(29 January 2017)

Why would you be spend time with someone just to tell them that you don't care about them at all?
(29 January 2017)

I love my girlfriend, I want to compliment her, can I tell her this?
(29 January 2017)

How to deal with living below an alcoholic?
(29 January 2017)

Is my friend trying to cut me off?
(29 January 2017)

He may also be just busy, but usually someone can send a quick text even if they're busy with school (we're both in uni). Do you think my suspicion could be right?
(29 January 2017)

Is CPS the new Stormtroopers ?

A self-described “free-range” mom who lives in a gated apartment complex in Sacramento faces up to six months of jail time for letting her 4-year-old son play alone in the complex playground 120 f_ Lise:Is it possible that I could be pregnant even if I had my period earlier this month?(29 January 2017) Lise:However I’ve been feeling [...]

A little while later she kicked me in the balls while I was lying on the ground and again she giggled about it.
(29 January 2017)

My sister and I were playing in the garden earlier today and she just randomly kneed me in the balls and giggled as I fell to the ground.
(29 January 2017)

Should I just up and leave my state and move me and my 1 year old to North Carolina, to pursue a better life?
(29 January 2017)

A job and shelter is my biggest Concern.
(29 January 2017)

Hopefully a job won't be a problem to me up there, and I want to go to school to become a dental assistant.
(29 January 2017)

I have almost a year of CSR experience in call center banking.
(29 January 2017)

I really don't want to live with other people since I have a child now(you know how that could be), but I'm sure they wouldn't mind until I get on my feet.
(29 January 2017)

I have to aunts up there, but haven't talked to them about staying with them.
(29 January 2017)

I'm really considering using my 900 dollar tax return to move me and my son 4 hours away to Charlotte, NC.
(29 January 2017)

There's a college here, but it doesn't have the major I would love to take up.
(29 January 2017)

If your not able to give it to me at when I need it don’t message me!

Rockford, Wisconsin //meelp.com/profile/ragii3 Galina:He’s not a jerk and steals them from me or anything, they just gravitate towards him.(28 January 2017) Galina:Every time I show the slightest interest in a girl, she learns about my brother and ends up liking him more.(28 January 2017) Charline:Girls rate me out of 10?(28 January 2017) Janelle:I am schi.. Also… [...]

He wants to be in a relationship, but I don't think I'm ready.
(29 January 2017)

I've been talking to this older guy for the past two months.
(29 January 2017)

Anyways, honestly, I don't know why I'm so nervous.
(29 January 2017)

How can I see what a 6 0 person would look like next to a 5 5 person and a 5 3 person?
(29 January 2017)

I'm 18 and I shouldn't be doing this.
(29 January 2017)

Is this the worst thing that's ever happened to anybody?
(29 January 2017)

Some dirt got behind my iphone 6s case and scratched my iphone smh.
(29 January 2017)

Why is online dating difficult for men?
(29 January 2017)

I am not worried about it either, I just find it very strange.
(29 January 2017)

It's not like I don't have anything to offer.
(29 January 2017)

NYC at Christmas.. Got to love it..

Ok, the quality of this pic is poor because it was from my BlckBry..Got to love the scenery of the season in NYC. Its Christmas for goodness sake.. Don’t they know it’s not the 4th. of July??W_ Emelina:I noticed a really long chain of messages with (who I’m assuming) is one of her friends that had [...]

I assume he works long shifts as all the times that I have been there he was working.
(29 January 2017)

He works at a near by coffee shop, and occasionally I will go there, grab some coffee and do school work on my computer.
(29 January 2017)

So for the past 6 months now there's this guy that I have sort of developed a crush on.
(29 January 2017)

Alright I'm not going to bore you with a ton of long paragraphs, so I'll just try and sum this up as best as I can.
(29 January 2017)

We like each other, but won't meet up?
(29 January 2017)

Keep talking and maybe after some time she will want to meet up?
(29 January 2017)

I would really like to meet her and know her better.
(29 January 2017)

Now the problem is that we wanted to meet up before, but now she doesn't want to meet, because she said that she will fall inlove with me if she does.
(29 January 2017)

I even asked her if she likes me and she said that she does.
(29 January 2017)

We have same interests and the girl itself has said that she would like to hug me or sit on my lap and just talk with me.
(29 January 2017)

saw the most beautiful boobs i’ve ever seen on here!

I had to post these beautiful boobs and nipples and areola’s so perfectly sized and colored. wow. what a lucky man you are! i’d be nippling on these every night before i slide into her if she was mine_ Jacqulyn:As we started talking there was a connection between us… I made plans to go visit them [...]

I'm an 8th grade girl in a relationship with a 11th grader?
(29 January 2017)

We agreed to nothing sexual until I turn 18. And we care for eachother very much. (: I'm mature for my age, And hes a very good role model.
(29 January 2017)

Hes 16, I'm about to be 14. We're two years and 3 months apart.
(29 January 2017)

It won't lead me to break up with him, I would just like to see what people think about it.
(29 January 2017)

Hey ((: So my question here, is just for peoples opinions.
(29 January 2017)

Would it be horrible if I just never returned?
(29 January 2017)

I've been there only 3 days and unless I make a wild amount of money I've seen enough to know I've little to no interest in being with them long term.
(29 January 2017)

Is it okay for a boy to wear panties?
(29 January 2017)

I'm a 18 year old guy and I wear girls panties, ranging from all colors and styles, what do you think?
(29 January 2017)

Is there any newer rap or alternative or indie or anything new songs about not being over an ex boyfriend?
(29 January 2017)

Looking for a new friend.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri //meelp.com/profile/Mistyday7774 Katelynn:Obviously immediate family I would get their parent grandparent or someone.(28 January 2017) Monserrate:Are there any girls out there who would want to be in a relationship with someone who records 8 hours a day when I get home from work?(28 January 2017) Nelia:2 weeks pregnant and medications?(28 January 2017) Nelia:Hi.I had [...]

I am 13 and my parents want to close me off from the world.
(29 January 2017)

Constantly feeling horny and wanting to have sex with my bf heelp?
(29 January 2017)

Boyfriend tells me I'm a perfect angel and he wants to send me to heaven, is that weird?
(29 January 2017)

I have a fettish of me wearing girl clothes and i don t know how to tell my girlfriend?
(29 January 2017)

I m afraid that if i say the wrong thing things will become awkward between us.
(29 January 2017)

I have a fettish of me wearing girl clothes and i don t know how to tell my girlfriend.
(29 January 2017)

Bareback 6 hookers in thailand?
(29 January 2017)

Those hookers puzzy looked really clean and pink so should be ok?
(29 January 2017)

If a guy did 3some with 6 hookers in thailand and everytimr he came inside, would he get any std?
(29 January 2017)

So there's this guy that I literally can't get out of my head. I want him so bad but I'm scared of being rejected?
(29 January 2017)

Sunday 29 January 2017


Wow! I haven’t posted in a while. I just been very busy lately and maybe a little lazy to do a post. I’ll probably do a few today._ Latoria:I’m not saying he has a gf, I’m just saying he might have a gf, which makes it even more confusing.(29 January 2017) Latoria:But I’m not sure if they’re [...]

She yells at me sometimes when I just ask her what is wrong.
(29 January 2017)

Not just normal sister hate, but a buring hate.
(29 January 2017)

So my sister, why is a little over 2 years younger then me, hates me.
(29 January 2017)

So I asked this girl to go somewhere with me?
(29 January 2017)

What are some tricks to get pregnant?
(29 January 2017)

We have the nursery ready but we don t quite have the positive pee stick yet.
(29 January 2017)

We both want a baby and are financialy ready for one.
(29 January 2017)

Is there any thing that can help with my fertility or to strengthen his sperm or answers for both?
(29 January 2017)

Please don t comment saying that he needs to stop I ve asked him and he s not willing to I ve begged him for months.
(29 January 2017)

My significant other is 36 he s a body builder weighing 230 he s 6 2. We ve been trying for a while but he s not willing to stop injecting steroids but we both really want a baby.
(29 January 2017)

wtf wrong with a boy

mf gonna think he gonna live on my dime n i anit get n a fuck. u damn rite i told a mf if u dont get me the fuck off 2nite i want u thew fuck out. i mean give me a break. 10 yrs younger thought hed h_ Pearlene:Im a 20 year old man, [...]

Bear Guy friend likes me But is afraid to ruin friendship?
(28 January 2017)

What are you guys views on this?
(28 January 2017)

Do you think that he's really afraid of the bond messing up or what?
(28 January 2017)

I just said okay cause I'm scared too.
(28 January 2017)

Anyway he states that he likes me But he's afraid relationship will mess up things because if all goes wrong he will loose everything and he doesnt want me to leave his life.
(28 January 2017)

Anyway we came clean about out feelings and said we like each other but because of our bond it's not all that awkward cause we have open communication.
(28 January 2017)

Everyone says we are a good fit.
(28 January 2017)

We tell each other everything and without a doubt I can say have a very bizarrely weird connection that everyone is starting to realize.
(28 January 2017)

We have alot in common and the weirdest thing is we always feel the same emotional and physical pain I'm feeling at the same time.
(28 January 2017)

Anyway we stood by each other and at the end of the day it's always is to.
(28 January 2017)

solitaria pero caliente

Ciudad La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia //meelp.com/profile/rosaisela_maria Elene:I tried having sex with him to lighten up the mood but he said he wasn t in the mood which i understood.(28 January 2017) Elene:But three days ago we had an argument where he even got me a cab to leave.(28 January 2017) Elene:We ve been intimate [...]

Never thought I would be over this but I am.
(28 January 2017)

Now I'm 34, found a man I love and loves me the same.
(28 January 2017)

Through out the years when I see him he would say hi and it hurt till it didn't hurt anymore.
(28 January 2017)

It hurt but I forced myself to accept I would never have him and I did.
(28 January 2017)

I didn't tell him it was me and he didn't want to know.
(28 January 2017)

A man I loved since I was 14 who said he would wait for me for married and started a family by the time was 18. He didn't even remember what he said.
(28 January 2017)

Is this a real friend?
(28 January 2017)

He understands my quietness and my social anxiety, so is this a true friend, we haven't hanged out yet though.
(28 January 2017)

He yells my name in the hallway and doesn't care who is watching.
(28 January 2017)

When I text him it takes him 2 hours to respond or even a couple days to respond.
(28 January 2017)

having babies

hmm babies an motherhood what a topic hey Well even befor having any gay/trans tendencies i’ve always throught a mans been robbed hey not being able to have the pleasure of another growing in_ Nery:Might as well reply with an uncaring message like everyone on this site.(29 January 2017) Nery:I haven t talked in a conversation with [...]

What should I write to my crush ?? Please help ((:?
(28 January 2017)

Is PH still in a relationship with that z-list actress? Haven't seen them together since the stone age. He should've picked an english girl?
(28 January 2017)

That seems to be the norm for royals.
(28 January 2017)

Of all the incredible women in the world, he chose an actress?
(28 January 2017)

How do I get my dad to hang out naked with me at home?
(28 January 2017)

I do I get him to do it with me?
(28 January 2017)

I am 13 and I want to hang out naked with my dad because he likes to hang out naked because it's comfortable and he really loves it but he only does when he is home by himself.
(28 January 2017)

How do I ask my dad if I can shower with him and to let me wash his penis for him?
(28 January 2017)

I am 13 and I want my dad to let me shower with him and to let me wash his penis because he has trouble sometimes doing that and I would like to help him.
(28 January 2017)

I'm a senior girl and he's a freshman?
(28 January 2017)

Discovery at the Luau Party

It seemed ironic to him, to go to a luau-themed party in a winter coat, but that was the case. As the boss, he rarely had a chance to hang out with the folks from work. There always had to be that sep_ Khadijah:Idk if this is a bad sign he asked for pics of my [...]

When she found out, she immediately broke up with me, not even giving me a chance to explain myself.
(28 January 2017)

I wasn't faithful, but my cheating was a one-time thing.
(28 January 2017)

And it broke my heart that I wasn't ever able to congratulate her on such a massive accomplishment, since we no longer speak.
(28 January 2017)

She is in her 2nd year of medical school right now.
(28 January 2017)

She's kind, adventurous (in the bedroom and outside), smart, funny, and when we were together, she was the only one who supported my dreams, no matter how far-fetched they were.
(28 January 2017)

She's beautiful, physically a 10, and personality to match.
(28 January 2017)

My ex-girlfriend broke up with me 3 years ago.
(28 January 2017)

I went to my school dance last night and to be more comfortable I danced in my bare feet all night.
(28 January 2017)

What would you do if your boyfriend cried when you saw him naked?
(28 January 2017)

He says no don't look at me, don't look at me.... What would you do?
(28 January 2017)

Seeking For My Othef Half

Newark, Delaware //meelp.com/profile/Paula2526 Lakia:Hello, I’m in my mid teens and, I want a girlfriend really badly.(27 January 2017) Magen:What is frustrating you?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Why would a guy lean over your lap to get something?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Like he reached to get something and leaned his upper body over my lap.(27 January 2017) Lea:An online friend told [...]

And today im seeing not all the sime some pinkish blood and when i wipe i see brown.
(28 January 2017)

Hi im 22 years old last week me and my boyfriend had sex for 3 times.
(28 January 2017)

How do I make my baby's teeth come in faster?
(28 January 2017)

He's teething and hurts and I hate how his mouth has almost no teeth.
(28 January 2017)

I don't see any products in the store that will make his teeth come in fast.
(28 January 2017)

How do I make the teeth come in?
(28 January 2017)

Frist time sex with out condom?
(28 January 2017)

Hi Iam 21years old and my girl friend 19years old we are planning to do sex and also we are Virgin,and I not interested to wear condom for first time, so iam doing for a sex first time but while I break her hymen she will bleed.
(28 January 2017)

My girlfriend just broke up with me but she promised before that no matter what happens she will love me. What should I do?
(28 January 2017)

She realized that she's happier without me and I told her that no matter what happens I will not give up on her but she warns me to give up because she knew that I would get hurt and told me that it is useless to fix this relationship.
(28 January 2017)

Seeking For My Othef Half

Newark, Delaware //meelp.com/profile/Paula2526 Lakia:Hello, I’m in my mid teens and, I want a girlfriend really badly.(27 January 2017) Magen:What is frustrating you?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Why would a guy lean over your lap to get something?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Like he reached to get something and leaned his upper body over my lap.(27 January 2017) Lea:An online friend told [...]

Advice about rather I should proceed . Because of pain and suffering.
(28 January 2017)

But I'm thinking bout taking Leger action . Anything would help.
(28 January 2017)

Progessive agreed on paying I may to December fee.
(28 January 2017)

Plus put off going to Florida with my wife and missed out on a new job.
(28 January 2017)

I had to pay for new insurance, dmv fee, n no insurance.
(28 January 2017)

From May to December , I didn't have insurance.
(28 January 2017)

Shortly after Christmas, I got stopped by the police for tint, and that's when they told me I had no insurance.
(28 January 2017)

We were happy , prepping ourselves for Tha movie to Florida.
(28 January 2017)

My wife got a promotion in Octomber.
(28 January 2017)

I received insurance cards and policies, the whole thing for insurance.
(28 January 2017)

dirty little secret

Some people want to be some married persons dirty little secret. Some married people are looking for a dirty little secret. I can honestly say it does not appeal to me in the least. People that will l_ Tracey:Wife always takes off shoes in car?(28 January 2017) Tracey:I have asked her to put her shoes back on, [...]

My mom just keeps telling me how everything is my fault and she gets mad at everything I do.
(28 January 2017)

Last week she did the same type of thing and stopped making dinner for a few nights and I had to find my own food.
(28 January 2017)

She never gets mad at my sister for her anger problems or temper tantrums and it's always my fault.
(28 January 2017)

She told me that everything is always my fault and that she wants me to go live with my dad.
(28 January 2017)

My mom always blames everything on me.
(28 January 2017)

Any chance of me getting back with my ex and how to cope with the break up?
(28 January 2017)

Lonley in College...still?
(28 January 2017)

My school is small and I m familiar with most of the people here.
(28 January 2017)

I need some comforting words other than telling me to get involved.
(28 January 2017)

Now I sit here in my dorm weekends while it seems like everyone else is at the parties I used to be a part of in high school.
(28 January 2017)

power tools as sex toys ? oh yes baby!!

ok note: rule #1 creative sex toys with power tools my favorite is a car buffer.. buff on your bare naked apple bottom only.. crazy vibration . soft polishing pad. twisted wool & synthetic 4-pl_ Talia:But I don’t know how to ask him.(28 January 2017) Talia:I want to sleep naked with my dad because I want to [...]

Son vomits when he doesn't get his way?
(28 January 2017)

We don't have money for a doctor's visit, is there any advice out there to get our son to stop?
(28 January 2017)

His diet is almost all junk food now because that's all he will eat.
(28 January 2017)

We can't get him to brush his teeth (doesn't want to do it) and we've stopped taking him shopping because we have to get him toys otherwise he vomits in the store.
(28 January 2017)

It's gotten to the point where his mother and I give-in to his demands to avoid him throwing up because he's becoming thin and frail from all the purging.
(28 January 2017)

He probably throws up twice a day on average.
(28 January 2017)

He has thrown up in toy stores because he was told he couldn't get a toy, in restaurants for having to eat veggies, and regularly at home for other things.
(28 January 2017)

My son has developed a habit of vomiting every time his mother or I make him do things he doesn't want to do.
(28 January 2017)

Girls, what should I say?
(27 January 2017)

How can I approach a girl and start a conversation with her without being totally creepy or random?
(27 January 2017)

quero sexo de verdade e não imitações

Curitiba, Parana, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/glauciapimenta Kimberli:Then she’ll come in and they ignore me to go talk to her.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:In our homeroom me and the boys will talk and be laughing.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:And talk a lot until she comes around.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:Me and the boys are good friends.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:And the boys are always [...]

He already knows how I feel about it and wants her in his life and I don t.
(28 January 2017)

Should I just accept it and pretend it doesn t bother me?
(28 January 2017)

To me, he cares more than he should for her and idk what to do.
(28 January 2017)

And he says she s a good friend and comforts him when he needs it which I m not okay with either.
(28 January 2017)

Me or her and he wouldn t chose.
(28 January 2017)

I asked him to stop being friends with her because I m not okay with it and it got to the point where I asked him to chose.
(28 January 2017)

And whenever I said something mean about her ( I know her in person and really don t like her ) he would get really defensive.
(28 January 2017)

He said he doesn t talk to her anymore and I asked him to delete her phone number and he refused to and said he wants to be there for her if she ever had a life or death situation.
(28 January 2017)

His ex has diabetes and so his exscuse for caring for her is that he cares if she s alive or not.
(28 January 2017)

So my boyfriend told me he still cares about his ex gf who he dated on and on for a year or so.
(28 January 2017)

Saturday 28 January 2017


São Paulo, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/Candicebr Sheri:I so wish my husband would look for new work, but he thinks this is fine.(27 January 2017) Sheri:On top of it all, his boss is a very manipulative man and is trying to make my husband into his best friend and calls him late at night and on his [...]

I was texting him for like an hour but now he's not replying.
(27 January 2017)

He is suicidal he says and I don't know what to do.
(27 January 2017)

It got all over the guy and his bed, and now my friend is super depressed because it was his first time and it went to terribly and also he's super embarrassed about it.
(27 January 2017)

My gay friend called me literally bawling because he lost his virginity but he had unexpected diarrhea and it came out during the butt sex.
(27 January 2017)

Does boyfriend not like me the most?
(27 January 2017)

He says he regret not asking her out.
(27 January 2017)

My boyfriend said there was this girl that he met a few years ago that he said was perfect for him, but he didn't ask her out and she went out with another guy.
(27 January 2017)

Why do I attract ginger men?
(27 January 2017)

Personally, I like tall blondes and idk why I'm attracting gingers...
(27 January 2017)

I also noticed that I am attracting more gingers than any other type of guy.
(27 January 2017)

My big tits

My big tits_ Vannessa:I stopped and asked if she was okay and she said that she was sad because she didn’t want to do it.(28 January 2017) Vannessa:In the middle of the act she burst into tears, and the deeper I went the more she cried.(28 January 2017) Vannessa:I am 43 and I had sex with this 19 [...]

Stretchy, clear discharge, cramps, lower back pain, bloating, tired all the time.. (7DPO) I never get cramps or bloating until the day before or of my period.. Could I be pregnant?
(27 January 2017)

HELP!!I m a young woman and at 23 still a virgin.I m 5 '7'' and 165 lb.Women call me fat and bully me and men ignore me like I m invisible?
(27 January 2017)

R we gonna date or no?
(27 January 2017)

Am I being unsensible right now?
(27 January 2017)

I understand that she's in grief but her method seems crazy to me.
(27 January 2017)

Additionally, we recently got a puppy so my mom's friend would have to take care of him when we're gone and I would have to wake up early to take him outside and stuff.
(27 January 2017)

My brother is in elementary school and would need to be taken to school by my mom's friend.
(27 January 2017)

I am a high school student that has lots of tests and hw and being in another house during next week would be terrible in that I have three tests.
(27 January 2017)

I am also extremely in grief, but I feel like this is too extreme.
(27 January 2017)

My mom told me I can stay at her friend's house for two weeks or so and she would help out with taking me to school and all that stuff.
(27 January 2017)


I don’t know why but I keep feeling the need to remind people that I don’t expect anything from anyone, but because I’m honest and direct and straight forward it’s best that everyone believe what I sa_ Ivey:I’m not even sure if I ever liked him or if it was a way to get over my [...]

I thought he was just going to finger me even after he told me to bend over.
(27 January 2017)

So yesterday I lost my virginity at school when school was finished.
(27 January 2017)

Remember, this is a guy you're super attracted to and want to date, and this incident would be a setback since he is shying away from you out of embarrassment.
(27 January 2017)

What would you do about it or what would you say to him after the naked incident?
(27 January 2017)

Especially if the guy appears super embarrassed about it and starts to avoid you afterward due to the embarrassment?
(27 January 2017)

Would you be happy that you saw his fully naked body?
(27 January 2017)

When he realizes this, he covers himself and runs off, super embarrassed. 1. How would you react and what would your reaction be to seeing your crush naked?
(27 January 2017)

You have a huge crush on a really cute and sexy guy but he doesn't know it.
(27 January 2017)

If men could carry babies, would you find your pregnant male partner attractive?
(27 January 2017)

Would they be MORE attractive to you if they were carrying your baby in their belly?
(27 January 2017)

Here for a good time, not a long time

Brandon, Manitoba, Canada //meelp.com/profile/rekre404 Shelli:He hasn’t asked to hangout this week?!?!?!?(27 January 2017) Shelli:So I’ve been talking to this guy for quite a while now, we hang out every Friday evening he’s usually the one who asks if we are going to be able to see each other.(27 January 2017) Porsha:Women- Do these sound like [...]

Bet with my gf?
(27 January 2017)

While this could be just small talk stuff, it doesnt really feel like it, as after these two weeks we will probably not see each other again.
(27 January 2017)

We talk about passions, dreams, but also generic random stuff like movies and music.
(27 January 2017)

Now may this be just being friendly but as i suck at signal reading i just wanna be sure :). Unlike with the others, when we talk we really try to get to know each other.
(27 January 2017)

When we had to split up she preferred us drawing together.
(27 January 2017)

When walking to a drawing location we always walk together, talking.
(27 January 2017)

In the group there is this girl, nerdy (in the good way) and very pretty, that im interested in.
(27 January 2017)

For the last week ive beek following a two week drawing course.
(27 January 2017)

How to ask your parents for a last minute favour?
(27 January 2017)

If women could knock up men, would you feel proud if you got your male partner pregnant?
(27 January 2017)

Low key, looking for fun and flirting.

Dover, Delaware //meelp.com/profile/VoluptuousTart Louetta:How to comfort a guy who has completely given up on what makes him happy?(26 January 2017) Louetta:He’s very strong and hides his feelings, but I know he’s crushed.(26 January 2017) Louetta:I worry about him, and I want to comfort him in some way, but he’s never around besides class anymore.(26 January [...]

Why do some guys like girls who look like guys?
(27 January 2017)

Don't guys want a guy that look like a girl?
(27 January 2017)

There are some girls who cut their hair short like a guys hair (very masculine) and guys are still all over them.
(27 January 2017)

How to deal with leased vehicle during divorce process?
(27 January 2017)

We just want to switch the lease over to his name.
(27 January 2017)

Is there any other way to do this so the divorce process will go smoother?
(27 January 2017)

I called the lease company to see if we can transfer the lease over unto his name but they said that we can't.
(27 January 2017)

With the divorce process, I want to keep the vehicle that is payed off and he wants to take the lease.
(27 January 2017)

About a year ago I started leasing a vehicle under my name with him as a co-signer. we have another vehicle that is also under my name that is payed off.
(27 January 2017)

I am getting a divorce after 1.5 years of marriage.
(27 January 2017)

Funny Pic

All big tits are awesome!_ Fairy:Now he tries to talk to me more and he is very kind to me.(27 January 2017) Fairy:A month ago I saw him being really depressed and not taking care of himself, it looked like he was going through a break up.(27 January 2017) Fairy:But I am very shy so I rarely have [...]

If a person doesn't have a physical or PO box can I ship an item to a post office?
(27 January 2017)

Where can I ship an item if a person doesn't have a physical address of a Po box?
(27 January 2017)

My mom tells me that my dad doesn't love me how do I know if she's right?
(27 January 2017)

How do I know if my mom is right or if she's just saying this out of anger?
(27 January 2017)

She reminds me of this every time I try to reach out to him as it makes her mad I would reach out to someone that used to name call her when drunk before they divorced.
(27 January 2017)

My dad has a drinking problem, he's an alcoholic, so my mom says that he does not love me and is incapable of loving anybody.
(27 January 2017)

She's divorced from him so I don't know when she's just saying it because she's mad and ugly and when it's real.
(27 January 2017)

What are some good bars in Like Los Angeles?
(27 January 2017)

What do I do during foreplay when my guy has chest hair?
(27 January 2017)

I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable kissing or licking my current guy's hairy chest - guess I'm most concerned that I'll get it caught between my teeth or something, ruining the moment.
(27 January 2017)

She’s my pumpkin pie…. sweet pumpkin pie!!!!

For just a moment, let me echo H’s thoughts she posted yesterday. I don’t know the specific area, or anyone involved, but I have had the pleasure of visiting her hometown on many occasions. It is a be_ Doreatha:At my last scan a couple days ago it was 145. 156 to 145 seems like a big [...]

In the meantime, I'll just keep being blamed.
(27 January 2017)

Maybe one day she will take it more seriously and we can have kids.
(27 January 2017)

I got angry about her parents damaging the paint work on our brand new apartment and she angrily shot back that I care more about the wall.
(27 January 2017)

I'm arguing my POV and having her discount it with her own.
(27 January 2017)

Most of our marriage has been a power struggle.
(27 January 2017)

I can't get her to see anything from my viewpoint.
(27 January 2017)

I don't want to waste years of my life trying to have kids only when it suits her.
(27 January 2017)

I'm starting to feel like we are not meant to have children at all.
(27 January 2017)

Then she wonders why it takes us so long.
(27 January 2017)

When I'm in the mood in the days leading up to it, I'm being ignored and turned down.
(27 January 2017)

Always been curious

I sometimes wish to go to a nudist camp. Love to see everyone naked. I may get hard, probably wood. I would hope to have opportunity to have sex there and observe others having sex. Not sure if th_ Dell:Of course I said it was ok but she said this is how she ended up having [...]

My stepmom is cheating on my uncle. Do I tell my uncle this or should I just stay out of their marriage problems?
(27 January 2017)

My uncle would be devastated if he knows she's cheating on him.
(27 January 2017)

They have been having problems ever since my stepmom had a stillborn last April.
(27 January 2017)

Am I the only person who determines whether a person is sexually compatible with me based on their signature energy vibe?
(27 January 2017)

I don't believe in that. i'm not into hinduism either.
(27 January 2017)

I can usually just look at a guy a few times and tell whether he has the right energy I like.
(27 January 2017)

I'm just one of those people who is really in tune with energy of a person and pays attention to it.
(27 January 2017)

There's nothing voodoo about it.
(27 January 2017)

My husband of 16 going on 17 years is not the same person I married. He s very angry and bitter and blames a lot on me?
(27 January 2017)

Or just stay and accept that I m the one wrong?
(27 January 2017)

Tuesday? What happened to Monday???

Ever have a day like that? Look at the calendar and figure its one day but its not! Its actually a day later??? Woooo….that is very disconcerting !! Hence today! I woke up all prepared for a Monday_ Tressa:An online friend told me theyre 13 but now they are 31 what do i do ??????please help [...]

He wouldn't get off of me and when I was trying to push him off he was restraining my arms.
(27 January 2017)

So my boyfriend has a virus called molluscum and we have been holding off of sex because it's sexually transmitted last night he started kissing me and got on top of me and I told him no and to get off of me.
(27 January 2017)

My friend tied me up?
(27 January 2017)

I was super uncomfertable and went home.
(27 January 2017)

Then I try to say please untie me but im gagged, he leaves the room for 15 minutes idk why then comes back calm and unties me but makes me keep the gag in.
(27 January 2017)

Then he places me in a dining room chair and comes back with a roll oftape and tapes me to the chair then he puts a balled up sock in my mouth and tapes around it.
(27 January 2017)

I was at his house last night chilling, and were friends since 9 and now were 16 in high school. (im blonde girl hes a guy and hes kinda cute) he gets up and goes you trust me right and i go yeah.
(27 January 2017)

(27 January 2017)

I'm really, really scared. I'm about to be alone for the first time in my life, and for the rest of my life. How will I cope?
(27 January 2017)

Taking care of my husband's needs, and being alone the rest of the time?
(27 January 2017)

An Update of Sorts…

Okay…I haven’t been writing much but lots has been happening. Issues with the ex. Issues at my job. Ya know. Life issues. Ones that I cannot really speak of here (legal reasons and shit). Maybe the_ Joselyn:He was not a role model but still it is my brother.(27 January 2017) Joselyn:My brother who died was in and [...]

Husband asked to not speak to him for next 4 days while at family trip? Marriage disaster?
(27 January 2017)

I feel like my husband just stabbed me in the back.
(27 January 2017)

Now my heart is literally in peaces has five years meant nothing to him I can't even cope how to function anymore I feel betrayed.
(27 January 2017)

The only reason my mom got involved is because she could see how upset I was.
(27 January 2017)

Then severely called men ad names and told me to back off( not in a nice way) my mother is aware of the situation he rang her that he hasn't done anything wrong and asked her to tell me to cut the communication with him completely until he gets back.
(27 January 2017)

Once he touch down he said when il be able to connect to internet we'll talk not my problem.
(27 January 2017)

We were arguing non stop over me saying there's lack of communication he's at the other side of the globe and he made a promise he will get internet so we can FaceTime etc.
(27 January 2017)

Am I wrong for wanting her to be truthful and honest about her past secrets or should I just take responsibility and forgive?
(27 January 2017)

Instead of talking things through, she went apartment shopping and says she's moving out.
(27 January 2017)

When I confronted her, she minimized everything and blames me for being emotionally abusive towards her.
(27 January 2017)

OT…..Windows Laptop Recommendations……

I am looking to get a laptop before I move up north, and was curious of those out there as to suggestions of what’s good and what’s not so good……….I’m a Windows user, but who knows, maybe I coul_ Joselyn:My brother who died was in and out of trouble since he was a teen so it [...]

Is it normal for 3 and 4 year old kids to tease, but thenot cry when you tease back?
(27 January 2017)

I just thought they were trying to play.
(27 January 2017)

I notice that a lot of times they come and try to tease me and when I play along and tease back even less than they were teasing me, they start to cry.
(27 January 2017)

I work in daycare with some kids this age, but don't have much experience.
(27 January 2017)

Girl i like is far away and not sure if she likes me back, what do i do?
(27 January 2017)

She's really cute and nice and its just everything i like which is hard to find nowadays i guess ;( pls help someone.
(27 January 2017)

She was recently let down by some guy who wasn't interested in her and i feel bad and don't wanna try anything too soon.
(27 January 2017)

She lives pretty far away and im sure she has many of other guys interested in her.
(27 January 2017)

So recently i met someone who at first didn't think i would make a connection with.
(27 January 2017)

Most embarrassing thing happened...how do I recover?
(27 January 2017)

Let me start out by asking you what initially attracted you to doing stories in book form

Patrick McDonnell, on the other hand, continues to devise new outlets for his restless creativity. Picture books are so similar to comic strips. Growing up I was a big fan of comics. Whether it was in comics or whether it was in picture books, it was just something that attracted me._ Nora:OK so I like … Continue reading "Let me start out by asking you what initially attracted you to doing stories in book form"

His friends who are Mexican have been rude and unaccepting as well.
(27 January 2017)

I'm a good person, I'm smart, I'm pretty, and I have my life together so I don't understand why they are always bullying me.
(27 January 2017)

I love him and care about him and have never done anything to hurt him.
(27 January 2017)

Also, I am a great girlfriend to him.
(27 January 2017)

I have been nothing kind and respectful towards them.
(27 January 2017)

The problem is there is nothing to criticize.
(27 January 2017)

It's been two years and I feel uncomfortable around them because I am afraid that anything I do will be criticized.
(27 January 2017)

I have never met people who acted like this before.
(27 January 2017)

On the other hand, his parents and siblings are very rude, talk about me behind my back, and complain about me all the time.
(27 January 2017)

My parents and siblings are kind and respectful towards him and have never spoken badly of him to me.
(27 January 2017)

Não sou o Autódromo de Ímola , mas tenho curvas perigosas kkkkkkkkk

Sao Paulo, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/Ullyh Marx:I’m a 27 year old mother of a 7 year old.(26 January 2017) Denisha:I like this guy and my guy friend asked him if I was pretty and he said yes and today I told him I didn’t like him? AND I DO what do I do?(26 January 2017) Trang:Memory problems?(26 [...]

I did not expect her to buy something this expensive.
(27 January 2017)

I only asked her to buy a peacoat worth like 20-30 dollars.
(27 January 2017)

During winter break, my mom bought me a 400 dollars Calvin Klein jacket, which i didn't ask her to buy.
(27 January 2017)

I feel bad when my parents buy me expensive things.
(27 January 2017)

I want to get married..BUT?
(27 January 2017)

I'm an adult and can make my own decisions but I also want our families approval..Im not sure what to do..
(27 January 2017)

Since we are Christian we can't move intogether, have sex, and create our lives without being married.
(27 January 2017)

I guess my problem is, i'm terrified of what his family and mine will say about this?
(27 January 2017)

We are both Christian and i've always wanted to get married pretty young.
(27 January 2017)

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for awhile.
(27 January 2017)

Friday 27 January 2017

Quer arder???

Sao Salvador, Bahia, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/Ademonia Louann:We hanged out a couple times and he was very sweet and nice, always hugged me and kissed me on the head.(26 January 2017) Louann:We were together for 2 years and a half. 2 months he left but he kept texting me and I ignored him.(26 January 2017) Gladis:Why did [...]

One of his friends brought his sister who I noticed was really cute.
(26 January 2017)

So my brother had his cub scout pinewood derby or whatever not too long ago.
(26 January 2017)

Do women like having their feet worshipped?
(26 January 2017)

He never texted me THAT much when he was still together with his gf.
(26 January 2017)

He probably doesn't, but the amount that he has been talking to me is... suspicious.
(26 January 2017)

And he would always try to keep the conversation going when I don't respond.
(26 January 2017)

Since the break up, he's been texting me first everyday.
(26 January 2017)

He ranted to me yesterday, saying how he's really depressed and lost and really sad.
(26 January 2017)

A week ago, his gf broke up with him.
(26 January 2017)

This year, we have gotten closer.
(26 January 2017)

This case could be totally unrelated to the Gilgo Beach murders

Police confirmed the woman had died recently, but they have not yet identified her or any suspects. He likes to dump them in or near bodies of water, and tends to wrap the remains in plastic or place them in containers. Moses was ordered to be held without bail._ Laila:We’ve been together 5 months and … Continue reading "This case could be totally unrelated to the Gilgo Beach murders"

She later asked how her sweetheart was doing.
(26 January 2017)

She said I did and that I was such a sweetheart.
(26 January 2017)

Then, some girl asked her who made her feel better.
(26 January 2017)

She thanked me and called me a sweetheart.
(26 January 2017)

I did this, because she was sad about getting insulted by some lady at work.
(26 January 2017)

Anyways, I wrote her a story, made her some jello, and got her two little white flowers.
(26 January 2017)

A lot of coworkers suspect me of liking her, which I do, but I try not to make it obvious.
(26 January 2017)

She hugs me and rests her head on my chest when she's feeling anxious.
(26 January 2017)

I bring her lunch whenever we have lunch together.
(26 January 2017)

Like I make her feel better when she's sad and anxious.
(26 January 2017)

My Chating Rules

When chatting to people on here I will always endeavour to stick within mutually agreed boundaries. I’m not an aggressive or pushy person and feel free to tell me if and when I over step the mark. I_ Le:He also bumps into me on purpose.(26 January 2017) Le:I don’t know if he is being flirty or mean.(26 [...]

This girl I used to talk to went out of her way to tell me she's going to be working at the mall near where I live?
(26 January 2017)

She said it was in case I don't want to see her again, is she trying to say she wants to see me again?
(26 January 2017)

Is it weird to talk to your boyfriend about kissing?
(26 January 2017)

I want to, because I really want to kiss him and he wants to kiss me, too.
(26 January 2017)

How do I find things to talk about when my life is boring and I don't go out much?
(26 January 2017)

I can't talk to my crush either, I'm worried whatever I say will come out as stupid and awkward to her.
(26 January 2017)

I can't work up the courage to make new friends or ask my friends to hang out on the weekends or something like that.
(26 January 2017)

I don't get noticed by classmates because I'm very introverted and I don't know how to express myself.
(26 January 2017)

All I do in my life is wake up, go to school, go home, play on my computer, go to sleep and repeat.
(26 January 2017)

I can't start a conversation let alone keep one going.
(26 January 2017)