Saturday 31 December 2016

Looking for a woman to take control - Make me yours!

Tired of playing the dating game. Looking for a dominate woman to take control. You tell me what you like and I do it. I get pleasure out of making you happy and doing w/e you want. Not sure how far I am wiling to go but willing to try. I have never done this [...]

I always feel nauseous from the pill and thats how i was feeling.. but could it also be from being pregnat?
(30 December 2016)

Trumpkins Is it fair to say that if your boy has to launch nuclear weapons against Russia ,he'll call his lover Putin first?
(30 December 2016)

Does this mean she wants me back?
(30 December 2016)

I would just like to know are these signs that she wants me back?
(30 December 2016)

But other times she takes a great deal of interest in what's going on with me.
(30 December 2016)

It's really hard to get a read on her as sometimes she acts like she wants nothing to do with me or even care about me.
(30 December 2016)

Then she called me trying to figure out who I'm talking to.
(30 December 2016)

To my surprise my ex found me on the site and was looking at my profile.
(30 December 2016)

Earlier this week I decided to making a dating profile on a dating site.
(30 December 2016)

As she is always the one who makes the first contact.
(30 December 2016)

Hosting sweet bbw

Hosting a bbw white or Hispanic for some intimate pool cuddles and pleasures etc. Send a pic or two and I will reciprocate. No flakes serious inquires to make this happen tonight. Put some stats in your email. Put sweet in subject to weed out spam. Hope to hear from ya. // [...]

Why do men consider fatherhood slavery but not motherhood?
(30 December 2016)

By the way, to all the men who cry about how their questions get moved because of censorship loving feminazis, this question has been moved 3 times now.
(30 December 2016)

Bad family situation?
(30 December 2016)

There's so much more than that, but basically ny question is, do you think the bed thing is weird or bad?
(30 December 2016)

But anyway, both of my parents complain about the other.
(30 December 2016)

There's another bed for me there but I don't wanna hurt his feeling idk anymore.
(30 December 2016)

I don't know how to bring it up.
(30 December 2016)

I know what you're thinking, but he's not a pervert at all.
(30 December 2016)

I go with my dad on some weekends and I still sleep in his bed.
(30 December 2016)

OKAY soOo here it is: I'm a 15 year old girl.
(30 December 2016)

Transfer into the lined tin and bake for 40 minutes or until lightly brown

In a large bowl combine the almond meal, coconut flour and baking powder. In a blender or mix master, whiz the coconut oil and rice malt syrup together. In a small sauce pan combine the tea and rice malt syrup. Sprinkle over the gelatin and mix together. Place the sauce pan onto medium heat and … Continue reading "Transfer into the lined tin and bake for 40 minutes or until lightly brown"

People get outraged when they read about it in the news, but why?
(30 December 2016)

I care if someone kills another person's babies, but if they kill their own, I feel like.. who cares?
(30 December 2016)

Should I be worried about the 13yr old that wants to play with my 8 yr old nephew?
(30 December 2016)

I am at the point where I want to contact social services about this kid.
(30 December 2016)

He knows he is not allowed around the property anymore due to a previous incident but keeps trying to come in.
(30 December 2016)

I let my nephew play with my old xbox360 and the other 7 year old that the kid hangs out with told him.
(30 December 2016)

This kid is in 8th grade and I've only ever seen him around 6-8 yr olds.
(30 December 2016)

What do I make of all this?
(30 December 2016)

I'm not sure what to make of any of it, why did she even start talking to me again when we both knew this would happen and why hasn't she said anything.
(30 December 2016)

It's almost been another week and still nothing.
(30 December 2016)

You never know what stories might be waiting for you around the dinner table

For some of us, the holidays simply mean a couple of extra work gatherings and an extra day or two of family time. Others of us are orchestrating elaborate gatherings or are travelling great distances to be reunited with loved ones. I took my 4-year-old with me to do the Thanksgiving meal shopping and she … Continue reading You never know what stories might be waiting for you around the dinner table

She is a bit older than me and has a job and I am still in highschool.
(30 December 2016)

I don't know when I will see her again, but I am terrified of asking her to hang out with me because of rejection?
(30 December 2016)

One of my friends is moving across the country and I want to hang out with her one last time before she leaves but I am scared to ask?
(30 December 2016)

Why does he watch me walk away?
(30 December 2016)

For instance, a short time ago we were with a group of friends, and I had to leave first to go home, as I left, I saw him watch me until he couldn't see me anymore.
(30 December 2016)

I'm friends with this guy but for a while now, I've noticed that he always seems to watch me when I leave an event or group activity.
(30 December 2016)

Girl is pregant doesnt know from who?
(30 December 2016)

But i feel like am doing him a favor some how because he doesnt want to pay anything but doesnt want to keep it neither.i have the money what should i do?
(30 December 2016)

My ex i pregnant but she hooked up with another guy after we broke up so she doesnt know who it is but she is asking me to pay for abortion.
(30 December 2016)

I have feelings for my ex boyfriend's friend?
(30 December 2016)

What Content Should You Collect From Your Employees?

Another idea is to showcase employee milestones at the company, like anniversaries, for example. One type of employee video testimonial to collect are employee bios. What is you favorite part about working at company X? Share a funny memory about working at company X._ Glady:What can I do in order to my wife to stop asking [...]

Should I reverse surprise my girlfriend?
(30 December 2016)

How do i get rid of her?
(30 December 2016)

Can someone you never dated be your first love?
(30 December 2016)

So, is it possible to be in love with someone you never dated?
(30 December 2016)

But i still can't go a day without thinking of him and missing him.
(30 December 2016)

He can't have social media, so we haven't talked.
(30 December 2016)

It's been 8 months total and we were only around eachother for 3 of those months.
(30 December 2016)

This guy and I were husband and wife in our school musical and we got really close.
(30 December 2016)

Are my parents old for my age or not?
(30 December 2016)

I'm not ashamed or anything I just feel like my parents are always some of the oldest in my age groups.
(30 December 2016)

No Clue … What to Do …

I always thought it was a sign of a “sane and healthy person” … if they could remain friends with people from their past … classmates, friends, family, exes. I’m starting to think that it’s the h // Shenika:I m a 14 year old girl and I m in the 9th grade.(9 December 2016) Shayne:My alcoholic brother [...]

I'm doing way better now and I'm feeling better since then.
(30 December 2016)

For me is 2004 because I've become deaf that year and having to use hearing aids since 2009. I was really immature during those times and behind in school because I'm deaf for 12 years.
(30 December 2016)

I would never do anything like that.
(30 December 2016)

I know he doesn't like me, and why me though out of all the other girls?
(30 December 2016)

Why does he want to contact them?
(30 December 2016)

Hello, i secretly married a guy and now hes saying hes gonna contact my parents and have someone contact my sister.
(30 December 2016)

Someone told me that to american girls like to be treated like garbage?
(30 December 2016)

I don't really know what I should major in for what I want to do?
(30 December 2016)

I also want to continue to learn a foreign language that I am taking now in high school.
(30 December 2016)

So I thought there could be some kind of combination of the two?
(30 December 2016)

Are all the GREAT MINDS on Oahu ??

Aloha ! I am wondering IF Maui has ANY really-great-minds ? I am eager to discuss and share all the latest and greatest, all the movies and music, and all the best worst, of all over the world, in this awesome Millennium ! SO, IF you have not yet decided to shut down your [...]

He didn't touch me but he sounded worried why did he do this?
(30 December 2016)

We've been dating for a month and the other we were crossing the road and this car pulled out and he reached his arm out to me and raised his voice and told me to stand near him.
(30 December 2016)

Is it rude to do this?
(30 December 2016)

Mi novio me oculta algo?
(30 December 2016)

My girlfriend allowed me to go through her phone yesterday. I went though her messages and saw something that bothered me. (Read)?
(30 December 2016)

She explained everything and said it's fine and we are all good but I still feel guilty that I went through her messages and she might be hiding that she is actually angry with me for doing so.
(30 December 2016)

Help me, I am destroyed. I know it was my entire fault and that I am terrible but my parents caught me smoking. They found my cigarette pack?
(30 December 2016)

My dad is the most disappointed, my mom started crying, it kills me inside.
(30 December 2016)

They won't talk to me now, what can I do for us to get on good terms?
(30 December 2016)

Now I realised that I have been behaving badly.
(30 December 2016)

The regulator has been increasing longer-term borrowing over the past few months

Data Downloaded from Bloomberg; chart prepared by Renee Mu. In March, all the liquidity provided was through 7-day reverse repos. I would like to see if they can keep it up this way. Then I will surely stay a member. High win rate, good average pips per trade and enough trades per week._ Sanda:So this … Continue reading "The regulator has been increasing longer-term borrowing over the past few months"

He really hurt my feelings if that means what I think it does.
(30 December 2016)

He was like go ahead, that's all he is into anyways, quick f.u.c.k.s like yourself.
(30 December 2016)

I was trying to make this guy jealous and angry so I told him that I was going to talk to his cousin on messenger.
(30 December 2016)

Im hoping i can get the guy i fell inlove with back i dont wanna leave him i love him with all my heart but a couple months ago he tried meth he used it a couple times now hes addicted and it hurts me to see him like this hes done other heavy drugs.
(30 December 2016)

Should i stay with my bf?
(30 December 2016)

Do you got any advice on how to deal with him its hard hes very mean and very selfish?
(30 December 2016)

Hes going to rehab right now hes waiting for a bed im hoping this will help him he has told me he wants help.
(30 December 2016)

Hes mean now like very nasty he used to be the most sweetest guy ever until he got into heavy drugs and went back to these so called friends of his.
(30 December 2016)

I love this guy so much but its hard being with an addict its gotten worse hes starting to not care what happens to anyone hes very sefish now and i dont know how much more i can take.
(30 December 2016)

Basically ive been with this guy for a year almost 2 years he got back with his old friends well sadly now hes a drug addict.
(30 December 2016)

Wanna Have Fun Tonight??

Hey ! looking for a girl to go out with tonight and have some fun times with. I’m up for anything so long as its fun. Send me an email and let’s make plans. Drinks on me…lol …. // Jacquetta:I have also been telling lies about myself (Jan Harmond Dacion) being a convicted [...]

He says he is just to tired cuz of all his activities but he doesn't want it at all.
(30 December 2016)

He just never wants sex and it upsets me because it makes me think I am slowly losing him.
(30 December 2016)

He cuddles me every night and says I look sexy.
(30 December 2016)

He cooks for me he buys me little gifts to say he thinking of me.
(30 December 2016)

I know he not cheating because I know his schedule and he send me cute texts saying he loves me.
(30 December 2016)

I've tried to talk to him over and over but he just brushes it off.
(30 December 2016)

The few times we've had sex he was only semi hard and not into it he could barley keep it up for me to finish.
(30 December 2016)

Yet he'll spend an hour in the shower masterbating and Deny he masterbating but I know he is because he doesn't shave so why would he be in there for over an hour.
(30 December 2016)

I've talked to him about it multiple times and he says he masterbating because it's quicker and he doesn't have time for sex.
(30 December 2016)

When I am available and willing to have sex.
(30 December 2016)

Want to Make Out?

Hi…im a 30 m, attached, but alone for the weekend. I am looking for someone new to just meet up with, hang out, maybe make out a bit, and go our seperate ways after a fun night. I dont really care about your looks or race. I am just looking for an escape for a [...]

He's 22, going to be 23 in April and still lives in his moms basement.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend is the general manager at a Verizon wireless where we live.
(30 December 2016)

What are signs a married woman wants you to have sex with another woman. Will she want pitty?
(30 December 2016)

HELP! Bad breath even from nose?
(30 December 2016)

P.s i tried to tell him b4 but i did it terribly, he got defensive so i backed out and lied.
(30 December 2016)

And how do I mention this without making him feel terrible?
(30 December 2016)

I think he has something, what could it be?
(30 December 2016)

Even when his mouth is closed i can still smell it from his nose.
(30 December 2016)

But his breath is extremely bad.. & i dont think he notices.
(30 December 2016)

My husband is very clean, showers even more than me, dresses very nice.
(30 December 2016)

Please note that signing up will not guarantee you a spot on the blog tour

If you would like to participate in this blog tour, please fill out the form below. Audiobooks will be provided for review. Promo spots (interview, guest post, dream cast, etc.) are very limited, priority will be given to review spots. Selected bloggers will be notified by email._ Ehtel:Please help me win my ex back?(10 December… Continue reading Please note that signing up will not guarantee you a spot on the blog tour

Her mother was gang raped and became pregnant with a child, my girlfriend.
(30 December 2016)

Is it right way ask my girlfriend dad's?
(30 December 2016)

Is Marriage outdated in the West and even Globally after 1945?
(30 December 2016)

Concubines seem more preferred now.
(30 December 2016)

She said yes to come over to my house to study alone, what does this mean?
(30 December 2016)

What are the chances she likes me?
(30 December 2016)

Do you think this sounds really suspecious?: A girl talks to me a lot but she's a lot more popular than me?
(30 December 2016)

Like she avoids guys who I think are better looking because she wants to talk to me.
(30 December 2016)

What possible explanation good there be?
(30 December 2016)

Like I'd say she messages me at least once every two days and tags me in a Facebook post at least 5 times a week for the past 2 years.
(30 December 2016)

The only thing that makes me want to leave is the lack of new content and features

There isn’t alot change just less people playing. And I feel bad ’bout it, because the game it self are really fun to play. So i’m thinking that there aren’t many on this forum either. So what do you guys think of this game? Updates also only come once every 2 months._ Geraldine:It bothers me … Continue reading The only thing that makes me want to leave is the lack of new content and features

Is it wrong to like a guy who's younger than me?
(30 December 2016)

What are you looking for in a partner or girlfriend?
(30 December 2016)

Anyone can answer it's not about anything in particular.
(30 December 2016)

How come when my husband goes to say goodnight to my daughter I always hear this wet clapping sound?
(30 December 2016)

Only with water.. I don't get what that noise is.
(30 December 2016)

Kind of sounds like people cupping their hands and clapping.
(30 December 2016)

Every night while I'm lying in bed and he's tucking her in I hear this wet clapping sound.
(30 December 2016)

Is she still pregnant?
(30 December 2016)

I wish I would've never let the opportunity slip away.
(30 December 2016)

I'm not interested in anyone other than her.
(30 December 2016)

Thursday, December 10th

So we had a little bit of rain this morning. Always welcome to these parts. But the odd part was that the clouds never broke apart. It remained grey the entire day. Felt like it was winter althoug // Raymond:What would a guy like when having sex?(9 December 2016) Suzanne:How to get excited about giving head?(9 December [...]

They always sleep over her house and I have never slept over once.
(30 December 2016)

I just wanna cancel and not go now.
(30 December 2016)

So there still would have been room for me without him being there.
(30 December 2016)

But I just found out that her boyfriend is only now staying over bc he doesn't have work the next day.
(30 December 2016)

She says there's no room for me.
(30 December 2016)

So I will be leaving while they get to hangout and stay longer which I'm quiet upset about.
(30 December 2016)

We are having a dinner party but she invited her boyfriend and her friend to sleep over but not me.
(30 December 2016)

Kissing feeling fun with a Boy 14y o?
(30 December 2016)

Well I go out with this boy he is 15 I am 14 and I'm really want to Climb on top of him and start having a make out session and it might be tongue and just feel all over why do I want that he is my first boyfriend and its just weird?
(30 December 2016)

How would you rate these eyes?
(30 December 2016)

Sunday’s sexual question

Sunday’s sexual question….go ahead and entertain me // Maryjane:We will have a week of great weather, and every other child in the neighborhood is playing outside, and we never hear a peep from these kids.(9 December 2016) Maryjane:Never the living room or any other window in the house.(9 December 2016) Maryjane:THAT is the only room we EVER see [...]

I'm home schooled, and I don't talk to many people in my age group.
(30 December 2016)

What would you do if your girlfriend hit you?
(30 December 2016)

She also slaps your butt or grabs you when she wants sex.
(30 December 2016)

Throws your phone across the room, slaps your butt and grabs your penis hard enough that it hurts you.
(30 December 2016)

Let's say you have a girlfriend.
(30 December 2016)

Help being patient?
(30 December 2016)

A family member stole my grandmother's Will?!?
(30 December 2016)

The caretaker then mention's they saw my aunt back over after I left as they live across the street (my aunt is not suppose to have a key). My mom and dad go over there to find my grandmas old will and new will is gone from the fileing cabinet.
(30 December 2016)

I later on when home, received a call that evening saying the snacks had been tossed, my grandma's camode moved away from her, and water cup taken from her.
(30 December 2016)

I called my mother and told her she'd been in the files.
(30 December 2016)

Looking for a nice Lady to snuggle and cuddle

Looking to enjoy quality snuggle time with a women seeking same. I am 51, single, in good shape. No drama, no issues. Married or single, does not matter. Your size and age do not matter - just please be sincere. Looking for a women to share some fun and relaxing snuggles. Email me. [...]

Please just give my your input or opinion to help me get over this.
(29 December 2016)

But I can t help feel that im annoying and like he s talking to other girls.I do get jealous and I just don t know what to do because I feel deeply for him and never have a ever felt this way.
(29 December 2016)

He wont be home till summer(military). I really like him and from the way he talks to me he likes me too.
(29 December 2016)

But I ve found a guy and he just turned 20 and we Skype and text.
(29 December 2016)

I ve never dated kissed or done anything with a guy.
(29 December 2016)

I m 17 years old going to be 18 soon.
(29 December 2016)

So I know where to find a person to hit my spot but would that be right?
(29 December 2016)

I say all of this to say in at 22, I work in an environment where I am constantly being hit on and asked out even with a ring on my finger.
(29 December 2016)

I've even tried to spice things up by buying vibrating rings but he orgasms so quick it seems like he doesn't care what I feel just as long as he gets off.
(29 December 2016)

I made a vow but I'm really just unhappy.
(29 December 2016)

It was her journey to sobriety by telling the truth that allowed her life to more fully open up

She is also a mum and artist who is devoted to helping people live more meaningful and loving lives. Elena is a graduate from Cornell University and has studied with several master yoga teachers for over a decade. In fact she felt a discrepancy between her public and private life that led her to carry… Continue reading It was her journey to sobriety by telling the truth that allowed her life to more fully open up

SISTER wanted to go to dinner with our girls and him and leave me at home again and I told my husband that I wanted to go and he told me that he didn't want me there because SISTER says so.
(29 December 2016)

Husband has been the only cheater but SISTER doesn't care if her brother is a cheater.
(29 December 2016)

SISTER tells my husband I am cheating and husband believes her when I have never cheated.
(29 December 2016)

I bring this up and I am bitching.
(29 December 2016)

Every single time their is a family get together SISTER will cause problems and I am of course left out and this does not bother my husband to see me sit at home alone by myself as he goes have fun.
(29 December 2016)

SISTER has ruined our marriage of 17 years as my husband allowed her to do it.
(29 December 2016)

SISTER is so evil she convinced your husband that the wife is cheating on him and makes him think the wife is crazy because the SISTER says so.
(29 December 2016)

If your married to your lover and everything is going swell until the SISTER in law comes into the picture and ruins everything.
(29 December 2016)

How to handle my girlfriend not liking my gift?
(29 December 2016)

She has not worn my purse once and claims has made multiple excuses as to why but all the while says she loves my gift.
(29 December 2016)

FWB or just this once is cool with me

Looking a gal to have crazy fun with, I can be discret, and am open minded. I’d love to hear from you, I can meet up at 8am, or some evening, have to make time for that. I’m Devan have a great day, // Barbar:I’m in college never been on a date.(8 December [...]

Help ladies, pos ? Help pregnant?
(29 December 2016)

Have been having unprotected sex with husband had implantation bleeding one day missed period and this is whathe i got.
(29 December 2016)

What is worse, having painful urination or being on a period?
(29 December 2016)

I am a guy who had an argument with a girlfriend about this.
(29 December 2016)

Why do random people keep adding me on Facebook?
(29 December 2016)

Like they have mutual friends with me but at least 20 people add me a day.
(29 December 2016)

Is it ok for my boyfriend to only see me through the week because he has his son on weekends?
(29 December 2016)

How would you tickle me? I am not that ticklish on my feet, but I am on my sides, ribs, belly, and armpit?
(29 December 2016)

The longer the story, the better.
(29 December 2016)

Does not matter if the person is a boy or a girl.
(29 December 2016)

Talk tonight and…

Meet tomorrow and have lunch or dinner. Talk about what we both want in the future and if we are on the same page, have a second date. If not on the same page, at least you gor a free lunch or dinner. What do you have to lose? Put your number in the subject [...]

My mother has been single for the past 30 years I feel that she doesn t understand marriage dynamics.
(29 December 2016)

My mother hates my husband, I love him and he treats me good.
(29 December 2016)

Which girl is prettier in your opinion?
(29 December 2016)

The one on the right, or the one on the left.
(29 December 2016)

If a girl had an exuse everytime you try to meet her what would do?
(29 December 2016)

How long should a girl know a guy before she moves in with him?
(29 December 2016)

Do you know of anything like this?
(29 December 2016)

We are also wondering how this could happen since they did sort of know of each other, but evidently, never met until the Christmas Party.
(29 December 2016)

We are all flabbergasted and hope it is an enduring love, but don't know.
(29 December 2016)

But all of this in about 10 days since they met.
(29 December 2016)

Do you feel like your money is constantly flying out of your pockets and you have no clue where?

Do you not get to know how much of the cash you end up spending after you withdraw money from the ATM? Do you have to run to your parents or friends every time you are short of money? In the start of the month, figure out your most likely spendings and divide your money … Continue reading "Do you feel like your money is constantly flying out of your pockets and you have no clue where?"

When my crush (14-15 at the time) got new bros, they were all he talked about.
(29 December 2016)

Is he shy or just a asshole?
(29 December 2016)

Will I ever outgrow my severe romantic anxiety?
(29 December 2016)

I want to eventually get married and have a family.
(29 December 2016)

I don t know what to do because I really want to be able to find a soulmate and the love of my life.
(29 December 2016)

And this happens whenever anything romantic starts to happen with anyone.
(29 December 2016)

But I always felt annoyed by him and hostile toward him for no reason.
(29 December 2016)

He was really cute and so nice and always wanted the best for me; he was literally perfect.
(29 December 2016)

I recently dated a guy that I really liked before we started dating.
(29 December 2016)

My anxiety goes through the roof and I no longer want to be with the person, like ever.
(29 December 2016)

So You Think You Have A Dirty Mind?? Check Here to Know For Sure ;)

I have to admit that I had a really good laugh when I saw these….Now I know I have a dirty mind…question is…Do you? [image][image2][image3]JUST HOW DIRTY MINDED[image4][image5]ARE YOU?[image6]I_ Millie:A question for the ladies regarding a platonic relationship gone dark?(8 December 2016) Millie:What would make you want to resume the friendship?(8 December 2016) Millie:Or, should I just let [...]

I've liked a girl for a couple years and haven't acted on it.
(29 December 2016)

I don't want my son to be picked on for his name so here's a list to choose from. 1. Agatha 2. Barford 3. Trojan 4. Magnum 5. Klaerince 6. Gremlynn 7. Lukelaylay 8. Lesliey Please choose the best name from this list.
(29 December 2016)

I'm about to be a mother and I came up with some names.
(29 December 2016)

First time sex? Likelihood of pregnancy?
(29 December 2016)

I had sex twice and he used a condom for most of it but took it off for a few seconds, he never finished, how likely is it that I am pregnant?
(29 December 2016)

I asked a girl out twice and she rejected me twice?
(29 December 2016)

So if I ask her out a third time, would it work?
(29 December 2016)

What could she possibly get out of flirting with me when she has no intention of ever pursuing anything?
(29 December 2016)

But even I have to admit it's wearing slightly thin.
(29 December 2016)

I don't know, I think she is just getting off on the minor excitement of it.
(29 December 2016)

The common misconception is that divine masculine is inherent to the male population

This can cause one or both energies to be out of balance, stagnant, oppressed, confused, or disrespected in some manner. It is the highest, most inspiring and truest expression of masculinity that is manifested through thoughts, actions and beliefs. However, all of mankind has intrinsic Divine Masculine characteristics, such as logic, rationality, strength and leadership.

I'm just kind of tired and want this all to stop.
(9 December 2016)

Because I'm feeling it right now.
(9 December 2016)

Do any of you know what I mean when I say this.
(9 December 2016)

Help ! i been spotting brown for 5 days i'm in midcycle , am i pregnant?
(9 December 2016)

What's your 2 year old's daily routine...?
(9 December 2016)

Pregnant or period or something else?
(9 December 2016)

Until then what could be happening to her?
(9 December 2016)

She is too scared to take a pregnancy test right now but plans to take one in the future.
(9 December 2016)

Could she be pregnant or could it be something else.
(9 December 2016)

Those are symptoms of pregnancy but she also had a short weird heavy period.
(9 December 2016)


I just dont like to be vulnerable.
(29 December 2016)

So I just walked out the door and was like bye everyone I have to go.
(29 December 2016)

Then at the end I was just being weird and did not know if I should hug him or not, I dont know what my problem is.
(29 December 2016)

There were a few times where he would try to talk to me alone, but it felt awkward on both our ends.
(29 December 2016)

We hung with our mutual friends all together.
(29 December 2016)

So an example is, I just met this guy and he asked me to hang out yesterday.
(29 December 2016)

My problem is not getting guys to like me, but it's to get them to want to date me.
(29 December 2016)

How to deal with embarassment?
(29 December 2016)

I really want him on my profile but I am embarassed.
(29 December 2016)

I don't have any pictures with anyone, only some selfies and my family members post embarassing comments on my profile as a joke.
(29 December 2016)

“you dirty fucking slut”

Seems to be what I’m going by today. so this is a vent post. so if you dont want to hear me piss and moan dont read it lol although its no laughing matter what im about to go off about. On my profile // Noma:He really likes Star Wars and I want to take him [...]

Sidenote: Please don t tell me to ignore it, this is what I have been trying to do for the past five years.
(29 December 2016)

My friends want me to confront him because they believe it will offer me a sense of closure, but what exactly do you say to someone who you haven t seen for five years?
(29 December 2016)

As a result of having him back in my life again, I am haunted by the names he used to call me and everyone he took away from me.
(29 December 2016)

I am now a sophomore in high school and I see him everywhere I turn.
(29 December 2016)

I found out a year ago that we was accepted to my current high school.
(29 December 2016)

Then, when he left to go to another middle school, I felt like I was rid of him.
(29 December 2016)

In elementary school, I was bullied by this child for almost six years.
(29 December 2016)

My mom went too far?
(29 December 2016)

Am I being dramatic about the type of guys I attract?
(29 December 2016)

I can't do it most of the time and end up asking for help.The next day im laughing about it with my friends.
(29 December 2016)

Sexy Married Italian Guy Seeks Sexy Brazilian Girlfriend

What can I say….I love Brazilian girls…I think they are the sexiest. Well…where do I start…..I’m married bored. Maybe you are as well….so why not get together help each other out….LOL. I’m not looking for drama….not looking to get divorced. Just chill, share some laughs, if the vibe is right….maybe some passion [...]

How did most of my former bullies from high school and classmates meet the right one?
(29 December 2016)

Should I go down to a size 0 to find the right guy?
(29 December 2016)

What pants size do men prefer in a woman?
(29 December 2016)

I graduated in 2013 and so many of them are engaged so therefore they met the right one.
(29 December 2016)

Is it ok that my husband reacted this way?
(29 December 2016)

Is it ok that my husband did this and am I wrong?
(29 December 2016)

My husband turned against me and defends his sons behavior and attacked me for disengaging with him.
(29 December 2016)

My husband then went on to call me unappreciative and told me I could leave his house that moment and he wouldn't care.
(29 December 2016)

I didn't do anything and left the room for my husband to deal with it however instead of my husband discipling his son he got angry with me and said I shouldn't have left the room as it hurt his sons feelings.
(29 December 2016)

This was after his son was rude all evening during dinner.
(29 December 2016)

The stunning setting in Hawaii is reminiscent of our most recent family vacation

Our family visit to Hawaii earlier this year was wonderful and we brought home hundreds of stunning photos. While I do love Maui and Moana, a personal favorite star of the animated film is Hei Hei the chicken. He has a young daughter too and can definitely relate to the magic felt by watching new … Continue reading "The stunning setting in Hawaii is reminiscent of our most recent family vacation"

Is this a normal shoulder mri?
(29 December 2016)

But was curious what you guys think?
(29 December 2016)

I just got this done so I'm still waiting on my doc.
(29 December 2016)

Cute names to call your boyfriend similar to Harley Quinn's puddin'?
(29 December 2016)

I'm a man, is it weird that I never want to get married or have kids?
(29 December 2016)

Having children also costs alot of money and responsibility.
(29 December 2016)

I don't want to be tied down to one female for life, not that I am a player or anything like that but the thought of being so comitted to one person scares me.
(29 December 2016)

I feel like im being watched all the time?
(29 December 2016)

What does it mean if you feel like you're going to wet yourself during sex?
(29 December 2016)

Any answers to help me get a better understanding will be appreciated.
(29 December 2016)

Friday 30 December 2016

Looking for an Asian Girl SB

I’m a 34 year old attached white male who is looking for an ongoing situation with an Asian girl in Manhattan. I’m looking for something discrete, fun, exciting, passionate and intimate. Please be able to host, meet up at least once a week and be attractive, fun and looking for someone new in your life. [...]

I know one of the keys to flirting is breaking the touch barrier.
(29 December 2016)

Is he not interested in me after our date?
(29 December 2016)

However it's been 5 days since and I haven't heard from him. should I move on ?
(29 December 2016)

I know I shouldn't feel this way. And I want to stop but I can't?
(29 December 2016)

How can I end this creepy obsession?
(29 December 2016)

They literally just go after fair girls.
(29 December 2016)

And girls like me just suffer and are made to feel ugly.
(29 December 2016)

I live in a country where guys like fair girls and fall for them instantly.
(29 December 2016)

I wish I was pretty enough maybe those guys would want to be friends with me too?
(29 December 2016)

They have started following each other on IG and make jokes and everything and I keep stalking them and waiting for new comments which are only their own conv.
(29 December 2016)

Want to find my soulmate

I’m a positive thinking, goal-oriented motivated and laid back guy who would like to meet nice girl with goals in her life and who is mature enough in her decision making process and behavior. You should be as busy and motivated in your life as I am. You should have head on yr shoulders and [...]

Aunt touches my butt?
(29 December 2016)

It does not bother me at all but I am bored this winter break and will be seeing her again for new years, so any thoughts?
(29 December 2016)

She is always encouraging me and the rest of the male family to get girlfriends and what not.
(29 December 2016)

She is really outgoing and bubbly and I am pretty quite.
(29 December 2016)

I've heard people say that it is sexual but I do not think she is into me in a sexual manner as she is married with kids.
(29 December 2016)

So I am a 17 year old male and I noticed that my aunt touches my butt playfully sometimes.
(29 December 2016)

Has anyone here ever been broken up with and you never found out why?
(29 December 2016)

I am having a baby girl what do you think of this name?
(29 December 2016)

What do you think of the name Megan Please dont suggest another name just what you think of Megan.
(29 December 2016)

Is it a bad thing if your boyfriend likes you way more than you like him?
(29 December 2016)

Shot 15 or 16 here — a few close and rest split High and Low

Sights — They say it shoots low and can’t raise rear sight high enough to correct because the front sight is too high. Or, they buy a Red Dot sight or Pistol Scope for it. It has Dove Tail groove to mount sights (have to take the rear sight off to put on a red … Continue reading Shot 15 or 16 here — a few close and rest split High and Low

How do I ask her if she wants to, and how would we pull this off without making her parents angry or suspicious?
(29 December 2016)

I want to be able to have her stay with me and my family since we'll be at a hotel, for Friday and Saturday and she'd leave Sunday in the late afternoon.
(29 December 2016)

I'm visiting my friend in January and her parents are abusive.
(29 December 2016)

Can someone help me please, I posted this yesterday but only got two answers....details inside?
(29 December 2016)

Was 23yrs and met up with 15year old?
(29 December 2016)

Why won't my mistress enter my house when she visits me?
(29 December 2016)

Do you have to tell your girlfriend that you love her?
(29 December 2016)

I never said ''I love you'' to nobody.
(29 December 2016)

So me and this guy had a thing for over 3 months and then one day he showed up at my door saying that he likes me but his feelings for his ex are stronger.
(29 December 2016)

How to tell him his inconsistency and misleading me im nolonger tolerating?
(29 December 2016)

This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems

Put Salt in Your Shampoo Before Showering. It can be very useful in different situations and those situations can help you to make your life much easier. And in this article we will show you one useful trick with salt that can solve hair problems. If you add salt to them, it will amplify their … Continue reading "This Simple Trick Solves One of the Biggest Hair Problems"

I care for the kid, buy him stuff and like i see him a lot.
(29 December 2016)

Me and my ex go back since we were both 10.. i got her pregnant when we were both 16. We've always been on and off in our relationship but when its going good its going so great and now we have a kid that i love so much i thought it would bring us closer.
(29 December 2016)

How can I ask a girl out?
(29 December 2016)

So there's this girl I really like, we've been talking for a while and we have a lot in common, I really wanna ask her out on a date but I'm afraid she'll say no, any suggestions?
(29 December 2016)

How to find someone online??
(29 December 2016)

I ve checked and there is no new account that follows the old one so I can t find it, does anyone have any ideas how I can find this boy?
(29 December 2016)

He said it verbally so I m not sure how to spell it, but I m pretty sure I just found his old account.
(29 December 2016)

I didn t give it to him at the time but his friend gave me the boys instagram name.
(29 December 2016)

He was with a friend who told me that the boy wanted my number but was too shy to ask.
(29 December 2016)

When I was there I started talking to this boy who was around my age.
(29 December 2016)

shy but ready to put myself out there

Washington, Oklahoma // Joann:I am crazy for a psycho?(8 December 2016) Cecille:Why don’t I last long in bed? Help?(8 December 2016) Cecille:A girl wants to come over now and I’m just not trying to embarrass myself anymore.(8 December 2016) Cecille:All 7 of these girls have been spread out 3 months apart so I don’t know if [...]

Me growing up I didn't have the same privileges.I'm having conflicted feelings.
(29 December 2016)

I'm 30 years old and my little sister is 17. It might be silly but I'm jealous that my father buys her and gives her everything she wants.
(29 December 2016)

How do I forget about this girl but then I always love her?
(29 December 2016)

If your wife says she needs a vacation, what do you tell her?
(29 December 2016)

Why is he upset? Does he have the right to be?
(29 December 2016)

School is coming up and im worried about that since I really want to get a degree soon.
(29 December 2016)

Also my friend just recently died and all I have been wanting to do is be alone, I have only spent time with my family and my boyfriend, I am just exhausted.
(29 December 2016)

I havent talked to my best friend in 4 days just because I am always the one to message him, he doesnt try to get in contact with me and I got tired of it.
(29 December 2016)

My friend and her ex are both my friends and are both asking me for advise?!?
(29 December 2016)

Is it wrong a 16 years old girl dating a 19 years old guy?
(29 December 2016)

Ageing…Are We The Cheese Of AFF?

The Lovely Siren and I will be celebrating our birthdays over the next few months. As these chronological milestones continue to tick on by, we wonder about the upper limits of “all of this”. As each // Christina:I’ve seen him looking at me I think at least once every math class.(8 December 2016) Christina:My friend, who sits [...]

She smiled at me and kept doing it.
(29 December 2016)

Last night I heard loud moaning coming from my moms bedroom and as I opened the door I saw her boyfriend on her.
(29 December 2016)

Will she text me or call me back?
(29 December 2016)

Yesterday I was working register n a female asked do I have Instagram and I said no but u can text me n I tried to talk a little but my boss was right around the corner but I was thinking is she actually gonna text back would u?
(29 December 2016)

Can u commit to a man who dosnt please u sexually?
(29 December 2016)

I don't want to drive myself so it's like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
(29 December 2016)

Please understand that church is very important to me and my husband but I really just don't want to hang around for breakfast after the midnight service.
(29 December 2016)

So I met this guy and we've been seeing each other for a month. And he's perfect but today he had my crying because he asked me how I felt?
(29 December 2016)

Why do I panic so much just telling my feelings.
(29 December 2016)

I think I may be starting to love him and he tells me all the time.
(29 December 2016)

Funny, affectionate Sadist looking for a smart, erotic Masochist

I’m tall and strong, but I’m not a scary man. In fact I’m warm, funny, and often charmingly absurd. And I’m not interested in any public scene, just a very private dynamic between two sweethearts. The rest of the time I like to kiss, hold hands, drunkenly philosophize, and banter wittily. I’ll make you laugh [...]

Like I gotta few options of who I want to take, however I'm in that situation where I know them... kind of, not really.
(29 December 2016)

Don't really know the right way to ask a girl.
(29 December 2016)

This is would be my first time going to prom.
(29 December 2016)

If I think I am in labor and I go to the hospital but I AM NOT... would they charge me $$$ for that? How much? ..?
(29 December 2016)

What does Ganondorf actually do with Zelda?
(29 December 2016)

How to get to know a girl I only see once a month and I cant bump into her since she never goes out? I she doesnt now me at all?
(29 December 2016)

I do know she is single but since she doesnt really know me I cant just add her on fb that would be creepy.
(29 December 2016)

She doesnt go out and there is simply no way to bump into her outside of work.
(29 December 2016)

I cant really talk to her because we are never alone.
(29 December 2016)

She is a dental assistent and I only see her at her job.
(29 December 2016)

More information on the 2017 Lightning Talks will be released in late spring

Furthermore, up-and-coming speakers got a unique opportunity to propose their ideas during Lightning Talks. Igor Minar added, however, that the internet is the only platform that can cross operating systems and digital environments. The ten participants were chosen by the community in an online voting that took place a few weeks before the conference began._ … Continue reading "More information on the 2017 Lightning Talks will be released in late spring"

Then, about 5 minutes later, she barges into my room and starts yelling again.
(29 December 2016)

She then screams at me to come back and I say go to dinner without me, I'm not in the mood.
(29 December 2016)

As soon as I get in there she starts yelling at me again for no reason, so I say whatever and I'm going back upstairs and not going to dinner.
(29 December 2016)

I said no I got a bunch for Christmas and stuff and she yells whatever then, go get dressed and come in my bathroom so I can fix up your hair.
(29 December 2016)

So I carried out the day until she told me to go shower so we can go to dinner around 4. I did, and when I got out she asked if I wanted to go to the mall for a sale on clothes.
(29 December 2016)

She finally said, oh yea happy birthday right before I ended the call.
(29 December 2016)

I said oh ok, and asked her a few more questions.
(29 December 2016)

I woke up at 10:30 to no one home and finally called my mom around 12:30. I asked where she was, and she said shopping.
(29 December 2016)

So today (or technically yesterday) was my birthday and this is how it started.
(29 December 2016)

Can some one press charges if his wife divorced him without his consent? Details below?
(29 December 2016)

Looking for a young educated girl

27 here. white, fit, college educated. working as a chef in the area. looking for a lovely girl to call my own. want to start a family soon and settle down. does this sound like you? don’t be shy… // Charita:He is 18, about to be 19, very mature and dates my cousin.(8 [...]

I love my cousin is haven't met her till last summer when I went to visit my grandparents so can I marry her bring her to U.S?
(29 December 2016)

So what can I do to marry my cousin legally and make her my wife?
(29 December 2016)

But anyways I got on all 4's for a second to move something I had a split second thought about the girls sister in that position.
(29 December 2016)

So I've been stressing about me having a sexual thought about a girl I likes sister, I've been stressing non stop even tho I didn't even have the sexual thought.
(29 December 2016)

Is love good or bad?
(29 December 2016)

It makes you feel great but it can drive you insane?
(29 December 2016)

Girls what would you do if a popular chicrl wants to have sex with your bf?
(29 December 2016)

How can I not have a panic attack? Why does she suddenly want to hang out?
(29 December 2016)

Why does she suddenly want to hang out?
(29 December 2016)

As you know, I am super nervous about this, considering I probably will not know what to say (yes, I am a bit shy). How can I not have a panic attack?
(29 December 2016)

Looking forthat spark

I am a man who finds himself locked in a loveless unsatisfying marriage. I am so frustrated that I am reaching out to find a similar positioned wife. I am 54 years old 5 ft 9 , 170 lbs , athletic build, Irish, red hair with sky blue eyes. I am attracted to women with [...]

I do have a disability where I'm missing my 18th chromosome which makes me kind of slow.
(29 December 2016)

I just don't understand why women can't give me a chance.
(29 December 2016)

I've asked out a few women and I got rejected.
(29 December 2016)

Dream job or my 4-year relationship? Help please?
(29 December 2016)

He told me that he wanted to move to Florida but now that I applied, he is saying that it'll be hard for him to move immediately as he probably won't find a job (which is ridiculous as he has his MBA and is incredibly smart.) I don't know what to do...
(29 December 2016)

He wants to propose once he knows I'm settled... in his city, and I figured out my plans.
(29 December 2016)

I want to be with my boyfriend, but he doesn't give me any hope of marriage anytime soon.
(29 December 2016)

I just applied for a professional internship with the dream company in Florida. if I get offered the position, should I take it?
(29 December 2016)

This results me to say that, I am sure I will find a job in the city he lives in, but it won't be any exciting job.
(29 December 2016)

Of course, he tells me that he tried to tell me that the degree wasn't as great as the one I was going for if I wanted to live in the city with him, but I tried and, almost failed.
(29 December 2016)

The prognosis mainly depends on upon the timing of detection of cancer

Some have 100 percent cure rate, that means with treatment the patient can survive the catastrophe. An early diagnosis is essential for the proper treatment. Lung cancer, mesothelioma, breast cancer, blood cancer are some common cancer. In Medicine, cancer is known as Neoplasm._ Prudence:Should I suggest we hangout? Easy 10 points?(8 December 2016) Prudence:Would it … Continue reading The prognosis mainly depends on upon the timing of detection of cancer

My FWB called me baby?
(29 December 2016)

I frankly don't understand her reasoning behind this.
(29 December 2016)

I've been crushing on this girl for a while now , she's called me hot to her friends and talked to me a lot for a while but for the past few days she hasn't even been giving me the time of day.
(29 December 2016)

I don't understand this guy? help?
(29 December 2016)

How would you pronounce Evany?
(29 December 2016)

I'm very set on this name, but I want to double-check that it's easy to pronounce.
(29 December 2016)

I watched this video and thought that putting nettles on my nipples would make the milk come out?
(29 December 2016)

I m afraid I ll never really like somebody again..?
(29 December 2016)

Will they eventually return or should I be worried?
(29 December 2016)

Ever since I haven t had a crush or strong feelings for anyone and I feel like I won t ever have them again.
(29 December 2016)

Moving to Louisiana in my early twenties was exciting

John fan since Junior High School. My uncle lived in New Orleans, and brought photos when he visited. He was also a great storyteller. He also holds an honorary PHD from Tulane. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites._ Francoise:Calling her lazy, and other … Continue reading "Moving to Louisiana in my early twenties was exciting"

Anyway they were like: even if I have to pick u up at 12 am I still want you home so you can go to church in the morning.
(29 December 2016)

I've never been caught doing anything bad.
(29 December 2016)

Idk why my parents don't trust me.
(29 December 2016)

I'm 15 years old, I'm sophomore, I am on honors at my school (so I have like a 3.8 gpa), I study my butt off and literally thats all I do on weekdays, I'm vice president of my class and I don't have a boyfriend or anything.
(29 December 2016)

What can I do to possibly get it back?
(29 December 2016)

Now a few months later I severely regret not appreciating him more when we still had a thing, and I still really like him.
(29 December 2016)

He still pops in every now and then though and checks on my if things appear to not be okay, but it s not anything like it used to be.
(29 December 2016)

But a couple different circumstances led him to believe that I was, and that I didn t take him seriously.
(29 December 2016)

He d been burnt in the past and told me that if I talked to other guys the way I did to him that he didn t want a part.
(29 December 2016)

Now, a few months later, I finally realized that it s my fault.
(29 December 2016)

hello i want good person…

atlanta, Georgia // Delta:I have a half brother and half sister.(8 December 2016) Seema:Which of these boy names do you like?(8 December 2016) Seema:Darren Garren Warren Derrick Merrick Warrick I like Garren.(8 December 2016) Ranee:Is there a word for this weird feeling?(8 December 2016) Ranee:It’s really weird, I have to stop what I’m doing and wait for [...]

I have 2 sons from a previous relationship me and her have a son together he just turned 7. We tried to have a baby this past summer after our anniversary but she had a misscarriage at 15 weeks.
(28 December 2016)

Me and my wife have been married for 10 years we have 3 kids together.
(28 December 2016)

Are these good rules for me to be living by?
(28 December 2016)

If you have some more suggestions for me, please tell me.
(28 December 2016)

I really want to get back on track.
(28 December 2016)

Because life is a mess right now, I have C's and D's on my report card, I've been skipping meals, I've been distancing myself from family... it's been a wreck.
(28 December 2016)

Here are some rules I'm thinking about incorporating into my life: 1. Do homework for 2 hours every day.
(28 December 2016)

I need to stop being a fool and get into college.
(28 December 2016)

I'm 15, I need to get a grip on my life.
(28 December 2016)

Just in case this information is pertinent, she is 20 and maybe she just does whatever, but I don't see why a 20 year old would invite someone to her house to sleep in her bed with her and do all the things she did if we are just friends.
(28 December 2016)

Horny slut

After join bsck Meelp, i feel myself became so horny and so slut. Like to wear mini skirt to work without panty inside,make it wet all the day. Besides that, i wear blouse without wearing bra as well. // Julieann:Is he still interested in me?!?(8 December 2016) Tona:Do I have to stop taking my meds for invitro [...]

Why do some parents get rid of their kid's childhood stuff without even asking them first?What is there reason for doing that?
(28 December 2016)

How would you do if a girl tells you she moved on?
(28 December 2016)

I don't know if he realizes how it affects me when he asks for things like that.
(28 December 2016)

But it's been weighing heavily on my mind and I don't know what to do about it.
(28 December 2016)

I don't think right now would be the time for us to date anyway since we go to school so far away.
(28 December 2016)

I don't know why he keeps asking me for them when he's said he doesn't want anything to happen.
(28 December 2016)

I told him that it has bothered me and he stopped, but recently he asked me for nudes again and he wanted to save them for himself.
(28 December 2016)

We have since reconciled and he has made jokes about the two of us having sex.
(28 December 2016)

We've sent naughty pics a couple of times and we even kissed, but this causes a huge fight between us and we didn't talk for about a month.
(28 December 2016)

My ex and I broke up a while ago but we still stayed friends after.
(28 December 2016)

Can I blow you in front of her? - m4mw

Very simple…I come over to your place…I suck you off while your girl watches…I take your load down my throat and leave….nothing needed in return from either of you…I’m clean and ddf and discreet….Interested? // Emeline:They have not even reached out asking about the wedding or making sure I am okay or if [...]

Being that I was in 6th grade and going through puberty, I wrote about some body issues of mine, how I feel likes it's a struggle to fit in, etc.
(28 December 2016)

Back when I was like in 6th grade, I kept a diary, where I wrote down secrets and personal things about myself.
(28 December 2016)

I went to the doctor a week ago and was told I had an abnormal papsmear, I have been married for 3 years. (Keep reading)?
(28 December 2016)

He gets me everything I want, I feel as if I'm lacking affection it makes me feel uncomfortable at times.
(28 December 2016)

I asked him if he cares and he says he wouldn't try to appease me if he did not.
(28 December 2016)

I was saying I would trade everything I have to be with someone that cares and puts it out.
(28 December 2016)

When I heard the results, I started to question does my husband truly care about what happens to me, he is not affectionate towards me, nor am I to him.
(28 December 2016)

How long should you wait before kissing a guy?
(28 December 2016)

It's my first relationship so it would be my first kiss.
(28 December 2016)

I was friends with this dude for almost a year and then we started dating and we still havent kissed.
(28 December 2016)

There is nothing irregular or illegal or dictatorial about banning NDTV for a day

If an ordinary nameless and faceless cotizen is bound by the law of the land, so are the media persons. Governments can not function like that. In fact, channels were blacked out during the regime of UPA government as well but then no body made any hue and cry._ Mayola:He has no clue that I’m … Continue reading "There is nothing irregular or illegal or dictatorial about banning NDTV for a day"

But I pulled out before I ejaculated.
(28 December 2016)

She is on birth control and I was using a condom but it broke.
(28 December 2016)

Why are my parents hiding two iPhones after Christmas?
(28 December 2016)

Assuming that they are for my sister and I, do you have ANY other reasonable explanation than a consolation for bad news?
(28 December 2016)

I have a feeling that the phones are for my sister and I but WHY would my parents be hiding them now?
(28 December 2016)

There has been no prior evidence of any of those or any reason for me to suspect that except the phones.
(28 December 2016)

Like one of my parents losing their job, having cancer or some other fatal illness, or divorcing.
(28 December 2016)

My parents got my sister and I a lot of good gifts for Christmas but they did not give us the phones.
(28 December 2016)

Found it before Christmas but now it is still there.
(28 December 2016)

I found a bag with two brand new iPhones in my parents' closet.
(28 December 2016)

Marriage is on the rocks. Want to share a bottle of wine and make-out

Yep. Marriage is on the rocks. We’re talking about if we’re going to fix it or separate. Kids. Mortgage. All that good stuff. I have a rare night free, and I want to make a new friend. It was warm out today, so let’s open up a chilled bottle of white, make a new friend, [...]

Why do some parents get rid of their kid's childhood stuff without even asking them first? What is there reason for doing that?
(28 December 2016)

I play the trumpet actually, not that it's important or anything.
(28 December 2016)

No, I don't have gym class and I have never before seen another female half or fully naked.
(28 December 2016)

Im pregnant????? OMFG!!! Is it wrong for me to feel like I don't want to be bothered?
(28 December 2016)

He's nice but...I don't know if I could trust him or if he would leave her.
(28 December 2016)

It's odd he gave me money to help with furniture for my place.
(28 December 2016)

I want to trust him bUT I don't know.
(28 December 2016)

So now l just dont want to be around him. it's been a week and I haven't invited him over or seen him He had a christmas party I wasn't invited to.
(28 December 2016)

An ex wife, woman at home and then me.
(28 December 2016)

I told him that he has a lot on his plate.
(28 December 2016)

Sugar Daddy u 21

Hello, I am a young successful businessman that is looking for a girl who wants a sugar daddy. You must be Attractive, Disease free, birth control free, in shape and be ready to meet Send a photo, Tell me about yourself your name. // Jazmin:I made it clear that I didnt want [...]

May December relationship should I give it a go?
(28 December 2016)

I had an affair and we are now friends afterwards?
(28 December 2016)

Any ideas on how to deal with this child?
(28 December 2016)

Why does he want me to stand near him?
(28 December 2016)

What risks am I running with this gift?
(28 December 2016)

Would she see it as me trying to dictate her clothes and jewelry ... or enjoy it because she likes the style and sentiment?
(28 December 2016)

Giving her a set of pearl jewelry for our anniversary, so thought I'd give this, too (they'd match). Is this gift rude?
(28 December 2016)

I know my girlfriend loves vintage clothes - it looks great and right size.
(28 December 2016)

One thing was this pretty '60s velvet dress.
(28 December 2016)

A little background: My great aunt recently passed and left a ton of her things to me.
(28 December 2016)

I used 7 Deadly Zins because it is fruity and spicy

Super delicious, easy to make, and a real crowd pleaser. I am using the tea in place of mulling spices. You could get away with halving the sugar, if you prefer things less sweet. I even suggest using a smaller pot than the one I used. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my … Continue reading "I used 7 Deadly Zins because it is fruity and spicy"

How would you feel if you couldn't get over an ex and a new person loved you but you're trying to fix things with your ex?
(28 December 2016)

Would someone rate my D&D character?
(28 December 2016)

Her name is ailis rocksteady, she's a dwarf fighter.
(28 December 2016)

Do you think my aunt is too strict on my cousins?
(28 December 2016)

Don't force them to sit at one place and shut their mouth.
(28 December 2016)

If they want to listen to their favorite songs and sing, then let them do it.
(28 December 2016)

If they want to socialize with their cousins, let them do it.
(28 December 2016)

I'm not saying their mom should let them smoke weed, drink alcohol, or go clubbing.
(28 December 2016)

I understand that their mom wants to raise to be obedient, respectful children, but I think it's too much.
(28 December 2016)

We played rock, paper, scissors and sang songs together.
(28 December 2016)

Will you join them in calling on President Obama to deny the Bakken Pipeline?

These courageous activists need your support. These banks expect to be paid back over the coming decades. The tribe is doing everything in their power to stop this pipeline. Urge President Obama to deny the Bakken pipeline. Notify me of new posts via email._ Kayleigh:How does this affect the marriage?(8 December 2016) Kayleigh:Bills to pay…. … Continue reading "Will you join them in calling on President Obama to deny the Bakken Pipeline?"

Where are the orifices in which a human would mate with a crab?
(30 December 2016)

What's a bigger scam. The lottery or online dating?
(30 December 2016)

But so rare that it probably wont matter.
(30 December 2016)

Like if McDonalds had an ad with a guy choking on a burger.
(30 December 2016)

They should put in captions, never if rarely will this work.
(30 December 2016)

Can some body make a mash up of; When im Gone by 3 Doors Down and This is Gosple by Panic at the disco?
(30 December 2016)

It s a present for my Boyfriend and I would really like to have it complete by January 24th.
(30 December 2016)

I fvcked your girlfriend?
(30 December 2016)

Speaking Spanish to my girlfriend?
(30 December 2016)

Twin Girl names??
(30 December 2016)

No rigorous studies have been done that show the long-term effectiveness of the antidepressants

The FDA approvals started less than 2 years after a private meeting of six FDA officials with four executives from Eli Lilly. The drugs also carry a substantially increased risk of causing lack of energy, sleepiness, and decreased libido. Meanwhile, she said, for many women the only other approved drug, Yaz, only made symptoms worse.

She use to have doubts about me in the beginning of our relationship , she just gets really jealous and was always worried i was going To leave her one day.
(8 December 2016)

My girlfriend wants a promise ring?
(8 December 2016)

What happens if you break a promise ring?
(8 December 2016)

But yeah, just wondering if you automatically go to hell or something lolz.
(8 December 2016)

Cause doesn't it seem that you could just wear the promise ring and pretend you're a virgin to your parents or whatever, while still having sex?
(8 December 2016)

I don't mean literally break it, but if you promise not to have sex and you do, what happens?
(8 December 2016)

Opinions on pre-engagement promise rings?
(8 December 2016)

How can I know if my 15-year-old student likes me?
(8 December 2016)

In the class he asks me to dance and suddenly tells me to stop (I think I turn him on) and today we were about to dance bachata but someone interrupted us. he asked me today for my number but hasn't called yet.
(8 December 2016)

I am 25, and I like one of my students.
(8 December 2016)


I m relationship from 5 months and its long distance relationship.
(30 December 2016)

My mum won't let me keep my phone at night?
(30 December 2016)

Why do men try to sex women on the first date?
(30 December 2016)

Dating a guy with anxiety & depression then friendzoned?
(30 December 2016)

I really like him a lot and he introduced me to his whole family and told me he cares about me but now it feels like he doesn't care anymore.
(30 December 2016)

I read somewhere that this behavior is normal for someone dealing with anxiety and depression.
(30 December 2016)

He kind of just communicates whenever he feels like it and seems to ignore me sometimes and idk if this is normal because of his anxiety and depression.
(30 December 2016)

So I drastically cut down the amount of how much we text.
(30 December 2016)

I asked him if he thinks I'm clingy and he says yes.
(30 December 2016)

I drive to his house and ask him what's wrong and he said nothing is wrong.
(30 December 2016)