Wednesday 30 November 2016

Just looking for 1 woman…

Wanted one woman to orally long as you wish, nothing more, just very happy with that.. prefer for you to host, day times best, must take some time to get to know one another..size, race , age not an issue, just be clean and want to really get yours..bbw a plus, and it really [...]

I started to catch feelings for this guy and seriously consider dating him then my ex came back into my life telling me he has sorted out all his issues and was ready to be the amazing boyfriend he had been for so long again.
(29 November 2016)

We ended up hanging out, kissing, and having a lot of fun together.
(29 November 2016)

I found him very attractive, and sweet, and we just had a really good connection.
(29 November 2016)

After a few weeks I started talking to another guy.
(29 November 2016)

Eventually this just became too much and he decided he wasn't fit to have a girlfriend anymore so he broke up with me but in reality it had really felt like we had been broken up for months.This just made it official.
(29 November 2016)

We hardly saw each other anymore.
(29 November 2016)

It was heartbreaking to see him seemly stop caring about our relationship.
(29 November 2016)

But over the last two months or so he had become preoccupied with things other than our relationship (personal issues really). During this time he failed to provide me with the love, kindness, and support he had always given me in the past.
(29 November 2016)

Over the years he has become my best friend and my biggest supporter.
(29 November 2016)

I'm 18 and started dating my first boyfriend almost 3 years ago and we've a wonderful relationship.
(29 November 2016)

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