Sunday 30 October 2016

But really what we are talking about is something to reduce his blood pressure

Medicare, Obamakill, And Budgetary Reform. Tribal Gatekeeper For Science Idiocy. So last night I ring him at 7.10 pm his time. Manipulating Brian to take drugs. Its just a simple matter of hydrostatic pressure. Altitude, pressure in the pipes, and obstruction._ Kelsi:I have a wonderful family, wonderful home, but I am lonely.(17 October 2016) Jung:I want [...]

Should I still give it a shot and ask her out?
(30 October 2016)

That guy doesn't seem too interested.
(30 October 2016)

So I have liked this girl for a few weeks and I was planning on asking her out soon, but then I found out she likes this other guy.
(30 October 2016)

Did I do right kicking my lesbian ex out? Help?
(30 October 2016)

Its over 5 years and we been thru alot to just forget her and her kids like my own and I no she loves mine but trying hurt me.
(30 October 2016)

Iv texted to talk and not seen her kid and going cold hurts me.
(30 October 2016)

She living nearby with a friend for now.
(30 October 2016)

I wasnt perfect at beginning of rel but i said sorry and did all to fix it.
(30 October 2016)

I no her years and she wasnt always like this seems depressed but wouldn t talk to me only nice sometimes.
(30 October 2016)

I miss her kid but what do i do annd yes i miss her.
(30 October 2016)

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