Friday 30 September 2016


Asmara, Massawa, Eritrea // Daine:He has some financial and family troubles and he said that therefore he had no emotional space and we will continue where we finished later.(22 September 2016) Breann:How can i know if a girl likes me back?(22 September 2016) Sun:I am 12 years old and it was my birthday a few [...]

One day he asked me if it's ok to masturbate every day.
(30 September 2016)

We're pretty close and he trusts me.
(30 September 2016)

I babysit my 12 yr old cousin who is a boy.
(30 September 2016)

My friend farted infront of me?
(30 September 2016)

Why did she just look at me and walk away?
(30 September 2016)

I kind of know her so i am not sure why she didnt say anything.
(30 September 2016)

I was standing and this girl who is a classmate of mine, just walked up to me, she glanced at me for like a second or two and walked away.
(30 September 2016)

I hooked up with my best friend who has a girlfriend wtf do I do?
(30 September 2016)

In need of advice from someone who has been cheated WITH and someone who HAS CHEATED.
(30 September 2016)

Might be hard for me to act all normal around him.
(30 September 2016)

Again I Get Telephone Call From My 18 Year Old Shemale To Please LOVE FUCK ME !!!!

Once Again I Get A Telephone Call From My Eighteen(1 Year Old Shemale Lover That She Had Just Return From A Three(3) Week Holiday With Her Family, And Was Love Craving To Love FUCK Me And Love Come He // Kazuko:He keeps assuming that it has something to do with him or me not loving him [...]

Does anyone want to talk to me on kik?
(30 September 2016)

I'm super lonely and need someone to talk to.
(30 September 2016)

And this was all on the first encounter that we realized these things.
(30 September 2016)

He asked me questions and I confirmed his beliefs and he would say weird things out loud without a care in front of everyone on the bus and I believed in them, but I would never say it out loud or to a stranger I just met.
(30 September 2016)

Is it weird I watch and masturbate watching my younger brother (19) have sex with my girlfriend (24)?
(30 September 2016)

My girlfriend enjoys my brother's much larger size.
(30 September 2016)

I am 26. Its been going on for a year.
(30 September 2016)

How to fit in (and STAY in the popular group?!?
(30 September 2016)

I just started high school, and I don't want to be a loser again.
(30 September 2016)

But I need to do it without seeming like I'm trying to hard.
(30 September 2016)

Some of the largest Fortune 500 companies are bringing factory jobs back to U.S. shores

The mammoth retailer is one the biggest American companies to reshore operations. Walmart hopes its efforts can create 1 million jobs in America, according to Boston Consulting Group. In Fall 2014, Boeing announced plans to reshore the manufacturing of its 777 series passenger jets to its St._ Robbi:So occasionally she comes to visit us and … Continue reading Some of the largest Fortune 500 companies are bringing factory jobs back to U.S. shores

He says 'cause he's been thinking about me and it's not the same with his girlfriend as it's with me.
(30 September 2016)

So one day I replied him and asked him why does he text me every now and then?
(30 September 2016)

So obviously, I stopped talking to him.
(30 September 2016)

When I finally got over being self-conscious and wanted to get to know him more, he told me he's got a girlfriend now.
(30 September 2016)

He just broke up with his girlfriend when we met each other on Tinder. blablabla fast forward, my feelings for him were on and off.
(30 September 2016)

I liked him because he's tall and handsome.
(30 September 2016)

So I met this guy on Tinder about a year ago.
(30 September 2016)

I'm quite self-conscious and worry about what people will say or think about me if I date an Indian guy.
(30 September 2016)

First off, I'm a Chinese girl, he's an Indian guy.
(30 September 2016)

I wanna smoke weed so bad but it makes me feel awkward?
(30 September 2016)

Another actor would have lifted the arm to his face to sniff it

But Siddiqui makes it watchable. Before a game, she wishes him luck, pats his arm and leaves. Siddiqui lowers his face to the arm, and then turns his head the other way, as though unable to handle the intoxication. Even the melodramatic scenes come off differently._ Susan:I will never bring myself to do that.(22 September … Continue reading Another actor would have lifted the arm to his face to sniff it

But now my sisters in her 3rd year at a university, my mother is out with her gf getting drunk.
(30 September 2016)

I want to go back when I was a kid when my family was all together, my sister would be home, my mother would be too.
(30 September 2016)

I got lost in drugs, wasted most of my life.
(30 September 2016)

It hit me recently, I've thrown my life away.
(30 September 2016)

I realized I won't be like this forever, school, friends, I've been laying back for 3 years now.
(30 September 2016)

I'm scared of my future, I don't see the point.
(30 September 2016)

Drink, smoke, on the daily n I've lost my will to move forward.
(30 September 2016)

I live in LA, most of my friends are in gangs.
(30 September 2016)

What is a good recreational activity for a guy with cerebral palsy?
(30 September 2016)

I have an impregnation fetish? Not good!?
(30 September 2016)

I trust you will find valuable information pertaining to organizing and a simpler life

May you, too, enjoy a quiet, calm summer in the few weeks remaining. July 7, 2016 Garage Makeover sponsored by WFSB Channel 3 Better Connecticut, Monkey Bars and NAPO-CT. The search capability feature is incredible at finding the correct file easily. Why make productivity harder than it needs to be._ Reagan:PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU [...]

I don' know how to make it clear that I'm not bad-mouthing her.
(30 September 2016)

It's to the point though that I think we're really not doing our job as parents if we don't get her the help she needs.
(30 September 2016)

I've brought up the focus problem to my husband in the past and I don't think he takes me seriously.
(30 September 2016)

She was a hyper, difficult to control child and now she has a terrible time focusing on tasks even when I know she's trying.
(30 September 2016)

I also see signs of ADD and have for years.
(30 September 2016)

She seems to believe that wishing makes things true and has no idea that hard work is what makes anything happen.
(30 September 2016)

I think she picked this up from her mother who is a pretty grandiose liar.
(30 September 2016)

Lost all financial aid, close to flunking out, and has weird, vague plans of spending a year in Europe and another in Australia but we're not rich at all but my husband just never tells her that's not workable.
(30 September 2016)

My step daughter is in her 2nd year of college and is having lots of problems.
(30 September 2016)

My son is 20 and has never had a girlfriend, should I be worried?
(30 September 2016)

Would you rather be ignored?

Once again,I was told I was rude to have an auto-reply. For those of you that haven’t received it, it just reiterates what I say in my profile about that I’m serious about not being interested in ma // Thersa:Pussymei Li Vaginathan Li Last name is Li.(22 September 2016) Freida:How can a fat girl attract a man?(22 [...]

Recently he's been doing it more and more giving me advice on what to wear.
(30 September 2016)

He is always giving me fashion tips and stuff.
(30 September 2016)

So my husband has been acting weird way before we were married.
(30 September 2016)

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now and We talk everyday but it's awkward since we Never know what to say?
(30 September 2016)

We don't have as many things in common as we used to.
(30 September 2016)

What could I say or do to keep it going?
(30 September 2016)

He doesn't give very long answers so it's up to me to keep the conversation going.
(30 September 2016)

But the thing is, I would never ever use any of this information negatively or creep them out.
(30 September 2016)

I also google search them and it brings up their address and stuff.
(30 September 2016)

Through all this, I suddenly learn so much about them.
(30 September 2016)

This is causing new stresses and pressures to the structure as a whole

They seem so fiery, dangerous and thrillingly explosive. They have a summit crater and, if they erupt, it is from this rocky orifice that lava and ash spews. It is as if the mountain has had an outbreak of acne, with multiple cones forming in a geologically short space of time._ Hollie:He was watching football … Continue reading "This is causing new stresses and pressures to the structure as a whole"

If a man started looking cute, instead of tough, would that act as something that would attract a woman?
(29 September 2016)

So what do you do if you legitimately like your best friend?
(29 September 2016)

But I feel like she is around others too because that's just her personality.
(29 September 2016)

She's really blushy and giggly around me.
(29 September 2016)

My guy friends think she does because she touches me a lot but she's just flirtatious in general that doesn't have to mean she likes me.
(29 September 2016)

I love spending time with her and I like to stare at her but I can't do that for obvious reasons.
(29 September 2016)

When she's upset I really want to comfort her.
(29 September 2016)

I can't just stare at her all of the time and ignore what I think of her.
(29 September 2016)

She is girly but also a tomboy in many of her interests.
(29 September 2016)

She laughs really loud and is really easy going.
(29 September 2016)

gentil garçon aimable

Bata, Equatorial Guinea // Marybelle:This guy on Friday at school gave me a dirty look when we were walking back to class.(21 September 2016) Latrice:Please Help! This girl is in the hospital?(21 September 2016) Remedios:I’m a parent of a 14 year old and she asked me for a butt. Plug. What should I tell her?(21 [...]

My ex who I found out talked to multiple girls has got a new number, I found it and text him saying things about how he hurt me and that he is a slut.
(29 September 2016)

Why am I in pain, with life?
(29 September 2016)

I'm also realizing I suck in school... can you please give me advice or anything of that matter.
(29 September 2016)

I'm to scared to fix it because I don't have the guts too.
(29 September 2016)

My dad, he has cancer and will live long as 5 to I don't know years...we used to be close but we faded and all he does is go to work but mainly lays on the couch and watches tv, not older brother?
(29 September 2016)

My mom, I can't respect her anymore all she does at home when she comes home from work is scream at me and never give me affection.
(29 September 2016)

His gf added me recently on instagram and he blocked her too and stopped liking her posts.
(29 September 2016)

I saw him somewhere for the first time and i really liked him but didnt even recognise him because of his torture and how he completely just blocks me everywhere and never ever messages me unless its to say something really bad.
(29 September 2016)

I want to curse at him and tell him what hes done and tell him how much hes hurt me but he blocks me when i add him.
(29 September 2016)

Its really bad because he lead me on and now he wont talk to me.
(29 September 2016)

all i see is what i see

went to the doctor and I had a MRI done and a MrA done results are I have 3 blood vessols in my brain that they don’t know if there from the 1st Mri they did if there in that one or not waiting on on // Marisela:I have such low confidence, both in my looks [...]

I tried nothing but love for her I'm cool with her mom and sister.
(29 September 2016)

Getting intimate in 7th grade?
(29 September 2016)

Not sex, but maybe feeling each other.
(29 September 2016)

I was wondering if it was alright to get more intimate with my girlfriend.
(29 September 2016)

I'm a pansexual female in 7th grade.
(29 September 2016)

Should I spend my premarital assets in that situation?
(29 September 2016)

I am very confused and feel helpless in that situation.
(29 September 2016)

I've got some premarital assets in my bank account.Should I spend money out of it to pay the rest of the bills?
(29 September 2016)

I think my husband could drive uber while he is looking for another job but he has not.
(29 September 2016)

My husband lost his job two months ago.He actively looking for another one.We have no savings.I make a low income that I spend every penny out of to support the family but that's not enough to cover all the bills.
(29 September 2016)

Cold Sores

Did u know that the common cold sore is a type of Herpes HSV1 Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are caused from the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Cold sores are small, painful, fluid-filled bliste // Cory:I stopped talking to her then a couple days later she starts texting me.(22 September 2016) Cory:She then told me no [...]

I am Leo and my younger brother James are both in high school.
(29 September 2016)

He didn't ask me out or ask to meet up or anything though (he doesn't know the other guy is out of the picture either). Does he still like me, or just being kind and friendly?
(29 September 2016)

I asked him for HW help, and he responded with saying of course, and he gave me long responses and said if I ever need help, contact him anytime.
(29 September 2016)

I found he seemed very nice and caring, I didn't know what to ask, but maybe something school related.
(29 September 2016)

I started to like him a little bit more, and the guy I was talking to before was out of the picture.
(29 September 2016)

He sent me occasional snaps and so on.
(29 September 2016)

He stopped being flirty and sitting next to me, but was still polite and kind when I saw him in class.
(29 September 2016)

I told him that, and he said he respected that and thanked me for being honest with him.
(29 September 2016)

Guy in my class asked me out 3 times, but I was talking to someone at the time and had plans.
(29 September 2016)

I missed some birth control pills and the condom broke and then i took plan b the next morning. How likely is it that im pregnant?
(29 September 2016)

Griffin is a sack taking machine if he does not implement read option

We will find out early on if Robert Griffin III has improved his ability to make quick decisions. The longer term concern for the Redskins is the other quarterback in the game, Carson Wentz. A lot of people dismissed the Cowboys once Romo was injured, but I think Dallas will be much better than they…

Think it is too late to make casual friends with this girl?
(29 September 2016)

How can you tell if someone cheated before?
(29 September 2016)

He aso even told me how she constantly would bring up all the mtakes he made in his marriage.
(29 September 2016)

I miss him?!?
(29 September 2016)

Any advice from anyone who has been in this situation or a guys perspective?
(29 September 2016)

I'm trying my best not to be needy.
(29 September 2016)

We still text through out the day but barely and i don't want him to move on.
(29 September 2016)

It has been about a month since he left and i have been missing him a lot and really wanting to see him, he says that when he comes into town we could have lunch or something but i don't know the next time that is.
(29 September 2016)

So me and my boyfriend broke up because he was going off to college, we had been dating for over a year.
(29 September 2016)

Is partial birth abortion better than early abortion?
(29 September 2016)

love simple woman

Al Jizah, JIZAH, Egypt // Jamie:I just like to puff on it and not inhale it and can’t get myself to pick up an ecig.(21 September 2016) Jamie:I have access to electronic cigarettes but it’s not what I want.(21 September 2016) Jamie:I also can’t buy it through the school because along with smoking I promised [...]

Like, with a helmet and everything.
(29 September 2016)

There is this one kid that goes to my school by the name of Danny, he is a retard.
(29 September 2016)

Is my gf Pregnant?
(29 September 2016)

She has had her period 2 weeks ago that only lasted 3 days when it usually lasts about 5-7 days it was a heavy period for the first 2 days and then she bled a little too dark on the third day.
(29 September 2016)

So my girlfriend for the past 2 weeks or so, has been feeling a little weird.
(29 September 2016)

Help? Where are you from?
(29 September 2016)

So if I say Ireland she'll think I live in Ireland?
(29 September 2016)

My friend has talked to this girl and she asked the same question And my friend said she's from London (she was born in London but lives in Idaho) and now the girl thinks she lives in London.
(29 September 2016)

I am Irish and was born in Ireland but left when I was 4 and now live in Utah.
(29 September 2016)

This girl asked me where I am from.
(29 September 2016)

Good Morning Beautiful….

…ah… there’s nothing quite like waking up beside your lover, sharing some coffee and cam time… feeling your oats a bit, and being a wee bit flirty…. then going to the restroom for water and se // Penney:Is there a reason why I cant get over any of my exes?(22 September 2016) Penney:All of my exes were [...]

Should I ignore them and know that it was fine for me to get with him or do they have a point that he's not good for me?
(29 September 2016)

I was happy to get with him and would do the whole night again but my friends act as though I should regret getting with him, and keep acting as though I made a big mistake getting involved with him.
(29 September 2016)

I got with a guy at a party, knowing that he kisses people every time he gets drunk and that I was nothing special.
(29 September 2016)

I dont want my mom following me on instagram. help?
(29 September 2016)

How do I tell my mom I don't want her to follow me without sounding harsh?
(29 September 2016)

I have other family members that follow me and don't see anything wrong in what I post.
(29 September 2016)

I dont want her to follow me because I like my privacy and she makes things that aren't a big deal into one and I don't want to have to hear my dads mouth about anything.
(29 September 2016)

I recently moved out and I live on my own across the country (I'm 20 years old) and ever since I moved out my mom has been trying to follow me.
(29 September 2016)

She told my dad I post inappropriate pictures (me in my bathing suit) and I got lectured for days. after that incident I privated my account.
(29 September 2016)

My Instagram was originally public and then my mom found it.
(29 September 2016)

Another option could be to sit down and see a movie

Possessing items to allow them to do is crucial to prevent claustrophobia until they may get back outdoors. Boardgames can be very enjoyable. Families no longer have to rely on cable TV for the latest movies. Naturally, you may not want to spend your whole morning watching television._ Dovie:An unknown person friend requested me on… Continue reading Another option could be to sit down and see a movie

Craving a beer pregnant?
(29 September 2016)

Faint postive or eva line?
(29 September 2016)

Has anyone experience this and became pregnant?
(29 September 2016)

I hear it's better to take pregnancy test in the morings.
(29 September 2016)

I'm 8 days away from my period but been feeling nauseated lately so I'm anxious to see if I'm pregnant.
(29 September 2016)

Why do I get an ego boost when I talk to my crush?
(29 September 2016)

Heart pounding, smooth talking, scoring dates and makeout omg.
(29 September 2016)

It's like free drugs lol Very addictive indeed.
(29 September 2016)

Are we dating or just a hook up?
(29 September 2016)

He seems to be too busy to text much.
(29 September 2016)


Djibouti // Treasa:I got attention elsewhere and now my ex wants me back and I don’t want him back.(21 September 2016) Treasa:I haven’t seen my ex since June and he wanted me to wait on him until he got a job and stability in his life.(21 September 2016) Treasa:Our meets ended up in motel rooms [...]

I was wondering if there is a chance that i could be pregnant?
(29 September 2016)

He swears nothing went through his underwear when he came and that his penis was to the side(so he got a scab from this) this took place 10 days ago and i have really bad anxiety so its worrying me a lot.
(29 September 2016)

He had a thick pair of underwear on and i had none on at all.
(29 September 2016)

Me and my boyfriend were in the car and we were grinding.
(29 September 2016)

My boyfriend and I have just started trying to get pregnant.
(29 September 2016)

My mom takes me to her house cos she can't afford to do anything with me.
(29 September 2016)

But my mom keeps taking me over there every Sunday and Wednesday and this keeps happening on these days.
(29 September 2016)

I'm 23 and no longer live with my parents.
(29 September 2016)

Does she have any respect toward my feelings?
(29 September 2016)

Does it sound like she played me?
(29 September 2016)

Looking for that Trucker

Looking for a trucker that prefer to have his women b side him daily in truck. Man that knows how treat his women. Looking for someone that ready settle instead of what the road has to offer. Are u the man likes be pampered loved treated like a king from his women? If this [...]

How can I tell if this girl wants to go out with me?
(29 September 2016)

And how can i tell if she wants to date me?
(29 September 2016)

How can i tell if she wants me over this other guy?
(29 September 2016)

I asked her out today and asked her if we could treat it like a legit date because I really want to start dating her and she said she'd think about it and let me know but she seemed pleased when we spoke about it.
(29 September 2016)

But she can be very flirtatious, I found out that she was recently seen pretty close with another guy, her head on his shoulder, hands on each others thighs, etc.
(29 September 2016)

She's just getting over a break up (because of college) so she's wanted to take things slow with me and not jump straight into another relationship.
(29 September 2016)

We've gone out to dinner once and made out a couple times.
(29 September 2016)

I started college about a month ago and i've been very close with this one girl.
(29 September 2016)

Should I turn myself in to the police? I hit my girlfriend very badly during an argument and she was hospitalized. She hit me first though?
(29 September 2016)

She doesn't want me to turn myself in, but I can't live with this guilt.
(29 September 2016)

Penis Size- The Results are In…

The results of a recent meta-study of men’s penis size have been released! Drum roll please…… Average size penis flaccid:3.6 inches/9.16 cm long; 3.7 inches/9.31 cm in girthAverage size penis erec // Penney:Most people when they break up they cut ties with their exes and move on.(22 September 2016) Jaqueline:Went to the bathroom and say that she [...]

Now its been about 6-7 Weeks, since the accident.
(29 September 2016)

I full out Fractured my Tibia, but I was rushed too the hospital and got a cast, no surgery.
(29 September 2016)

I broke my leg on August 13, from a roller skating accident.
(29 September 2016)

Why a guy cant approach a specific girl?
(29 September 2016)

My boyfriend is playing with me?
(29 September 2016)

I have no idea what he's doing but I need to know what I should do if he keeps acting like this..
(29 September 2016)

He's been playing with my feeling (at least what I feel like he's doing) He will be super nice and lovely one day and the next he ignores me and is rude and calls me names.
(29 September 2016)

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for about a month and we have been really happy.
(29 September 2016)

Can you help me solve my problem??Thank you!!?
(29 September 2016)

But she is my only friend and I also want to accept her apology.
(29 September 2016)

You have a lot of identifying factors in your tiles which make the tiling more obvious

EDIT: Dumb question, you have transition tiles. EDIT: Dumb question, you have transition tiles. Have the grass thin towards the soil. If you don’t mind me asking how many tiles are you using here? Like, if this is a grassy area outside a factory there’d be rusty metal bits and old springs._ Selina:There is this … Continue reading You have a lot of identifying factors in your tiles which make the tiling more obvious

I'm curious on why he's still single.
(29 September 2016)

I was thinking of asking him out, but I'm not sure if he'll say yes.
(29 September 2016)

He chuckled and said he wished he had a girlfriend to be with and make happy.
(29 September 2016)

He was being nice to some older lady and she said something about his girlfriend being a lucky woman.
(29 September 2016)

He's not afraid to compliment or tease back.
(29 September 2016)

He gets flustered when someone teases him or gives him a compliment.
(29 September 2016)

He's cute, though, yet a lot of the baristas know he is.
(29 September 2016)

He said that he dislikes seeing women cry and more because a guy made a woman cry.
(29 September 2016)

He once saw me crying and took his lunch early to comfort me.
(29 September 2016)

I met this great guy at Starbucks (he works there). He apparently some college-educated guy that wants to work for the county government and is in the process of doing so.
(29 September 2016)

Sky GO app is available to download and install it on your Android device via the Play Store

Sky GO app is here for you that help you to watch your preferred TV show absolutely at free of cost. Sky GO app has acquired massive response among the people across the world due to its incredible features. We are providing the latest version of Sky GO apk app for your Android device._ Thresa:Any … Continue reading "Sky GO app is available to download and install it on your Android device via the Play Store"

What would you do if your friend was being abused by his girlfriend?
(29 September 2016)

One day she literally ripped his shirt off while on top of him and it filled him up with so much horror.
(29 September 2016)

He sobs he looks so sad and hurt.
(29 September 2016)

Throws him against walls and bites his tongue.
(29 September 2016)

She squeezes his penis in public.
(29 September 2016)

He looks sad but he says ohh she was just angry it'll get better soon.
(29 September 2016)

He comes to school with ripped up shirt and a broken belt. his eyes are watery.
(29 September 2016)

Then his girlfriend slaps his butt and squeezes it.
(29 September 2016)

At first she was kind but then you notice that he has a cut on his face, he says ohh I'm okay.
(29 September 2016)

One day Nelson gets his first girlfriend.
(29 September 2016)

Users will now be able to control the notifications they receive

You can now receive the notifications only from the people you follow on mobile and You can turn it off anytime you want. Notification settings can now be accessed directly from your notifications tab. You will find fast news, in-depth analysis, helpful articles, how-to-guides and a lot more right here, updated five times daily._ Yong:Would [...]

Have you ever hurt anyone that loved you?
(29 September 2016)

It never dawned upon me until now.
(29 September 2016)

I've done some $hitty things to other girls and I'm sure I've caused them pain.
(29 September 2016)

I can't sleep, I can't eat, my entire work days go by thinking off her.
(29 September 2016)

I recently found myself in a position where I got screwed over by a girl.
(29 September 2016)

Have you ever hurt anyone like that?
(29 September 2016)

If you are honest with yourself.
(29 September 2016)

But they never talk about how they did it themselves.
(29 September 2016)

People always talk about how they got hurt by an ex, how they ripped their heart out and left in misery.
(29 September 2016)

How can I help my wife?
(29 September 2016)

Needing female stripper for bachelor party

Looking to book an outgoing female stripper/entertainer for one or two nights at a rental house in Galena, IL. Send headshots and other pictures to be considered. No experience necessary. We will pay you cash to be there as well as tips. Serious inquiries only - the party starts July 10th! Reply to this message [...]

I don't want this relationship with my mother.
(29 September 2016)

I try so hard to de escalate situations and calm things down but she is never having it; she refuses to have a normal conversation and try to work things out.
(29 September 2016)

This morning she barged into my room, grabbed me by the hair, and screamed right in my face to get up, while slapping me.
(29 September 2016)

I don't want to end up homeless because my mom said if we're evicted she's not renting another place and we're living on the streets.
(29 September 2016)

She threatens me with knives, screams at the top of her lungs for no reason, strangles me, beats me, etc. we live in an apartment and the land lord threatened that if the noise doesn't stop, we're out.
(29 September 2016)

I'm 17 years old, a girl and my mom is quite possibly a psychopath.
(29 September 2016)

Ding dong the mom of ninefinger is death death?
(29 September 2016)

Where can I meet single men in their 40s?
(29 September 2016)

Single parents groups - no divorced men there.
(29 September 2016)

I've tried church - no divorced men thee.
(29 September 2016)

The general rule to removing these is to address them as soon as possible

It may also contain various other dirt, oils, and trace chemicals originating from various toiletries. If you are unsure as to how to clean a mattress pad, simply wash it monthly in hot water and machine dry. Do this weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as often as you are able to._ Maira:Something I’m having a hard time [...]

They've both snooped through my things and now my car is damaged.
(29 September 2016)

For now I'm refusing to see either of them because I don't trust them.
(29 September 2016)

Jessica claims Lisa is trying to turn me against her.
(29 September 2016)

I was with Lisa at the time so I don't know when she could've done it unless she had someone else do it.
(29 September 2016)

Jessica insist that she didn't do it that maybe Lisa did it she's always been violent.
(29 September 2016)

Jessica send me a dozen really angry text message and then when I left Lisa's house in the morning all of the tires where slashed on the car.
(29 September 2016)

Last week I stood up Jessica to go be Lisa.
(29 September 2016)

Lisa started sending Jessica a call log of every time I called her.
(29 September 2016)

Then they started calling and texting each other telling each one whenever I was with the other.
(29 September 2016)

They've both gone threw my phone and gotten each others phone numbers.
(29 September 2016)

Little Pick me up

Good Morning. I am a SF 43 yrs old, good job, attractive, great family and friends, but just feel alone lately. Maybe i’m at that stage in life where everything brings you down, or maybe i just need something to be happy about. Anywho…..looking to talk/chat and maybe meet for a drink, coffee or dinner. [...]

I this sounds very stupid of me but me and my cousin have been best friends since childhood.
(29 September 2016)

As a Christian, would you be be able to tell what this kind of thinking is called?
(29 September 2016)

I am now being treated exactly the same way from strangers ever since my eldest sibling acquired this thinking and had tarnished my reputation with all the bad things he does, and this is stress I do not need.
(29 September 2016)

This type of thinking has also caused the eldest sibling to make others treat that person the same way his parents treat him, with contempt, by telling lies about him that the eldest sibling does.
(29 September 2016)

What turns women on more,a kiss on their face or a long hug and staring in their eyes for 15 minutes at the same time?
(29 September 2016)

I am talking about real LOVE relationship.
(29 September 2016)

I want my cousin bro. Should I approach?
(29 September 2016)

Should I approach or just let it be?
(29 September 2016)

I feel like I want him but i think its puberty or just lust which I think is love.
(29 September 2016)

Then again during the night I was caressing his cheek to which he removed my hand and slept a little bit far.
(29 September 2016)


1plus us have to meet you great chat last night lets continue // Deedee:She gave me road head… I came in her mouth and that was the end of it.(21 September 2016) Deedee:I drove a girl home the other day.(21 September 2016) Kallie:My Dad told me today I am awesome and later in the day he was mad [...]

But she is constantly looking at me even when he is around.
(29 September 2016)

I decided to move on since I don't want to be someones back up and don't talk to her much anymore.
(29 September 2016)

I got interested in her but then I noticed when this other guy was around she would start ignoring me and it was clear she was more into him then me.
(29 September 2016)

This girl and I flirted a lot a couple of weeks ago.
(29 September 2016)

Does it make me a loser because I lost my virginity in prison?
(29 September 2016)

Do you think that makes me a loser?
(29 September 2016)

But I didn't lose my virginity until I was 27 and in prison.
(29 September 2016)

I've slept with more women than I can count now.
(29 September 2016)

Where can I find love letters?
(29 September 2016)

But I feel like there is no better, personality, looks, body wise.
(29 September 2016)

Thursday 29 September 2016


I am looking for a friend who wants to get out and do some fishing have a boat and would like to fins someone who wants to get out and to go fishing and to split the gas I do not drink so do not want any liquor out on the boat I also have [...]

So there's this guy I went to school with, and also a family friend, whose practically my bigger brother dated this guys bigger sister.
(29 September 2016)

I talked to her in a text like 4 times and made her laugh plenty of times.
(29 September 2016)

So, I am living with my friends and today, I recently went to the doctor for my alprazolam and I had notified them about it?
(29 September 2016)

I really didn't mean to take too many, but she doesn't seem to want to budge.
(29 September 2016)

But I really need the xanax for my anxiety, and it is prescribed by a medial professional for an ongoing issue.
(29 September 2016)

Yet, when I notified them about my going they, said they were okay with it.
(29 September 2016)

Dating advice for a short guy who is only 5'6?
(29 September 2016)

What are some good tips in order to do so?
(29 September 2016)

Are there any chances I can draw interest frombgirls even if I'm short?
(29 September 2016)

Need some advice on this girl? I really like her and it's been a struggle?
(29 September 2016)

You can plan this using Windows Maps before you actually head out

Suppose you wanted to plan a run, a marathon or want take a bike ride or something like that. Using it one can measure distance. And the measuring tool will show the distance between these two points. One can also search for a location you want to route and trace the path using the Measure [...]

I'm 20, i've been depressed for the longest time maybe since i was like 12. I've never been out with a girl and i've always felt like i needed someone to love me to be happy,it doesn't matter what else i accomplish that's the only thing that matters...
(29 September 2016)

How do you know, if a guy wants to date, or just have sex with you?
(29 September 2016)

He's told me his car isn't working and he should be getting a new one this weekend.
(29 September 2016)

He hasn't mentioned going out on a date, or anything similar to that.
(29 September 2016)

I let him know that I'm not interested in friends-with-benefits and that I wanted more.
(29 September 2016)

He said yes, but he wants to get to know me and we don't have to have sex.
(29 September 2016)

The next day I asked, if he was just trying to have sex.
(29 September 2016)

I'm just a free spirited person.
(29 September 2016)

He spent the night at my house the first day we, we didn't have sex.
(29 September 2016)

Pregnant or Ovulation??
(29 September 2016)

Trump has exposed the fact that Copeland is a full blown coward

However, I seriously doubt Copeland will respond. Maybe that was what motivated Daniello to write that? Copeland throwing in with the crazies makes no sense I can see. Charlie has not shown a lot of street smarts. But he is vain and he does have delusions of being to the manor born._ Kaci:We started walking because [...]

I volunteer at this place and I have been basically baby sitting.
(28 September 2016)

Did this guy drive all that way just to see me?
(28 September 2016)

My girl friends say he went to the winery just to see me.
(28 September 2016)

He didn't drink a sip of wine or eat.
(28 September 2016)

Turns out he drove almost 2 hours from home to technically just see me there for only an hour.
(28 September 2016)

Well he texted me the day of and said he's coming later.
(28 September 2016)

He told me his plans were still up in the air.
(28 September 2016)

I was the only one from our group of friends attending (besides our friends the singer and his wife). I told Jim the day before that'd Id be going to the winery.
(28 September 2016)

This past Sunday night, our mutual friend's acoustic band had a small, quiet gig at a winery.
(28 September 2016)

I know he has told one of the guys he thinks I'm cute.
(28 September 2016)

If You Need To Apologize For Something, Here’s How To Do It Right (In Bed)

Disagreements happen — even in healthy relationships — but how you handle the kiss-and-make-up is important. One way to come back together after a particularly difficult or emotional fight is to m // Carola:The professor records all of the lectures, so she had it in her head that she didn’t need to go to lecture because [...]

He was my best friend he was there for me I was always there for him through everything even when he was being so rude and mean to me.. I was still there I kept giving him chances after chances after he was being mean and rude.
(28 September 2016)

My boyfriend isn't that good looking?
(28 September 2016)

I just think my boyfriend is kind of ugly?
(28 September 2016)

Don't get me wrong I love him and I will never break up with him.
(28 September 2016)

My boyfriend isn't the best looking.
(28 September 2016)

My friend is always starting arguments with me. What to do?
(28 September 2016)

I can t tell them this stuff to their face or as said up there, they will make them selves poor and innocent when they are startingg all the fights.
(28 September 2016)

I hate to say it but I don t think they wants to be my friend anymore and I didn t do anything.
(28 September 2016)

They are also not talking to me that much because they are always talking to someone else and then get mad at me because I didn t talk to them.
(28 September 2016)

I also feel know that I shouldn t sit with them because having them yell at me at lunch and say they don t like me is really bugging me.
(28 September 2016)

It seems silly to keep purchasing the same set when we have wick already

With a little guidance, even preschool children can help with this activity. And of course they always smell divine. Sometimes I prefer the tidy, smooth lines of a tapered beeswax candle, which you can purchase nearly anywhere now. I would love to hear if you have any favorite beeswax sources, for sheets or lumps of … Continue reading It seems silly to keep purchasing the same set when we have wick already

She NEVER texts me in the morning.
(28 September 2016)

We started texting again like before but she waits an hour before responding to my texts.
(28 September 2016)

After that I stopped talking to her until she asked me how I was doing.
(28 September 2016)

The next morning she asked if I got anyone to go with me and I said yes.
(28 September 2016)

She said maybe and then last minute said she was busy with a friend.
(28 September 2016)

She would text me all day except when she was at work.
(28 September 2016)

We are both 21. We have been exclusively texting.
(28 September 2016)

Women: what is so desirable about celebrity men? As a man, I don't see celebrity women any more desirable than regular women?
(28 September 2016)

Why do you swoon over these men so much?
(28 September 2016)

I can go to the grocery store and see several women just as attractive as a celebrity.
(28 September 2016)

We invite you to visit Arbor Day Farm this harvest season

Again, a dedicated team of harvesters take a week or more to go bush-by-bush through the field, picking each involucre by hand. Gala apples ready for picking at Arbor Day Farm, Nebraska City, Nebraska. The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization._ Santa:Last year in the very beginning of the school year [...]

My mother is setting me up on a date with a girl Saturday but I dont want to go, what do I do to get out of it (I am 26 and male)?
(28 September 2016)

I dont want to hurt her by lack of interest in her in the future.
(28 September 2016)

I dont want confrontation with my mother though so I feel like I have to go (I live on my own so it is not like I am in mother's basement or something like that). What do I even talk about when this is not a girl I want to keep going out with?
(28 September 2016)

I just have no interest in dating and it makes me uncomfortable.
(28 September 2016)

It is a girl who is 23 and my mother says since I have sworn to her I am not gay I need to prove it to her by going on a date.
(28 September 2016)

Should I get my friend is brother asked me to take his virginity?
(28 September 2016)

I m 20 she s sixteen?
(28 September 2016)

I m in NJ if that makes any difference.
(28 September 2016)

Husband left for days after a big fight, now he s back. How do I respond to this?
(28 September 2016)

My last relationship ultimately failed because I never learned to set boundaries and I don t want my husband thinking every time we fight it s acceptable to run away.
(28 September 2016)

Sexy BBW for serious minded MAN

I’m single I live in Pinellas County very independent sexy and a lot of fun, with a great head on my shoulders . I’m looking for a younger sexy man who likes BBW women… YOU must be attractive and clean!!!!..I’m a smaller BBW very very busty…I’m squeaky clean take great care of myself and expect [...]

So basically I have been Best friends with this girl for like 11 years.
(28 September 2016)

I always text her first?
(28 September 2016)

Does he slightly like me?
(28 September 2016)

I dunno if he likes me cos even though he remembered me and said hey his eyes didn't brighten up they looked plain lol So does he like me?
(28 September 2016)

At that point I'm not sure if bes interested in me but then today as I was walking with my friend he was passing by and said a quiet hey while slightly raising his eyebrows.
(28 September 2016)

Then he walked ahead me and my friend stayed behind then she said he was looking for us cos he was slightly looking left and right.
(28 September 2016)

I walked out with him after class and asked a bit more questions, my friend was beside me.after a while he stopped talking then went on his phone as he told me beforehand he's going to s friends house.
(28 September 2016)

There is this guy I have a huge crush on in my class and I finally got the nerve and I started talking to him in class and asking him questions, he seems shy he didn't really start the convo but he did ask questions back during the conversation.
(28 September 2016)

Girlfriend too obsessive and controlling?
(28 September 2016)

How to keep the realtionship strong?
(28 September 2016)

Busco Amigos, In search of friends

Attached Hispanic male in search of friends. Not looking for someone in particular. just a friend plain and simple. just have to be 18 or older. don’t care about race, attached or single, older or younger. Although if you have been married before or married we might click quicker. put today’s date on the subject [...]

But he himself told me to not message him then why is he doing this and why did he block me?
(28 September 2016)

Now that its time for him to go back and we havent even met i didnt message him and he blocked me.
(28 September 2016)

My bf came to my city and added me on snapchat and i added him back.
(28 September 2016)

What does it mean if a guy blocks you on everything after we 'break up' it's been more than 1 year and I'm still Blocked?
(28 September 2016)

Since then he has blocked me and I haven't heard from him since.
(28 September 2016)

He said he was sorry and that that was all he could say.
(28 September 2016)

Anyway he lied to me about something big and when I found out I asked him about it.
(28 September 2016)

We were definatley more than friends but not fwb either since we never had sex.
(28 September 2016)

I called a hot girl ugly?
(28 September 2016)

Women who go Dutch?
(28 September 2016)

We were not a good generations for public figures

They bend the world to their own benefit and have no care or concern for them they rape and ravage. I am at the bottom end but not too far behind, this day and age and ALL that forces the spasms in the global concern need to go. Most of them who would have led … Continue reading We were not a good generations for public figures

My boss doesn't make my coworker do any work?
(28 September 2016)

I don't want to come off as an asshoIe.
(28 September 2016)

I like both of them and the kid is a good guy and hard worker but it's kind of inconsiderate.
(28 September 2016)

It leaves me with a lot of work.
(28 September 2016)

Ever since that day at least 3 days a week my boss and this guy will be in his office playing music together.
(28 September 2016)

My boss also plays t drums and sax.
(28 September 2016)

They were talking near me one day about music and my boss found out the other guy plays the piano and drums.
(28 September 2016)

The owner is a 50 something year old guy and he hired a younger guy, maybe 20, a few months ago.
(28 September 2016)

I work in a a small engine shop.
(28 September 2016)

Is this normal baby movement?
(28 September 2016)

Hi, nice to meet you here

Changning, 25, China // Rema:The next day we had Biology together and when she was asked to introduce herself (she sits in the second row from the front) she turned around and smiled at me before introducing herself.(20 September 2016) Rema:So English was our first class of the semester and I noticed her starimg [...]

Is there any sleep aid that I can give to my 10 month old son?
(28 September 2016)

If you've gotten woken up every two hours for 10 minutes, you'd be this desperate too.
(28 September 2016)

I don't want any rude comments either.
(28 September 2016)

I only want to know what sleep aids you have given your babies.
(28 September 2016)

Feeding him before bed, cereal in bottles, lavender scented EVEEYTHING, Vick's on the feet, warm baths, story time.
(28 September 2016)

He's up every hour to two hours at night.
(28 September 2016)

I've tried everything to get him to sleep.
(28 September 2016)

Has anybody maybe tried any sleep aid on the babies that helped and has no side affects or drugs in it?
(28 September 2016)

I'm not talking about cough syrup, so calm down.
(28 September 2016)

Even my cousin started ignoring me. ( she was very close to me ) I have no one, parents only and they annoying af.
(28 September 2016)

Helping the Neighbors Pays Off

Helping the Neighbors Pays Off // Audria:I told her how I felt and how I cried for her and she told me that she cried also and that she felt terrible.(21 September 2016) Audria:After that we didn t talk for a week and then she messaged me saying it didn t work out with the guy.(21 September [...]

I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he thought I was causing drama.
(28 September 2016)

I can be pretty quiet too especially in groups where I don't know ppl and I haven't had much time with his friends to feel comfortable.
(28 September 2016)

She barely talks to me (but is very talkative and talks to everyone else-mostly my boyfriend) I cant tell if she is trying to annoy me but she gives my boyfriend so much attention and hugs him in pics, and tells stories about him and is just all about him.
(28 September 2016)

She is my boyfriend's roommate's girlfriend. im pretty sure she doesn't like me, and I don't like her much either but would like to be friends.
(28 September 2016)

Why did he ruin our good thing?
(28 September 2016)

We were doing so good, why would he go and ruin a good thing?
(28 September 2016)

That's when I realized he had cheated and I felt like I had no choice but to dump him.
(28 September 2016)

When I finally heard from him the next morning he still didn't have any explanation.
(28 September 2016)

He wouldn't respond to any of my texts or calls all night.
(28 September 2016)

He said he'd come by and then he stood me up.
(28 September 2016)

Insightful Men Quotes

A woman who knows that she doesn’t have to get all decked out to look good is sexy. A woman who can make you feel smart with her conversation skills is also sexy. I believe the sense of humor is impor // Rocio:What should I do if we do start dating?(21 September 2016) Rocio:Now here’s the problem: [...]

If a man cheats on his 1st wife, and gets remarried and cheats on her, what are the chances he will cheat on the 3rd?
(28 September 2016)

Please tell me how i can fix everything, those of you who have been through the same situation as me.
(28 September 2016)

I'd rather be in a hospital then the position I'm in now.
(28 September 2016)

I want to kill my self but she isn't interesting in hearing that I guess.
(28 September 2016)

I'd rather just get a job (my parents have a bakery) or go to an online school, but whenever I bring it up to my mom she yells at me saying I'm just making excuses because i'm lazy.
(28 September 2016)

I'm terrified of going and I just keep making excuses not to go.
(28 September 2016)

Time out isn't working any more. What should I do?
(28 September 2016)

I need some creative way to help them to understand that their behavior is unacceptable.
(28 September 2016)

I've tried behavior charts and rewarding them for good behavior.
(28 September 2016)

They use to hate it, now they don't care.
(28 September 2016)

It changed everything about the way all of us live and operate

On the dawn of 9/11 America was one way. This day deserves to be set aside for recognition and honor, for contemplation and explanation. We should find some way to pause, note it and honor it for all the ways it has made us who we are. September 11 is everything._ Marx:Car or tree?(20 September…

Do you like the sibling set Lily and Lola?
(28 September 2016)

Why don't guys treat me right in relationships?
(28 September 2016)

Why are some of them so hurtful?
(28 September 2016)

And I just gave him up... I never cry but I'm bawling my eyes out right now it hurts so much to figure out that you'll never be able to find a guy like him again why are guys like this?
(28 September 2016)

He's kinda shy and sweet and people say he is the 'good guy'. Suddenly this thought struck me- he may like me.
(28 September 2016)

But honestly I've never seen my crush do so.
(28 September 2016)

All those beautiful girls act reaaalllyyy slutty, specially with my crush's friends.
(28 September 2016)

People consider me as 'the good girl who never acts slutty'. But the thing is I'm ugly :( All the guys in my grade hate me and go to the beautiful girls in my grade, who bully me about my looks all the time.
(28 September 2016)

I'm a musician in my school and also one of the best straight A's student.
(28 September 2016)

I write songs and I play guitar.
(28 September 2016)

j’aime baiser

Bambari, Bangui RCA, Central African Republic // Cassidy:Dud he just pop my cherry or is it a fertilized egg?(20 September 2016) Cassidy:I didnt keep track of my period which makes this even more hard to figure out.(20 September 2016) Cassidy:But for two days ive had really light bleeding and i started having small cramps this [...]

I'm only 19 but I believe love should be like it was when my grandparents grew up.
(28 September 2016)

Why did this lady seem nicer to me on my second encounter with her?
(28 September 2016)

So why was she a bit nicer to me?
(28 September 2016)

Now at my second encounter with her she didn't talk to me but when the event was done she did say bye to me follow by my name.
(28 September 2016)

Then I said bye to her at the end and she did say bye back but seemed like she was trying to get away from me.
(28 September 2016)

I introduced myself and she went to talking to her friends.
(28 September 2016)

I met this lady at a social event and she wasn't very nice to me at first.
(28 September 2016)

Can you picture me as a model or actress (pic)?
(28 September 2016)

What are some old fashioned baby names that are not popular right now?
(28 September 2016)

I like names such as Gus, Josephine, or Olive.
(28 September 2016)

Another douche mad I declined him

I never understand why guys see a chick they like……approach her incorrectly, then get mad she turns them down.. Why so many bitches on this site? Why so many males that can’t get laid? Why? Ju // Travis:And what type of person do you think of when you here each name?(21 September 2016) Oneida:Should I allow my [...]

Is it rude of me to tell fiance I do not want to go visit his family this weekend?
(28 September 2016)

Its just no fun for me and I would rather stay home this time and let him go out and enjoy his time.
(28 September 2016)

We also end up arguing every single time either in the car or once we get out there.
(28 September 2016)

Once I get home, i'm completely touched out and just don't want to be bothered.
(28 September 2016)

Its definitely a vacation for him but I dread it every time.
(28 September 2016)

I have a toddler from a previous relationship and its really a hassle with the car ride and I always feel drained when once we get out there until the time we get home.
(28 September 2016)

His mom and brother visits about every other month for a few days and fiance likes to go out there about every two months.
(28 September 2016)

My family lives cross country and his family lives 5 hours away.
(28 September 2016)

TTC after d&c?
(28 September 2016)

I've been trying to conceive since April since I've had my second miscarriage but to me it seem like it's taking forever being I've never had problems getting pregnant has anyone gotten pregnant soon after d&c?
(28 September 2016)

Worth the long shot

Just looking to see who is out there. I feel like every other avenue for a relationship has failed me. I’m not shallow, love a good conversation and I’m open minded. I’m a big beautiful woman, so if you’re shallow or can’t look past that, I’d like to avoid wasting both of our time. Your [...]

Feeling in my lower left abdomen?
(27 September 2016)

I been feeling it ever since I saw that pic about a day ago.
(27 September 2016)

So my ex girlfriend sent me a pic of her close with another guy, and ever since I saw that pic I began feeling this weird and unpleasant feeling in my lower left abdomen area.
(27 September 2016)

My mother treats me like a child and is always yelling at me... how can I fix this?
(27 September 2016)

Overall she makes me feel really bad about myself, I try to talk to her about it but all it ends up being is an argument.
(27 September 2016)

I asked her if I could go out with friends and be home at 12:30, I told her where I would be and she freaked out because I didn't tell her who the people were even though she doesn't know them.
(27 September 2016)

She does not trust me, thinks I am out gallivanting around with multiple guys, always drinking or doing drugs?
(27 September 2016)

When I was a teenager she did not treat me like this, but now she needs to know everything I am doing and tell her exactly who I am with.
(27 September 2016)

I work full time and go to school everyday.
(27 September 2016)

I am 21 and recently moved back home, because she wanted me to and before I moved back in we even agreed I would not have a curfew and that as long as I was working and in school I could live there while finishing school.
(27 September 2016)

so wet, alone

Riga, Latvia // Nelida:I told her ok I can help you but I told her I give her twenty and she didn’t like that she said how much can you give me I told her twenty she was like no I then told her then what 50 she was like yeah.(20 September 2016) Nelida:Well [...]

I am a 14 year old boy who gets Low and High A's and High B's, I sometimes fail an assignnent but always try my hardest on the next assignment.
(27 September 2016)

Please do not give me short names.
(27 September 2016)

I said i prefer (WANT) longer middle names.
(27 September 2016)

I'd like to talk to him but I haven't been able to since that one time.
(27 September 2016)

He's different from them though so I'm at a crossroads about what he may think about me.
(27 September 2016)

I'm a cheerleader, I run track, I'm very smart and social to an extent...excludes that group because theyre a bit stuck up.
(27 September 2016)

I don't have a high social standing, in my opinion,as them so I have no clue how they feel about me.
(27 September 2016)

I'm worried that he informed them and they responded with dissapproval.
(27 September 2016)

I don't associate with them whatsoever.
(27 September 2016)

I got over him until recently as he was at the homecoming game since he is friends with a group at my school.
(27 September 2016)

And I know about weekend meals versus weekday meals

Good for your mum for trying something new. Our biped isn’t going to cook anything that has more than oh, five or so ingredients, including spices. Some days you just don’t have the time. I’ve already copied the recipe and I have everything on hand but the ground beef._ Imogene:I’ve fallen for this girl and recently [...]

Will she get a notification if I add her again?
(27 September 2016)

Accidently deleted my friend, it's been a day, and I'm still her friend on snapchat.
(27 September 2016)

Why am I socially awkward?
(27 September 2016)

I have no friends I'm 20. How so I make them what do I say.
(27 September 2016)

I'm awkward... I don't know why.
(27 September 2016)

Looking for gift ideas for newborn?
(27 September 2016)

What types of gifts would a new Mom appreciate the most for a newborn baby living in Florida?
(27 September 2016)

I am not sure if i am pregnant or not, but my right boob is slightly more tender than my left.... and having severe hot flashes, has any one?
(27 September 2016)

My oldest son tried to kill me, should I call the police or what?
(27 September 2016)

I was considering talking with him about it as well, although I'm not sure it would be a good idea at this point.
(27 September 2016)

having Fun

I don’t want any thing that is going to be serious only want time with a man to have great sex with I enjoy sucking and getting fucked with no ties all discreet. // Cleora:What does she mean she has been watching me.(21 September 2016) Cleora:She said i will see you on Sunday and she said that [...]

I was blindfolded, tied up, and handcuffed so I had nothing to defend or speak up for myself.
(27 September 2016)

While we were together, he raped me.
(27 September 2016)

He eventually left me for someone else, but that is not relevant.
(27 September 2016)

I dated a magic boy for 2 years.
(27 September 2016)

How can I start a conversation with friends through texting?
(27 September 2016)

Like, I'm totally fine in person, but for some reason I find it hard to come up with a conversation through text.
(27 September 2016)

I sometimes want to talk to my friends, but I have no clue what to say to start a conversation.
(27 September 2016)

What do I do? no sex with gf?
(27 September 2016)

I feel like she's using her religion as a cover up reason to deny me sex, as she wants me to love her as she is and not because her body..
(27 September 2016)

Idk how to approach this situation anymore & really want to have sex, I know if I really loved her I'd wait but 8 years is a long time.
(27 September 2016)

Watsons Bay is known to be the oldest fishing village in all of Australia

These areas are a fantastic place for you and your group to visit and explore while on your time in Sydney. Make sure you surf on the north & south side of the beach and swim in between the red and yellow flags. When at Coogee take a dip in the ocean or head into … Continue reading "Watsons Bay is known to be the oldest fishing village in all of Australia"

My intentions are no strings attached, and yes I've slept in his bed before on his request, but nothing happened.
(27 September 2016)

We only went on three dates before I cut it off.
(27 September 2016)

Could I tell him that a lot has changed in my life in just a couple weeks?
(27 September 2016)

He says he's not against hookups, but doesn't do them that much(he actually hasn't been in a relationship in a while). And I'll be eating my words because I told him that I WAS against the prospect of hookups.
(27 September 2016)

I do consider myself pretty attractive, and Im not afraid of him declining, as much as I am wary and unsure of how exactly to go about initiating the hookup to him through text.
(27 September 2016)

Even though the last guy I dated and I haven't really spoken in a couple weeks, I'm thinking he might be the one to call up, possibly.
(27 September 2016)

I'm a woman in my late 20s, and have been on dates with a few guys lately, neither of them going anywhere, and I hate to say it, but much as I have tried to suppress it, I need it. the bow chicka wow wow, uh, the whole thing.
(27 September 2016)

Anyone trolling will get blocked and their profile removed by YA.
(27 September 2016)

Note: I model so selfies and photo shoot photos are common.
(27 September 2016)

I'm afraid too just go say hi to her so if u can give me suggestions it would be appreciated.
(27 September 2016)

Thank goodness for this waterproof mascara. Seriously

Just a little sniffle or two that I managed to stifle while driving back home on the tree-lined street of his school. Was it possible that I had cried myself dry back in June? As expected, Levi also cried when it was time for me to leave him on his first day of school._ Ladonna:Sometimes … Continue reading Thank goodness for this waterproof mascara. Seriously

Give descriptions on your family as well.
(27 September 2016)

Does it increase the chance of pregnancy if i came inside of her and go back for a second round by the way shes on birth control?
(27 September 2016)

So we were having sex without a condom but she s on birth control and I ejaculated in her and kept going right after.
(27 September 2016)

How to deal with emotionally unstable son?
(27 September 2016)

What kind my wife and I do to stop my son's behavior?
(27 September 2016)

We tell him that no normal person his age would act the way he does.
(27 September 2016)

We tell him about not wanting the neighbors to hear him, but after hearing us say this, he has on several occasions gone outside the front door and yelled at the top of his lungs about how rotten his parents are.
(27 September 2016)

If you argue back to him, he'll have an explosive outburst.
(27 September 2016)

He seems very emotionally unstable: He likes to argue; will yell at you, if you talk to him in what he perceives to be a nasty tone.
(27 September 2016)

He's 16, but acts emotionally immature.
(27 September 2016)

Another trend worth monitoring are your App Store and Play Store organic rankings

This is especially true with my company, CBS Sports Digital. The CBS Sports app has seen very positive growth since launched, but we still work obsessively to improve user retention rates. You might see great retention rates in a few placements, but very poor engagement with others._ Kenda:Is it ok for people of different religions … Continue reading "Another trend worth monitoring are your App Store and Play Store organic rankings"

Eventually I got her pregnant and later got divorced.
(27 September 2016)

I've been sleeping with the neighbor's wife for two years.
(27 September 2016)

I have a wife and a son. I work alone. If I lose my job, what is my option to survive?
(27 September 2016)

I will get 6 month unemployment, half of my current salary I guess?
(27 September 2016)

I think I will lose my job in next 3 months.
(27 September 2016)

With no cost for food or anything lease, I pay $2800 to live a month for this 3 people family.
(27 September 2016)

My health insurance is paid from the company.
(27 September 2016)

I pay $700 for my wife and a kind for health insurance.
(27 September 2016)

I pay $700 for my car lease and insurance.
(27 September 2016)

I earn about $4000 per month after tax.
(27 September 2016)

Where are all the hot couples? The REAL ones

hi thereAnybody able to point to a rea club/meeting point for real bi-couples interested in real meets?Drop me a noteThanks.Joe // Aleida:I would appreciate it if someone could help me in this.(20 September 2016) Aleida:Are there any better malls out there?(20 September 2016) Aleida:I went to GVK one last night, it wasn t that special.(20 September 2016) Nova:Why would [...]

I do talk to females who are my friends but I don t have any experience flirting with another girl.
(27 September 2016)

Its been 6 years since I was last in a relationship.
(27 September 2016)

Dating within your own marching band section?
(27 September 2016)

If this turns into more than friends (He flirts with me a lot) is it like ok to date within your section?
(27 September 2016)

I asked him to Hoco as friends (Sadie Hawkins) and he said yes.
(27 September 2016)

I play flute and there s this guy I like in my section... our dots are next to each other and we are really good friends but he s a sophomore and I m a freshman.
(27 September 2016)

Should I tell my manager I want to work less?
(27 September 2016)

The only other non-manager is barely sixteen years old, so she can't work too many hours.
(27 September 2016)

I have college applications and an AP class to worry about.
(27 September 2016)

I take the bus home and have to go to work immediately after school most days and do not come home until 9 or 10 o'clock.
(27 September 2016)