Saturday 27 August 2016

Pulled in so many directions

[image]Each hand pulling in a different direction.Representing a different path…a different courses of action…a different choice.Each coming with its own set of pro’s and con’s, causes and effects_ Angele:He drove and went in and I sat in the car.(20 August 2016) Angele:I just got back from riding with my dad to go get a pizza.(20 August 2016) Monique:Before [...]

She came back but left again soon again for more time with him.
(27 August 2016)

I was upset cause we didn't have time together.
(27 August 2016)

After a few monthe together her dad got ill and she went to Texas for 4 months to care for him.
(27 August 2016)

She said she still had feelings for me so maybe she will again, no?
(27 August 2016)

She was with another guy but I would not stop calling and texting her so she lelt the other guy and came back to me.
(27 August 2016)

I was with my lady from 2009 to 2014 but cheated and got dumped after our first year together.
(27 August 2016)

I don t like to go out and partying anymore?
(27 August 2016)

I have been going to parties since 11th grade and now after I actually am allowed to drink and party it just doesn t seem fun to me anymore.
(27 August 2016)

I m 21 years old, 22 in 2 weeks and I have always loved a good party or bar.
(27 August 2016)

Why was my brother trying to tell me who I should date?
(27 August 2016)

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