Tuesday 30 August 2016

I still have the motorcycle I bought 30 years ago

I don’t care about gas savings by electric vehicles. It’s all hype to up the sales. I’m not considering to buy an electric bike because I’ll save on gas. Sounds weak but it is a big course change. A Zero Motorcycle. That is why I bought one. So I expect to have my Zero 30 … Continue reading "I still have the motorcycle I bought 30 years ago"

Help I think my 12 year old cousin likes me!!!?
(30 August 2016)

Should I just point blank reject her and say lets just leave us as close cousins and that's it?
(30 August 2016)

I'm 19 by the way and to be fair I think in the future she will be a pretty girl when she's older.
(30 August 2016)

Also at the end when I was leaving she asked me for a hug.
(30 August 2016)

She's followed me on Instagram and added me on Facebook.
(30 August 2016)

But at this meeting she was trying to talk to me, asking me what I was doing, sitting right next to me and stuff.
(30 August 2016)

At the last meeting we were kinda playing with each other throwing tiny balls at each other as a game.
(30 August 2016)

I only see them both on family occasions.
(30 August 2016)

We've known each other for years but we've never been close, I know her through my first cousin who I don't see much either so obviously she's my second cousin.
(30 August 2016)

I went to my first dance as a freshman in high school and all the junior and senior girls wanted to grind on me. What does that mean?
(30 August 2016)

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